God is Coming

Chapter 782 Disgraceful to the history of the regiment

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Jane felt as if she was ill.

Her body was weak, her cheeks were hot as if on fire, her head was a little groggy, and she looked out and the whole world was shaking. The people around seemed to be saying something, but it sounded like a swarm of giant flies flying, and nothing could be heard except irritability.

She saw that she was holding a wine glass in her hand, but the wine in the glass was shaking for no reason, and the shaking became stronger and stronger, and finally most of the glass of wine flew out of the glass by itself.

The ground was tilting and seemed to stand up, kissing her face.

At this moment, several hands reached out and rested on her body, and the ground finally stopped moving.

Jane woke up suddenly, the world became clear again, someone was asking loudly in her ear: "Miss Jane, what's wrong with you?"

Jane looked around, she was still at the reception, and the chip record showed that she almost fainted just now. Fortunately, most people's attention was on the panoramic screen in the sky, and only a few people around noticed their strangeness.

Fortunately...Jane calmed down, straightened her body, and said with her usual expression: "I've been too tired for the past few days. I just picked up the energy of alcohol. I'm fine now, thank you."

The people around were still waiting to be comforted, so Jane pointed to the screen above and said, "Listen to what she is saying."

People's attention was indeed attracted by the big screen, Jane took a deep breath, and said to herself: It's no big deal, the limit loss is only 18 billion. This loss Boston Credit can afford...

Can you afford it? Jane felt that she knew the answer. The assets she worked so hard to obtain, the profits hidden behind the bank's reports over the years, and the overdraft part of the future were used to make the report with a growth rate of 100% this year. The incremental part was 40 billion. Half of it suddenly disappeared.

"No, everything is still inconclusive..." Jane encouraged herself and looked at the screen. No matter what kind of news, she is used to facing it directly.

On the big screen, the host looked serious and heavy, and said: "According to the latest news from the Cangfu Galaxy, the Federation Rescue Fleet was defeated in the fleet battle with the Wang Banner Star Pirates. It is preliminarily confirmed that the rescue fleet lost three starships. Two of the destroyers were destroyed, and a light cruiser was suspected... captured?"

After reading this, the host was startled. Space is different from ground warfare. You can escape in any direction, and being captured is quite rare. It is an incredible humiliation for the battleship of the Federation's regular fleet to be captured by the star thieves.

The host continued: "Next, I will read the statement issued by Wang Qi's mercenaries."

The host deliberately paused before continuing: "The full text of Wang Qi's mercenary statement is as follows:

The group's important assets were lost, and they were transferred to the Cangfu galaxy, so I came to look for them. However, during the search process, they encountered malicious obstruction by individual personnel, and the forward of the regiment had no choice but to stand up for self-defense. This is the second search. In order to ensure that the process will not be hindered, the regiment has made every effort to piece together a dilapidated fleet for self-defense.

Sure enough, the group was attacked as soon as they entered the Cangfu Galaxy. It's a pity that although the visitors had ulterior motives, their abilities could not match their greed.

In order to make up for the loss of the group and warn of similar incidents in the future, the group will confiscate the assets of the federal government in the Cangfu galaxy as compensation. In addition, another 1,100 federal soldiers will temporarily stay in the regiment. I hope the federal government will resolve this matter as soon as possible and take them home. Although their battles are heroic, no brave fighter can save a stupid commander, and defeat is not their responsibility.

Finally, if there are similar incidents in the future, I hope the federal government will send some generals who can fight. How can we say that this regiment is also a dynasty registered star thief, with a long history and brilliant record, and this kind of water battle has been fought many times, which is a shame to the history of our regiment.

Yours sincerely. "

After reading a statement, the host had to digest it for a few seconds before asking Trudeau next to him, "What do you think of this statement?"

Trudeau carefully considered his words and said: "No matter what prejudices we had about Wang Qi before, after this battle, any evaluation of it must be cautious. This is the minimum respect for a powerful enemy. This statement is very Interesting, what a long history, it has been registered for less than a month. If it can be said to have a long history, then the Federation can be said to have existed forever. But the word brilliant record is really hard to evaluate. The recorded battles are two Let’s simply call it the first and second battles of Cangfu. The strengths of the two sides were equal on paper, but the result was that Wang Qi won a complete victory and played quite well. As for the second battle of Cangfu Whether it is a water battle or not, my opinion is hard to say, after all, our command in this battle does have a lot of room for improvement..."

At the reception, the young man turned his head and said to the old man: "Did you hear that? Wang Qi said it was a water fight, and then you said that Chennault became a famous player? It's because there are too many people like you, the real talent You can’t stand out! Who said that a child from a big family must be a dandy, and that someone from a poor family must be given more opportunities? In our family, if anyone fought such a complete defeat, he would have been withdrawn to the end long ago, and there will be a second time Chance? Why give Chennault a second chance? Just because his family is poor?"

Another young man said coldly: "He is poor? Dude, you are so naive. Didn't you hear what Wang Qi said, he lost something important, but Chennault rushed over to stop it. If there is no trick behind this matter, beat him to death." I don’t believe it either. Think about it, how much is something so important that you need a fleet to find it? Chennault charges some hard work in the middle, and you and I won’t be able to earn it in our entire lives.”

The old man was so angry that his lips trembled and he couldn't say anything. He turned to Jane and said, "Miss Jane, I can't stand your guests, so I'll take my leave first!"

Jane was in a trance right now, and nodded without listening to what the old man said.

The old man didn't expect to be humiliated again, stomped his feet resentfully, turned his head and left.

Jane's reaction was a bit slow, and just as she was about to chase after her, she was surrounded by a group of fanatical young people. These young people not only cited Jane as their confidant, but also regarded her as their leader.

These hot-blooded guys hated the corruption and incompetence of their own fleet more. They didn't hate Wang Qi much, but were impressed by the unabashed arrogance in its statement.

Several young people also want to follow suit at the moment, intending to invest together, and also register a star bandit group called Zhanqi Mercenary, and also go to the dynasty to go around and confiscate some government assets. They planned to push Jane to take the lead. How could Jane be in such a mood at the moment, and she knew that war was not a child's play. There are not many star fields bordering the Dynasty and the Federation, and the most convenient place to fight is N77 except for the vertical line.

There is Xu Bingyan on the vertical line, and N77 has no government assets, but has a light-year base camp. Where are these young people planning to go for a while?

But being disturbed by these young people, Jane remembered that Bilinde still had a special fleet in N77, and now she only hoped that they could do something.

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