God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1051: We want revenge!

Liu Yu was desperately swimming towards the boat, very frightened. After Lin Hu broke off, followed Liu Yu, and swam towards the boat, looking back while swimming.

Wang Xudong also saw that there was a big shark not far behind the two of them, which was two or three meters in length.

This big shark swims freely, following them unhurriedly, as if seeing Liu Yu and Lin Hu as a Chinese meal, it is impossible to run away from it.

The situation is critical!

Wang Xudong was also anxious and hurriedly looked for something. There are not many things that can be used on the boat. Wang Xudong found a rope as fast as he could, then threw it at the two men and shouted.

"Quick, grab the rope, I'll pull you two!"

The head was good, and the rope was thrown in front of the two of them. Liu Yu quickly grabbed it as if he had seen the straw.

"Lin Hu, grab the rope!"

Lin Hu also knew that there was only one chance, and he had to grab the rope. Otherwise, it would be impossible to swim to the boat by himself. It is estimated that he would be bitten by the big shark before he swam to the side of the boat.

Lin Hu also grabbed the rope!

The next thing to watch is Wang Xudong. Wang Xudong pulled the rope vigorously at a fast speed. With great strength, the two quickly leaned towards the boat.

Under the pulling force, the boat quickly leaned towards the two of them, and the distance between the two parties quickly narrowed, "Quick, get on the boat!"

While shouting, Wang Xudong stretched out his hands and pulled the two people onto the boat, still staring at the big shark.

At the beginning, the big shark didn't take it seriously. When Wang Xudong pulled Liu Yu and Lin Hu into the boat, he also knew that the "food" to his mouth was about to run away. With a flick, he rushed towards the boat.

Just open your mouth and bite!

Wang Xudong hurriedly shouted: "Lin Hu, be careful!"

At this time, Liu Yucan climbed onto the boat. Lin Hu was going to break, and his speed was a little slower. Most of his body got on the boat, his legs were still in the water. The big shark’s target was Lin Hu’s legs, thinking Biting Lin Hu's legs, he dragged Lin Hu into the water.

Wang Xudong's eyes were quick, and he grabbed Lin Hu and dragged him onto the boat. Lin Hu also saw the big shark biting over with his mouth wide open. At this time, the soldier king’s calmness was undoubtedly manifested. He did not panic. On the contrary, he was very calm.

With Wang Xudong's pulling force, he made a quick leap and finally got on the boat. The big shark that opened its mouth rushed into the air, did not bite Lin Hu, and slammed into the side of the boat. The force was so powerful that the boat shook and splashed.

It's so risky!

Both Liu Yu and Lin Hu who climbed into the boat had lingering fears. They breathed a long sigh of relief. Lin Hu apologized even more: "Boss, I oversighted. I didn't expect a big shark here."

Wang Xudong comforted: "It's okay, we have already got on the boat, the shark can only look at the boat and sigh, and can't do anything to us."

In this way, both of them were relieved. Liu Yu, who had gotten rid of the panic, was relieved. He laughed and said: "Small, bite me, you have the ability to bite Lao Tzu."

The shark didn't seem to be reconciled. It was still next to the boat and refused to leave. It seemed that there was a fierce light in those small eyes.

With a flick of his tail, he rushed towards the boat and slammed into the boat. The water splashed and the boat shook again.

Liu Yu said with disdain: "Brother Dong, is it delusional to knock over our boat?"

Really refined, and wanted to knock over this small boat, Wang Xudong waved his hand: "Don't pay attention to it, we will return to the voyage, the harvest is not bad."

The three large lobsters, especially the one that Wang Xudong caught, weighed at least 5 or 6 kilograms, enough for everyone to have a good meal. It was noon, and it was lunch time.

Don't even think about it, the lunch will be very rich, not only delicious large yellow croaker, but also tuna sashimi, and large lobster.

Lin Hu started the boat and headed for the big yacht in the distance. However, Liu Yu seemed unwilling to grow up. He had never been so embarrassed before being so embarrassed by this big shark.

No, you can't let it go, we want revenge!

The small boat approached the big yacht. Liu Yu suggested, “Brother Dong, if you have grudges, don’t retaliate against non-gentlemen. This shark wants to treat us as delicacies. If we didn’t run fast, we would definitely feed the sharks. No, I want Go and clean him up."

Wang Xudong smiled and scolded: "How are you going to clean him up, go into the water and fight with him, a hand-to-hand battle?"


That’s not enough. Liu Yu is confident that he is ten of himself. After he got in the water, he was probably not the opponent of this big shark. So he hesitated for a while, but he wanted to give up and was not reconciled. Nima’s, my brother Liu paid I have never been chased like this, I have never suffered such a big loss.

