God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 1081: Events in the rare earth industry


It's actually a red table tennis ball!

While lamenting the good luck of the first crab-eater, cheers in the hall rang, and some even whistled in excitement, and the atmosphere was high!

"I'll try it!"

"I'm coming too!"

Representatives or heads of several companies stood up, rolled up their sleeves, and prepared to come up and try their luck. Liang Hongbo and Xu Jie smiled at each other.

Liang Hongbo said loudly: "Don't worry, wait in line to register, and come one by one." You have to come up for the lottery, register first, and confirm your identity before the representative of this company can put his hand in the box to touch the table tennis.

Seeing what Mr. Liang said, everyone was very conscious and took the initiative to queue up, register first, and then line up to play table tennis.

The next thing is wonderful, with exclamation sounds from time to time, and there will be warm applause. It was someone who was lucky to get the red table tennis ball.

It's not that there will be a sigh, it is a black hand, and the ping pong ball is actually white. In the entire conference hall, with the sound of exclamation or sigh, the atmosphere reached its peak, and many people's hearts suddenly tightened and loosened.

Liang Hongbo and Xu Jie looked at each other happily. They thought at the same time whether they were too bullish. It was not the head of the company or the representative of the company who came to touch the table tennis. No matter how great, they are willing to play table tennis here.

Pierce was counting the number of red ping pong **** that had been touched. Seeing that 5 red **** had been touched, he couldn't sit still a little bit. He took a deep breath and prayed in his heart. His hand crossed his chest before he got up and walked over to register.

Soon it was Pierce's turn. Everyone's attention was focused on Pierce. Many people also recognized Pierce and knew that he was the deputy general manager of a famous rare earth refining company in Western Europe, responsible for the global procurement of rare earth mines.

When standing in front of this box, Pierce found his heartbeat speeded up involuntarily, took another deep breath, and prayed in his heart again, God bless, I must touch the red ball.

Putting a slightly trembling hand into the box, Pierce found that the ping pong ball inside felt the same. It was completely impossible to judge which is the red ball and which was the white ball by the feel.


Pierce gritted his teeth secretly, closed his eyes and took out a ping-pong ball. He knew that the ball had been taken out, but he didn't dare to look at it. He only felt his heart beating.

3 million tons of rare earth ore!

Just a few days ago, he competed with others for more than 1 million tons of rare earth tailings. Now, if you touch the red ball, you can order 3 million tons of rare earth ore. This is not a tail. Ore, but good grade ore.

Hold the ping-pong ball tightly in his hand, and dare not look at it or let it go. The entire conference hall seemed to quiet down suddenly, and everyone's eyes were focused on Pierce's right hand.

"It looks like a red ball!"

"No, it should be the white ball!"

Because the ping pong ball was held tightly by Pierce, other people could not see clearly, and the voice of guessing also rang.

While praying, Pierce slowly stretched out his tight right hand, but his eyes were still closed. He was afraid that when he stretched out his hand, he would see a white ball in his palm.

As his hand stretched out, everyone finally saw clearly, cheers rang, applause rang, and excited whistles rang!

"Red ball, he actually touched the red ball!"

"This is the sixth red ball, and there are 4 more!"


Such a sound came into Pierce's ears. In an instant, Pierce became excited, opened his eyes, and looked at the palm of his hand.

It's really a red ping pong ball!

At this time, Pierce discovered that he had never felt that red was so beautiful. It was definitely the most pleasing red he had ever seen in his life.

"I touched the red ball!" Pierce yelled without an image.

Liang Hongbo and Xu Jie looked at each other again, and they both laughed. The foreigner who touched the red ball was too cute, and this excited and happy appearance was enough to infect people around them.

The touch ball contest continues!

The representatives or persons in charge of these companies came up to try their luck one by one. A few were happy and some were sad. A total of 10 companies’ representatives or persons in charge showed happy smiles, and there were 20 companies’ representatives or persons in charge. A look of loss and depression.

You can't blame others for having a black hand.

Liang Hongbo also spoke into the microphone and said loudly: "Gentlemen and ladies, with everyone's common witness, the lottery has been completed. There are a total of 10 companies that can share 30 million tons of rare earth ore. They are..."

With Wang Xudong waved his hand, the names of these 10 companies were displayed on the big screen in front. Liang Hongbo also said: "Each of these 10 companies can order 3 million tons of rare earth ore from us. If there is something that you don't want to order, or if the order quantity does not reach 3 million tons, you can now submit it."

