God is Coming

Chapter 783 The People Don't Agree

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At Pirate Flag's headquarters, Heatherway was sitting in her modest and limited office, carefully reading the statement of Wang Qi's mercenaries word by word. The corners of her mouth turned up slightly, and she said to herself: "You are really arrogant, a bit unlike him? But this is not bad!"

She answered the summoning bell beside the table, and the deputy walked in after a while. The deputy is a woman in her early 30s who looks very capable.

Hathaway opened her mouth and asked, "Where can I find the design drawing of the champion knight?"

The deputy was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "The design is a federal top secret, how can we have it? It is only because of the relationship of the Winton family that we can allocate a few champion knights. Under normal circumstances, the pirate flag is not qualified to use the champion knight." .”

"Well, can we get a few more ships? You can buy them too!"

The assistant looked helpless, and said: "The quota is fixed. There is no reason to get it as soon as you say it, and it is impossible to buy it. Miss, the champion knight is not valuable, and it is useless to ask for more."

The little princess thought for a while and said, "That's true, well, it's all right."

The champion knight is extremely expensive, one can be worth three ordinary heavy cruisers, and the daily maintenance is equivalent to four heavy cruisers, but it certainly cannot beat three heavy cruisers. The military expenses of any legion are limited, and under normal circumstances, everyone will choose the ordinary standard heavy cruiser. Legions like the Pirate Flag like champion knights very much. Many young generals with prominent backgrounds will buy one as their flagship even if they spend their own money.

In fact, the little princess knew that it was impossible to get the blueprint of the champion knight, so she just asked. After dismissing the deputy, she found Wang Qi's mercenary's statement again and read it carefully.

Earlier in the Cangfu galaxy, Wang’s flagship team was busy cleaning the battlefield. There was a light cruiser floating in the battlefield, the lights on the hull flickered, and it repeatedly signaled to surrender. The two king flag starships have already leaned up, and mercenaries are taking over various important departments of the starship. Several other starships are sailing towards the surface of the planet, and the phrase "confiscation of federal government assets" in the statement is not a joke.

The orbital station is also the property of the federal government, but Chu Jungui looked at the big holes on his starship and felt that one orbital station was not enough to make up for his losses. Although the production of survival-grade materials used in light-year starships has increased geometrically, this material is similar to cement in light-year interiors, and it is still a low-grade type, but even the smallest losses must be made up, fully made up.

Chu Jungui evaluated the value of the orbital station according to the standard of waste recycling, so the entire orbital station was estimated at tens of thousands of tons of base metal, which was indeed not enough to make up for Wang Qi's loss. Regarding Chu Jungui's evaluation criteria, everyone from the rail station to the station manager to the cleaners actually had different opinions, but no one dared to speak out.

Since no objection was heard, Chu Jungui implemented it in this way.

Not long after the mercenaries boarded the light cruiser, the image of the captain appeared in front of Chu Jungui. The captain was a middle-aged colonel, his face was pale, he was very embarrassed, and he didn't even dare to look directly at Chu Jungui. Even if he looked directly, he couldn't see anything. The image of Chu Jungui had been processed.

After chatting with him for a while, Chu Jungui knew the reason for his surrender. It's ridiculous to say that it is precisely because Chu Jun returned to the center line to cut the ship's hull in turn broke the captain's psychological defense. In his words, this is similar to Ling Chi. Chu Jungui hadn't really thought of this. The reason why he cut the middle section was because he had calculated that the main brain and main gun would be lost at the beginning, and the value of the entire ship would be lost by 35%. If the tail is hit, the thrusters, space jumpers and power engines will be lost, and the value of the entire ship will be lost by 40%. There is only the middle section, most of which are living areas and warehouses, and most of the entertainment areas are also here.

For this kind of rescue fleet that came in a hurry, there was nothing valuable in the warehouse. Most of them were supplies and daily necessities. If they were destroyed, they would be destroyed.

Out of the original intention of doing as little damage as possible, Chu Jungui commanded his own starships to cut one by one relay, so as to ensure that the cutting area does not exceed 2 meters. If the salvo of the whole fleet is followed, the tens of meters of the hull will evaporate.

As a result, only a quarter was cut, and the crew couldn't stand it anymore and forced the captain to surrender. After all, those who died in the middle were all crew members, and most of the senior officers were at the head and tail.

This light cruiser is the biggest windfall of this trip. There are also many equipment and crew members on the two destroyers that can be recovered. The orbital station of the Cangfu Galaxy has a complete starship repair shop and supplies for 1,000 people to live in for a year, and Chu Jungui naturally accepted them without any hesitation. It is impossible to let go of those starship spare parts in the warehouse.

There were too many things, and Chu Jungui only had one day to stay, so he didn't talk much with the colonel and captain. The second half of the chat was all about Chennault's various orders and his usual command style.

When the communication with the captain was over, Chu Jungui tapped on the armrest and said to himself: "This Chennault is not easy to deal with!"

Seeing that there were no outsiders beside him, Kai Tian appeared and asked curiously: "Didn't the inferior creature on the opposite side be defeated by us? Is there anything else to worry about?"

Chu Jungui said: "That guy is very cunning. He ran away as soon as he saw the situation was wrong. The whole command basically didn't make any mistakes. If we are normal dynasty destroyers, then his strategy of using five destroyers on average to focus on one is That's right, any more words are wasted. It's just that he made this mistake when he met us. In fact, I like that kind of brave and fearless commander the most."

Kai Tian continued: "For example, like Xinuo?"

"Yes!" Chu Jungui nodded, "If Sino was in command, I would be sure to wipe out his fleet. In fact, I originally planned to pay a destroyer as the price this time and kill more than half of the opponent's fleet. Pity."

At this time, Kai Tian understood what Chu Jungui meant, and said, "In this way, this Chennault is really difficult to deal with. It only takes 2 times to fight normal low-level creatures, but it takes a lot of money to deal with such particularly cowardly low-level creatures." Four or five times?"

"That's right, we have to find a way to kill him." Chu Jungui activated the political component and the tactical deception component. The test reflected that killing the enemy is not only on the battlefield, but more enemies off the battlefield.

The solution given by the political component is to publicly humiliate the opponent and let public opinion put pressure on the federal government. Tactical deception is to show the opponent's incompetence by whitewashing the battle report, and at the same time buy high-ranking officials within the federation, which eventually causes Chennault to be replaced.

After repeatedly comparing the political and tactical deception plans, Chu Jungui finally chose to take the political component as the leading plan, so that public statement was released. Although the statement is slightly exaggerated, Chennault's fiasco is an indisputable fact. It can be expected that the federal public opinion will be in an uproar as soon as the statement is released.

Even if there are insightful people in the federal government, they still want to use Chennault, but the people don't agree!

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