God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 997: Finally negotiated

When Wang Xudong, Liang Hongbo and Xu Jie arrived at the business meeting room of the Century Royal Hotel, Chen Yuehui, Imashev, and Mianova had arrived.

Upon seeing this, Wang Xudong smiled enthusiastically and said, "Everyone has been waiting for a long time."

Chen Yuehui said: "Chairman Wang is polite, we have just arrived."

In private occasions, he generally kindly calls Wang Xudong "Xudong", but in formal occasions like this, he calls Wang Xudong "Chairman Wang". He still knows this.

Wang Xudong greeted everyone to sit down, and he sat down on the empty seat, "Are you satisfied with the living environment? Is it good to rest at noon?"

We started to meet, and we chatted for a few minutes. Wang Xudong asked whether you were dissatisfied with the living environment. Imashev and Mianova politely stated that the Century Royal Hotel is very good and they are very satisfied. At the same time, I thank Wang Xudong for his warm reception.

After a few minutes of talking like this, I gradually got into the topic.

Imashev said: "Mr. Wang, last time our Ms. Mianova had already had preliminary discussions with you and reached some opinions. We will have a good talk on this basis."

Of course this is fine.

At the beginning, the two sides reached a lot of agreements. For example, the H country ordered 15 billion cubic meters of natural gas and 200 million barrels of oil from the Bayin County oil and gas field each year. The price refers to the market price, and the entire one-year payment is paid in advance. Xudong Mining Group is not responsible for the delivery of these oil and gas.

On behalf of Xudong Mining Group, Liang Hongbo reiterated these things again in front of everyone, and both sides nodded in agreement.

Imashev added: "Mr. Wang, we agreed that the annual natural gas ordering volume was 15 billion cubic meters. We want to increase the ordering volume to 20 billion cubic meters per year. If we want to increase the number in the future, we can propose Increase purchase."

20 billion cubic meters per year!

This is not a small amount. The planned output of Bayin County’s oil and gas fields is about 560 billion cubic meters of natural gas and about 1 billion barrels of crude oil per year.

At this time, the quantity ordered by country h accounted for one-third of the annual natural gas output of Bayin County’s oil and gas fields. It is important to know that most of the natural gas in Bayin County’s oil and gas fields must meet domestic needs. Cubic natural gas.

With the development of the domestic economy, especially the widespread use of clean energy such as natural gas, the annual demand for natural gas will continue to increase in the future. If country h orders 20 billion cubic meters in one fell swoop, it may increase in the future. That is the domestic demand. It may have an impact.

Chen Yuehui clearly understood this and looked at Wang Xudong.

At this time, many people looked at Wang Xudong and waited for Wang Xudong's answer. In the eyes of everyone, Wang Xudong pondered and nodded: "Order 20 billion cubic meters of natural gas every year, no problem!"

The reason why he promised so easily is because Wang Xudong has a "God-level big mine owner" system. If he wants to, he can gather another batch of natural gas for the Bayin County oil and gas field, expand the scale of the oil and gas field, and increase the annual output to 70 billion cubic meters or even 80 billion cubic meters is not a problem.

Chen Yuehui didn’t know this. He reminded him a little worried: “Chairman Wang, this is 20 billion cubic meters of natural gas, and it may increase in the future. If so much natural gas is sold to country h, will it affect our domestic natural gas? Does it affect the demand?"

Wang Xudong smiled and said with a relaxed expression: "Minister Chen, there will be no impact. The preliminary exploration result of our Bayin County oil and gas field is about 9 trillion cubic meters of natural gas reserves. If it is a prospective reserve, it is far more than this number. As long as we are willing, If another natural gas mining area is explored, it will definitely be no problem."

Oh I see!

Chen Yuehui was relieved for a while, Imashev, Mianova and others quietly glanced at each other, thinking in his heart, the natural gas reserves of the Bayin County oil and gas fields are so huge, then rest assured, such huge reserves and production, the future No longer worry about natural gas for 20 years.

Country H, an inland country, has a relatively high latitude. In winter, the weather is cold and the people need to use a lot of natural gas for heating. In order to have enough natural gas, in addition to their domestic exploitation, a large part of it needs to be imported.

The energy market is basically a seller's market, and sellers have a lot of right to speak. They are desperate for natural gas. Now it's good, and they have seen hope and dawn.

Imashev happily said: "Mr. Wang, that's the case. We order 20 billion cubic meters of natural gas from the Bayin County oil and gas fields every year. If we need to increase the order, we have the right to increase it. In addition, there are 2 Billion barrels of crude oil."

In fact, Wang Xudong was happy for a while. The more he ordered, the better. This is all money. A lot of banknotes are sent to his pocket, and there is no one he doesn't like.

The order quantity was negotiated between the two parties, and the focus was also on the construction of this oil and gas pipeline.

