God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 819: What Wang Xudong likes

Sun Yan is a civil servant and has the habit of reading newspapers every day. The same is true today. The first thing to do at work is to make a cup of tea. Picking up today’s newspaper, it looks like this is a copy of "Buchuan Daily", and she almost The newspaper I read every day. Little ◇ said

Turning to the newspaper, Sun Yan was stunned. On the front page, the pictures and texts were all full of reports on the Fuchuan Oilfield.

In the Buchuan Oilfield, the people of Buchuan today don’t know and no one knows. Sun Yan has a better understanding and familiarity with this oil field, because her husband is a supervisor of this oil field. When she is at home, her husband talks about the oil field the most.

What's more, another oil well has produced oil, another oil well has been drilled, another oil pipeline has been laid, and so on. Even if the canteen is refreshing, he will go home and talk about it. Every time he talks about it, he is still the kind of excited.


Seeing this report, Sun Yan was very surprised. The whole report was full of enthusiasm, with a festive tone, covering the latest situation of the Fuchuan Oilfield, with the focus on the No. 27 oil well in the No. 2 oil field.

The world's most productive oil well!

On the first day of spraying, the output exceeded 280,000 barrels!

Such words deeply stimulated Sun Yan's nerves, and the whole person was happy, as if they had encountered a great event. The colleague Xiao Liu next to him noticed this and immediately asked curiously.

"Sister Sun, what's wrong, so happy! Have a happy event at home?"

When asked this, several other colleagues in the office looked over together, all looked at Sun Yan, and after noticing that Sun Yan was happy, someone said, "Sister Sun, it’s a happy event. Tell me, everyone. Have fun."

Sun Yanyang said in Yang's "Fuchuan Daily", "It is a report from the Fuchuan Oil Field. They have hit the world's most productive oil field, and the daily oil production has exceeded 280,000 barrels!"


Hearing that, many people started looking for today's "Fu Chuan Daily". After finding this newspaper, they saw the large-scale report on the front page. They were all surprised and even congratulated.

"Sister Sun, congratulations, I heard that Li Ge is a supervisor in Fuchuan Oilfield, and I am happy and proud of Li Ge."

Sun Yan quickly said, "Where, where, thank you all."

At this time, Sun Yan's heart was full of joy, and she thought to herself, my vision is really good. When the first batch of workers were recruited in the Fuchuan Oilfield, he went there. Not only was the salary high, the welfare was good, but it also had such a face. .

Sun Yan was in a good mood. In front of her colleagues, she picked up the phone and dialed her husband's phone, "Lao Li, you have produced the world's most productive oil well, and it was reported in the "Fuchuan Daily"! "

On the other side of the phone, a joyous voice came, "Wife, you must congratulate me on this. Yes, the oil production of Well 27 of our No. 2 oil zone broke the record, and the daily oil production reached more than 280,000 barrels. We are still monitoring it."

"From our monitoring data, today's output will definitely be about the same, estimated to be around 280,000 barrels. We are so happy, so happy!"

Generally speaking, the output of a self-injection well during the initial injection period is the highest. In particular, the output on the first day of the initial injection is the highest, and then the output will gradually decline. After entering the stable production period, the daily output will stabilize.

What makes the employees of the entire Fuchuan Oilfield happy is that the output of Well 27 has not fallen significantly over time, but has been performing strongly, showing signs of being out of control.

If it enters the stable production period, the daily output is more than 200,000 barrels, it would be very gratifying. The veritable world's first high-yield oil well is a lot higher than the world's second-highest oil well.

Everyone firmly believes that even if the No. 27 oil well enters the stable production period, the daily output will definitely exceed 200,000 barrels. This is beyond doubt.

As a supervisor of the Fuchuan Oilfield, the husband of Sun Yan has a better understanding of the situation in Well 27. During the call, his tone was full of joy.

Sun Yan was happy and proud in her heart, "Lao Li, going home tonight, I will cook your favorite dish for you, and open our bottle of good wine, and allow you to drink two glasses."

"Wife, really, great, I will go home tonight and wait for me!"

Following the large-scale report of "Buchuan Daily", this news was quickly reprinted by many media, whether domestic or foreign, and many people in the entire petroleum industry know that the world's most productive oil well has appeared in the Fuchuan Oilfield. .

In the capital.

In a luxurious villa, He Liang squinted his eyes. These days, he was banned and he was not allowed to go out of the house. Until now, he was allowed to walk in the courtyard.

After being detained for so long, when He Liang walked out, he felt a little dazzling in the sun outside. After a while, he returned to the house.

It was so boring. Picking up a newspaper, it seemed that in this newspaper, he saw a report about the Fuchuan Oilfield. He Liang's mood suddenly became unwell.

Fuchuan Oilfield, the world's first high-yield oil well!

He Liang almost spit out his old blood. He invested heavily in the construction of a large oil field in Liaodong Province. As a result, a drop of oil did not come out, and billions of dollars of funds were lost. Therefore, he was banned. , Living under house arrest where life is better than death.

