God is Coming

Chapter 781 Statement

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Streams of light that were shockingly thick blasted towards the Federation Fleet in an instant, and the audience in front of the screen looked at the oncoming beams of light, and felt it was hard to breathe!

The beams of light vary in brightness. Some of them look powerful, but the energy level is obviously insufficient, but there are also a few beams of light that are not only thick, but also particularly solid. The real thing is the firepower of the light patrol!

Chennault focused fire on three ships at a time, while Wang Qi's mercenaries only focused on one target in the first salvo!

More than ten high-energy light beams bombarded a destroyer together. The destroyer happened to be right next to the starship where the video was shot, and the audience watched the process of the starship's shield breaking, armor ablation, and even the hull structure being vaporized at close range. After a round of salvo, the front quarter of the destroyer's bow completely disappeared, leaving only a crystallized section, reflecting the brilliance.

It all happened so fast that even one of the rescue pods hadn't had time to pop out.

Anyone who knows a little about the structure of the Federation starship knows that the command module is at the forefront. It was originally the area with the thickest armor and the best protection in the entire starship, but in the face of the unreasonable concentrated fire of the Wang Qi mercenaries, no kind of defense was effective. Only the heavy patrol could block it. But let the fleet commander use his flagship to block the enemy's concentrated fire? But no one with any brains would do that.

There is silence in the video at the moment. I don't know if the person who shot it didn't record the sound or the news station didn't release it. The mood of the audience is also like the scene at the moment, tense and dead silent.

A few seconds later, the Federation Fleet started a second round of concentrated fire, still focusing on the original three targets. Chennault's strategy is obvious. As long as these three targets are destroyed, even if he pays for another destroyer in the next round, he will still be ahead in terms of battle results.

However, the beams of this round of counterattacks were a bit sparse, and one target had only two beam cannons focusing their fire. In addition to the light of the main gun, the light of the auxiliary gun flickered from time to time. Almost all the secondary guns of a federal destroyer in the distance fired, with beams and high-speed kinetic energy projectiles trailing light tails forming a barrage. From time to time, there were flashes of fire around it, and people only remembered at this time that there were thousands of space torpedoes rushing.

Several Federation starships have already begun to evade ahead of time. Although there is no sound in the video, the field of vision has all turned into flashing red lights, obviously an alarm is being played.

Except for one target that was not normal in this round of focus, the other two targets were successfully focused. However, when the light of the high-energy beam faded, the two Wangqi starships were still able to move normally despite the deep pits several meters deep! It's been beaten so deep that it hasn't penetrated its armor yet!

Regardless of whether Chennault was shocked or annoyed at the moment, Wang's flagship team unhurriedly started the second round of salvo, this time focusing on a destroyer that was evading space torpedoes. The fragile engine parts of this destroyer were exposed, and in the terrifying flow of light, the entire rear third of the hull completely evaporated.

This time the Federation Fleet finally exploded, and several destroyers released the control of the flagship, turned around and started to leave.

The flagship did not forcibly exercise super control, but allowed the destroyers to flee. After a few seconds, Chennault's voice sounded on the channel: "All ships...retreat."

In the video, the Wang flagship team seemed to have heard Chennault's order, and the entire fleet suddenly turned in unison, and rushed towards a light cruiser surrounded by space torpedoes.

A thought flashed across everyone's hearts, that light cruiser was finished.

At this moment, the actions of the Wang flagship team suddenly became very strange. They were no longer extremely domineering concentrated fire, but fired continuously one by one. The high-energy beam cut a one-meter-deep line in the middle of the light cruiser. cracks, and then continue to cut down. Fifteen destroyers seem to have become a surgeon, patiently and meticulously cutting up their opponents.

Resisting the urge to rescue, Chennault also launched all the space torpedoes, and then led the fleet to escape.

At this moment, the screen was interrupted suddenly, and the figure of the host appeared again. She quickly said: "This station has been notified that the news broadcast just now is suspected to contain false content, and it will stop broadcasting. It will continue to broadcast after the review is passed. As we all know, as the largest news station in the Federation, this station has always pursued the fastest and most authentic news. First-hand news. This station deeply regrets this decision of the federal government and reserves the right to file further lawsuits. Next, we will ask Mr. Trudeau, a senior jurist and part-time star pirate expert, to comment on the federal government’s ban .”

Trudeau stroked his charming beard and said deeply: "From a historical point of view, we will always encounter the same problem. What is fake news? In many cases, the so-called fake news means that too much publicity is made public. Truth news."

The host said: "Then how do you think we should deal with the government's ban?"

"This is a temporary ban. It was issued very, very quickly. Obviously, someone did not want the public to know the truth. There must be loopholes in the procedure for such a quick decision, and this is where we can take advantage of it, as long as we follow the procedure If we track it down, we will know who is blocking the public's right to know the truth. There is no doubt that our lawsuit will win, in fact, we have won nearly 20 similar lawsuits in the past 30 years, putting 4 Minister of Information was ousted. This time there will be no exception...”

The audience didn't want to hear Trudeau buzzing, the venue seemed to be boiling, and everyone was desperately talking about something. A young man shouted: "Why didn't Chennault exercise super control and capture those escaped starships?"

The old man who knew Chennault tried to explain: "The captain of the starship who escaped will be held accountable, but if Chennault used super control power, then most of the responsibility for the defeat will be his. In fact, this battle can no longer be won."

The young man said angrily: "This is not the reason for him to give up! His main force has not been damaged, and he can still fight! He is a coward!"

When his friend was humiliated, the old man immediately became displeased, and hummed: "What do young people know about war? It is because the main force is not damaged that they can make a comeback in the future. If you continue to fight, you will only lose more, and the gain outweighs the loss!"

The young man didn't accept it, and raised his voice: "In war, there are losses and deaths! It is better to die standing up than to live lying down! This should be a model for my generation of soldiers!"

Some young people around applauded loudly, but the old man's face was livid and he was too angry to speak. The young man said: "A person like Chennault is still a famous general? A famous general is too easy to be! I want to write a letter to the congressmen, insisting that people like Chennault be removed from the army. I can only see him stupidly scattered Except for the firepower, I didn't see anything. Even the star robbers know that the whole ship is on fire, but our lieutenant general doesn't know?"

Facing the aggressive words of the young man, the old man didn't know how to explain for a moment.

At this time, the host on the screen suddenly said: "This station has just received the latest battle report from the front line. Since the federal government allows the broadcast of images, we will read the results from the front line for you. Uh... just received another message, Wang The Banner Mercenaries issued a public statement on this war, which I will read for you."

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