God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 100: First entry to the palace

Chapter 100 Entering the Palace

On October 10, 1911, the day when the Wuchang Uprising started, a prince in charge of urban defense in the capital realized with great foresight that he had brought about 1,000 elite iron riders, all his family members were soft, and those who were left behind by Ci Xi The foreign guns and artillery in the storeroom have always been dismissive, and the family moved to the current village of Belle.

Sure enough, on February 12, 1912, Pu Yi announced his abdication, and the Qing Dynasty officially withdrew from the historical stage. Wang Ye also completed the initial stage of family construction.

Next, the world entered the troubled world of warlord separatism, but none of the warlords dared to invade Belle Village, because there was no road here, artillery tanks could not be opened, and troops were sent to attack. The jungle has become the most iron riders in the group. Good hunting ground.

Immediately after the outbreak of World War II, the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Civil War of the Communist Party of China, and the establishment of a new dynasty, various movements ... Baylor Village still thrived at its own pace. It was not until the reform and opening up that Belle Village was considered to be in contact with the outside world. A ring road leading to the outside world opened the door to Bayle Village and the outside world.

In the 1980s, when the coastal cities changed with each passing day, Baylor Village also changed its rural image. At that time, the village chief, the father of Zhenting, Nuchi reached an agreement with the official, and took out a large number of antique national treasures in exchange for Baylor. All the building materials and basic daily necessities needed by the village are classified as royal reservations, referring to the American reservations for Indians.

Belle village has been a thousand miles since then, and every family has lived on a good food and clothing. Zhen Ting, the third generation of the village chief of Belle Village, created a precedent for "sending children for further study" and brought the second take-off of Belle Village.

They brought back the advanced technology from the outside world, built a first-class hospital in the village of Belle, from kindergarten to the best school education in high school, and even the policemen at the police station here were their own children who returned after taking the police school in Belle village.

In this way, Belle Village did not have any outsiders to live in, and completed the integration with the modern life of the outside world. Every household is a small villa, and the corners of the corner are covered with marble floor tiles. At night, the lights are more shining than the city. Who would have thought that in such a valley, Belle Village even repaired a boardwalk around the lake, plus a small amusement park? Field, even roller coasters!

The 24-hour high-end supermarket, the freshest salmon can be eaten at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and the fully automatic sauna foot bath in the Baylor clubhouse is an imperial treat.

"Is this a village?" Xiao Yi saw the corners of her mouth twitching, and she had heard the screams of the children on the roller coaster far away.

"The world is too big, and many things can't be judged by common sense. Mom's old Feng's family is not without money. This time, I must recommend that my dad also build a playground to play!" Feng Quan was indignant.

"Surrounded by mountains on all sides, dense forests, the target is located at a low place, and there are lights at night ... It is simply the favorite environment of snipers." Shen Ming sighed again and again, and the extreme working conditions were close to extreme.

"Let's go, we are late." Feng Quan took Shen Ming Xiaoyi and walked into the village. He met some villagers along the way, all dressed up in bright light, wearing brand-names, and greetings in exceptional harmony. Children, up to 80-year-old grandma, with affable smiles on their faces. It seems that in their lives, they can not find emotions other than happiness. Should everyone look like this in heaven on earth?

A seven- or eight-year-old boy also gave Xiao Yi a flower and a "sister" with a mouthful, which made Xiao Yi happy to die.

Just like that, they went straight to the village chief's house in the mouth of Feng Quan ... It turned out to be a huge building like the Lama Temple, surrounded by an 8-meter-high red brick courtyard wall, with courtyards, gardens, and buildings. Bring a stable.

The splendid glazed tiles and beautifully shaped rockery ponds have truly restored the highest architectural skills of the Qing Dynasty royal family a hundred years ago. This is a modern work of art that seems to travel through time and space.

"There are actually arches, isn't it an exaggeration?" Xiao Yi stood in front of the circular arch with a height of 3.0 meters, feeling the imperial majesty, especially the raised plaque with the hot stamping "Prince's Mansion" "Three big characters.

"The ancestor of the village was originally the prince, and the past palaces had this virtue, and everything was about the atmosphere." Feng Quan didn't think he had any envy, anyway, the door of his home was bigger than this.

While talking, he had snapped the bell pepper door buckle.

"Who?" After a long time, an old answer came from the door.

"Thai steward, it's me, Feng Quan, open the door." Feng Quan cried.

"It turned out that Master Feng is back, wait, I'll open the door for you!" When the butler Thai rejoiced, he coughed for a while, and he would die when he followed.

While waiting for the door to open, Shen Ming noticed a special lettering on the wall next to the arch, which was clearly carved with a knife, and it would not take more than a month. It was all Manchu, and Shen Ming did n’t know it, just Pick up the camera and take a picture of the lettering.

