God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1050: Turn you into a poor country

After entering the water, Wang Xudong found that the sea was very clear, and the conditions at the bottom were at a glance. In addition, he was able to see more clearly by wearing diving goggles.

The place chosen by Lin Hu is very good. Not to mention the flat seabed and no undercurrents, it is very suitable for diving. Wang Xudong reached the bottom of the water smoothly.

There must be big lobsters here. Liu Yu and Lin Hu have already harvested one. If you can catch one, you can have a snack at noon.

In addition to yellow croaker, grouper (fished by Liu Yu), and delicious sashimi, you can also add a lobster feast. This is a wild lobster that has just been caught, and the chef will be ordered to process it immediately. It was edible. Just thinking about it, Wang Xudong found that his saliva secreted so much that he swallowed his saliva quickly.

Out of the corner of his eye, he had already seen Liu Yu and Lin Hu in the distance, about thirty or forty meters away from him. Even so far, because the water was so clear, he could see clearly.

The two had each harvested a large lobster, and now they are continuing to search, hoping to get another harvest. Seeing Lin Hu next to Liu Yu, Wang Xudong is also more relieved, and instead of paying attention to them, he searches carefully.

The sea is clear, and the conditions of the seabed can be seen very clearly. Except for corals, most of them are sand and stone, and there is no soil, so you don't have to worry about being muddy when stirred.

The bottom of the sea is very beautiful. The sands and stones are all that kind of white, fine white sand, plus occasional seaweeds and the like, plus corals, it is really very beautiful.

Such diving is really a pleasure.

While admiring the beauty of the seabed, Wang Xudong mainly searched for large lobsters. After searching like this for about two or three minutes, Wang Xudong gave a soft "Huh" and looked again. After confirming that he was correct, he was immediately surprised.

This is a guy who cares nothing about his head. It's a big lobster. No doubt, it's hidden. It's just two shrimps that expose it.

Lobsters like to inhabit in hidden objects such as water plants, branches, and rock crevices. The shrimp comes out at night and does not like glare. Under normal conditions, during the daytime, they tend to hide in the deeper part of the water or in concealed objects, with little activity. In the evening, they start to move after the sun goes down and gather in shallow water to crawl for food or find their spouse. If frightened, quickly fled back to deep water. Lobsters tend to crawl, do not like swimming, crawl forward when looking for food and activities, and quickly backward when frightened or encounter enemies, bounce and avoid.

Seeing these two exposed shrimp whiskers, Wang Xudong swam over gently, without even disturbing the big lobster. After reaching the right position, he quietly stretched out his hands.

Slowly stretched over, and after getting close, Wang Xudong was ready to catch it. The lobster finally sensed the danger, and immediately began to run away, stirring the large mass of white sand, but Wang Xudong had already focused on it, where to run!

It moves fast, and Wang Xudong reacts faster. He grabbed it in one hand, and said with joy in his heart, wow, this is really a big guy.

This big lobster struggled desperately in Wang Xudong's hands, but was held firmly by Wang Xudong, and he didn't want to run away. At this time, Wang Xudong also had the opportunity to take a look at this big lobster.

This is a big lobster. It is estimated to be more than 5 catties. It is colorful. The two long prawn whiskers are also colorful. The two big lobsters are very powerful. They want to clamp Wang Xudong's hand. It's a pity that it can't be caught, and Wang Xudong's position is very appropriate.

It's delicious.

Wang Xudong grabbed the big lobster and started to swim to the surface. It has been about 4 to 5 minutes since it was launched. Although he still doesn't feel stuffy, he can't be too shocked by the world's nuclear vulgarity and scared Liu Yu and Lin. Tigers are not good.

Not far away, it was Liu Yu and Lin Hu. The two obviously noticed the movement on Wang Xudong's side and swam over immediately.

With a crash, Wang Xudong exposed the water, took a long breath, and then swam towards the boat. Liu Yu and Lin Hu also came out of the water and swam over.

The three of them turned on the boat one after another, and they finally saw the big guy Wang Xudong had caught. Liu Yu said loudly, "Brother Dong, you are too awesome. You didn't use diving equipment. You caught this. Big lobster."

The tone was full of joy, and my heart must be very happy.

Lin Hu also said: "Boss, this big lobster is at least 5 catties or more, maybe it will weigh 6 catties."

Wang Xudong took it in his hand and weighed it, "Well, it should be 5 or 6 kilograms. When we get on the big yacht, we will weigh it."

Liu Yuxing enthusiastically took the rubber rope to tie up the big lobster of the big lobster, and put it in the net bag. The two big lobsters caught before were handled in this way. Now there are already in the big net bag. Three big lobsters.

The biggest one Wang Xudong caught was about 5 or 6 jin. Liu Yu and Lin Hu each caught one, two and three jin respectively.

Seeing that Brother Dong had caught a lobster of this size, Liu Yu's enthusiasm came up, put on the diving goggles, held the snorkel, and plopped into the water again.

In his words, that is, he must also catch one of this size. Wang Xudong told Lin Hu to follow Liu Yu.

Lin Hu nodded and went into the water. Seeing that Lin Hu was following Liu Yu, Wang Xudong was relieved. He had no plans to go into the water for the time being. Instead, he activated his own "God-Level Big Mine Owner" system.

The small boat was Wang Xudong alone. The whole small boat swayed gently with the waves. What you saw on the small boat was the blue sea and blue sky, as well as his own big yacht in the distance.

No one disturbed Wang Xudong. At this moment, Wang Xudong launched the "God-level big mine owner" system. The oil group of country Y blatantly invested heavily in the construction of such a large-scale offshore oil field, and set up patrols to drive away. All the ships close to that sea area, even their own big yachts dared to drive, it is simply lawless.

