God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1024: The importance of vaccinations

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Green's rank in Australian government departments is not low, and he is among the top officials. He has dealt with Wang Xudong many times, and Wang Xudong can be regarded as old acquaintances.

Xudong Mining Group proposed to mine rare earth resources. After discussion and negotiation, the Australian side selected a suitable candidate, that is, Green, who came to negotiate with Wang Xudong on behalf of the Australian side.

Today is the first contact about the mining of rare earth resources. Green brought his people to the door in person and came to Australia's No. 2 iron mine.

While on the helicopter, Green almost overlooked this super large iron mine. Now that he stepped off the plane and stepped onto the land of the mining area, the shock in his heart was even stronger.

It's huge!

The area of ​​the mining area is huge, and you can’t see it from the square of the forecourt area. The iron ore yard in the distance is piled up like a mountain of iron ore, and you can vaguely see the railway station in the distance. There seems to be a lot of length. Train.

The huge iron ore mining area is very visually impactful, and this feeling rushes over, including Green, who stared at the huge iron ore, especially the huge mining area.

"God, this is the largest iron ore in the world, it seems to be true."

"I really want to visit this big iron mine."


He heard the exclamation of his people, and Green also nodded secretly, thinking in his heart, I haven't been here for a few months, the changes have been so great, I can't believe what I see before me.

Taking a few deep breaths, trying to adjust his mood, Green said: "Go, let's go into the office building, let's finish the most important thing today before talking."

The purpose of coming here is naturally to have a good talk with Wang Xudong, even if you want to visit this iron mine again, you have to wait after the talk is over.

On the top of the mountain.

Wang Xudong watched two helicopters flying one after another from a distance, landing in the vestibule area of ​​the mining area in his own eyes. Wang Xudong smiled, looked at the time, and said happily: "Xiaotong, let's go down. It should be me. The old friend from here is here."

Before Green arrived, Wang Xudong had an appointment on the phone with Wang Xudong. When they saw the two helicopters and estimated from time, Wang Xudong knew that it was Green and the others.

Holding Zheng Xiaotong's hand, the two walked down the mountain together. When they reached halfway up the mountain, Li Wangdong called, "Boss, Mr. Green is waiting for the party."

"Yeah." Wang Xudong said: "I'm coming down from the mountain, and I'll be there in a while."

York Mountain is very large, but not high. From the top to the foot of the mountain, it is only a few hundred meters in height. Wang Xudong only took ten minutes to walk to the foot of the mountain.

Li Wangdong is already waiting there, and there is an open-top sightseeing car next to it. If you walk, it takes a long time to walk from here to the office building in the forecourt of the mining area, and it only takes a few minutes to take this sightseeing open-top car.

"Boss, Green and others have been arranged in the reception room, waiting for you to pass."

Wang Xudong nodded, got into this open-top sightseeing car, and headed towards the office building. While in the car, Li Wangdong curiously said: "Boss, we really have rare earth resources in this territory."

A few days ago, a professional exploration team came to carry out the exploration of rare earth resources throughout the territory. Of course Li Wangdong knew about this, and even kept thinking that if a large iron ore could be discovered in this area, Li Wangdong believes that if there are rare earth resources that can be exploited, Li Wangdong really has some doubts.

Wang Xudong smiled: "It is already being explored. Whether there are rare earth resources, as the exploration progresses, we will know in a while."

As if feeling the self-confidence exuding from Wang Xudong's body, Li Wangdong's heart lightened, "Yes, exploration has already started, and I will know in a while."

Within a few minutes, Wang Xudong and others got off the car in front of the office building and went upstairs directly to the reception room. At this time, Green and others were already waiting there.

Old acquaintances are naturally very happy to meet.

Green stood up to greet him, and said with joy, "Mr. Wang, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Wang Xudong said: "Yeah, I haven't seen each other for several months. Let's have a good drink today."

"No, no." Green shook his head like a rattle. "Your drink is too good. Your Maotai is too easy to get drunk."


Wang Xudong laughed, and the scene of drinking with Green before appeared in his mind. That time he drank Moutai. This Chinese liquor made Green remember deeply. Green, who was used to drinking low alcohol wine, was completely drunk that time.

Speaking of drinking, Green shook his head like a conditional reaction. In this way, Wang Xudong laughed loudly. After the laugh, he said: "We drink wine at noon, not white wine. I still have a few bottles of Glenx."

"Wine is good."

Green immediately opened his eyes, and praised it better than drinking wine.

At the beginning, everyone didn't talk about business matters, but talked about unimportant things like old friends, and laughter rang out in the reception room from time to time.