At this time, the mysterious sniper was wearing a fluffy green camouflage suit full of carpets, leaning on a rock on the mountainside with a sitting position, holding his gun with his knees, and observing Wangfumen through a high-power sniper mirror Outside movement.

Suddenly, Shen Ming looked back at the mountainside where the sniper was located. A pair of sharp eyes seemed to penetrate the darkness and the forest. The sniper was frightened for a while, his back chilled.

"It's a" comrade "..." It seems that the sniper has such a strong intuition that he can pick out the sniper's companion from countless soldiers. This is an instinct and an enemy's smell.

The three-meter-high rivet mahogany double-opened door finally creaked and was pulled open by the Thai housekeeper. The Thai housekeeper who coughed to death was full of white hair, holding his back only 1.6 meters high, dry and old, with white beard. There was a kind smile on the pleated face, and it was over 80 in any way.

"Some of them, please come in!" Thai housekeeper greeted warmly, holding a portable lamp in his hand.

"Are your uncle asleep?" Feng Quan, like returning to his home, gave the baggage to the 80-year-old housekeeper.

"No, no, the master is still reading in the study." Tai said the housekeeper, and went to take Shen Ming and Xiao Yi's luggage. Shen Ming also gave it to the Thai housekeeper casually, Xiao Yi was embarrassed, and the travel backpack behind her was stuffed with a lot of things, and she almost caught up with the soldier's marching bag.

"I don't need an old man, I'll get it myself." Xiao Yiwan thanked and looked at Feng Quan and Shen Ming and roared with angrily, "Did you both have negative marks in the examination of morals and morals? I don't understand the old and the young, Let the elderly help you with your luggage. "

"Don't underestimate Thai steward, really started to work, none of us are his dishes." Feng Quan held his head in both hands and entered the house indifferently.

"He's right, do you see this thing?" Entering the door, Shen Ming patted it and stood next to the wall. The square bar used to lock the door just now, the old bar is 2 meters high, made of solid wood, and weighs more than 300 pounds, the door guarded by it, can not even open with a car.

And such a heavy object was brought up and down alone by the old man in front of Xiao Yi ...

"Miss is really nice, but the old man is a rough man who beats him. Although he is still a little bit old, let me come!" Thai steward took Xiao Xiao's bag on his shoulder with a smile, the three burdens added up It ’s over a hundred pounds, but it ’s like only a few couples in his hands. The Thai steward walks in front of him with a hand-held lamp and luggage in front of him.

"See it clearly, this is the so-called light work." Shen Ming whispered in Xiao Yi's ear. "Flying and flying is called funny bit effect. This kind of hand-carrying and calming down is the real effort."

"Can you do it?" Xiao Yi curiously.

"Well, it is estimated that this can be done for another 30 years. This kind of master of ancient martial arts has been a skill for decades. Do you really think that you can catch up with the second pulse of the Governor?" Shen Mingzi Ashamed.

"This guest is too humble, and your posture is so good that you can't keep silent, don't take a picture, seeing that you can be regarded as a dragon and a phoenix in the years before you stand. Anyway, the old man is here for you He is not so accomplished at his age. "The Thai steward returned to his old age, but his ears were very good. The whispers of Shen Ming and Xiao Yi were all collected.

"Master, what about him? How about his kung fu?" Xiao Yi talked about kung fu, and took the initiative to ask the Thai steward's evaluation of Feng Quan.

"Master Feng is the son of Feng's family. He is gifted with extraordinary talents. He came to this world with kung fu. Although only 16 years, but within 500 strokes, the old man will be defeated by him." Thai steward's evaluation of Feng Quan is obviously high Yu Shenming. However, this is only based on melee.

"You are so strong? Try another day to fight." Xiao Yi's competitive spirit was inspired.

"Don't try it. This kid is practicing unarmed killing. The trick is killing. If he doesn't know how to keep it, he will be killed." Shen Ming sighed.

Feng Quan shrugged helplessly in support of Shenming's explanation.

The courtyard of the village chief's house is not so big. After entering the door, he walked in the long gallery, passed through the rockery pond and the back garden, and could only see the corner of the main house. I can imagine the style. However, such an ancient building now has a layer of suspended black shade cloth everywhere, covering all the gardens that need light.

Shen Ming knew that this was a defensive measure to prevent snipers, and the lights along the corridor were turned off to reduce light sources. The glass on the empty door panel of the original building in the house is also uniformly installed with bulletproof glass and pasted with an opaque window film, and the light modification cost will not be less than 3 million.

In addition to showing the generosity of the village chief, they also showed their helplessness. As the target of the sniper, they can only do this, which shows that Feng Quan's fear of the mysterious sniper.


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