God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 998: Let's go to harm abroad

"Xudong, then let's have a cup of tea."

Under the leadership of Wang Xudong, the two took the elevator to the headquarters of Xudong Mining Group on the 88th floor of the building and entered Wang Xudong's large office.

Chen Yuehui came to this office once, and now he comes in again, he still has an amazing feeling, "Xudong, this office is luxurious and magnificent!"

The office is very large and very luxurious. The Chinese-style mahogany office appliances, coupled with some valuable paintings, antiques and other decorations, make the impression invisible.

Wang Xudong said modestly: "This is just an office, so normal."

The two sat down in the hospitality area of ​​the office. There were a few leather sofas and a coffee table. There was a tea set on the coffee table. There were a lot of good tea in the cabinet next to it. Wang Xudong took it. A can of the best Da Hong Pao came out and made tea by yourself.

Watching Wang Xudong start to make tea skillfully, Chen Yuehui said: "Xudong, you call me over, it's not really just to have tea and chat with me."

While making tea, Wang Xudong said: "Minister Chen, drinking tea is naturally not the point. I have something to discuss with you. I hope you can help."

That's right!

Surely it's not just tea, but important things. Chen Yuehui nodded and said: "We don't need to be polite. If you need my help, you can just say it."

The relationship between the two is very good, and indeed there is no need for too much politeness. Wang Xudong is also straight to the point and said something.

Wang Xudong said: "Minister Chen, I want to open a rare earth mine. I don't know if it is feasible."

The Ministry of Mining of China is in charge of the mining of all domestic minerals. It has absolute power and authority in this field. Wang Xudong is going to enter the field of rare earth mining. It is definitely the right person to find Chen Yuehui.

Why did Wang Xudong enter the field of rare earth mining? This is not a whim, but has been considered for a long time, and has been considering this matter these days.

The full set of technical data of "Super Metal No. 1" has been given to Chen Sanlian. The current Sanlian Special Steel Group has held high-level meetings and is looking at the country to select the site for the construction of three super large factories. "Smelting of this super special steel.

This is indeed a super special steel, and it is also versatile. It can be widely used in various fields and can be manufactured into a variety of parts, ranging from key aerospace parts to ordinary civilian parts. , Or even an ordinary screw.

This kind of metal is too good, much better than the super stainless steel and super high-strength steel currently produced by Sanlian Special Steel Group.

Wang Xudong’s idea is that in the future, a large number of super special steels such as "Super Metal No. 1" will be smelted to be used in the manufacture of high-end parts. In general, super stainless steel and super high-strength steel of Sanlian Special Steel Group will be used, or simply Use ordinary steel.

Huaxia needs to consume more than 1 billion tons of steel each year. The future structure should be about 100 million tons. Super special steel "Super Metal No. 1" is about 120 million tons. Kinds of special steel, the remaining about 70% to 80% is ordinary steel, or ordinary special steel.

Of course, this goal is very ambitious. Sanlian Special Steel Group will smelt hundreds of millions of tons of "Super Metal No. 1" special steel, and about 120 million tons of other special steels. The road is long and it may take several years of development.

For example, there are only millions of tons of special steel materials for the whole year of this year, and there is still a little distance from 10 million tons, and the distance of 120 million tons is even more distant.

The three major factories in the future will need to smelt tens of millions of tons or even hundreds of millions of tons of "Super Metal No. 1" special steel each year. This is Wang Xudong's goal. To achieve this great goal, in addition to a large amount of iron ore, Rare earths are also needed.

Even though the rare earth content in the "Super Metal No. 1" special steel is very small, the total amount of the "Super Metal No. 1" special steel will be large in the future. Even if only a few percent of the rare earth content is required, if it is produced One hundred million tons of "Super Metal No. 1" special steel, even more than 100,000 tons of rare earths, requires a part of rhenium metal.

Fortunately, the content of rhenium metal is extremely low, and the amount required is not large. Otherwise, Wang Xudong would not be able to smelt the special steel "Super Metal No. 1" in large quantities, because the metal content of rhenium is very small in nature and scarce than gold.

To smelt a large amount of "Super Metal No. 1", it means that at least tens of thousands of tons of rare earth resources are needed every year. There is something wrong with purchasing so many rare earths, it is best to have your own rare earth mine.

Rare earth has the reputation of "industrial vitamin". Now it has become an extremely important strategic resource. Buying hundreds of thousands of tons of rare earths every year, even Xudong Mining Group, is not small.

With a rare earth mine of its own, that would be great. Not only can the rare earths be mined, but also the metal "rhenium" can be mined, because the two are often associated.

Chen Yuehui was slightly surprised, "Xudong, are you going to enter the field of rare earth mining?"

There are all kinds of speculations in my heart, thinking about what Wang Xudong is looking for, especially considering the exploitation of natural gas and oil, and thinking that Wang Xudong is going to build another large oil field. Where can I say that Wang Xudong is going to enter the field of rare earth mining.