After chatting for at least half an hour like this, seeing that the atmosphere was good, Green first mentioned the business matter, "Wang, you should already know the purpose of my coming here."

Wang Xudong nodded, "Yes, I know, we need to talk about the mining of rare earth resources."

The things to be discussed between the two are very clear, and discussions on these matters have also begun. Green said with a distressed expression: "Wang, you should also know that rare earth resources are strategic resources, and our Australian resource reserves are not Not big."

The meaning is obvious, things are so important and the reserves are not too big, so you can't let you mine.

Wang Xudong smiled, knowing that this was the other party's strategy before negotiation, and wanted to use this to increase the bargaining chip. If Australia really does not allow itself to mine rare earth resources, it will not send Green to sit here and talk about these things with itself.

Since Green had already visited the door in person, arrived at his No. 2 iron ore, and sat in front of him, then these things could definitely be discussed.

Like a mirror in his heart, Wang Xudong smiled and said: "I only mine rare earth resources on my territory. You have discovered the rare earth resources with proven reserves. I will not move or fight. The idea of ​​these rare earth resources."

"Your territory really has rare earth resources!"

Green's tone rose several times, with a slightly surprised tone. Xudong Mining Group filed an application to mine rare earth resources in this territory. Many senior Australian officials are skeptical.

Some people even speculate that Xudong Mining Group’s application for such an application may be a tentative act to obtain the right to exploit rare earth resources in this territory first. If there are no rare earth resources in this land, Xudong Mining Group will make further proposals. Application, such as going to other places to mine rare earth resources, step by step, and finally obtain the right to mine a certain rare earth mine.

Green thinks so too.

How did you know that Wang Xudong is really only going to mine rare earth resources within his own territory. He thought to himself, is this land really rich in rare earth resources?

Wang Xudong smiled, "We don't know if there are rare earth resources, but the exploration work has already started. Even if there are no rare earth resources here, I will not go to other places to mine rare earth resources."

"Wang, you are really just mining rare earth resources in your territory. If there are no rare earth resources, you must give up and stop thinking about other rare earth resources."

Wang Xudong said affirmatively: "This is natural, my words count, it is within our territory."

After receiving such affirmative reply from Wang Xudong, Green was relieved. Before that, he was worried that Xudong Mining Group's proposal of the exploitation of rare earth resources is a temptation, and it may make progress in the future. If there is no exploitation of rare earth resources in this territory, Xudong Mining Group May apply again to mine rare earth resources elsewhere.

Now it seems that this situation will not happen. Wang Xudong has made it clear that only rare earth resources are mined in this territory.

Set the mining area in this territory, and everything is easy to talk about. Green also felt relieved. To be honest, the Australian government really does not want the rare earth resources within its territory to be exploited by Xudong Mining Group and then shipped back to China.

However, Xudong Mining Group is not an ordinary mining group. If they submit such an application, the Australian government must pay attention to it.

Since it is not easy to refuse directly, you can only sit down and talk about it. If you can get a lot of benefits and benefits from Xudong Mining Group, such as importing a large amount of oil from Xudong Mining Group every year, let Xudong Mining Group mine A small rare earth mine, that is also possible.

Yes, a small rare earth mine.

No one in Australia would think that Xudong Mining Group can open a large rare earth mine. Even if there are rare earth resources in Wang Xudong's territory, it is estimated that there are not many, and it can only be used to build a small rare earth mine.

Let Xudong Mining Group open a small rare earth mine, and then exchange a lot of benefits and benefits from Xudong Mining Group. This kind of business can be done. Many people think so.

Since the mining site has been strictly determined in this territory, and Wang Xudong has also made it clear that he will not go to other places in Australia to mine rare earth resources~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then we can talk about it.

Between the two parties, formal negotiations began.

Green said: "Then we'll make it so, and it's limited to the mining of rare earth resources in this territory."

Wang Xudong said: "Of course, but I have to make it clear that as long as the rare earth resources are mined in my territory, you cannot have any restrictions on the scale, even if we mine rare earth resources in the sea every year. , You can’t go back."

This must be clearly stated.

The Australian government believes that there may not be much rare earth resources in this territory. Even if the Xudong Mining Group conducts mining, it is estimated that it is only on a small scale, but in fact, Wang Xudong has gathered more than 58 million tons of rare earth resources here, and the total amount of rare earth ore is even greater. It has reached more than 5.8 billion tons.

At that time, it will definitely be large-scale mining. In order to prevent Australia from going back, this shot must be taken.


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