God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1080: Line up for "lottery"

Big villa, big open air balcony.

Wang Xudong is enjoying the warm and comfortable sunshine. It is the end of spring. Donghai City has a pleasant climate at this time, and the sun is lazily shining on him.

Today’s weather is even better, with a blue sky, Wang Xudong doesn’t want to go anywhere. Even Xudong Mining Group didn’t go, but soaked a pot of good tea, and Zheng Xiaotong basked in the sun, so that the whole body and mind are comfortable and relaxed. .

The balcony of the big villa is big enough with tables and chairs. Wang Xudong sits on a chair, and Zheng Xiaotong sits on the chair not far away.

Looking up, you can see the boundless sea in the distance. The view is very wide. The warm sea breeze blowing from the sea is refreshing.

"Brother Dong, I don't want to move anymore, I just want to lie here quietly like this."

Wang Xudong nodded slightly, staring at the sea in the distance, and occasionally fishing boats or cargo ships could be seen on the sea.

"Liu Yu, this guy went out into the ocean once, and he should be back in a few days." Suddenly, Wang Xudong thought of Liu Yu who was accompanying the ocean fleet.

Of course, I also thought of the upcoming rare earth ore order. The relevant “rules of the game” have been formulated and announced on the official website of Xudong Mining Group. Before the announcement, Wang Xudong had seen it.

This time the rare earth ore order is typically overwhelming, and Xudong Mining Group can only provide 30 million tons of rare earth ore for the time being, and there are too many companies that need this kind of rare earth ore.

According to the rules of the game, today is the registration day. Enterprises in need will first register with Xudong Mining Group. After a preliminary review, only those eligible can participate in the formal ordering conference.

The rare earth ore ordering conference will be held tomorrow at the Century Royal Hotel. The staff of Xudong Mining Group are already making preparations.

Correspondingly, Xudong Mining Group has formulated a series of rules, such as ordering rare earth ore must be paid 50% in advance, and delivery can only start after 3 to 5 months. The price is based on the national price of rare earth ore, pricing details, etc. East Mining Group will also inform you.

As the chairman, Wang Xudong does not need to attend this rare earth ore ordering conference. Liang Hongbo and Xu Jie are enough. What Wang Xudong has to do is to wait for the ordering conference to end and listen to the report.


Century Royal Hotel.

Xudong Mining Group opened a business suite here, and a supervisor and several staff members are registering here.

Companies that need to participate in the order of rare earth ore tomorrow, according to the requirements of Xudong Mining Group, conduct preliminary qualification confirmation and registration here, and obtain the qualifications to participate, before they can participate in the ordering conference tomorrow.

There were yellow-skinned Orientals, blond whites, and even blacks. Various ethnic groups represented different companies in the world, all of which needed rare earth minerals.

"Line up, please don't jump in, otherwise we will disqualify him."

The director of Xudong Mining Group, seeing that someone was not queuing up according to the rules, immediately spoke domineeringly in English.

The white man who was about to jump in the line was taken aback, and immediately lined up properly and honestly. Just kidding, disqualification, this is no joke.

In each turn of a company, the representative of the company will hand in the information, and it is in Chinese, but not in English. If you want to order rare earth ore from Xudong Mining Group, you can only follow the requirements of Xudong Mining Group, and the information must be in Chinese.

These staff members will take a look at the information after receiving the information. After a preliminary review, they feel that there is no problem. They will register the company and issue an invitation letter. Tomorrow, they will use the invitation letter to participate in the rare earth ore ordering conference. .

At the beginning, everything was in order. Not long after, it was the turn of an Oriental man in a white shirt and tie.

After he handed in the information, the staff of Xudong Mining Group took a look, frowned and returned the information: "Sir, I'm sorry, our rare earth mineral sands are temporarily not accepted by Fuso State Enterprises."


The Fusang man was obviously dissatisfied, his voice became louder, and he also questioned Xudong Mining Group's approach.

The director of Xudong Mining Group replied aggressively, "There is no reason, we refuse the order from Fusang Enterprise, do we need a reason?"

Yes, no reason!

Rare earth ore is ours, I can sell to whomever I want to sell!

"You are discrimination." The Fusang man was still yelling there.

The supervisor was too lazy to talk nonsense, and waved his hand: "Security, please ask him out."

There are several security guards here to maintain order. Upon seeing this, two security guards came up, crossed the Fusang man and left, saying "please" is a polite way of saying, in fact, they crossed the person away.

