God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 996: Pie in the sky

Very curious, Wang Xudong answered the call.

Zheng Peng's voice came from the phone immediately, "Xudong, help me!"

Jianghu help!

What kind of thing is this? I can use such words. While curious, Wang Xudong realized the importance of the matter. He comforted: "Brother Peng, don’t worry, speak slowly. If I can help, I will definitely help. You, don't worry about that."

After getting this answer, Zheng Peng felt a little light, knowing that there might be hope.

Before making this call, Zheng Peng had been thinking about it for several days, and he was hesitant to call Wang Xudong for help or not to make this call.

To be honest, Zheng Peng really didn't want to make this call, because he knew that Wang Xudong was not the omnipotent savior, and this kind of thing might not help him.

One incident that happened this morning caused Zheng Peng, who had been more hesitant to pick up the phone and call, and his tone was still relatively hurried. At the beginning, he used the words "Jianghu" emergency. If it weren't for a hundred thousand rush, he It's not like this.

Wang Xudong comforted Zheng Peng and said everything slowly.

In this way, Zheng Peng adjusted his mentality and said the matter roughly.

Every family has a hard-to-read book. As one of the top 100 counties in the country, Lucheng City naturally has a very beautiful side. The city has many industrial parks, developed industries and huge economic aggregates. It has been developing rapidly, especially It was the presence of Sunward Power Company that accelerated the development of Lucheng.

Just as there are slums in developed countries, Lucheng also has companies that are about to go bankrupt, such as the old city-owned company Lucheng Machine Tool Equipment Factory.

If you mention this factory 20 or 30 years ago, all the people in Lucheng will give thumbs up. This is the existence of Dingguagua. Not only is the factory large in scale, there are thousands of people, and the number of employees in its heyday is more than 10,000. , The output value accounted for almost half of Lucheng City at that time.

The series of machine tools produced are very famous in China, and many manufacturing companies want the machine tools here. If you are a worker at the Lucheng Machine Tool and Equipment Factory, one by one will straighten your waist, and you will feel different when walking on the street. All of them are full of pride and even a little arrogant.

The beautiful girls in Lucheng City are proud of being able to marry the employees of this machine tool factory. In that era, this was the ideal of many girls and the best for them.

Starting more than ten years ago, the Lucheng Machine Tool Plant has gradually declined, and it has not been possible in recent years. Lucheng has money and once invested a large sum of money to carry out a series of equipment renovations and factory renovations. All the previous old factories were demolished and a high-standard modern factory was built.

Last year, the magnificent office building was completed, and it became a big news in Lucheng City. Many people discussed that the Lucheng Machine Tool Plant should be withered trees in spring and glow with a second spring.

In fact, there is still no improvement. No one wants the machine tools produced. The entire factory area is deserted. The new modern factory buildings are there, and there is basically no one to work.

The reason is that the technology is not good and the products have not been updated. Up to now, they can only produce traditional old-fashioned machine tools. Several CNC machine tools have been developed, but they can only be regarded as medium and low-end CNC machine tools, and there are still many problems. , Which naturally cannot win market recognition, and there are no orders.

Thousands of mouths have to eat!

In the face of the Lucheng Machine Tool Plant, which has been losing money for years, Lucheng has also allocated funds every year for the first few years, and the intensity is not small, because Lucheng is rich.

The hardware of the entire factory area is up, a new and stylish modern factory building, tall office buildings, beautiful asphalt roads in the factory, and first-class greening. Those who don’t know think this is a very profitable factory. .

In fact, it has been losing money and there has been no improvement. This is a bottomless pit. The Lucheng government has finally realized this problem. Starting this year, it will no longer allocate funds. The good days of Lucheng Machine Tool Plant have passed, and the belts tightened. The time has come.

After a few months of hard work, I finally couldn’t make it. Because there was no such appropriation, Lucheng Machinery Factory finally couldn’t pay wages. Starting from September, only basic living expenses were paid. This month, the basic living expenses were not issued. .

Thousands of workers in this factory quit, and began to make various disturbances in the municipal government, and even parades. As the executive deputy mayor in charge of industry and economy, Zheng Peng received this hot potato.

According to the collective opinion of the Lucheng government, it is best to find a new owner, sell this machinery factory, and get rid of this burden, but for a while, where can I find a new owner.

This is a professional machine tool manufacturing plant. The planning of the plant area, the construction of the plant, and the current existing equipment, even some imported equipment imported at a high price, are all planned according to the field of machine tool manufacturing. Machine tool manufacturing, used in other industries, has great limitations.

The current situation of the domestic machine tool industry is like this. The benefits are generally not good. The high-end machine tools are completely monopolized by foreign countries. Only a little leftover in the middle and low-end fields can be divided. Who has the money to buy the Lucheng Machine Tool Factory.

In a large parade this morning, although the parade was disintegrated before leaving the Lucheng Machine Tool Factory, Zheng Peng still felt a lot of pressure.

