God is Coming

Chapter 786 Meeting

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Chu Jungui looked at the star map and fell into deep thought.

He found that within ten light-years of the Avington family's mining base, there are several federal galaxies, and there are many good-looking targets in them. Among them, there are two worth attacking, one is the Avington family's Industry is a small energy base. This base is only worth more than a billion yuan, far inferior to the mining base that was just taken away. But Mr. Chu came back, and there were still more than 200 space torpedoes to throw away. In the spirit of never wasting, Mr. Chu felt that it was necessary to go again.

The other place is the territory of the Louis family, which seems to be somewhat related to Lucian. Based on the principle that he would rather kill the wrong than let him go, Chu Jungui felt that it was necessary for him to go there. However, in order to avoid accidentally injuring the friendly army, Chu Jungui still sent a message to Xinuo, asking about the details of this property.

But the goal is to have it, but the time is too late, no matter where you go, you will delay the time to meet Jane. But when Chu Jungui thought about it carefully, he really couldn't find the meaning of meeting Jane. Seeing her or not, or her attitude, will not affect Chu Jungui's next actions.

So what's the point of seeing her? Is it for the so-called emotional value, spiritual pleasure?

While cleaning up the ruins, Chu Jungui sent Jane a message: I'm a bit busy these two days, why don't I see you another day?

Jane replied immediately: No!

Chu Jun returned: I'm really too busy, one day late?

Jane: You agreed to the original time.

Chu Jungui had a bit of a headache, so he found an excuse: it will be a few hours late, and the air route here is busy and a bit congested.

Jane: ...Have you watched too many romantic dramas from the mother star era recently? Or how many light-years is your spaceship?

After receiving the reply, Chu Jungui took out the art component angrily, and instead of closing it, he just cut off half of the computing power supply.

After cleaning up the unreliable art components, Chu Jungui, in the spirit of recycling waste, let the metaphysical components produce a text. The metaphysics component is a consistent style: today is not good for travel, how about another date?

Chu Jungui looked at the tactical deception silently. This guy is upgrading, and he has to wait for several hours. I don't know what happened recently, the tactical deception is self-upgrading at every turn, and I don't see what powerful functions it has evolved.

In the end, Chu Jungui looked at the text of the political component, and felt that it looked good, so he modified it a little, and sent Jane another message: What's the benefit of meeting me?

When she received the news from Chu Jungui, Jane couldn't believe her eyes. She really didn't expect that someone would dare to tease her. However, she thought about Chu Jungui's past behavior and behavior style carefully, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

This guy seems to be doing nothing all day long, doing one thing and one thing, but in fact he does everything in a chain, and there are no redundant steps at all. When Jane can't help being emotional, Chu Jungui doesn't have this problem at all, just like a cold machine. Thinking about the assassination, Chu Jungui immediately killed the killer and the most important intelligence agents in the periphery. Since then, it was difficult for Richard and Jane to find suitable people to assassinate Chu Jungui. Now in the world of killers, when they heard Chu Jungui's name, many killers immediately avoided him.

Thinking of this level, Jane understood that Chu Jungui was really asking for benefits.

Jane recalled the current situation, and replied: Meeting at this time is good for both you and me.

After a while, Chu Jungui replied: The motivation is a bit lacking.

Jane gritted her teeth angrily, and was about to let Chu Jungui go, so that this guy wouldn't open his mouth like a lion.

Chu Jungui didn't care at all, and was cleaning the battlefield step by step, taking in the prisoners, and taking the prisoners' starships to the scheduled meeting point outside the galaxy. After Evans arrived, Chu Jungui joined him, reorganized the fleet, handed over all the captured starships to Evans, and left him three destroyers, and then took the rest of the fleet to fight Evington family base.

As soon as he jumped out of the space, Chu Jungui received a message from Jane: As long as we meet at the original scheduled time, we can get any benefits we want!

Chu Jungui looked at the burning blue sun in front of him, feeling inexplicably emotional, and then replied: The soonest it can only be dinner time. Just now a guy overtook my boat, I can't bear this tone, I have to come back after overtaking, wait for my good news!


The small base of the Avonton family actually doesn't have much oil and water. It mainly uses the terrifying radiation of the blue sun to produce energy substances, which will be transported away regularly, so Chu Jungui only harvested a total of about 100 million in stock. As for the equipment, they are all large-scale equipment, not worth a lot of money, and they are also big and stupid, so they can only be blown up.

After dumping the remaining space torpedoes, Chu Jungui's expedition will be considered complete. It's just that hitting this base is not worth the loss, and the gains are not enough to cover the jumping costs of the entire fleet. The only consoling benefit is that a loss of more than one billion yuan has been registered for the Evanton family, but I don't know if it can be attributed to Boston Credit.

Chu Jungui went to the secret assembly point again, where he boarded the federal starship that Evans had prepared, and transformed from Wangqi Star Pirate to Chairman Light Year. This high-speed starship carried Chu Jungui to the Gemini galaxy.

At dusk on Gemini, an orbital shuttle stopped on the roof of the Guangnian Building, and Chu Jungui returned to his office again. Evelyn walked in immediately, with a strange expression on her face, and said, "You are finally back, a lady will arrive in the afternoon, and she has been waiting for you for three hours."

Chu Jun returned: "What's her name, where is she now?"

"She only said that her name was Jane and that she had an appointment with you. But this kind of words can also deceive people who don't know how to do it. Even I can't find you. How did she make an appointment with you? I asked her to meet you in Xiaohui I'm waiting in the living room." Ai Fulin looked as if she wanted to clean up the rotten peach blossoms for Chu Jungui.

Chu Jungui felt a little funny, probably Jane never dreamed that anyone would look at her like this. He stood up and said, "Where is she, take me there."

Evelyn was a little surprised, and said: "So you like this one! What's the point of clear soup with little water?"

Evelyn led Chu Jungui downstairs, walked through the somewhat noisy management office area, and came to a room door, and said, "She's inside."

Chu Jungui pushed the door open and walked in. What he saw was an extremely small conference room, which could only accommodate seven or eight people for a meeting. When it was full of people, the back of the chair would touch the wall. Therefore, fat people have never been very popular in Light Years.

Jane was sitting in the room with a glass of clear water in front of her.

Evelyn has already shown a clear attitude towards Rotten Peach Blossom. Chu Jungui did not expect that Jane could sit quietly for several hours in this environment, it seems that she must see herself. He greeted Jane and said, "Come to my office."


Jane got up, followed Chu Jungui into the elevator, and said, "Your office is a bit crowded, why don't you go to my place."

Chu Jungui smiled and said nothing, took her out of the elevator, opened the door, and said, "This is my office."

Jane glanced at it and said subconsciously: "It's so empty, haven't you decorated it yet..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw a desk and a set of sofas in the distance, as small as a clear spring in the desert.

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