God is Coming

Chapter 785 Metaphysics is unreliable

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When Chu Jungui left the Avonton family mine, his expression was not very good. Facts once again prove that metaphysics is unreliable.

The defense of the Avington family's mining base has been strengthened, but that is a general measure to deal with war. It is nothing more than adding hundreds or thousands of guards in the base. This kind of defense was fine against attacks from the ground. When Chu Jungui defeated the galaxy guard fleet, drove the destroyer directly into the atmosphere, and hovered over the base, the mining base wisely stopped resisting.

If they resisted stubbornly, Chu Jungui would not need to attack on the ground, but would just throw bombs down from the orbit, and the base would be flattened. That is to say, planet No. 4 with its own storm clouds, the base offensive and defensive battle will become a pure ground battle. Otherwise, Chu Jungui at that time would not be able to keep it.

The galaxy guard fleet has a luxurious lineup of 8 destroyers and 8 frigates, but Chu Jungui scanned the opponent's ship type and immediately rushed up without hesitation.

Facts have proved that the command level of the Planetary Guard Fleet is generally not very good. The commanders are obviously some old-fashioned ships that are more than a hundred years old, but the commander is full of confidence, and he actually set fire to 4 targets in one go!

Just a day ago, Chennault led the far superior rescue fleet, and only dared to focus fire on three targets. The fleet commander did not know where his confidence came from. For this kind of old-fashioned starship, with two drives and two guards to focus fire, Chu Jungui just stayed there and let them fight casually, and he would definitely not be able to penetrate the armor of the light-year starship within half an hour.

Chu Jungui didn't bother to use any tactics anymore, he directly commanded the whole ship to press on, and rushed to more than a hundred kilometers in one breath, and then he ordered half of the fleet to divide the opponent's flagship, and half of the fleet repaired the opponent's flagship one by one. Thrusters to prevent escape.

The commander's flagship is very recognizable. The rest of the starships are painted in the blue-gray color of the federal standard. Among them is a fiery red starship that has obviously been equipped with an appearance kit. You can tell that this is the starship with your eyes closed. flagship.

It’s just that accidents always happen. When Chu Jungui put on his scarf and picked up the knife, the red starship suddenly soared upwards, accelerating extremely fast and violently. Chu Jungui knew at the first glance that no matter what No matter what, I can't catch up with him. The flagship turned into red lightning and disappeared into the depths of the universe in an instant. A moment later, there was a flash of light in the distance, and then the gravitational fluctuation came, and it had jumped away.

Chu Jungui was stunned for a moment before he understood what happened.

Fortunately, once the commander escaped, the remaining starships immediately surrendered without any hesitation. This made the highly motivated test subject almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

The next step is routine, disarm the starship, seize control of the orbital station, and suppress the planetary surface base. With the experience of the Cangfu galaxy, the mercenaries are now familiar with the whole process, without Chu Jungui needing to bother too much.

As the control of each key node was taken over, four holographic images appeared in front of Chu Jungui, which were two orbital stations and two surface bases.

One of the two bases is a residential city, and there are more than a hundred thousand people in it. The other is a mine. This mine dug a huge pit with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers and a depth of 1,500 meters on the surface of the planet!

With such a scale, Chu Jungui, who had just turned on the map modification mode on Planet 4, was quite moved. He really was still watching the sky from a well, and his vision and pattern were small.

Although it is easy to build and difficult to destroy, it is not easy to destroy such a large mine. There are more than 10 million tons of raw ore piled up in the warehouse of the mine, waiting for preliminary smelting and re-refining to turn into metal ingots with a purity of more than 99% before being shipped to the mainland.

Chu Jungui naturally has no interest in these raw mines. Even if he is interested, he can't move them away or destroy them, so it's useless to have them. The base where the mine workers and their families lived was an alien city. It was quite crowded, the air was turbid, and there was no scenery at all. This base city is similar to similar cities, dividing common blocks and high-end blocks, and making a certain degree of physical isolation.

The base city is full of personal wealth, and Chu Jungui neither looks at nor can touch it. Looting the federal government and plundering civilians are two different things. But there are many articles that can be done in the mining base.

Chu Jungui zoomed in on the holographic image of the mining base, and the internal details are gradually improving as the occupation progresses. Chu Jungui first found the valuables warehouse and wiped out hundreds of tons of refined rare metals stored there. These rare metals are necessary components of advanced alloys, and the average unit price per ton exceeds 10 million. This amount of Chu Jungui alone is equivalent to several billion in income.

In addition, Chu Jungui was also very greedy for the large-scale equipment of the smelter, but unfortunately he couldn't take it away, and there was too little time to disassemble it into parts. However, smelting requires massive amounts of energy, and the energy on this planet is very scarce, so the energy supply uses industrial-grade fusion energy cores.

