God is Coming

Chapter 790 Significance

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"Evington is not third-rate!" Jane was very insistent on this issue.

The man smiled and said, "If Evanton is really rich, he can barely be classified as second-rate, but in fact your money is not as much as you think."

"You'd better speak clearly!"

The man shrugged and said: "I know that discussing this will make you unhappy, but if you don't discuss it clearly, you may not be able to clearly understand the environment you are in. There is an old saying in the dynasty, which is called knowing the enemy. Gui’s research is very thorough, but he is not very clear about himself. Let’s continue to talk about Avonton. For example, a poor person who only earns 10,000 a month sees the life of a rich person, and many people will instinctively think, As long as I can earn 50,000 a month, I can live a life like this. But in fact, when he really earns 50,000, he finds that he is still far away from the life of a rich man. Evanton and this The poor are similar.”

Jane took a deep breath and said, "I don't think the gap between our family and the Ring of Roses is that big."

"The gap is very large, beyond your imagination. Don't underestimate the magic of time. Perhaps Aveton's income in a certain year will be close to that of a relatively unlucky ancient family, but the accumulation of the ancient family is too rich. Our Take Winton as an example. They have two legions of the pirate flag and the voyage ship. I don’t need to say how expensive the starship is. Judging from the strength shown by Evanton, buying half of the pirate flag will go bankrupt. .”

"So what should I do now?" Jane calmed down and asked humbly.

"Go again along the road that the ancient family has walked, and don't try to overtake in a corner. To be more specific, start to form your own legion. Of course, you have to pass this level first."

Jane took a glass of wine, leaned back, and said softly, "This test...it is true. I wanted to pretend to agree to his conditions and buy some time to make arrangements, but he was very determined, and he didn't even want the body that was given away for nothing. .Now we may not have that much time.”

The man said: "Cut off his foreign aid first, don't go to scout Winton, but you can pass the news through the Louis family. When the Winton family knows that it is Chu Jungui who attacked the federal base, they will at least maintain a neutral attitude. This is assuming Chu Jun On the premise that he has a very close relationship with an important figure in the Winton family. Well, I'm talking about the one who poured you wine."

Jane's face suddenly turned ugly.

The man continued: "And to get the Louis family to come forward, you can't rely on it, you have to rely on Richard."

Disgust suddenly appeared on Jane's face, and she said, "Do you want to get along with that trash again?"

"We have to get along well!" The man said meaningfully.

"I'll try, but his attitude towards me has been getting worse and worse recently, and his friends are also very unreliable. If that guy Kun was a little more ruthless and decisive at the beginning, there would be nothing later."

"Kun from Bilinde? This is also a person who needs to get along well. I heard that his evaluation within the Bilinde Group has recently improved significantly."

Jane sneered: "Don't you think the Federation is very sick? All kinds of people can get a chance. This is why I want to change the status quo."

"Whether we win or lose the war with the dynasty, the status quo will change. Let's sort out what to do next. One, get along well with Richard, you have to remember that he is Louis' man and you No. 2. Get along well with Kun, and if there is a problem, fix it quickly. 3. Check the industries of Avonton and Boston Credit carefully. Your self-confident system now seems to be full of loopholes. Isn’t your opponent going to grow old? To be honest, those who play with you in the capital market, no matter how good the quality of assets are, they cannot withstand orbital bombs. Fourth,..."

Jane waited for a while, but didn't see the text, and asked, "Where is Si?"

The man said: "You probably don't like to hear this one very much. If you find that Avonton's system is indeed riddled with holes, then hurry up and marry Richard, or immediately climb onto Chu Jungui's bed."

"Sounds like I'm doomed."

The man said: "Since Chu Jungui chose to start with Boston Credit, he must have a plan to completely destroy this bank. Murphy Shipping was originally a very high-quality asset, but suddenly lost one of the most important ships The team also messed up a big contract, and it was on the verge of bankruptcy. I just checked the information, and the origin and whereabouts of the fleet are very suspicious, and it cannot be ruled out that Chu Jungui is behind it. The contract is even more suspicious. I can bet that this contract was thrown out by Chu Jungui, with the purpose of getting Murphy Shipping to take the bait. Once he blocks Cangfu Galaxy, Murphy Shipping will immediately be able to pay billions of dollars. compensation."

Jane said: "Such a plan is nothing, I can think of it."

The man smiled and said: "This plan is really nothing, even if I do it, it will be more exciting and hidden than the original version, but the problem is that I can neither defeat the Cangfu Galaxy Guard Fleet nor the subsequent Arriving rescue fleet."

Jane stopped talking.

The man also poured himself a glass of wine and said, "But I just heard some good news, so be it."

Jane was frowning, and seemed completely uninterested in the so-called good news.

The man didn't keep it secret, and said: "The fleet sent by the Bilinde Legion to the N77 star field this time is powerful. It is said that the group's senior management has doubts about the rapid rise of Light Year, and believes that there is some kind of unknown in this star field. secret. So the actions of this fleet will be very... aggressive."

This is indeed good news, and Jane's mood is finally better. If Light Year's base camp is taken away, then Chu Jungui will no longer be invulnerable.

The flying car passed through the atmosphere in the night and arrived at the orbital station. Both the man and Jane got off the speeding car and each boarded a different starship.

In the Star Field Branch of Bilinde Group, Kun walked out of the large conference room with the flow of people, surrounded by several people, all congratulating Kun.

"Congratulations, Kun, you are now one of the three youngest major generals in the group. When you develop in the future, don't forget about us."

Kun's face was filled with a sunny smile, and he responded to them one by one, gracefully and decently, without any teenage madness. From entering the elevator, exiting the elevator, and then to the lobby on the first floor, there were people congratulating Kun all the way. It was not until he walked out of the gate and got on the flying car that Kun barely got his own space.

As soon as he entered the flying car, the smile on Kun's face disappeared immediately, and he quickly connected to a communication channel, and then a hot and beautiful woman appeared in front of him.

The beauty looked very pleasantly surprised: "Why did you think of looking for me? Did you miss me?"

Kundao: "You are in Gemini now, right?"

"Yes, are you there?"

Kun said quickly: "I'm not here, but there just happened to be a rare interview opportunity recently, and I can help you arrange it. The interviewee is the chairman of Lightyear."

The beauty's eyes lit up: "Chu Jungui? I heard that he is very difficult to date!"

Kundao: "I will make an appointment for you, it will be tomorrow, just wait for the notification. Remember, you must ask a question during the interview, and he will think you are very professional."

"What's the question?" the beauty was ready to record.

"What is the significance of the N77 star field to light years?"

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