Chapter 101

The 4 people walked for 5 minutes and walked to the "Study" in the mouth of Thai housekeeper, a 2-storey ancient building. The study was originally on the second floor, but since the sniping incident, Zhen Ting has only been able to read on the first floor.

The butler helped open the door, and the large study room was filled with the unique scent of rosewood furniture. The neat bookshelf was filled with many classic books. An incandescent lamp made the ancient blue painting on the wall look wonderful.

I saw the old man wearing a quite Zhongshan suit with a twisted braid like Feng Quan sitting at the desk, looking at the bound book in his hand.

The old man looked old, but he looked ruddy, and even sitting there casually had a straight waist and was very spirited. The correct appearance was also the kind of good queen who seduced the queen when he was young, and now Meiyu is wise and elegant.

In addition to the prince in the study at the moment, there was another person, who was sitting in a corner chair, wearing a scarlet Tang suit, holding the bright silver spear in his arms.

This female willow leaf has a crooked eyebrow, a small cherry mouth, and healthy wheat-colored skin. The delicate small v face is as sharp as a knife, with big eyes. From the moment she saw Shen Ming, her gaze was like swallowing Shen Ming.

"Hey, do you know this woman?" Xiao Yi whispered in Shen Ming's ear. "What's the matter with you? Have you messed with someone?"

"Oh, I don't have this blessing." Shen Ming tried to squeeze out a smile and greeted Mei with her hand, but the woman looked fiercely like her ex-husband who had come out of the closet.

"Uncle, I'm back." Feng Quan usually looked loose and greeted the uncle with respect.

"Xian Nei has finally returned. You have been working **** this boat, please sit down quickly." Zhen Ting put down the book in his hand and stood up to greet Feng Quan and Shen Ming Xiao Yi. He continued, "Xian Nei quickly follow me Introduce these two friends. "

Feng Quan just wanted to speak, and Shen Ming saluted with his hands and fists. "The junior Shen Ming, visited the old senior of Zhenting. This is my assistant Xiao Yi, and I hope to see more advice from seniors in the future."

"Don't dare to teach, you have to rely on two people in the future. Old decay is implicated in this calamity today. It's really old-fashioned. All blame the 'mountain ghost' for poison." Zhenting sighed helplessly.

"Mountain ghost?" Shen Ming frowned.

"That's what Uncle calls the killer," Feng Quan explained.

"Since the situation is urgent, the juniors are no longer in the circle. I heard that I was sniped in his house yesterday. Can I go and see the sniping scene?" Shen Ming immediately put into work.

"That is of course." Zhen Ting just agreed, and the charm in the corner had stood up with a spear.

"Let me show the way." Mei took a hand-held lamp and walked out of the study.

Don't look at the Prince's Mansion, but since the death of his wife in Zhenting four years ago, only Zhenting and Thai steward are left in the entire residence. At this moment, the Thai housekeeper has prepared a room for Shen Ming Xiaoyi, left luggage, and the friend of nature has taken the lead.

After a while, Mei took everyone to a bathroom of about 6 square meters. The bathtub shower head and the interior of the Yuba immediately pulled everyone from the Qing Dynasty back to modern times.

According to Feng Quan's instructions, Mei did not deal with the scene, and Li's body was still lying inside. The moment the light was turned on, Xiao Yi looked to the side in shock. Not only because the corpse was naked, but also because his left half of his head was missing, blood mixed with the blood spray and spraying on one-third of the bathroom walls and ceiling, looking at the puppets with only half of his face, The calm look was completely unaware that he would be snatched by taking a bath.

"It is certain that the" Shan Ghost "is using the Barrett m82a1 anti-material sniper rifle ..." Just looking at the wound, Shen Ming has obtained a lot of information. "The firing distance is between 1700 meters and 1750 meters. The ability to control Barrett's goal in this distance range must be at least an elite sniper shooter at the special forces level. "

During the analysis, he touched the blood on the washstand and looked up at a small ventilated window two meters and five meters above the ground. The window only opened for 30 centimeters.

"The bullet came in from here." Shen Ming said, climbing to the washstand, looking out through the gap, facing a dense mountain forest in the distance, "the dead was hit at the moment when the window was opened, Then he fell to the ground ... the sniper had counted him to open the window. "

"Impossible. Recently, we have been threatened by snipers. We all consciously stayed away from the window. Why did he open the window to find death by himself?" Mei dismissed Shenming's analysis, and there was a kind of annoyance that she owed in her lifetime.

"It was the sniper who asked him to open the window." Shen Ming looked at the ventilator on the ceiling, opened the window, and tried to touch it upwards. Sure enough, he felt the exhaust vent of the ventilator, and pulled back one from the blade. Warhead that has been distorted.

"8.59mm caliber, long-range high-speed sniper rifle ... This is a special bullet for the British-made l115a3 long-range sniper rifle.

