God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 999: Lucheng Machine Tool Plant

In nature, rare earths are mainly concentrated in granite, alkaline rock, alkaline ultrabasic rock and their related deposits. The occurrence state of rare earth elements in minerals.

The total amount of rare resources in the world is as high as 150 million tons, which may far exceed this number, but the amount of resources is much less than the total reserves.

Most of the rare earth resources are not concentrated together, no industrial deposits have been formed, and they have not reached the level of industrial mining. The extractable amount is far from that. For example, China is a large rare earth resource in the world, with total reserves of only tens of millions of tons.

Wang Xudong believes that, in the face of the "God-level major mine owner" system, the total amount of rare earth resources in the world is definitely more than 150 million tons, which is absolutely far beyond this data.

Whether it is mineable or non-mineable; whether it has reached the level of industrialized mining or has not reached the level of industrialized mining; whether it is buried deep or shallow, in the "God-level big mine owner" system, it is all possible Gathered here.

Which countries have relatively rich rare earth resources?

Wang Xudong continued to look forward to seeing the information on the Internet, Wang Xudong was delighted, he did not think that Australia has such rich rare earth resources.

I have two huge private territories in Australia. According to Australian law, the mineral resources on private territories belong to the owner of the land, not state-owned.


Wang Xudong laughed almost happily. He only needs to gather scattered rare earth resources around him with the "God-level big mine owner" system to form a vein or layer with highly enriched rare earth resources, and then he can start mining.

Of course, it is necessary to obtain a license for exploitation of rare earth resources, an exploration license and so on. Gold can be mined, and Wang Xudong is sure to obtain the two certificates of rare earth resources.

Feeling relaxed suddenly, turned off the computer, raised his hand to look at the watch on his wrist, and thought to himself that he would have to go to Lucheng City.

This guy Zheng Peng is probably waiting eagerly for him to pass. It is almost 10 in the morning. He hasn't passed yet, so he is probably a little anxious.

Thinking that Zheng Peng might be as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, Wang Xudong smiled, got up and walked outside, and called Lin Hu by the way, instructed to prepare a car, and wait for his departure.

Going downstairs by the elevator and out of the lobby on the first floor, Lin Hu was already waiting outside the gate in a Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle. Under normal circumstances, Wang Xudong still likes to ride off-road vehicles, especially luxury off-road vehicles like this two- to three-million-level, not only large space, but also comfortable to ride.

Pulling the door, getting into the back seat of the off-road vehicle, Lin Hu started the car, and the car started to leave the International Finance Building and head to Lucheng.

Sure enough, Zheng Peng couldn't wait any longer. Seeing that it was almost 10 o'clock in the morning, Wang Xudong's shadow had not yet appeared, and he was walking around the office anxiously, with a clear look of anxiety on his face.

"Have Xudong set off, why hasn't he come yet?"

Thinking of this anxiously, there was a knock on the door of the office, his secretary knocked on the door and came in, anxiously reported: "Leader, the people from the machine tool factory are preparing to make trouble again, saying that they will come to the city government to find you. ."

Hearing this, Zheng Peng said angrily: "It's those thorns again. You go to the machine tool factory first. I'll come over later, remember, try to comfort them, and adhere to the principle of making big things small and small things small."

"Well, I see." His secretary nodded and hurried out of the office.

After watching the secretary go to the machine tool factory first, Zheng Peng looked at the time and finally couldn't help it. A phone call was made, and immediately after the call, he said anxiously: "My Dongge, my savior, you are here. No, if I don’t come, I will be in serious trouble."

Wang Xudong smiled, not thinking that Zheng Peng, who has always had a calm personality, also had such a side, and comforted: "Don't worry, I'm on the road, I will be there in half an hour at most."

It was not far from Donghai City to Lucheng. At this time, Wang Xudong was already out of Donghai City and was about to enter the boundaries of Lucheng. It was about half an hour's drive away.

Zheng Peng said anxiously: "Xudong, something has happened. I have to rush to the Lucheng Machine Tool Plant immediately. You come directly to the machine tool plant. When we arrive, we will call again."

Wang Xudong said: "Okay, no problem, meet at our machine tool factory."

Wang Xudong has never been to the Lucheng Machine Tool Factory, but with navigation, he doesn't have to worry about finding a place. Lin Hu drove the car, followed the navigation, and went directly to the machine tool factory.

After about half an hour.

The off-road vehicle has entered the living area of ​​the Lucheng Machine Tool Plant. An eight-lane avenue passes through the middle of the living area, dividing the life into two halves, reaching the gate of the machine tool plant. On both sides of the avenue are living quarters.

Riding in the car, looking from a distance, you just saw the magnificent Dachang Gate of the machine tool factory, but the residential areas on both sides of the road formed a sharp contrast with the magnificent factory gate.