If this trouble continues, this problem will not be resolved for a long time, and it will have a great impact on Zheng Peng, and it will become a huge resistance for him to go further. Besides, even if Zheng Peng can go further, he still needs to solve this problem when he becomes the chief of the market. .


After thinking for a long time, Zheng Peng had no choice but to ask Wang Xudong for help. His idea is to ask Sunward Power to buy this factory. Although it is a little inconvenient for engine production, and even many equipment cannot be used for engine manufacturing, this is also a hope.

Listening to Zheng Peng worrying about the situation over the phone, Wang Xudong laughed, and laughed with joy.

This is really a great thing to fall into the sky!

He Yehui dreamed of entering the field of machine tool manufacturing. Wang Xudong also gave him three world-class CNC machine tools technical information. Technically, it is no longer a problem, and capital is not a problem. Sunward Heavy Industry Group is rich.

The only thing that is more difficult is that there is no ready-made machine tool factory. He Yehui and others are looking for a suitable machine tool factory all over the world.

Within a few days of work, two or three were found, but they were all dissatisfied. They were either too small or too shabby.

I even thought, if you really can't find a ready-made machine tool manufacturing plant, then choose a city, buy a piece of land of thousands of acres, and build a large machine tool manufacturing plant.

Building a new factory has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that a blank sheet of paper is good for drawing, and the new factory can be built very tall.

The disadvantage is that it needs to spend a lot of money, a lot of manpower and material resources, and requires a relatively long construction period, far less than a ready-made factory.

With such advanced technical information in hand, He Yehui naturally can't wait to manufacture these advanced CNC machine tools, and then quickly put them on the market.

Huaxia's market is so large that it needs a large number of high-end machine tools, which can be produced earlier and make money a day earlier. The field of high-end machine tools has been occupied by imported machine tools for a long time, but they can no longer make us a lot of money.

The hateful thing is that not only made our money, but also stuck our necks, and made a list of prohibitions. Machine tools with a certain accuracy level are forbidden to be sold to China, and you can't buy it if you have any money.

At present, imported machine tools in the field of domestic high-end machine tools can only be regarded as second-rate or at best quasi-first-rate if placed internationally. Really first-rate good machine tools, you don't have to think about it, they won't sell it to you at all.

There must be a large ready-made machine tool manufacturing plant!

He Yehui was very worried about this matter. This morning, he called Wang Xudong and complained on the phone. Wang Xudong comforted that if there is no suitable ready-made machine tool manufacturing plant, he would invest tens of billions. Build a new machine tool manufacturing plant.

To buy at least two or three thousand acres of land, to build factories, to buy equipment, etc., requires a lot of money, 10 billion, which is estimated to be not enough.

It's all right now, the pie fell from the sky, and there is a large machine tool factory in Lucheng. According to Zheng Peng’s description, this factory is large enough, with thousands of employees, and an area of ​​two to three thousand acres.

Every factory building was rebuilt on the basis of the original old factory building. They were all new and modern factory buildings, and a large amount of imported equipment was also spent on large sums of money.

Wang Xudong would like to go to the Lucheng Machine Tool Plant to take a look at it now, but he has to wait after the negotiation with the H country.

Wang Xudong laughed happily. It's a pie in the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For Zheng Peng, this is a hot potato, and for Wang Xudong, it is a sweet pastry.

Seeing Wang Xudong laughing on the phone, Zheng Peng became a little angry, "Xudong, why do you read my jokes?"

Wang Xudong explained with a smile: “I’m not laughing at you, but I’m so happy that there is such a coincidence. Did you know that Sunward Heavy Industry Group is preparing to enter the field of machine tool manufacturing and is looking for ready-made machine tools across the country? The manufacturing plant."

"Ah, really!"

Zheng Peng suddenly became happy, his voice was raised a few degrees, and he was full of surprises. He didn't think that his luck would be so good.

Wang Xudong said: "This is true, so let me come over tomorrow. After reading it, if the Lucheng Machine Tool Factory really satisfies me, I will consider buying it."

"Xudong, great." Zheng Peng was completely happy, "you will definitely be satisfied. I told you that the hardware conditions of the Lucheng Machine Tool Plant are first-rate..."

During the phone call, Zheng Peng introduced the factory again. After listening to the introduction, Wang Xudong really moved a little and promised to go to Lucheng tomorrow.

After making this call, Zheng Peng was all light, and Wang Xudong was also happy. Taking a look at the time, he said in his heart, oops, time flies so fast, only three minutes short of three o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, there was also a knock on the door. Liang Hongbo and Xu Jie came over together. Both of them were in a good mood, because there was a big deal waiting.

"Brother Dong, it's almost time, we can pass."

Wang Xudong got up, nodded and said, "Go, let's go and have a good talk with the representatives of country h."


The third one is sent!

Today’s update is here, I wish all teachers in the world a happy holiday, and thank you for your support of this book!

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