Our mountain ghost carried two kinds of sniper rifles with him ... "Shen Ming's complexion jumped off the washstand." The characteristic of l115a3 is that the remote sniper is extremely accurate. There was once a senior sniper of the British Royal Cavalry. During an encounter in southern Afghanistan, a l115a3 was used to kill two *** militants 2475 meters away, which is also the current world record for long-range sniping ...

Although this has some luck, it is enough to witness the long-range accuracy of this sniper rifle ... In addition to precision, it can also be equipped with a special muffler to cover fire and sound, killing invisible. "

The restoration of the entire sniping process was that Shan Gui used the muffler l115a3 long-range sniper rifle to damage the blades of the ventilating fan, which made the cricket in the bath feel boring and uncomfortable, so he was asked to manually open the small ventilating window, no more At this instant, using Barrett blew his head.

"I don't understand. Since there is such a precise long-range sniper rifle, why only use it to fight the exhaust fan, but to change another gun for killing?" Xiao Yi finally adjusted to the blood in front of her, and covered her mouth and nose with a tissue and frowned. .

Generally speaking, once a sniper enters the sniper state, it is very disgusting to change guns, which will greatly affect their sniper feeling.

"It's for us to see such a scene." Feng Quan didn't understand sniping and understood the meaning of that guy. The 8.59 mm rifle did kill him, but the 12.7 mm anti-barrett Barrett could He was stricken and beaten, and the flesh-blooded picture was more shocking and frightening.

"It can carry two kinds of sniper equipment, and it can accurately hit the target within 30 cm gap from the position of 1700 meters. It can also change guns and shoot to create sniper opportunities ... The mountain ghost is really a ghost and knows magic blessing, otherwise it is definitely the top in the world Sniper.

In the absence of sniper firearms, none of us can survive here. "Shen Ming seems to be sentenced to death.

"You will die if you die, this girl will live well." Charm scorned.

"Can't think of another way?" Feng Quan asked.

"Unless you can get me a gun."

"Does the red pistol count?"

"Oh, are you teasing me?" Shenming sighed without tears. "In fact, I can also contact my past friends to help get the gun, but the customs inspection of the dynasty is too strict. I ’m in such a hurry, it may take It will take a week to arrive. "

"Oh, now you're teasing me, and I have changed his sky lantern to illuminate the whole world for a week!" Feng Quan reprimanded.

"What can we do? Really let us hunt down the killer with a sniper rifle with a pistol?" Xiao Yi unhappyly pulled out the Type 92 automatic pistol at the waist.

"Little sister, pay attention, don't mess with the gun in front of my young master, do you want to die?" The bright silver spear in Mei's hands was already hunger and thirsty.

"Digging out, I'm afraid you have teeth?" Xiao Yi was also upset that this costumed woman was thorny as soon as she opened her mouth, obviously looking for differences.

"Everyone, please be calm and calm, and it won't hurt your peace." At the crucial time, Zhen Ting came out and hit a round field. As the master, his words were still important.

After the two tigresses calmed down, Zhen Ting continued, "I wonder if Mr. Shen Ming has any special requirements for the sniper rifle?"

"It's enough to shoot, isn't there a product for seniors?" Shen Ming heard the words and had a drama.

"Some people please come with me." Zhen Ting did not deny or admit it, but smiled and turned around, carrying everyone and walking to the room where the walls were thick and sealed on all sides.

At this time, the Thai housekeeper who packed the rooms also rushed here, holding a large bunch of keys in his hand, and opened the old lock on the door after Zhen Ting signaled.

When the door was pushed in and the lights turned on, everyone could not help but take a breath. It turned out to be the treasure house of the Prince's Mansion. Imaging of gold ingots, famous paintings by various scrolls, royal porcelain, royal ornaments are dazzling.

"It's true, isn't it?" Shen Ming was filled with emotion, and the treasure of this warehouse was valued at over one billion RMB.

"This isn't the‘ Luminous Cup ’often used in novels, right?” Xiao Yi picked up a white wine glass next to her in surprise and looked at it, but it did n’t glow.

"Friend, advise you not to touch it. The thing is the Ming Dynasty Dehua official kiln white porcelain. The market valuation is not less than 3 million. There is no market price. It is broken but you have to pay." Feng Quan was frightened. Xiao Yi was almost crushed and let go.

"Some dead objects are not enough, I don't know if Mr. Shen Ming has any fancy things, and I will send you one after the disaster." Zhen Ting can be described as bold, so placing a heavy bet is also to make Shen Ming more deadly.

"The predecessors don't have to buy me, the ancients, take the money, and dispel disasters for others. I have already taken advantage of Master Feng, there is no need to accept your gift, just give me the gun I want." Shen Ming's openness Zhenting could not help admiring him.

After chatting, the Thai housekeeper has removed a wooden box from a pile of collections, and when he opened it, his eyes were bright, "This is it ?!"


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