God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 820: No. 4 oil zone?

"Brother Dong..."

Wang Xudong interrupted Liang Hongbo with a wave of his hand, and looked at the large beach and asked, "Secretary Ding, does this belong to the exploration and mining scope of our Fuchuan Oilfield?"

Ding Yuan was puzzled and thought in his heart, Chairman Wang suddenly asked why this was. Xiao said, but he answered truthfully: "Chairman Wang, let alone this location, even if it is tens of kilometers away, it is still within the exploration and production range of the Fuchuan Oilfield."

At the beginning, Wang Xudong obtained the exploration and exploitation rights of Fuchuan Oilfield, which is a huge area. Because for an oil field, the distribution area can often reach hundreds or even thousands of square kilometers. If some oil reservoirs are scattered a little bit, the area may reach tens of thousands of square kilometers.

However, Wang Xudong’s Fuchuan Oilfield has highly concentrated oil reservoirs, with a total of 6.5 billion tons of oil, mainly concentrated in the current three oil fields, far from reaching hundreds or thousands of square kilometers.

Even if the oil distribution is highly concentrated, Xudong Mining Group has also obtained exploration rights and oil extraction rights covering an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers.

Not to mention this beach, even if it is dozens of kilometers away, Xudong Mining Group has the right to explore and oil exploitation.

As long as Xudong Mining Group is willing, they can conduct any oil exploration on this thousands of square kilometers of land. If oil is found, they can also conduct mining. Everything is completely legal.

As the boss of Xudong Mining Group, Wang Xudong naturally knows that this area is within his exploration range. The purpose of asking this question is to remind everyone that I am going to conduct oil exploration here.

Sure enough, Wang Xudong said: "This place is good, big enough, and flat enough. If we build another oil field here, what do you think?"

Build another oil zone!

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback, and soon after reacting, everyone was excited and excited, especially Liang Hongbo. He had guessed this, and now his guess has been verified. Brother Dong really plans to be here. We are going to exploit oil and prepare to build another oil field.

Isn't this the No. 4 oil zone of the Fuchuan Oilfield!

Several officials in Bucheon secretly clenched their fists tightly, saying in their hearts that they are too powerful. If another oil field is built, the Fuchuan Oilfield will definitely have the strength to win the world's largest oil field.

Ding Yuan was also very happy. Originally guessed that Wang Xudong might build a top resort here. After all, the scenery here is good and it is beside the beautiful beach.

Without thinking, Wang Xudong plans to invest in the construction of an oil production area. Such good news is undoubtedly very exciting.

After all, he is an official of a certain level. In addition to being happy and excited, he did not lose his mind. Instead, he reminded: "Chairman Wang, the conditions for building an oil zone here are really good, but is there oil here?"

Yes, this is the key.

If there is no abundant oil reserves, everything is forbidden to talk about, no matter how good the conditions are. If there are abundant oil reserves, then a large oil area can be built here. Like the No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 oil areas of the Fuchuan Oilfield, this may be the No. 4 oil area of ​​the Fuchuan Oilfield.

Everyone looked at Wang Xudong.

Wang Xudong smiled and said: "If there is oil, you will know if you do some exploration. Maybe we are lucky, and there are abundant oil reserves here."

Previously, Professor Lei's exploration area was mainly concentrated in the No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 oil fields and nearby areas. The exploration area was less than 100 square kilometers, and this area was not involved.

It is the area of ​​one hundred and ten square kilometers, which made Lei Ziyuan and others feel that nature is really great. Such an area is actually enriched with more than 6 billion tons of high-quality light crude oil.


Maybe there are new discoveries. Everyone saw that Wang Xudong seemed to be full of confidence, and everyone was happy again, especially Liang Hongbo. He knew that if Dong Ge said that there is oil here, there must be oil. If there is no accident, this will be the Fuchuan Oilfield soon. No. 4 oil zone.

Suddenly, Liang Hongbo's eyes on this area were completely different. In his opinion, this place was really good. Not to mention the flat and vast terrain, it is far from the urban area, far from the industrial area, and the population density is not high. Only in the distance, about two kilometers away, is there a small village. It is a blank paper for drawing.

Everyone is the same, re-examining this piece of land, the more you look at it, the more satisfying it becomes.

Are there abundant reserves of oil here?

The answer is definitely no. Basically, there is no drop of oil. It is absolutely impossible to build any oil extraction area here. Without oil, mine a hair.

Wang Xudong can.

He has a "God-level big mine owner" system, and there are more than 10,000 ordinary energy points. If oil is needed, he can gather oil from afar to form a new oil reservoir here, forming a large oil layer, and make this place Surprising oil reserves appear.

Just do it.

When everyone re-evaluated the land with joy, Wang Xudong activated the "God-level Large Miner" system to scan the oil reserves and distribution within a radius of 500 kilometers and a depth of 4,000 meters.

