God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1060: It is impossible to want iron ore!

As soon as Itanium finished speaking, everyone looked at Itan Hiromasa, thinking that their ears had misheard, even Hideo Mitsui eagerly said: "Your Excellency Itanium..."

Itan Hiromasa raised his hand and stopped Hideo Mitsui from continuing. Slowly continued: "Nakajima, slap yourself twice, and kneel and apologize to Chairman Wang."


There was no sound in the entire reception room, and these Fusang people were dumbfounded, looking at Iteng Guangzheng in a daze, thinking that their ears had misheard.

Kneel down and apologize!

Nakajima was also stunned, looking at Itan Hiromasa with an unbelievable look, "Nani, I want me to kneel and apologize to him."

Itan Guangzheng was furious, "Baga, immediately kneel down and apologize, right away, otherwise, you never want to get the iron ore of Xudong Mining Group."

After that, Nakajima knew that Hiromasa Itan was not joking, and he was shocked. On the one hand, he cannot afford to provoke the Itanium consortium; on the other hand, he is in urgent need of iron ore.

This, this, this...

This Nakajima was a little bit at a loss. Itan Hiromasa's eyes widened, completely outraged, very majestic.

He was really angry. Someone dared to do this in front of Mr. Wang. An Teng Guangzheng remembered a Chinese saying that he insulted his minister to death. Wang Xudong is the monarch, and Itan is the courtier.

Nakajima dared to stand up and questioned Wang Xudong with a bad attitude, just hitting him in the face of Itanium, so Itan Hiroshige did not sit down anymore, but was really angry.

Seeing that Nakajima didn't mean to kneel and apologize, Itan got up, strode over, kicked Nakajima to the ground, and said loudly.

"Baga, apologize immediately."

Nakajima, this silly ×, is completely confused, not knowing the situation, and may be thinking in his heart, there is no need to do this, just put on the surface, and be humble to Wang Xudong, but there is no need to kneel down and apologize.

These Fusang people pretended to be very respectful to Wang Xudong, not from the heart, just to get iron ore.

Hideo Mitsui also made a round and persuaded: "Your Excellency Itanium, Nakajima was also unintentional, I think..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Xudong raised his hand, and Mitsui quickly swallowed back what he was about to say because he saw anger on Wang Xudong's face.

Wang Xudong stared at this Nakajima, and said word by word: "Get out of here, get out now."

Nakajima took a look at Wang Xudong, then at Itanium and Mitsui, knowing that this time he would either kneel and apologize or get out immediately.

He chose the latter, crawling around and out of this business meeting room in a panic. Gong Qiaoping and his secretary have been watching. Seeing this, they were surprised at the same time, they also quietly gave Wang Xudong a thumbs up.

Chairman Wang is so arrogant, he directly told the Fusang people to get out!

After Nakajima left, Wang Xudong got up again and said slowly: "I don't want to talk to you anymore. It is impossible to order my iron ore."

If nothing like this happened just now, Wang Xudong might sit down again and talk a little bit. After the silly Nakajima, Wang Xudong has no interest in continuing to talk about it.

Lin Hu followed Wang Xudong and left without hesitation.

"President Wang, Wang..."

Hideo Mitsui was anxious, no, I guess he was crying, and he hated the idiot Nakajima to death in his heart, and even wondered how to clean up Nakajima after he returned.

Wang Xudong ignored it, strode Meteor, and led Lin Hu directly out of the reception room. Upon seeing this, Gong Qiaoping naturally didn't want to sit there anymore, and got up and left.

The whole reception room was quiet and dull.

Hideo Mitsui's expression was also hard to look. This time he rushed over from Fuso and went all the way to Wang Xudong, hoping to order some iron ore. Now it seems that hope has been lost.

Looking at Itanium Hiromasa, Hideo Mitsui seemed to have caught the straw, and immediately said: "Your Excellency, Itanium, you have the most influence. You can help us come forward and talk to President Wang, and try to get the order. Part of the iron ore."

The Fuso politician also said: "Yes, our domestic steel industry is in urgent need of iron ore. If there is no supply of iron ore, our steel companies will suffer unprecedented heavy losses, which will affect the entire domestic economy. ….."

Itan Hiroshige raised his hand to stop the politician from continuing to speak, and then said with a mockery: "You look at me too high, I don't have such great ability."

This is the truth. Regardless of the huge influence and strength of the Itanium consortium in Fusang, Wang Xudong would not care about it at all. Besides, Itanium Guangzheng listened to Wang Xudong for everything, how could he go to lobby Wang Xudong Steel companies in Fuso sell iron ore.

What to do about this?

Seeing Itan Hiroshige refused to act as a lobbyist, each of these Fusang people became anxious. Some sighed, and others hated Nakajima.

Guangzheng Itan thought for a while and said, "Everyone, it is not impossible for you to order iron ore from Xudong Mining Group."

Oh. Many people's eyes lit up, as if they had seen hope, Hideo Mitsui asked eagerly: "Your Excellency Itanium, please guide one or two."