Lin Hu thought for a while, but slowly said, "Boss, I might have a way!"

Hearing this, Liu Yu's eyes lit up, he immediately grabbed Lin Hu's shoulder and asked eagerly, "Lin Hu, come on, what can you do?"

Lin Hu said: "I checked in the bottom compartment of the big yacht. There are two spearguns there. We can shoot the big shark with the speargun."

This method is good!

Liu Yu raised his feet in agreement, and immediately said: "Yes, I will use a speargun. I want to shoot this girl with my own hands. I dare to chase and bite me. I am really impatient."

First hand the three big lobsters caught just now to the chef, and then the three of them found the two spearguns together.

Good guy, it's so big, it looks so powerful!

Obviously it was a large one. Wang Xudong pulled the speargun with great power. It felt like a small spear. The speargun was very sharp and had a barbed blade. From the shark's body, it absolutely cannot break free.

There is also a rope attached to the back of the speargun, which can pull the target up. Liu Yu took one of them, and the thought of revenge rose in his heart.

"Brother Dong, let's go over here, otherwise it would be a pity that the shark ran away late."

The three of them boarded the boat again and took two spearguns to find the trouble with the big shark. In Liu Yu's words, let's take revenge.

Who made it chase Lao Tzu just now? If Lao Tzu was a little bit lucky, no, if Dong Ge didn't save him in time, I guess he really fed the shark.

This hatred must be reported!

The fierceness of this big shark also emerged in Wang Xudong's mind, and he agreed with Liu Yu's idea that he must take revenge and clean up the big shark.

Hope it hasn't run away yet.

The three of them took the small boat and arrived at the place just now. The big shark really didn’t get there, and was still wandering around. Seeing Wang Xudong’s boat coming, he rushed over fiercely and hit the small boat. On the boat, delusional to knock the boat over.

It is not enough to knock the boat over. It is estimated that it will be a few meters larger. It only makes the boat sway from side to side and splashes of water.

Sample, see how I clean up you!

When Liu Yu saw this big shark, he was "extremely jealous" when he saw the enemy. He held up a speargun, pointed it at the big shark and shot it.


The sharp speargun shot out with a long rope behind it. As long as it hits the shark, it will not run away. There are barbs on the speargun and it can't run.

It's a pity that Liu Yu's quasi-head was a bit short, and he didn't shoot it, so Liu Yu screamed.

"Brother Dong, help me!"

Hearing Liu Yu's shout, Wang Xudong picked up another speargun and aimed at the shark. After aiming, he pulled the trigger and the sharp speargun shot out with a "swish" sound.

Hit the target!

The clear water immediately turned red, and the sharp speargun shot deep into the big shark. The big shark was hit hard and immediately struggled to death.

Liu Yu put on the speargun again, took aim and shot, "swish", this time he shot, and a cloud of red appeared again, and the big shark struggled more desperately.

Its destiny is doomed, and it is impossible to run away.

For the sake of safety, Lin Hu picked up the speargun, aimed and shot a speargun, and plunged deep into the shark's body.

The three of them worked together and finally dragged the badly injured shark to the side of the boat. Lin Hu took out a dagger and cut the shark’s spinal nerves. As a result, it was killed~www.wuxiaspot.com~Liu Yu Jieqi said: "Small, I still want to bite Laozi, let me die now!"

After speaking, Liu Yu rolled his eyes and immediately shouted happily: "Brother Dong, we have another good fortune. This is the top shark fin!"

Wang Xudong smiled and scolded: "I suspect that you are arguing for revenge, maybe you have fancy the shark fin on this guy."

Liu Yu smiled happily, but did not deny it.


The offshore oil field in country Y is more than 100 kilometers away from Wang Xudong.

Ruan Xifu had a gray head and face, and he could still see nosebleeds that had not been completely cleaned up. The scene not long ago remained in his mind for a long time and couldn't wave it away.

His two big ships were gone like this.

In addition to these two ships, what he worries most is his offshore oil field. Here, he has invested all his belongings and borrowed from the bank, carrying a huge amount of loans. If there is any accident here, he will not only You will lose your fortune and face jail.

After the terrible explosion, he immediately ordered to go down and inspect the damage of the oil mining platforms. The situation was fine. Except for the two or three mining platforms that were relatively close to the explosion point, the rest of the platforms were not affected.

Ruan Xifu let out a long sigh of relief.

Since the damage to his own oil field was not serious, he was not prepared to stay here at the same time, it was too scary, and he was ready to take a boat back later.

After the ship was ready, he took a few of his subordinates to board the ship. Before he could leave, the phone of Vice President Chen rang. After picking up the phone to answer it, Vice President Chen's face changed.

"President, it's not good!"


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