Wang Xudong nodded and said: "Yes, I think there is a rare earth mine, and then mine rare earth resources."

Chen Yuehui's face was embarrassed, and when he noticed Chen Yuehui's expression, Wang Xudong asked, "Minister Chen, is there a problem?"

Chen Yuehui sighed slightly and explained: "Xudong, rare earth resources are an important strategic resource of the country. With years of exploitation, the resource reserves have become less and less. At the current rate of exploitation, there will be another 15 to 20 By the year, all our rare earth resources will be fully exploited, and at that time, we will need to import rare earths."

Importing rare earths is so easy to talk about. This is a strategic resource, so-called "industrial gold". Other countries with rare earth resources will not sell it to you.

Chen Yuehui said: "Because resources are getting scarce, the country has noticed this, issued a production restriction order, and also banned the export of rare earths. Last year, 89,000 tons of rare earth ore (rare earth oxide reo) were mined nationwide, and you have to enter rare earths. In the field of mining, large-scale mining is in conflict with the national policy, and there is nothing I can do to help you."

That's it!

Wang Xudong felt disappointed. Because he needs rare earth resources, he will need at least 100,000 tons per year in the future. If the output of "Super Metal No. 1" special steel is higher, the demand may be more than 100,000 tons. More than two hundred thousand tons.

"It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice." Without rare earths, even a complete set of smelting technology data will not work, and this super special steel cannot be smelted.

Seeing Wang Xudong’s mood a little lost, Chen Yuehui could only give an apologetic look, pat Wang Xudong’s shoulder gently, and comforted: “Xudong, although the rare earth industry makes money, you are in the field of iron ore mining, oil The mining industry has done very well, and continue to grow bigger and stronger in these fields. I think Xudong Mining Group will become the world's number one company."

Chen Yuehui obviously had a misunderstanding, thinking that Wang Xudong entered the field of rare earth mining to make money. In fact, it is not for the large-scale smelting and production of "Super Metal No. 1" special steel in the future.

It's not easy to explain. Wang Xudong can only nod his head and laugh at himself: "Minister Chen, it's okay. There must be a way to the mountain. I think there will always be a way."

Chen Yuehui gently shook his head again, knowing that Wang Xudong is determined to enter the field of rare earth mining. He understands Wang Xudong’s character and knows that once Wang Xudong makes a decision, it is difficult to change, and it is useless to persuade him. Diverted the subject.

Chen Yuehui said: "This tea is good. I'll take some back later and drink it slowly."

Wang Xudong knew that Chen Yuehui was not interested in his own tea, but was worried that it would be too dull to continue to talk about the topic of rare earth mining, so he deliberately said this and changed the subject.

Wang Xudong smiled: "This is the best Dahongpao. I happen to have a can here. I will bring it back to you later."

The two talked about other topics. About ten minutes later, Chen Yuehui stood up and said: "Xudong, I am leaving, there are still a lot of things waiting for me."

As the minister of the Ministry of Mines, Chen Yuehui was quite busy. Wang Xudong knew this and no longer stayed. He personally sent Chen Yuehui down the building, and watched Chen Yuehui get on the car at the entrance of the International Finance Building before returning to his office.

Sitting in a spacious and comfortable boss chair, Wang Xudong is thinking about rare earth mining. Now that he has decided to mine rare earth resources, Wang Xudong will naturally not give up easily ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Besides, "Super Metal No. 1" Future smelting will require a large amount of rare earths.

It seems that the exploitation of rare earth resources in China is not feasible. This is a strategically important resource, very limited and not renewable.

In this case, let’s keep the domestic rare earth resources. Let’s not touch them. Let’s aim at abroad and go abroad for the exploitation of rare earth resources. Let’s go to harm foreign countries, extract the rare earth resources overseas, and then transport them back to China. .

Well, just do it!

After making up his mind, Wang Xudong's state of mind suddenly became clear, he suddenly relaxed, turned on his computer, and began to check the distribution of rare earth resources in the world.

If it is someone else, saying that they are going overseas to mine rare earth resources is tantamount to a fantasy and it is almost impossible.

This is a strategic resource that is in short supply. Those countries that have rare earth resources will not let an outsider do it. Wang Xudong has this confidence because he has a "God-level big mine owner" system.

Turning on the computer, Wang Xudong began to inquire about the reserves and distribution of rare earth resources in the world, and began to understand the situation of rare earth resources.

The content of rare earth elements in the earth’s crust is not scarce. The total Clark value reaches 234.51%, which is higher than the common elements copper (Clark value 10%), zinc (Clark value 5%), tin (Clark value 4%), lead (Clark value 4%) 16%), nickel (8% Clark value), and cobalt (3% Clark value).

Rare earth is composed of 14 natural elements and synthetic elements. The natural reserves exceed 150 million tons, and the recoverable reserves exceed 88 million tons.

There are many rare earth reserves in the world!

Since rare earth reserves are so abundant, why there are so few rare earth resources that can be exploited? Wang Xudong soon understood the reason.


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