This is a very old residential area. It should have a certain history. It looks like it was built 20 or 30 years ago. There is no elevator building. It is all the old-fashioned houses. Some are even tube buildings. .

There is such a backward area in Lucheng City, Wang Xudong was secretly surprised, and he couldn't help but look at these living quarters more.

Obviously this is the living quarter of the Lucheng Machine Tool Plant. Because the machine tool plant has not been profitable in recent years, it has been closing down frequently, the workers are living in a difficult situation, and the factory has not invested money to renovate the residential area. These areas are very shabby and typical of the poor. Area.

After taking a few glances, Wang Xudong felt a little sour in his heart. He could understand the hardships of these workers and sighed softly.

"Boss, Lucheng Machine Tool Factory is here."

The off-road vehicle has arrived near the gate, but the retractable door has been closed, and only a small door is left for people to enter and exit. The entire factory area seems to be relatively deserted, and it should be in a state of suspension. I don't know where Zheng Peng is.

Instructed Lin Hu to find a place to park next to the factory gate. Wang Xudong took out his mobile phone and prepared to tell Zheng Peng that he had arrived.

The call went over, but it didn't answer for a long time. Wang Xudong frowned slightly, unable to contact Zheng Peng for the time being, and he was not familiar with the place of his life. Wang Xudong had two choices, either he waited patiently in the car and waited for Zheng Peng to call back.

The other option is to get off the car, go around, take a look, and learn about Lucheng Machine Tool Factory. Wang Xudong chose the latter and took Lin Hu out of the car.

Walking towards the gate of the factory, when approaching the gate, seeing the factory guard looked at himself vigilantly as if he was facing an enemy, Wang Xudong smiled and did not go in again, but turned and walked away. .

Lin Hu said softly, "Boss, it seems that there is an abnormal smell. Could it be that what happened here is not going to happen?"

Reminiscing that Zheng Peng's phone number was temporarily different, and thinking of the vigilant eyes of the door guards at the factory gate, Wang Xudong nodded lightly. This is really possible.

Not being able to enter the factory area for the time being, Wang Xudong began to look at the factory from a distance, looking through the fence and the factory gate to the inside of the factory area.

It can be seen that the factory area is very large, and you can also see a new style of factory buildings. The most conspicuous is a modern office building, which is obviously a new building. The exterior glass is brand new and there is a little dust. nothing.

Who would believe that such a large factory is facing bankruptcy and bankruptcy, and even the living expenses cannot be paid. Wang Xudong felt bitter in his heart and shook his head gently.

Walk back along the avenue in front of the factory. On both sides of the avenue are dilapidated living quarters. Close to the road are some facades facing the street, but the business is relatively deserted, because the people here don’t have much money, and a penny can’t be split into two. Flowers, except for the necessities of life, it is estimated that few people come to buy things.

"Boss, seeing these living quarters seems to have entered twenty years ago."

Wang Xudong nodded, he did feel this way. This is a large factory with thousands of people, and there are tens of thousands of people living in the living quarters on both sides of the avenue, and they have nothing to do with the prosperity.

Only a few chess and card rooms have a slightly better business~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are bursts of noise from the gap between the thick curtains, and there should be some people playing cards.

Wang Xudong was trying to look inside through the gap of the thick curtain. A black Mercedes-Benz car came quickly. There was a sewage pit not far from Wang Xudong. The car passed quickly and splashed. A lot of sewage.

"Boss, be careful!"

Pulling Wang Xudong is no longer in a hurry, Lin Hu reminded loudly that Wang Xudong reacted fairly quickly, jumped quickly, and finally avoided, only a few splashes on his leather shoes.

Lin Hu looked at the car that was fast and far away, and said angrily: "It's too shameful. There are obviously puddles and there are people around the puddles, so they don't slow down at all."

Wang Xudong was also slightly upset. He looked at the black car, remembered the car's license plate, and saw that the car was riding a big fat man with a pot belly and shiny hair. He looked full of style.

The car was unimpeded in Wang Xudong's gaze. It drove straight into the Lucheng Machine Tool Factory. The guards saw the car coming from a distance and immediately opened the telescopic door diligently.

Wang Xudong thought to himself, could it be that a certain leader of Lucheng Machine Tool Factory failed. After thinking about it, I immediately said, it shouldn't be. This car is a Mercedes-Benz S-Class, worth two or three million. The Lucheng Machine Tool Plant is too poor to be able to open the pot. It should not be the leader of the machine tool plant.

Wang Xudong retracted his gaze and looked at the dirty water on his leather shoes, saying in his heart, really bad luck!

Continue to walk forward, after about a hundred meters, Wang Xudong heard a burst of noise, which seemed to be mixed with crying, Wang Xudong stopped and looked in the direction of the sound.


The third one is sent!

That's all for today's update, thank you everyone! ! !

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