God is Coming

Chapter 784 Must be safe

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Chu Jungui spent a full 12 hours cleaning up the battlefield and confiscating the federal government's assets in the Cangfu galaxy. While taking over the base on the surface of the planet, there was a small accident, and some radicals advocated a firm resistance and fought to the death. But their number is too small, there are only one or two hundred in a city with more than a hundred thousand people. Before Wang Qi's mercenaries could do anything, the peace-loving people resolved this small group of extremists themselves, so Wang Qi's harvest went smoothly.

It’s just that Wang Qi’s mercenary’s confiscation operation was a bit weird. As soon as the mercenaries entered the base, the first thing they did was to call a lawyer and some people who knew the law to form a witness team to witness the asset confiscation process on the spot. Wang Qi's mercenaries would move away everything they liked regardless of whether it was government property or private property.

However, when moving back and forth, Wang Qi will issue a certificate to the owner of the assets, proving that this part of the property is expropriated as government assets, and the document will be stamped with Wang Qi’s digital seal, and at the same time certified by the signature of the witness group. If the value of the expropriated property is 10 million, then the certificate issued by Wang Qi will write 20 million. According to federal law, the documents signed by such a witness group are legally binding. In other words, those whose assets were confiscated by Wang Qi can apply to the federal government for compensation afterwards.

Because the mistakes or failures of the federal government lead to the loss of personal property of citizens, public opinion will of course stand on the opposite side of the government. Most of such lawsuits can be won, and if there are many people, they can file a class action lawsuit, which is easier to win. The feasible way is to discount the claim amount, and then the two parties settle together. At this time, the supporting documents issued by Wang Qi will come in handy. Even if you get a 40% discount, it is still a profit.

It has to be said that most of the wealthy people in the federation are of very high quality, and there is no need for Wang Qi to explain. The assets are here, let Wang Qi see if they need to be expropriated.

When the 12 hours came, Chu Jungui stopped staying and led the fleet to leave the Cangfu galaxy. At the same time, he announced that the blockade of the Cangfu galaxy was lifted, but at the end of the statement, he added a sentence that in the next three days, the voyage of the Cangfu galaxy would not be guaranteed. Safety. After adding such a sentence, Chu Jungui believed that no one would be so overwhelmed with shipping the goods for Murphy.

When the fleet left the galaxy, Chu Jungui noticed a message from Jane, which was already an hour ago.

Chu Jungui glanced over his consciousness and saw that the message read: You have won this game, but it was only a tie. See you tomorrow afternoon.

Seeing this news, the test subject was a little displeased. What does it mean to count yourself as a winner? It is clear that you have won very thoroughly, okay? Moreover, everything was designed by Chu Jungui from the beginning, and the most critical link was actually just finished. that battle. If it's just a small victory, Evans needs to defeat the Federation's galaxy guard fleet. And to win completely, it is necessary to defeat the fleet that the Federation came to support.

The reason why Chu Jungui set up this game was to make full use of Light Year's advantage, and also the only advantage. But Light Year actually has only one advantage: being able to fight.

Evans is very good at fighting, and Li Ruobai is not bad. In fact, speaking of Sino, apart from being easy to get hot-blooded, he is also considered a general above the level. After being trained by Chu Longtu, he even has the hope of being promoted to the first-line famous general. It's just that Xinuo's personality traits will lead to a miserable death if he meets Chu Jungui. It's not that other people won't be miserable when they meet Chu Jungui, it's just that Xinuo will be particularly miserable.

Even Li Xinyi, who seems to be quiet and quiet, will immediately become another person when she becomes a great speaker. In her opponent's mind, what she was facing was an out-and-out demon.

Needless to say, Lin Xi is now a famous general, but he is trapped by the infighting of the dynasty. Speaking of which, if there is no Xu Bingyan, Dynasty will definitely continue to reuse the Lin family. The first generation of the Lin family has Lin Xuanshang, the famous generals of the Federation have lost more than they won, and the new generation has Lin Xi, who can continue the glory of another generation. And with Lin Xi, it is actually equivalent to holding Chu Jungui in the palm of your hand, and it is equivalent to gaining two famous generals.

It's just that Xu Bingyan was born in the battle of the vertical line. With him, the dynasty no longer needs the so-called famous generals so much, even Lin Xuanshang has become dispensable. That's why the various families that had been blocked by the Lin family for many years came together to attack.

The Lin family is deeply rooted, and its children are spread across all major departments, so that after the Lin family is overthrown, there will be enough things to divide. If it is another emerging family, what's the use of being overthrown? The three melons and two dates are not enough for everyone to share.

With the political component, Chu Jungui has actually seen through this layer. So what if you just see through it, this is not a level he can touch.

It's just that in the Battle of the Cangfu galaxy, Chennault, an old fox, was encountered. Chu Jungui planned to swallow the entire rescue fleet, but Chennault actually ran away after only two rounds of shelling. This left the test body with a lot of components and computing power, but it was unable to use it. If it wasn't for the fact that the test subject could have no emotions, he would have been depressed to death.

Originally, Chu Jungui could get enough military merits at once, but now he is still more than half behind, even if he wiped out the base of the Cangfu galaxy, and passed the burden on to the federal government by the way. But the Cangfu galaxy is neither rich nor strategically important, so it doesn't have much military merit.

However, the test subject is not someone who hanged from a tree. He has already made plans for the next step. There is never too much military exploits. There are not enough starships to make up for the base. There are so many Federation galaxies, and it is not only the Cangfu galaxy.

Jane thought that the battle of the Cangfu galaxy was the end, but it only showed that she was still too young. In Chu Jungui's plan, this was just the beginning.

After leaving the Cangfu galaxy, Chu Jungui first jumped to a relay jump point with no nearby galaxies, and Evans was already waiting here. Here, Chu Jungui divided the fleet into two, and he led 6 destroyers to the mining base controlled by Avonton first. Evans set off 12 hours behind.

The mining base of the Avington family is not comparable to the backcountry of the Cangfu galaxy, and the Avington family can be regarded as a member of the Federation's upstarts, with at least some connections. What Chu Jungui thought was that after sweeping the base, it would be best for the Federation to see that it was weak, and then send another rescue team. At that time, Evans arrived just in time, and the two fleets merged into one. It has a huge fleet of 18 destroyers.

Chu Jungui felt that he would not be so unlucky, that he would run into old fritters like Chennault again. The Federation is so big, there are always parallel imports, right? If the result is not good this time, the test subject will remove the useless component of metaphysics.

At the juncture of life and death, Metaphysics performed super-level, and commented on this attack: "This battle is a good one, it must be a good one!"

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