After speaking, I looked around the entire conference hall and waited for a full minute or two, and no one said that they did not want to order or that the order quantity did not reach 3 million tons.

Just kidding, it’s hard to get the order qualification, and no one wants to give up. As for the 3 million tons, it seems that these people are still a bit small.

Liang Hongbo said: "Since no one has given up, the matter is settled. The formal order contract can be signed this afternoon. According to the rules we have put forward in advance, 50% of the purchase price needs to be paid in advance, and the delivery date is 3 to 5 months. After that, the price will be floated..."

Liang Hongbo announced the details again. After everyone’s applause, this rare earth ordering conference came to an end temporarily. Those corporate representatives and responsible persons who did not touch the red ball can leave. Those who are lucky enough to touch the red ball can leave. You can stay and sign a formal order for rare earth ore in the afternoon.

The formal order contract has been drawn up by Xudong Mining Group for a long time, all of which are unified templates, and the terms inside are basically the same. Just fill in a little.

In this way, the efficiency is very high. In less than one afternoon, 10 orders were made. For each order of 3 million tons of rare earth ore, 10 copies are 30 million tons.

"Brother Dong, it's all done!"

Liang Hongbo and Xu Jie happily knocked on the door and entered Wang Xudong's office, reporting loudly as soon as they entered.

Wang Xudong smiled, and he was happy, everything was as expected.

Xu Jie said: "Brother Dong, today's order is very hot, and many media will report it. This is a grand event in the international rare earth industry. Our rare earth mining area will be further known to everyone. I am worried..."

He did not go on, but Wang Xudong already understood what Xu Jie meant. Wang Xudong said: "Don't worry, the international rare earth prices will be very strong and will only rise and not fall for some time to come."

Xu Jie is worried that Xudong Mining Group will mine so many rare earth ore every year, and this time it will take out a share of 30 million tons of rare earth ore, which will have a certain impact on the international rare earth market, such as price drops.

But Wang Xudong doesn't think so. Rare earth resources are non-renewable resources, and the world reserves will only become less and less. As mining proceeds, their prices will only get higher and higher.

The emergence of my own rare earth mine has a certain impact on the world's rare earth industry, but there is also a great demand for rare earth resources in the world. Xudong Mining Group's 30 million tons of rare earth ore will not have an impact on the international rare earth market.

Sure enough, as expected by Wang Xudong, the international rare earth market in the next few days has not been affected and declined, but has been rising slightly.


You Jun is an international student studying in a famous overseas university. His major is aerodynamics. He studied aircraft design at a famous domestic university during his undergraduate years. His ideal in life is to return to China after completing his studies and work for the aviation industry of the motherland. contribution.

"You, f22 needs to make technical improvements. This plan has been initiated by the Citigroup government."

"Oh." You Jun is a little bit puzzled. Why suddenly, the Citi government wants to start such a plan. There are very few fourth-generation fighters in active service in the world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and there is no fourth-generation function that can shake the f22. Leading position.

According to reason, if there is no threat, Citigroup will not upgrade the f22 fighter. Could it be the pressure from our country? Could it be that our country has successfully developed a new type of fighter.

Soon You Jun denied this speculation. You Jun knew that it was easy to talk about launching and successfully developing a new fighter, let alone a fourth-generation fighter.

For the time being, I don’t know why Citigroup wants to upgrade the f22 fighter. You Jun simply did not think about it anymore, but instead focused on his thesis. He will graduate in two months. He is going to return to China and enter the country. A well-known aircraft design research institute.

I entered the library with books, sat in front of the computer, and started to read professional academic journals, magazines, etc.

In particular, he also understands some of the cutting-edge technologies and trends in the aviation industry. This is basically your daily homework. The purpose of this is to keep up with the times and not be abandoned by the times.

You Jun found a well-known academic journal and found an article on the f22 fighter in this journal. This article analyzed many aspects of the f22 fighter. After reading it, you really didn’t understand it. The f22 fighter It is already advanced enough, why does Citigroup spend a lot of money to upgrade it?

Is it really the pressure from China!

This kind of speculation in You Jun's mind again, in order to confirm this speculation, You Jun began to search the Internet for some news about the development of China's new fighter.


Suddenly, You Jun gave a soft sigh. He found an article. To be precise, this should be a news article in English and not very eye-catching, but the content inside is amazing. You Jun plunged in immediately. Read it quickly.


The first one is sent!

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