God is Coming

Chapter 791 It's Not That Important

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In the early morning, Chu Jungui was already sitting in the office watching the scenery.

Looking at the scenery is only superficial, his brain is processing information at high speed, tracking hundreds of tasks and giving corresponding instructions at the same time. Today's work is fairly easy, so Chu Jungui's body temperature didn't rise much.

At this time, Evelyn's image appeared, saying: "Miss Mina from the Star News Channel said that she has an appointment with you for an interview."

Chu Jungui looked at his schedule, there was such an event, the interview time was only 10 minutes, and it was arranged by the company's director of public affairs. It doesn't matter to Chu Jungui, it doesn't take a ten thousandth of the computing power to accept an interview, and you can also suppress Boston Credit by the way. Its stock price is stuck at 30 and refuses to go down. It seems that the determination to resist is very strong.

Chu Jungui knew very well that it would be difficult to win against Jane and Avonton only from the capital market, and they were right about this. Even though the thunder of Murphy Shipping had already exploded, Evanton still stubbornly withstood a wave of selling pressure.

At this time the office door opened, and a beautiful woman with a hot body and decent makeup came to Chu Jungui and said generously: "I am Mina from Star News, we are the largest news station in the federation, not long ago The news that the Wangqi Star Pirates blocked the Cangfu galaxy was exclusively broadcast by us."

"Please sit down."

Mina sat across from her, waved out a few unmanned cameras, shook them and said, "Do you mind?"

"of course not."

The drone automatically floated to the predetermined angle, and Mina said: "You only gave me ten minutes, so let's start directly! My first question is, how did you create such a Huge group?"

"I just look young."

Mina chuckled: "You won't tell me that I'm 40, right? That's very young. Would you mind revealing your real age?"

Chu Jungui smiled lightly and said, "Secret."

How could Chu Jungui tell her that he was going to be 4 years old soon?

"It's really cautious, so the second question: What is the significance of the N77 star field to light years?"

The expression on Chu Jungui's face froze.

The interview took 5 minutes longer than the agreed time. Chu Jungui answered the questions very patiently, and pointed out that the core of the future development should be the Star Thief business represented by Red Beard.

Mina grasped the point keenly: "Are you planning to develop a second Star Bandit?"

"It's not the second one, it's more. And it's not just Star Thief."

As soon as the interview was over, Chu Jungui connected Soma. She is now Guangnian's administrative director, and she also secretly serves as the intelligence director. Although Evelyn has close contacts with intelligence personnel in the mercenary world, she knows nothing about Light Year's secret intelligence department.

Chu Jungui asked Soma to check Mina's origin and how the interview was arranged. Soma wrote down the request and simply asked, "Can I ask the reason for the investigation?"

Chu Jungui said: "She asked a question that shouldn't be asked. But she may not even realize it."


After a while, Soma gave the results of the investigation. The interview was indeed arranged by someone, and the arranger should be related to the Bilinde Group.

Chu Jungui suddenly thought of Bilinde's fleet in N77!

Based on all the signs, it seems that someone wants to remind himself to pay attention to the N77 fleet, and this person is from Bilinde. Although Chu Jungui didn't know why Bi Linde's people reminded him, but he could have a lot of reasons if he wanted to find a reason. For example, maybe some people don't want to see this fleet succeed.

In any case, Chu Jungui found that he had indeed ignored Bilinde's fleet before. During this period of time, his series of actions have been very smooth, so that his self-confidence gradually swelled. N77 is also a war zone, and it is under the control of the dynasty, so Chu Jungui felt that Bi Linde was just putting on a show. If you go to war, it is very likely that you will be attacked by the 4th Fleet.

Thinking of this, Chu Jungui couldn't sit still, he immediately arranged for the speeding starship to go back to N77. Now Chu Jungui can be regarded as rich and powerful, Guangnian has his own exclusive high-speed speed car, and has ordered a full set of services of the highest standard from Ande Group. The starship is also a dedicated private high-speed starship. Although it is not as good as the star stream, it is still a private starship, so it is divided into classes from those who sit in the first class of the public starship.

But Light Year is not that rich now, and most of the funds have not been recovered, so Chu Jungui just rented a private starship, and thus was divided into classes by those who bought their own private starship .

While jumping into the space, Chu Jungui sent messages to Evans and Li Ruobai respectively, asking them to gather in the N7703 galaxy. Calculating the time, the first and second Cangfu battles had not yet occurred when the Bilinde fleet set off, which meant that Bilinde did not know the true strength of Light Year at that time, so the fleet he sent might not be strong enough. Of course, they may still send a reinforcement fleet, but Chu Jungui is not completely defenseless. The construction progress of the Titan is rapidly increasing, and it has already exceeded the first node by 5%.

At this point, although the Titan can only be called a skeleton, at least it can move, and it can fire a cannon.

The significance of planet 4 to the light year cannot be overstated. The inexhaustible energy alone can make the light year expand infinitely. What's more, there are mysterious fog creatures, which have always been the biggest secret in Light Year.

At this moment in the N77 star field, a secret fleet has been assembled and closed, and it is making the final preparations before the space jump.

In the command room, a lieutenant general with a gloomy face was examining the status of the fleet. After all the preparations were completed, he said: "Everyone, you have read the battle reports of the two Cangfu battles. Our opponent this time is very strong. Absolutely!" We cannot take it lightly. The combat strength they have shown is already at the level of the Federation's first-class fleet, but because the opponent is too weak, it is likely that they have not exerted their full strength."

No one in the command room spoke, and everyone was listening quietly.

The lieutenant general looked around for a week, and continued: "Some people may find it strange, why do such things at such a time. I can answer this a little bit. Yes, Chu Jungui is a talent, and it is quite a rare talent. But the problem is that he is on the opposite side of us. The more talented he is, the more he will be damned. The second thing is that Xu Shuai has been born now. With Xu Shuai here, the general situation will not change, no It’s going to change because this person is missing or that person is added to the process.”

"In other words, since Xu Shuai is here, these geniuses are not so important, including me."

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