Lao Tzu is going to abandon this oil field and let your huge investment to make water useless.

As for the two country Y ships that dared to drive away and warned him, Wang Xudong was bombed into the sky, and the scum was hard to find.

This is just the beginning, not the end. In the next step, Wang Xudong will abolish this offshore oil field. After the system is activated, Wang Xudong gave instructions.

"Miner One, scan the distribution of oil resources."

With Wang Xudong’s current location as the center, all oil resources within a radius of 1,000 kilometers and a depth of 4500 meters are clear, whether they can be exploited or not, they are all within the scanning range of the system.

With such a large area, most of it is ocean, and the oil resources on the seabed are generally richer than on land. The scan results are a bit scary, and they are as high as tens of billions of tons of oil.

Nima's, there is so much oil.

So much oil is all Lao Tzu's. Wang Xudong thought so in his heart, and did not forget the business, that is, the offshore oil field that abandoned the countryman.

On the holographic three-dimensional map, Wang Xudong quickly found the location of the offshore oil field, and then gave instructions to Miner One.

All the thousands of square kilometers of oil in that area were transferred away. The offshore oil field owned by the Chinese was originally only distributed with dozens of offshore oil wells within a range of hundreds of square kilometers, but Wang Xudong was obviously angry, not just counting those Within the range of one hundred square kilometers, all the oil in the surrounding sea area, covering an area of ​​several thousand square kilometers, is transferred away.

"Brother Dong, please choose a gathering place."

The voice of Miner One rang in Wang Xudong's mind. To transfer all the hundreds of millions of tons of oil within the thousands of square kilometers, it is necessary to select a new area and re-gather there.

Where are they gathered?

Wang Xudong checked on the three-dimensional map in front of him, and soon Wang Xudong had an idea to gather in his No. 3 oil exploration area.

The No. 3 oil extraction area of ​​Yinhai Oilfield is about 2,300 kilometers away from Wang Xudong's current location, which is completely within the radius of the system.

In the No. 3 oil zone, Wang Xudong once gathered about 40 billion barrels of oil, and there is no problem in gathering more than one billion barrels there.

The location of the re-gathering was selected, and the gathering was completed soon. The No. 3 oil zone of the Yinhai Oilfield added more than 1 billion barrels of high-quality crude oil, with reserves exceeding 41.6 billion barrels.

Yes, Not Bad!

Wang Xudong thought happily that he came out and harvested more than 1 billion barrels of high-quality crude oil. This trade can be done more.

Look at the offshore oil field of the Chinese. Not to mention that the hundreds of square kilometers where the oil field is located has no oil at all, even if it is farther away, there is no drop of oil in the surrounding area of ​​thousands of square kilometers.

Want to extract oil there, dream!

After finishing this matter, Wang Xudong seemed to have completed a major event, and he felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. Seeing that Lin Hu and Liu Yu hadn't come up yet and had nothing to do, Wang Xudong checked the holographic three-dimensional map before him.

Country Y is a relatively long and narrow country, with the narrowest place being only tens of kilometers and the coastline more than 3,200 kilometers long. It is more than 1,600 kilometers long from north to south.

With a radius of 1,000 kilometers, this range is very huge. The long and narrow country y is almost entirely within the scanning of the system, almost reaching the southernmost point of country y.

Well, I have to sail another 200 kilometers south, scan the southernmost point of country y, and then transfer all the oil and gas resources in this country, including oil and gas resources in their coastal waters, to make them an oil-poor country.

The West Fu Petroleum Group has repeatedly exploited oil in the disputed waters. The key is to drive all ships close to their oil fields. Even Wang Xudong’s big yacht dared to drive away. Wang Xudong became angry and turned you into a poor oil country. It depends on how you can extract oil.

If it was before the system was upgraded, Wang Xudong estimated that he could only think about it, and he could not do so. On the one hand, the scanning radius of the system was only 500 kilometers. After the upgrade, the scanning radius was expanded to 1,000 kilometers.

The most important aspect is that the energy points are not enough ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can not be used for Wang Xudong to spend at will. After the system upgrade, it brought amazing benefits, that is, Wang Xudong no longer has to worry about ordinary energy points.

When ordinary energy points are needed, just gather a batch of natural uranium ore from nature and increase the grade to 2%, and then the system can absorb enough ordinary energy points from these uranium ore.

The current Wang Xudong can really do this, and can really turn country Y into an oil-poor country.

Well, after eating the noon meal, we will sail 200 kilometers south, and then we will start to make you a poor country.

Wang Xudong temporarily shut down the "God-Level Big Mine Owner" system, thinking in his mind that Liu Yu and Lin Hu have been in the water for at least ten minutes, and they should have come up again. If they haven't been up for so long, could it be that they have enjoyed fishing under the water? Huh!

Standing on the small boat, Wang Xudong began to search where the two were. The water was clear. Knowing that the two had not gone too far, Wang Xudong was sure to find them.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Wang Xudong to find two people. They were searching for something under the water, probably looking for a big lobster.

However, Wang Xudong soon found out that something was wrong. The two were not searching for anything, but trying to swim towards the boat. Liu Yu was even more panicked. A few tens of meters away, Wang Xudong seemed to be able to. Feel the kind of panic from him.

What's wrong?

Soon Wang Xudong knew what was going on, his face changed and he said in his heart, danger!


The first one is sent!

First chapter, timed. Today during the National Day holiday, I will accompany my family for a walk, take a stroll, and wait until I come back to code words. There will be another chapter in the evening. But there is no guarantee that if you come back too late, you can only wait for the update tomorrow. Don’t wait.

Wish everyone a happy National Day! 8)

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