God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 106: Ghost vs Demon

Chapter 106: Ghost vs Demon

Hunting is far from fun as imagined. The moisture in the forest is extremely cold and bitter. For maximum flexibility, Charm wears extremely thin clothes. That coldness is nothing to the practice family. You can disperse by playing boxing with your muscles.

However, Shenming requires Charm to move as slowly as possible, to lighten the body's movements, lack of physical activity, and Charm is so cold. Instead, Shen Ming, the bastard, wrapped himself under the camouflage blanket and walked in a smooth and warm way.

The distance between the two has gradually increased from the original 5 meters. When the outline of Belle Village can be seen faintly, Charm is almost unable to find his peers. Although the distance between the two is only 30 meters, when Shen Ming stops When it came down, it was as if it were invisible, and there was no trace of breath around it.

People who practice martial arts pay attention to anger, masters believe that people are popular, and killing has the intention of killing. Whether the enemy or the friend can be judged from the breath, the killer within 100 meters can also be found out.

But Shenming is a kind of monster without a trace of popularity, which is completely integrated with the environment, as if he is the tree beside him, the road under his feet, the cold stones, the invisible wind. Even though he was moving, the bug crawled on his camouflage blanket.

Only with this kind of body form can Charm show him the fruit body and lose her chastity without realizing it. Although Charm is resentful, she has to admit that Shen Ming is definitely a top-level master. Even if placed in the old Feng's house, Charm believes that no more than 20 people can have his skill.

Unconsciously, the two have been wandering the mountain forest from morning to dusk. From the calculation of the area of ​​deep mountains, they have completed less than one fifth. It is strange that Belle Village was built in the middle of a mountain valley, surrounded by mountains on all sides, and there can be sniper spots everywhere. Pricking into the woods was like pouring a glass of water into the skin.

When Charm was about to enter a rocky mountain landscape, a deep call suddenly came from the headset, "Wait."

"Did you find him ?!" Charm immediately lay on the ground, alert.

"Look up, at 11 o'clock," Shen Ming said softly.

"What's the direction at 11 o'clock?" Charismatic remarks, Wujia didn't understand the terminology.

"Upper left corner ... 2 kilometers away."

Charm slowly looked up, and the rocky terrain made it almost an open field with few trees and a wide field of vision. I saw a black muzzle slightly out of the pile of rocks, about 2 cm.

The thing was too difficult to detect, even if there was a deep reminder, the charm was attentive for 10 seconds before seeing the existence of the muzzle, and the neck could not help but shrink.

"I haven't fired yet, do you have a burning stick?" Charmed angrily yelled in the intercom headset.

"Don't worry, it's beyond my range, and I don't know if it's a trap? This rocky landscape in front of me is a good place to replenish the gun." Shen Ming stared at the quiet and silent through 4x optical sights. Sniper positions.

"I'll try it." Charm is here to do this.

"No, I'm here." Shen Ming had already stood up from a grass when he spoke, and moved forward.

"Are you crazy? I'm the bait!" Charm stared at Shen Ming moving 30 meters away in shock.

"No prey and no bait, you are my secret weapon, stay in your place and don't move." Shen Ming cat walked out of the dense woods.

He actually took off his camouflage cloth and dropped his heavy bag beside him. With Mossinagan in his hand, he jumped onto the rocky terrain and trot all the way to the sniper position 2 kilometers away.

Although Charm really wanted to die, Shen Ming who was trying to die like this made her inexplicably nervous.

"This opponent is not easy ..." Shan Gui's sniper lens kept staring at Shen Ming. His finger was only 1 mm away from the trigger. He only needed to bend slightly, and a bullet fired at supersonic speed could kill him.

But just this 1 millimeter, Shangui hesitated for a long time and did not smash down. Shen Ming seems to be advancing steadily, but he has been walking in a turbulent zone. He does not have a bit of tall grass near his feet. He cannot judge the wind direction beside him, and he cannot modify the trajectory with the naked eye.

On the contrary, there are many rocky depressions beside him. As soon as he rolls on the ground, his body can immediately hide behind a strong bunker.

Shan Gui knew that he had deliberately induced him to fire the first shot because he was dead and could not test himself to correct the trajectory. The first shot's chance of hit was almost zero.

Sniping is such a thing that makes people speechless. Obviously your target is within your effective range. Your technical world is the first, but you just can't pull the trigger and control the enemy with one stroke.

