God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1025: Reach a preliminary agreement

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Green smiled.

He believes that Wang Xudong certainly does not have many rare earth resources in this territory, and it does not matter if he promises, so he smiled and said: "Of course, as long as your mining area is on this territory, no matter how large the mining scale, we will not interfere. "

Wang Xudong was overjoyed in his heart and chased after victory: "No matter how large the mining scale is, you cannot interfere. The rare earth resources we mined are shipped back to our country. You cannot interfere. You cannot interfere with whom we sell rare earth resources to."

Green said in his heart that there are definitely not many rare earth resources on your land anyway, these can be agreed, so he said: "Yes, we will not interfere, but..."

Wang Xudong said: "Please tell me, it is a matter of oil ordering."

Green and Wang Xudong’s personal relationship is not bad, but the foreigner pays attention to private or private, public or public. He represents the Australian government today and nodded sternly: "We can agree to your series of requirements and agree to your rare earth The exploitation of resources does not interfere, but we also have requirements that Xudong Mining Group must supply us with 30 million tons of oil at the international market price every year."

Wang Xudong said straightforwardly: "Our mining procedures are here. After Xudong Mining Group and your country have signed a formal agreement, we can sign the 50 million tons oil order immediately, and we can sign it once a year, each supplying 30 million tons. ."

Seeing Wang Xudong's quick promise, Green was overjoyed and made a second request, "Wang, Sanlian Special Steel Group is yours. We hope that Sanlian Special Steel Group will build a plant in Australia to produce special steel to meet Australia's needs. "

The special steel produced by Sanlian Special Steel Group, such as super stainless steel, high-strength structural steel, high-quality bearing steel, hard alloy steel, etc., mainly meets China's domestic needs, only a small amount is exported, and the export targets are some countries that are excellent with China .

The Australian side is jealous of such a good special steel. I dream of having a large amount of such special steel. Taking this opportunity, Green made this request on behalf of the Australian side.

Wang Xudong is so difficult.

In fact, my heart is already happy. Since deciding to smelt the "Super Metal No. 1" special steel with higher production grade and better performance, Wang Xudong has decided that for some special steels, such as armor alloy steels exclusively for the military, In addition to high-temperature alloy steel, other special steels that meet the needs of the civilian market, such as super stainless steel, super-strength structural steel, and cemented carbide steel, can gradually be opened to overseas markets.

But not any country can own these special steels. It mainly depends on attitude and good relationship with us. We can sell them some of these special steels without taking a confrontational route.

The Australian government thought more and directly proposed that Sanlian Special Steel Group should build a plant in Australia and smelt special steel to meet the needs of Australia.

Seeing Wang Xudong's expression of embarrassment, Green's heart also fought.

After half a day, Wang Xudong said more difficultly: "Building a factory in Australia, this..."

Seeing Wang Xudong's hesitation, Green immediately said: "As long as Sanlian Special Steel Group builds a plant in Australia, we can provide land for free."

There is also such a good thing, Wang Xudong's heart is very refreshing, and he is almost overjoyed, but there is not much expression on his face, and slowly said: "In this case, then we can have a good talk."

The two parties discussed in detail about the construction of the factory. The Australian side provided free land and gave a series of preferential policies. Sanlian Special Steel Group built a special steel smelter in Australia with an annual output of 500,000 Tons of special steel.

500,000 tons, said that it is not too much, said that it is not too much, this is reached after a long negotiation between the two sides, Green naturally hopes that the scale of this factory can reach an annual output of 1 million tons, or even 1.5 million tons is the best.

The scale was determined at 500,000 tons, and then the two parties also reached an agreement on the types of special steels, mainly smelting and producing three special steels: super stainless steel, cemented carbide steel and super high-strength steel.

After talking about this, Green became happy, and wanted to come to a victory and pursuit, ready to make another request, "Wang, we still want to..."

Wang Xudong quickly raised his hand and interrupted, "We can only stop here. We are mining rare earth resources on this territory. No matter the scale of mining or other aspects, you cannot interfere. In exchange, Xudong Mining Group presses Selling 30 million tons of crude oil to Australia at the market price, Sanlian Special Steel Group will build a smelter in Australia with an annual output of 500,000 tons of special steel, which mainly produces three special steels: super stainless steel, cemented carbide steel, and super high-strength steel."

After listening to Wang Xudong once again, Green nodded, "Yes, that's it."

A preliminary agreement was finally reached. The two parties agreed that an agreement will be initialed. After Xudong Mining Group obtains the right to exploit rare earth resources in this territory, a formal agreement will also be signed between the two parties. Then, Xudong Mining Group It will also sign the first 50 million tons of crude oil order with Australia, and Sanlian Special Steel will also invest and build a plant in Australia.