In the newspaper, a large-scale report on the Fuchuan Oilfield, which produced more than 3 million barrels of crude oil per day, the first high-yield oil well, etc., made He Liang almost unable to breathe. It is really incomparable. He himself is a scum in front of Wang Xudong.

The news of the Fuchuan Oilfield has almost become a domestic news hotspot in the past two days, and even CCTV news has been reported. The announcer's tone was very festive, and even congratulated Xudong Mining Group for creating discipline and hitting the world's first high-yield oil well.

Wang Xudong also received a lot of congratulatory calls, especially Chen Yuehui's congratulatory call. During the call, Chen Yuehui not only congratulated Wang Xudong, but also thanked Wang Xudong.

The rise of the Fuchuan Oilfield can greatly ease the pressure on domestic oil imports and have made great contributions to the country. Naturally, Chen Yuehui would like to express his gratitude.

At the same time, Chen Yuehui was also very happy, knowing that his task this year was completed ahead of schedule. The senior management asked him to increase the output of 40 million tons of crude oil this year. For a single Fuchuan oil field, its crude oil output will far exceed 40 million tons in one year.

If the Fuchuan Oilfield is built, the annual oil output should be about 1.5 billion barrels, or more than 200 million tons, which is much higher than 40 million tons.

According to the current progress, at most one or two months, regardless of whether it is No. 2 or No. 3 oil area, all oil wells will be put into production, and then the entire oil field will enter stable production, reaching about 5 million barrels of crude oil per day.

Wang Xudong is not in a hurry to leave Fuchuan City.

During the day, I would go around the oil field and take a look. I usually return to Bucheon in the afternoon and stay at the Bucheon Hotel. He naturally knows that the output of the No. 27 oil well has not dropped much in the past few days, and has basically stabilized at around 280,000 barrels.

This is amazing!

Generally speaking, since the first blowout period of the blowout well, the production will be relatively high, and then gradually decline, but in the 27th oil well, there is no sign of production decline at all.

All this, Wang Xudong attributed it to the magic of the "God-level Big Miner" system, because the oil was gathered by Wang Xudong using the system, and such a magical phenomenon appeared, normal!

Today, Wang Xudong, exceptionally, did not go to the Fuchuan Oilfield, but came to the seaside at least 20 kilometers away from the oilfield.

In the distance, the endless sea is the Liaodong Bay, the vast Bohai Sea. The area of ​​this beach is also large enough, anyway, Wang Xudong did not see the edge, it was so flat that he could only see the horizon in the distance, and a few villages faintly appearing in the distance.

Accompanied by Wang Xudong, not only Zheng Xiaotong, Liu Yu, but also Liang Hongbo and other middle and high-level Xudong Mining Group members, as for Lin Hu, followed far behind.

Accompanying everyone are Ding Yuan and other principal officials from Bucheon. Everyone temporarily doesn't understand why Wang Xudong suddenly worked hard and pointed out that he would come to this area.

However, Wang Xudong is everyone's God of Wealth. Even though there is a big question mark in his heart, Ding Yuan and others still enthusiastically accompany Wang Xudong to visit this area.

Seeing the sea and the beach, Liu Yu seemed very happy. He ran away long ago, rolled up his pants, and had a great time on the beach in the distance. He ran over only after having a lot of fun.

"Brother Dong, this place is good. Could it be that you have taken a fancy to the scenery here and are planning to develop a resort here?"

Wang Xudong smiled and thought in his heart, brother, I may not be interested in developing the resort, but have other plans.

Ding Yuan's eyes lit up, thinking that Wang Xudong really intends to invest in building a resort here, and immediately said: "Chairman Wang, this place is really good. Look at how beautiful the beach is, the view is wide, and there is an endless sea in front of..."

Ding Yuan talked about all the advantages here, as if he was an excellent lobbyist, and Liang Hongbo was a little moved, so he almost suggested, Dongge, if you really invest in building a resort here, it would be great. .

Wang Xudong did not have the slightest interest in investing in the construction of a resort, but continued to investigate the situation in this area, and after another look.

Wang Xudong said: "Secretary Ding, this place is really good, I have already taken a fancy to it!"

"Ah!" Ding Yuan was taken aback~www.wuxiaspot.com~ without thinking. After only watching for an hour or two, Wang Xudong made it clear that he had taken a fancy to this place.

After a slight stunned, Ding Yuan was overjoyed, thinking that Wang Xudong really took a fancy to this place and was about to invest heavily in the development and construction of the resort. He immediately stated: "Chairman Wang, you are welcome to invest here. I believe that in the near future, this place will be A famous holiday destination in the country."

Wang Xudong smiled, "Secretary Ding, I like this place, it's not an investment in building a resort."


Not only Ding Yuan, but many people were slightly surprised. If Chairman Wang does not invest in the construction of a resort, what will he do here?

Only Liang Hongbo, who seemed to understand something, thought excitedly in his heart, as expected to be Brother Dong, it seems that there will be another big deal!


The third one is sent!

That's all for today's update, thank you everyone!

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