For this rare earth order, companies from three countries were excluded, namely Fuso, Kimchi and Citi.

Sorry, our rare earth ore will not be sold to these three countries for the time being, nor will their companies sell it at all.

Xudong Mining Group can be so domineering!

Sitting on the world's largest rare-earth mine, Xudong Mining Group has such confidence that the rare-earth ore mined out can be sold as much as it wants to sell. No one has the right to interfere.

Today is mainly for registration. In the evening, a total of 30 companies were registered. Some companies quickly sent people over after hearing the news. Once they arrived in Donghai City, they rushed to the Century Royal Hotel and handed in application materials.


Today, Wang Xudong came to his office.

Sit down on the spacious and comfortable boss chair and thought to himself that at this time, Century Royal Hotel should be very lively.

Xudong Mining Group prepared a conference hall in Century Royal, where today's rare earth ore ordering meeting was carried out, and the whole conference hall was full of liveliness.

There are all kinds of people. Except for the representatives of a few domestic companies, they are all representatives or responsible persons of some overseas companies. Everyone came here by invitation, with only one purpose, and that is to order rare earth ore.

The ordering conference has not yet started. The staff of Xudong Mining Group not only received the representatives and persons in charge of various enterprises who arrived in this conference hall, but also handed out a document and a small bag of rare earth ore samples.

The fine rare earth ore is packed in small plastic bags, about tens of grams. The people here are not laymen. Some people even deal with rare earths all the year round. When they got this small plastic bag, they immediately recognized it.

"This is rare earth ore!"

"This is the sample given to us by Xudong Mining Group!"


After getting this bag of samples, everyone became excited one by one. Some people even looked carefully, even if there is no test, they can see that this rare earth ore seems to be good.

"Gentlemen and ladies, what you have got is the rare earth samples mined from our rare earth mines. The grade of rare earth is 1%. In our rare earth mining area, this kind of rare earth ore is mined. This ordering conference, we will get 30 million tons of rare earths will be released for your order.

A staff member of Xudong Mining Group took the microphone and started to speak to everyone. He also told everyone to wait a moment. At 10 o'clock in the morning, the ordering conference officially started.

In addition to looking at this small bag of rare earth samples with good interest, everyone also looked at the materials they obtained. These are more detailed materials.

For example, the ordering rules are introduced in detail, which mentions "lottery". There are 30 companies that want to order rare earth ore, while Xudong Mining Group can only take out 30 million tons of shares for the time being, and each company can order up to 3 million tons. In other words, only 10 companies can finally successfully order rare earth ore.

"What is this'lottery' for?"

A foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes apparently did not understand what the "lottery" was about, and asked the person next to him quietly.

This is the person in charge of a domestic rare earth company. He explained it in English and the foreigner finally understood it, which roughly meant the lottery.

If you are lucky, you can order rare earth ore if you get it. If your hands are black and you don’t get it, you can only watch others order rare earth ore.

10 o'clock in the morning.

Liang Hongbo and Xu Jie ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ dressed in formal attire, walked into the conference hall together, followed by several people behind them. They were the middle and high-level members of Xudong Mining Group. Holding a box, which is used for lottery.

The lively conference hall was quiet. Everyone sat in their chairs and thought to themselves that the order of rare earth ore is about to begin. I don’t know how lucky I am to order rare earth ore.

Liang Hongbo presided over the ordering conference, announced a series of rules, and then signaled the staff to open the box and display it in front of everyone.

There are a total of 30 table tennis **** in it, 10 of which are red and the other 20 are white. After showing them to everyone, the staff put 30 table tennis **** in the box and placed them in front of everyone.

The lottery is about to begin. Whoever is lucky enough to touch the red ball can order 3 million tons of rare earth ore from Xudong Mining Group. If the hand is black and the white ball is touched, sorry, you can’t order rare earth ore.

Many people looked at the box in front of them, eager to try.

Liang Hongbo looked around the entire conference hall and said loudly into the microphone: "Gentlemen and ladies, who will come up and try your luck first."

As soon as the sound fell, someone stood up, strode to the front of the box, reached into the box, and began to touch the ping pong ball inside.

The box is very cleverly designed. I can just put my hand into it, but I can't see the slightest situation in the box. It's all luck to touch the red ball or white ball.

After this person touched it, he finally found the first table tennis ball. Everyone's eyes were on this person. When his hand came out of the box, everyone saw the color of the table tennis ball in his hand!


The third one is sent!

That's all for today's update. It's the third watch again. Do you have votes for it?

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