God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1061: Chen Yuehui at the door

Standing outside the car was a young man in a suit and leather shoes, dressed in style.

Shi Zhenxiang! Zheng Xiaotong knew him as one of his suitors in college. I just heard that he seemed to be an exchange student in his sophomore year and went to study in a certain country. He probably graduated last year.

As for Shi Zhenxiang's current situation, Zheng Xiaotong is really not very clear about studying abroad and other things, but only heard it, and did not expect to meet him here.

If it was someone else, Zheng Xiaotong might suddenly become happy. After all, he was an alumnus from his college days, but when he saw Shi Zhenxiang, Zheng Xiaotong frowned slightly.

As Zheng Xiaotong's suitor, Shi Zhenxiang is undoubtedly a crazy one, and also used a lot of tricks. Zheng Xiaotong is a clever girl who understands those tricks very well, and he is also very disgusted with Shi Zhenxiang.

Basically, I didn't say a few words to him, asking myself to watch a movie, go shopping, and so on, refused directly, and never kept the appointment.

In the memory, this Shi Zhenxiang has gradually been forgotten, and Zheng Xiaotong didn't think of it until he greeted himself outside the car.

At first sight of Zheng Xiaotong, Shi Zhenxiang was very happy. He shook the brand-name suit on his body, and thought in his heart that he is indeed the goddess in my heart. I haven't seen him for two years, but still so beautiful, no, even more beautiful.

When studying in Fusang, Shi Zhenxiang had a lot of Fusang girls, but comparing those girls with Zheng Xiaotong, I found that scum is not counted as scum.

This time he came to Beijing on a business trip, Shi Zhenxiang was thinking in his heart, I heard that Zheng Xiaotong is from the capital, and I don’t know if I can meet her. What made Shi Zhenxiang ecstatic was that he was so lucky that after sending a friend to the plane, he was about to leave, and unexpectedly saw Zheng Xiaotong sitting in the car.

At the beginning, I thought that my eyes were dazzling, and I quickly rubbed it. Yes, it was Zheng Xiaotong. Shi Zhenxiang trot over and greeted Zheng Xiaotong ecstatically.

"Xiaotong, it's really you, I thought I was wrong."

Zheng Xiaotong recognized Shi Zhenxiang and smiled, just a normal smile. In fact, he still doesn't have the slightest affection for Shi Zhenxiang in his heart.

"Shi Zhenxiang, is it you?"

Shi Zhenxiang nodded hurriedly, "Yes, it's me, I happened to be on a business trip in Beijing. I heard that you are from the capital. It seems not fake at all. This is waiting for someone."

He said a lot in one breath, he was very happy and excited in his tone, and quietly pulled the car door, seemingly wanting to get in the car and take a seat.

This is Zheng Xiaotong’s private car. Generally, very few boys can get in the car. This Shi Zhenxiang actually moved with such thoughts and wanted to open the rear door, and then sat in the back seat, and had a further chat with Zheng Xiaotong .

However, he could only sigh secretly, because he found that the car door was locked and could not be opened at all. Zheng Xiaotong was very disgusted with Shi Zhenxiang's move.

It was just out of courtesy and didn't say anything in person, but frowned slightly. Looking at the time, he said in his heart, I don't know what Dong Ge will arrive.

As soon as Wang Xudong arrived, a fly like Shi Zhenxiang would naturally be embarrassed to stay, and would definitely leave in a shameless manner.

Shi Zhenxiang has a thick face. He didn't open the car door and pretended that everything would happen. His face was still very happy, "Xiaotong, where are you taller now, do you have contact information, this is my business card."

After speaking, Zheng Xiaotong gave his business card with both hands. Zheng Xiaotong really didn't want to accept it, but out of politeness, she reluctantly accepted it. He glanced at it roughly. There were a lot of titles on it, but a discerning person knew that these titles were all false. of.

Assistant Director of the General Assembly Center of a famous domestic aircraft manufacturer. This title should be a little more practical, and the others are very imaginary.

After sending his business card, Shi Zhenxiang looked at Zheng Xiaotong, "Xiaotong, where's your business card? Give me your mobile phone number."

Zheng Xiaotong smiled, and then said: "By the way, I have something to do, let's take a step first."

After speaking, he raised the window glass and drove away slowly. If he continues to stay here, this Shi Zhenxiang is estimated to be entangled forever, Zheng Xiaotong does not want to be entangled.

Seeing Zheng Xiaotong driving away, Shi Zhenxiang's face changed slightly, and he said angrily, stink xx, sooner or later he will get you to bed.

It wasn't until Zheng Xiaotong's car was gone and could no longer be seen that Shi Zhenxiang retracted his gaze, already remembering Zheng Xiaotong's license plate number in his heart, and he was also preparing to leave the airport.

Feeling the phone vibrate, Shi Zhenxiang took out the phone and took a look. His face changed slightly. He looked around and saw that there was nothing unusual. Then he walked towards a place with few people and answered the call in an empty corner. .

"Yamamoto, I warned you many times, don't call, it's easy to be exposed."

On the phone came the voice of a Fusang person, and said disapprovingly: "Shi Zhenxiang, the information you provided is not enough. We need to have further and more detailed information."