Wang Xudong’s request is that China’s domestic professional construction team should be funded by State H to build an oil and gas transmission pipeline from Bayin County’s oil and gas fields to the border of State H. After the completion of this pipeline, the ownership will belong to Xudong Mining Group. Xudong Mining Group is responsible for management.

Why do you want to obtain the ownership of this oil and gas pipeline? Wang Xudong is considering the long-term perspective. The Bayin County oil and gas field will definitely be very large in the future. In addition to meeting the domestic demand for natural gas and oil, a large part of the oil and gas resources can be exported.

The export target must be those Central Asian countries, and the transportation method must be through oil and gas pipelines. In this case, Wang Xudong needs an oil and gas pipeline.

Besides, the construction of an oil and gas pipeline by the buyer is an unwritten rule of the game internationally. Since country h wants to buy its own oil, it is not too much for them to fund the construction of this oil and gas pipeline.

Now the differences between the two sides are still on the construction of this oil and gas pipeline.

Imashev said: "Chairman Wang, the construction of this oil and gas pipeline is a big project and requires a lot of funds. My opinion is that each of our two parties should pay half of the funds. This section of the oil and gas pipeline in Xijiang Province The ownership of it belongs to you."

Wang Xudong shook his head and refused to give in. "No, you will pay for the construction of this section of the oil and gas pipeline in Xijiang Province, and it must be constructed in accordance with our requirements. However, we can contact the construction team for you."

The two sides talked about this issue for at least half an hour, and the whole process was thrilling.

In the end, Wang Xudong triumphed and the two parties reached an agreement. Xudong Mining Group provided the plan and budget for the oil and gas pipeline in Xijiang Province. State H provided all the funds and the Xudong Mining Group was responsible for the construction. East Mining Group is also managed by Xudong Mining Group.

As long as the other party pays the money, as for Xudong Mining Group to be responsible for the construction, this is not an issue at all. As long as the money is available, it can be transferred to a domestic construction contractor. For such a large project, many powerful contractors will rush dry.

Of course, country h is not stupid. It is worried that Xudong Mining Group will build the oil and gas pipelines too high and cost too much. The two sides agreed on an upper limit. If this amount is exceeded, Xudong Mining Group will supplement the funds.

This amount is already relatively large. Even if it is not exceeded, the oil and gas pipeline can be built very well. Everything is finally settled. The two sides stood up and shook hands happily together.

Yes, both parties are very happy!

Country h has secured the oil and gas resources for the next 20 years, and there is no need to worry about the lack of natural gas and oil. Xudong Mining Group is even more happy, this is a super big deal, which can bring at least 20 billion U.S. dollars in operating income to Xudong Mining Group every year for 20 years.

Wang Xudong and Imashev shook hands tightly!

Everything has been discussed, the atmosphere is no longer so tense and formal, but relaxed, chatting and laughing loudly from time to time.

The staff of Xudong Mining Group are already drawing up the contract quickly. The terms of the contract are typed up one by one, and several pages of the contract are gradually printed.

After the contract came out, the lawyers between the two parties read it one by one. After there were no problems, the contract came to the hands of Wang Xudong and Imashev.

At this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is only until about 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

Chen Yuehui proposed whether to hold a grand signing ceremony, but Wang Xudong denied it with a smile. It is better not to be too high-profile for this kind of thing.

There is no problem with the contract. Both parties sign the contract and then exchange the contract. From three o'clock in the afternoon to about six o'clock in the afternoon, about three hours, this efficiency is really amazing.

Of course, it has something to do with the first round of negotiations. During the first round of negotiations, most of the things have been negotiated between the two parties. The only difference lies in the construction of this oil and gas pipeline.

After the contract was signed, Wang Xudong politely set up a sumptuous dinner with several tables. In addition to Chen Yuehui, Imashev and others, the middle and high-level members of Xudong Mining Group attended the dinner.

Hearing that the group won such a super big order, these middle and high-level people were extremely happy, and their faces were all filled with joy.

That night, Wang Xudong drank a lot, and returned to his presidential suite in Century Royal Hotel a little drunk.

It was also the first time that Imashev saw the boldness of Chinese people drinking. He was so drunk that he was helped back to the room by his entourage.

the next day.

Imashev and others bid farewell to Wang Xudong, and Su Jianglong personally took them to the airport.

Chen Yuehui is going back too, his mission has been completed, so he said to Wang Xudong: "Xudong, I also want to return to Beijing, there are still a lot of affairs waiting for me."

Wang Xudong smiled and said: "Minister Chen, don't rush, go and sit in my office. I have prepared some good tea for you. Let's drink and talk."

"Oh." Chen Yuehui was taken aback, and then immediately understood that Wang Xudong must not just drink tea to find himself, it is probably something important.

What is it? Chen Yuehui couldn't guess it.


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