Itan Guangzheng said: "Xudong Mining Group does not sell iron ore to you. Have you ever thought about it? What is the reason?"

Hideo Mitsui and others were caught in thinking. They weren't stupid. After Hiromasa Itanium's guidance, they seemed to understand something.

Someone said: "I understand, it's mainly the domestic politicians. They not only beautify the war of aggression decades ago, but they still don't apologize. They often worship ghosts. In international affairs, our politicians I also do everything right with Huaxia, so..."

After such analysis, all Fusang people here seem to understand.

A Fusang person suddenly realized: "No wonder, any country with friendly relations with China, their steel companies can easily order iron ore from Xudong Mining Group."

"Yes, Your Excellency Itanium said so, I also understand that as long as you have a friendly relationship with China, you can not only order iron ore from Xudong Mining Group, but also a large amount of crude oil."

Regardless of whether it is iron ore or crude oil, for Fusang, a resource-poor country, these are strategic resources, and they all need them in large quantities.

If you don't change your position, don't maintain a good relationship with China, and want these things, it is simply a dream.

After understanding this, Hideo Mitsui said: "Everyone, it seems that we can go back and give momentum to the politicians. Otherwise, we can only wait to die."

Soon they agreed and didn't stay in this reception room anymore, they started to leave one after another, preparing to return to their country immediately.

Itan Teng Guangzheng originally wanted to go to Wang Xudong to report the situation, but after thinking about it, he changed his mind. Instead of looking for Wang Xudong, he took these Fusang people to the airport by car.

He knows that the relationship with Wang Xudong is very secret and should not be exposed. If there is anything really happening, Wang Xudong will take the initiative to look for him.

Itan Teng Guangzheng knew that he had to go back immediately, give momentum, and immediately find a place for Wang Xudong in the Middle East. This was an important task that Wang Xudong arranged for him.

These Fusang people have all gone.

Lin Hu knocked on the door and walked into Wang Xudong's room. Hui reported: "Boss, all these Fusang people are gone."

"Yeah." Wang Xudong nodded. He didn't sell iron ore to them. They should understand what this means. They should be able to go back and send a voice to their senior management.

"Boss, you really don't sell iron ore to these Fusang steel companies."

Wang Xudong didn't even think about it and said, "Not for sale."

It came to mind that the Kimura Consortium sent people to assassinate him, and then Xudong Mining Group held a press conference to announce in front of the world that Xudong Mining Group’s iron ore will be permanently banned from Fusang. This has been said. Must not be changed.

If Fusang really makes a huge change and becomes a die-hard supporter of Huaxia, Wang Xudong may consider opening a small opening to sell such companies as Gaoshan River Valley Company and Lito Group to Fusang State-owned Steel Enterprises. Some iron ore.

According to Wang Xudong's understanding of Fusang people, it is absolutely impossible for Fusang to make such a huge change.

Since it doesn't change, but still wants to fight us, then there is no iron ore, and these steel companies in Fusang are facing bankruptcy.

"Lin Hu, prepare a car, we will go to the capital in the afternoon."

After listening to Wang Xudong's instructions~www.wuxiaspot.com~, Lin Hu immediately walked out of Wang Xudong's room to prepare for some matters concerning his return to Beijing.

Wang Xudong and Zheng Xiaotong talk on the phone almost every day. Zheng Xiaotong has been living in the capital for a while. She acted like a baby on the phone and asked Wang Xudong to pick her up.

Wang Xudong naturally agreed to such a request.

The two were separated for such a period of time, one in Beijing and the other in Yinhai City. Wang Xudong really missed this girl in his heart, and was going to Beijing in the afternoon.

The matter in Yinhai City has temporarily come to an end, and a fourth oil field has been created for Yinhai Oilfield. Yinhai City will be responsible for exploration. Wang Xudong pointed out a general area. It is estimated that it will not take long for this place to be explored.

In the afternoon.

Wang Xudong boarded his plane at Yinhai Airport and flew directly from Yinhai City to Beijing. At this time, Zheng Xiaotong dressed up, cleaned up and drove happily to the Beijing Airport.

Knowing that Brother Dong wants to be the capital, Zheng Xiaotong will naturally go to the airport to meet him. His heart is full of sweetness. He drove to the airport early and was waiting for Wang Xudong's arrival there.

I'm so happy to see Dong Ge soon.

Thinking about this in his mind, Zheng Xiaotong rode in the car, lowered the window glass, looked at the direction of the airport exit, thought for a while, took out his mobile phone, and prepared to dial Wang Xu's number.

Wang Xudong's private plane can answer the phone on the plane. Zheng Xiaotong naturally knows this and is going to make a call and tell Wang Xudong that she is waiting outside the airport exit.

"Xiaotong!" A surprised boy rang, "Ah, it's really Xiaotong!"

Wang Xudong hurriedly turned his head to look over and frowned slightly when he saw the people outside the car.


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