This kind of fusion core is different from the miniature fusion cores that Chu Jungui has come into contact with before. Each fusion core is a behemoth of ten meters square, and the output power of a single core exceeds one million kilowatts. The biggest advantage of this industrial-grade fusion furnace is its stability and low cost, and it can continue to operate for three years with one addition of fuel.

There are 20 fusion cores in the smelter alone, and another ten cores are installed in the main part of the mine. Chu Jungui accepted all of them unceremoniously, and ordered the mine workers to load all the fusion cores onto the ore transport ship.

Once the smelter is shut down, the equipment needs to be overhauled, but under Chu Jungui's order, the workers can only turn off the energy, remove the core, and send it to the transport ship.

In addition, the main brain of the base is unexpectedly advanced, and there are two large main brains. Chu Jungui wholeheartedly wanted to be promoted to the second-tier agent, in order to buy the qualification of a large mastermind. At this moment, there are actually two in the base, which is simply a surprise.

After dismantling the mastermind and energy core, Chu Jungui asked all the people working in the mine to withdraw to the city, and none of them could stay. The staff instinctively predicted what was going to happen, quickly evacuated the base, and hid back in the city.

The huge transport ship slowly lifted into the air and sailed towards the outer orbit. At this time, the shadows of several destroyers could be faintly seen in the sky. A moment later, a black dot fell from a height close to the orbit, and landed on the mine base like a meteor. It smashed through layers of buildings in an instant, penetrating into the ground at a depth of 100 meters.

A moment later, the earth suddenly resounded with a faint roar, and the tremor spread far away from the mine as the center. The ground in the center of the mine base suddenly swelled up, and immediately spewed out a terrifying flow of mud and rocks, and then spread to all sides in a circle of obvious ups and downs, before the ground slowly calmed down. In the center of the base, there is already a shallow pit with a diameter of 50 meters. All the buildings in the pit have collapsed, and the outer edge is also seriously damaged.

Then several black dots fell in the sky, and earth-shattering explosions followed one after another, and each explosion would destroy buildings within a radius of tens of meters. However, the mining base is really too big, and the buildings are quite sparse. Only the smelter has a relatively compact layout, but it is also a behemoth covering an area of ​​several square kilometers.

The dropping of these orbital bombs was like sprinkling a few sesame seeds on the bread, and it was still a hundred and eight thousand miles away from being completely destroyed. Chu Jungui frowned, deeply feeling that his power was insufficient. The destroyer threw nothing but the remaining space torpedoes. They are dropped from orbital heights, and their power becomes extremely astonishing. But the space torpedo is not a special orbital bomb after all, that thing can kill everything within a few square kilometers with one shot.

As for the fusion bomb, that thing is very easy to cause public opinion to backlash, and throwing it away will cause endless troubles, so everyone basically uses stupid methods to deal with planetary surface buildings. Moreover, the buildings built on uninhabitable planets are extremely strong, and it is difficult to completely destroy them unless they are directly hit by a large-yield fusion bomb. On the contrary, all kinds of orbital bombs with clear ideas have much better effects. For example, they can cause resonance in a large area, making several of the most popular building materials lose their physical properties and directly turn into powder; another example is to cause artificial gravitational distortion. Those that tear apart the main structure of the building; there are also those that generate a super-large-scale energy field, which can instantly heat the metal in the field to over several thousand degrees.

In order to deal with the federal base, Chu Jungui did a lot of homework, but it was a pity that he acted too hastily and didn't have time to do anything. Moreover, these types of bombs are not easy to buy. Among other things, the question of "Why did you buy it" cannot be explained at all.

Fortunately, although he didn't have any advanced bombs, Chu Jungui had plenty of ways to do it. Chu Jungui mobilized two destroyers to the near-Earth low orbit on the base, and then they spewed space torpedoes one after another like a hornet's nest being stabbed, and the two ships each fired hundreds of rounds in a blink of an eye!

Things like space torpedoes are a little more advanced than low-grade cement here in light years, so now there are thousands of them in the Chu Jungui area, and then hundreds of hundreds of them are thrown out.

Dense black dots fell from the sky, drilled into the soil one after another, and then there was a continuous boom, the ground grew higher and higher, cracks appeared, and fire and sand were sprayed from each crack. Several tens of meters high protrusions appeared in the center of the base, and then the tough foundation was finally torn apart, and many tall buildings either collapsed or fell apart, and finally turned into ruins and rubble.

The explosion lasted for more than ten minutes before it stopped completely. The mining base no longer existed, but the ruins on the ground showed that there were traces of civilization left here.

The city base was only tens of kilometers away from the bombing point, and many people witnessed a big explosion like the end of the century. The mining base of the Avington family has been completely destroyed, and it will take at least two or three years to rebuild it, and it will cost tens of billions.

After taking stock of the harvest, Chu Jungui found that he had only collected billions of dollars in materials and equipment, and the value of the destroyed bases was more than tens of billions. The Aveton family holds 15% of the mining base, and Boston Credit holds 40%. This mining base alone will wipe out Boston Credit's tens of billions of profits.

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