Green stood up happily, "Wang, happy cooperation."

This time, it should be regarded as the cooperation between Xudong Mining Group and the Australian government, each according to their needs. Xudong Mining Group can mine rare earth resources in Australia, mainly in this territory, and Australia has obtained stable crude oil. The supply is 50 million tons in the first year and 30 million tons of crude oil each year thereafter. In addition, there is a special steel smelter built by Sanlian Special Steel Group in Australia.

Green believes that he has taken a big advantage, but only allows Xudong Mining Group to mine rare earth resources, and it is also restricted to this territory. Just such a thing, Australia has exchanged a lot of benefits, 30 million tons of crude oil per year, at least 500,000 tons of high-quality special steel.

In fact, Wang Xudong should be the happiest person. Wang Xudong knows how many rare earth resources there are in his territory. At that time, the Australian government will definitely regret it.

Sanlian Special Steel Group’s existing special steels are not smelted in the "Super Metal No. 1" special steels, and are considered the best special steels in the world. When the "Super Metal No. 1" special steels are smelted, these special steels become Common goods.

This cannot be blamed on Wang Xudong for being too insidious and not authentic. This is the way it is in the mall. If you want to be a good husband, then you shouldn't mix in the mall.

Besides, the Australian government has also gained a lot. Basically, it paid nothing. It only agreed to Xudong Mining Group to mine rare earth resources in Wang Xudong’s private domain, and then harvested 30 million tons of crude oil supply per year. 500,000 tons of high-quality special steel.

As for these rare earth resources, they were originally scattered, and more than 90% of them were not industrialized with modern technology. They were gathered and regenerated by Wang Xudong using the "God-level big mine owner" system. If you don't gather these rare earth resources together, it would be a waste to put them together, because other people simply can't mine them, and they haven't reached the level of industrial exploitation.

The rare earth resources gathered by him were mined by himself, only to be mined in Australia, and it also gave so many benefits to Australia. Wang Xudong did not feel any guilt about him, but only happy in his heart.

As long as the mining procedures are followed, one can enter the large-scale mining of rare earths.

Green was also very happy and enthusiastically offered to visit the No. 2 Iron Mine. If it is proposed to visit his own super-large gold mine, Wang Xudong would definitely disagree. It is no problem to visit this iron mine.

Wang Xudong personally acted as a guide, accompanied by Li Wangdong and others, and everyone took a good tour of this big iron mine.

During the visit, Green and others rang out from time to time. Especially when seeing a large number of joint mining vehicles operating in the mining area, these people only have the capitalized "service!"

I admire Xudong Mining Group very much!

It is worthy of being the largest iron ore in the world. About 1 million tons of iron ore is mined every year and transported by rail to Dampier Port, which is 200 kilometers away, where it is shipped and shipped back to China or other regions. And country.

After visiting this big iron mine, it was noon. Everyone had a meal together in the town. In the afternoon, the agreement was drawn up. After seeing the big iron mine, they felt that there was no problem and both signed it.

After signing this agreement, Wang Xudong felt relaxed, and what he had been worried about could finally be settled, and it was impossible for the Australian government to regret it.


It is more than 30 kilometers away from the town. There is a large wasteland here. The terrain is open and flat. There are a few tents on this large wasteland. There are a few cars parked not far away, and a few derricks have been erected.

These derricks are relatively far apart from each other. They are erected on this large wasteland. Some of them have begun drilling, and the deepest one has reached a depth of more than 200 meters.

"Head, there is still nothing to notice, look at these things."

Next to the deepest well drilled, the middle-aged foreigner with a few people was squatting there to see what was drilled.

Based on years of experience, the middle-aged foreigner did not think that there would be rare earth resources under the drilling site. He checked the drill bit of the well and shook his head slowly.

I thought to my heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If there is no rare earth resources in this area, then we can only select the area and drill again. Now that we have collected the money, we have to work. The professionalism of this middle-aged foreigner not bad.

"Head, our last rig has started to drill down. Let's go over and take a look."

A young foreigner came over excitedly. It was a well in the distance. It was at least one or two kilometers away. Looking over, only a small black spot was vaguely seen.

"Go, let's go take a look."

That location is exactly where Wang Xudong gathered a large number of rare earth mines, a radius of two to three kilometers, full of a large number of rare earth deposits.

In fact, the drilling rig just now almost wiped the edges, almost drilling into this ore layer, and the rig in the distance was just above the ore layer.

The drilling rig has started to drill down!


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