God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1026: Discovery of rare earth deposits

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In this area, several drill points have been selected for an area of ​​about ten square kilometers. The one in the distance is the last drill point. If nothing is found at this drill point, then you can only choose another place and choose Continue drilling in another area.

The area of ​​Wang Xudong’s territory is not small. This exploration team has divided the entire territory into more than 30 areas. The entire exploration team has been divided into several exploration teams, and they are conducting exploration in several areas at the same time. So far, several areas have been explored.

At this rate, it will take several months to complete the exploration of the entire territory in more than 30 areas.

This middle-aged foreigner is also ready to fight a protracted battle and has made plans. If nothing is found in this area, he will move to the next area to continue exploration in a few days.

This is the last drilling point in this exploration area. The drilling rig has already started to drill down. When the middle-aged foreigner came over, the drilling depth had reached nearly ten meters.

The tens of meters in the surface layer are generally drilled relatively fast, and the drill pipe goes down at a visible speed, and some soil samples are also drilled out.

"Head, look!"

Someone had sharp eyes and saw that the things that came out of them seemed different, and immediately shouted with joy. The middle-aged foreigner took a closer look and thought he was dazzled. After taking a closer look, his expression was obviously excited. Quickly walked over.

At the beginning, it was undoubtedly some soil and rock, which were basically the same as those drilled from other drill points, but when it reached a depth of nearly ten meters, it obviously changed. Based on his years of experience, it was a rare earth mine.

Could there be a rare earth deposit below!

The middle-aged foreigner jumped up with a heart "bang", squatted down, picked up these drilled samples with a slight excitement, and looked seriously.

This is undoubtedly a rare earth mine!

"Head, did we drill into the rare earth deposit!"

"God, we only drilled to a depth of less than ten meters!"

The prospectors next to him also had two brushes, and they immediately saw something, and each of them became happy, as if they were stimulating.

The middle-aged foreigner looked at it earnestly and said happily: "There is a rare earth deposit below. Look, this is a monazite."

Rare earth ore exists in nature in various forms, such as monazite. Regardless of the form of rare earths, the middle-aged foreigner can tell at a glance that he doesn't need any instruments or tests, and it's the same this time.

After a careful look, it was determined that this is a rare earth mine, and my heart was completely happy, even a little bit excited and joyful.

After working hard for so many days, I even thought that there were no rare earth resources on this land, and I was ready. If nothing was discovered, I would change a place in a few days and go to another area for exploration.

Now it's fine, and the rare earth deposits have been discovered, and the burial depth is still so shallow. It seems that the quality of these rare earth deposits is very good. This is not happy or exciting.

The prospectors next to him almost cheered, and some were so excited that they whistled, "Oh, God, great!"

"We finally found the rare earth deposit!"

The joy soon spread throughout the entire exploration team, and many people rushed over when they heard the news. Soon after, many people surrounded the drilling rig, all looking at the rare earth mines that were drilled with interest.

The rig roared, the drill pipe was drilling down, and the rare earth ore samples were continuously drilled out, ten meters, 20 meters, 30 meters...

try{mad1(gad2;}h(ex){}   Even though the depth has been increasing, the rare earth ore has always been drilled out, that is to say, the rare earth ore layer has not been drilled.

How thick should this be!

This middle-aged foreigner is the commander-in-chief here. Seeing this gratifying situation, he immediately ordered the other drilling rigs to stop drilling. He also personally selected several new drilling sites, centered on the one just now. One or two hundred, the original distance is thousands of meters.

This rare earth deposit is basically open, with only a thin layer of mud and rocks on the surface, highly enriched. After other drilling rigs started to drill again, gratifying news came out one by one.

"Head, found a rare earth deposit!"

"Head, our No. 3 drilling rig also found rare earth deposits with a drilling depth of less than 5 meters."

"Head, we got into the rare earth deposit..."

This kind of news came to this middle-aged foreigner one by one. After hearing the great news, he picked up the phone and happily said: "Boss, a rare earth deposit has been discovered in our No. 7 area with a very shallow burial depth. , The quality of rare earth ore is excellent..."

As this call went out, the entire exploration team moved to hear the wind and gathered in this area. The area gradually became lively, the number of personnel increased, the number of drilling rigs increased, and the masts began to be erected. The bench drill started to drill down...


Green took the initial agreement and went back happily.

Although it was not a formal agreement, at least there was an agreement between the two parties. He knew that Xudong Mining Group would definitely not regret it again and returned to the Australian capital in a good mood.

The next day, early, Green went to work, and happily met with his superiors and made a report. After listening to Green's report, the senior Australian official smiled with satisfaction.

"It's just the mining of rare earth resources in their own private territory, no problem."