Shi Zhenxiang looked around again, and after seeing that there was indeed no one, he whispered: "I will get further information, but should your money be paid?"

"The first money will arrive in the account soon, there is no problem." The Fusang man on the phone seemed to think that money was not a problem, and immediately agreed to the money, and asked Shi Zhenxiang to get further details as soon as possible. data of.

Zheng Xiaotong felt that he was in a very good mood and was destroyed a lot at once. He looked at the business card and threw it outside the car.

He took out his cell phone and dialed Wang Xudong's number, "Brother Dong, it's almost there, I'm already at the airport."

Wang Xudong's voice came over: "Xiaotong, I'm almost there too, in less than half an hour, where are you at the airport."

Zheng Xiaotong talked about his specific location. Wang Xudong was a little surprised and immediately said: "Xiaotong, what's wrong with you, you are not near the airport's exit 1."

"Oh, don't mention it." Zheng Xiaotong roughly said the situation just now.

After listening, Wang Xudong laughed happily. Zheng Xiaotong pouted his mouth and said, "Brother Dong, don't laugh, I'm almost annoyed."

Wang Xudong smiled and comforted: "That's our Xiaotong, who is beautiful. The toad named Shi Zhenxiang wants to eat swan meat. He wants to pursue you."

"Hmph, he doesn't have the slightest chance. As long as I see him, I feel uncomfortable." Zheng Xiaotong changed the subject: "Don't talk about him, by the way, Dongge, you are going to live in Beijing for a few days."

Wang Xudong said lightly: "Whatever, I have more time now. All the affairs of the group include Liang Hongbo and Xu Jie. Even if I live in the capital for ten and a half months, there is no problem."

Zheng Xiaotong said: "You two brothers are really good."

The two chatted on the phone for several minutes. After the call, Zheng Xiaotong started the car and went to another exit, waiting for Wang Xudong to arrive.

About twenty minutes later, an A380 plane landed at the airport and walked out of the airport. Wang Xudong smiled when he saw Zheng Xiaotong waving in the distance.

"Lin Hu, you don't have to follow me these days, I'll give you a few days off."

This is at the feet of the emperor, and it is very safe, and it is true that Lin Hu does not need to follow every step of the way. In these days, Lin Hu should take a few days off after he has been on his way.

Lin Hu is obviously still a little worried about Wang Xudong's safety, and hastily said: "Boss, I'm not by your side, in case something happens, then..."

Wang Xudong waved and interrupted: "How about my skill, don't you know, don't worry about me, just go with your girlfriend these days."

Thinking of his girlfriend in his mind, Lin Hu also missed it very much. After thinking about it, he finally nodded and said: "Boss, pay attention to yourself. My mobile phone is turned on 24 hours a day. Call me when you need me. I will Return to you as quickly as possible."

Wang Xudong nodded and said: "It's okay, you go."

After finishing speaking, Meteor strode towards Zheng Xiaotong. However, Zheng Xiaotong almost rushed over and threw himself into Wang Xudong's arms happily, yelling, "Brother Dong!"

All the misses were all in the sound of "Brother Dong". Wang Xudong realized his girlfriend's deep miss and affection, and forced his girlfriend into his arms, and kissed her **** her lips.

Zheng Xiaotong responded enthusiastically.

After a long time, the two people separated, holding hands, talking and laughing towards the car. Zheng Xiaotong didn't notice that in the distance, it was Shi Zhenxiang.

This guy did not leave, but first answered a phone call ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then was thinking about how to obtain further and more detailed information, and also thought about Zheng Xiaotong's situation, and prepared to take the time to check Zheng Xiaotong's Family situation, address and things like that.

However, it is estimated that he can't find it. He doesn't know this yet and is thinking about these things. Suddenly, his eyes condensed and saw Wang Xudong and Zheng Xiaotong talking and laughing holding hands in the distance.

Immediately, Shi Zhenxiang's eyes showed a sharp look, especially when he remembered Wang Xudong's appearance in his mind.

Wang Xudong felt keenly, and he felt that someone was staring at him, and he immediately looked back, but there are too many people here, and it is temporarily impossible to determine who is staring at him.

Noting Wang Xudong's situation, Zheng Xiaotong said with concern: "Brother Dong, what's wrong?"

Wang Xudong said: "Nothing, go, let's get in the car."

Wang Xudong drove himself, and the two returned to Zheng Xiaotong’s cottage together. Knowing that Wang Xudong was coming today, Wu Yaping had cleaned up the small villa inside and out, and was busy in the kitchen at this time.

The evening meal was very rich. The family enjoyed themselves and ate dinner together. Zheng Ming also asked Wang Xudong about some of his situation with concern.

Wang Xudong stayed in Beijing for several days.

These few days have been completely time for lovers. Wang Xudong and Zheng Xiaotong have appeared in many places in the capital, including movie theaters, shopping centers, and some tourist attractions.

Today the two went to a famous shopping mall in Xicheng and bought a good set of clothes for Wu Yaping and Zheng Ming. The two returned, Wang Xudong holding a shopping bag in one hand, and Zheng Xiaotong in the other hand, and they walked together. Into the villa.

As soon as he entered the hall, Wang Xudong was stunned, and said in surprise: "Minister Chen!"


Send the second more!

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