It faces the Bohai Sea and is located in the Liaodong Bay. There are astonishing oil reserves in the Bohai Basin, reaching more than 27 billion tons. This amount of oil is enough for China to use for decades. Just because they are stored in the bottom of the seabed depth, with modern mining methods and levels, it is extremely difficult.

For Wang Xudong, this is not a problem. Therefore, Wang Xudong selected a part of oil that is relatively deep and cannot be exploited at the modern level, about one billion tons. This oil is gathered to regenerate high-quality light crude oil.

Regardless of whether it is No. 1, No. 2 or No. 3 oil zone, the oil there is re-gathered by Wang Xudong using the system. Wang Xudong can be described as "experienced" and Shumen Shulu quickly completed this billion The accumulation of tons of oil.

All are concentrated in this area, with suitable location, moderate burial depth, and high enrichment, forming highly concentrated oil reservoirs underground. These oil reservoirs of various sizes constitute an oil layer with more than one billion tons of oil storage. .

"Well, it's still a bit less." Wang Xudong thought in his heart.

If you let others know that there is still a little less than one billion tons of oil, then others must be in the mood to hit the wall, brother, this is one billion tons, not 100,000 tons, OK?

If an oil field has one billion tons of oil, it is definitely a very large oil field, but Wang Xudong thinks it is a little too small.

The main reason is that Wang Xudong’s vision is higher. The oil reserves of No. 1 oil area are more than 2 billion tons, the No. 2 oil area is 3 billion tons, and the No. 3 oil area has reached more than 1.5 billion tons. If this is the No. 4 oil area, in Wang Xudong’s view It's really a little bit small, only more than 1 billion tons. How to say, it should be 23 billion tons.

Looking at the empty No. 2 energy slot in the "God-level big mine owner" system, Wang Xudong said in his heart that the energy points are still a little bit small. If there are tens of thousands of energy points, billions of tons of high-quality light can be gathered here. Quality oil.

After the accumulation of oil, it is temporarily more than 1 billion tons. Wang Xudong also seems to have put aside a major event, and took everyone around in a good mood.

When he left, Liu Yu was still asking: "Brother Dong, you are really planning to build a large oil field there for oil extraction!"

Wang Xudong nodded affirmatively: "Yes, first carry out oil exploration. If there is enough oil, we will build our No. 4 oil zone."

Things are basically settled like this.

As for oil exploration, you don't have to worry about Wang Xudong, just give Liang Hongbo an explanation. Hearing that Dong Ge was going to build No. 4 oil zone in that area, Liang Hongbo was happier than anyone else.

He agreed, please rest assured, Dong Ge, he will contact the domestic first-class oil exploration team, will conduct a comprehensive and scientific exploration of that area.

As for whether there is oil there, Liang Hongbo doesn't doubt at all, the place Dong Ge has chosen is certainly not bad, he completely believes Dong Ge's vision.


Qingyang Airport.

Wang Xudong’s Gulfstream G650 aircraft is ready for boarding. Wang Xudong and others are also ready to board the plane, ready to board the plane, and everyone will return to Donghai City.

It has been several days since I came to Liaodong. Not only did I participate in the construction ceremony of Qingyang Port, but I also saw the gratifying Hongriling Iron Mine and Fuchuan Oilfield.

Wang Xudong knows that if he comes again in a month, the changes here will be even greater, and the three oil fields of the Fuchuan Oilfield will also be fully operational and enter a stable production period.

At that time, most of the No. 4 oil area will be explored. It’s just that the oil reserves are a bit small, only 1 billion tons. Wang Xudong hopes that his No. 4 oil zone should have 230 billion tons of oil. In this way, the total oil reserves of the entire Fuchuan Oilfield will reach 890 billion. Tons, at least the second largest oil field in the world, if you gather more time, you can completely aspire to the throne of the world’s largest oil field.

Let's talk about it when we have enough energy points in the future, Wang Xudong thought in his heart, when we have energy points again, we will come here again to gather another batch of oil for the No. 4 oil zone.

"Chairman Wang, a good journey!"

"Chairman Wang, welcome again!"

The main officials of Qingyang City ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fuchuan City came to the airport to see Wang Xudong off. Wang Xudong boarded the plane, stood at the door, and waved, "Thank you, everyone, please go back."

Under the leadership of Wang Xudong, everyone boarded the plane. Under the gazes of Pang Hongguo, Ding Yuan and others, the door of the plane was slowly closed, the buzzing of the plane's engine came, and the plane began to move slowly. , Driving towards the runway not far away.

In everyone's eyes, the plane accelerated on the runway, flew into the blue sky, and gradually went away...

Donghai International Airport.

Wang Xudong’s plane landed on the runway, slowed down, and finally stopped at the designated area. Wang Xudong and his party got off the plane happily. Here, a convoy was already waiting there and greeted Wang Xudong and others.

Soon after, a large passenger plane coming from the direction of Kimchi country also landed at the airport. On that plane, there was Che Zheyong and others.


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