Green reminded: "Xudong Mining Group has proposed that as long as it is in their private territory, we cannot interfere with the scale of rare earth resources. The scale of their rare earth transactions and the amount of rare earths shipped back to China are all. Can't interfere."

The senior official said: "We don’t interfere. I don’t think they can mine any rare earths. Oh, yes, our first order of 50 million tons of oil needs to be signed immediately. The special steel invested and constructed by Sanlian Special Steel Group The smelter site will be selected immediately and the construction will be carried out as soon as possible. We need such special steel."

After speaking, he thought that there would be a steady supply of 30 million tons of crude oil every year, and there would be a factory with an annual output of 500,000 tons of special steel, he was completely happy.

Maybe he didn't think about it, Wang Xudong's No. 2 Territory has amazing reserves of rare earth resources. When the time comes, large-scale mining will be carried out, and he will regret it.

The senior official was very happy, "Yes, the agreement has been initialed, Green, it is up to you and Xudong Mining Group to contact, negotiate all the details, fast, and sign the formal cooperation document as soon as possible."

It can be seen that he is worried that if there is no exploration of rare earth resources in that territory, or the reserves are extremely small, Xudong Mining Group will regret it.

He doesn't want to regret it himself, anyway, Wang Xudong will not regret it. What we Huaxia people pay attention to is to spit on one nail at a time. If we say it, we will definitely not regret it.

Green nodded and said: "Well, I will facilitate the signing of the official cooperation document as soon as possible, and also the signing of the first 50 million tons of oil order."


Wang Xudong went to his No. 1 territory, stayed there for a day, looked at his No. 1 iron ore, and stayed in his big villa on the banks of Lake Dome for one night. Today, it was near noon and returned to the town. I am going to eat in a restaurant in the town.

try{mad1(gad2;}h(ex){}   just entered the restaurant, found a window position on the second floor, and sat down. Before I had time to order, the phone rang.

I picked it up and found that it was Green who actually called. Wang Xudong smiled, as if he had guessed something. He connected the phone and spoke English.

Wang Xudong’s English proficiency was relatively average, but he often came to Australia, and his English proficiency has also improved a lot, and there is no problem in basic communication.

As expected by Wang Xudong, Green said Chase on the phone. The main idea was to sign a formal agreement between the two parties as soon as possible. Xudong Mining Group signed the first 50 million tons of crude oil order with Australia United Petroleum Group as soon as possible. Sanlian Special Steel The side came to build the factory immediately.

After listening, Wang Xudong also proposed that the Australian government must approve its own series of procedures for the exploitation of rare earth resources as quickly as possible.

Green promised that the green light all the way, special affairs will be handled, and the procedures for mining rare earth resources will be completed in two days.

I didn’t think that foreigners also knew about green light and special affairs. Wang Xudong was happy. Now that Green has agreed, Wang Xudong also made a promise that the rare earth resources mining procedures will be completed and the first 50 million yuan will be signed within three days. Sanlian Special Steel started to build a plant in Australia within a month for orders per ton of oil.

The two parties negotiated this over the phone. After the call was over, Wang Xudong was happy in his heart. It's great that we can start mining rare earth resources once the procedures for mining rare earth resources come.

By the way, I wonder if this exploration team has found those rare earth resources?

Yesterday, Wang Xudong went to his territory No. 1 and stayed in the big villa on the banks of Lake Dome for one night. He only came back today. I really don't know the situation of the exploration team.

Well, after having lunch, I will go to see their exploration progress in the afternoon. Wang Xudong thought so in his heart, took the menu and prepared to start ordering.

"Boss, are you back, where are you?"

Li Wangdong called and was very happy in his tone, as if he had encountered a big happy event. Wang Xudong thought in his heart, is there any good news? Could it be that the geological exploration team has found the rare earth deposit?

With that in mind, Wang Xudong told Li Wangdong where he was, and ordered a few more dishes, and it was time for dinner. Since Li Wangdong is here, everyone will eat together~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and listen to Li Wangdong. What do you want to report to yourself?

Li Wangdong came relatively quickly, and Wang Xudong ordered the dishes. Not long after these dishes were on the table, Li Wangdong came happily.

"Boss, great news, we finally found the rare earth deposit, and preliminary inference, the reserves are huge, and the grade of the deposit is also high."

Wang Xudong said in his heart that it was indeed the news that the exploration team finally found the huge mineral layer where it had gathered.

Wang Xudong was happy, but after a while, he seemed to think of something, his face changed slightly, and he said in his heart, no!

Li Wangdong immediately noticed the change in Wang Xudong's expression, and said in a puzzled way: "Boss, what's the matter?"


The third one is sent!

That's all for today's update, thank you everyone! ! !


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