"It's probably here." Shen Ming, who had stood in the open ground, suddenly stopped, 1600 meters from the sniper position, which should be regarded as the temptation of the demon.

This distance gives Shan Gui the hope of estimating the current maximum hit rate for the first shot, and the chances of success and failure are half-open. He deliberately made the mountain ghost a dilemma ...

"Where did the old man find this perverted monster?" The mountain ghost was sullen in his throat, even though Shen Ming hadn't fired a shot, but he ran a 400-meter course and had demonstrated extremely terrifying fighting strength.

Shan Gui is confident that he is an elite sniper who has come down from actual combat. This guy is like a god-level sniper who manipulates the battle situation, playing with his opponents in applause.

The mountain ghost thought he was a hunter in the forest, but Shen Ming had told him by action that this thing was not a prey ...

"Don't you have the courage to gamble? I won't give you such a comfortable sniper opportunity." Shen Ming sighed and raised three fingers towards the sky, pressing down the seconds, one by one. It was his last chance for the mountain ghost.

When that hand turned into a fist, the opportunity given by Shen Ming disappeared.

Standing between the heavens and the earth, he removed his muffler, raised Mosinnagan with both hands, and shot at the sniper position where the muzzle was exposed. It was so chic, so casual, without any muddy water.

The effective range of various firearms is like a mathematical formula for an excellent sniper. It must be kept in mind. No matter how it is changed, Mosin Nagan is only an old gun from World War II. The effective range of 1500 meters can break the sky.

"Idiot ..." When Shen Ming pulled the trigger, the word naturally appeared in the ghost's head.

But after 2 seconds, when the bullet hit a rock that was not more than 20 cm away from the muzzle, the words that popped out of Shan Gui's head were immediately replaced with "demon!"

What is effective range is the distance that can be controlled by effective means to make the bullet hit the target. Beyond the effective range, the flight trajectory of the bullet can only be controlled by luck, but there is a kind of evil spirit that can effectively control even luck!

Shen Ming is such an evil spirit. From the perspective of the mountain ghost, even if he is shooting under the same conditions as his position, the bullet will be more than 1 meter away from the sniper point recently, but he can control it at 20 cm. Isn't it an evil spirit?

At such a short distance, it is impossible to survive the counterattack, but the muzzle there is motionless.

"Oh, it really is fake." Shen Ming had replaced a new bullet while the bullet was flying. When he saw that the sniper point was motionless, he immediately started searching for other locations on the same line.

The mountain ghost was completely instinctual. When Shen Ming's muzzle was about to shine on the rock he was on, the l115a3 long-range sniper rifle in his hand pulled the trigger.

The long-range sniper bomb of 8.59 millimeters whizzed past, and hit a rock that was only 30 centimeters away from Shen Ming's feet, and a fist-sized bullet slot was punched out. If it hit the leg, Shen Ming's life Don't even think about standing up.

"There." Even if the mountain ghost is equipped with a muffler, Shen Ming has pinpointed the location of the mountain ghost from the deformed state of the bullet slot at the foot-1610 meters away, behind a knife-shaped rock!

Shen Ming's backhand was a shot. When Shan Gui just finished l115a3's reloading aiming, he was ready to use the revised ballistic replenishment gun, and he made a sound. The rock in front of him was dug out by Shen's bullet. The notch and the gravel hit by the bullet splashed into his hand.

Shen Ming's instantaneous ultra-effective range counterattack, the accuracy rate is as high as laser guidance. Is it impossible for him to position the bullets with GPS positioning? !!

How did he initiate a ballistic correction? This is no longer explainable by marksmanship!

Shan Gui's head was filled with countless doubts. When he pulled the second trigger, Shen Ming gave Shan Gui almost all the answers in a step that matched his movement.

This got the second shot after correction, Shan Gui could never miss again, but he still missed ... The bullet flew past the position that should hit Shen Ming's head, hitting the rocky ground behind him.

This demon can actually see the full version of the trajectory. He is using the first shot of the mountain ghost to correct all the parameters needed for the trajectory. From the second shot, he even predicted in advance where Shan Gui would attack.

With a height of 1610 meters, the bullets of both people need to fly for more than 1 second to reach each other. Shan Gui is better, Shen Ming's bullets are not as fast as him, leaving him a longer reaction time. Shen Ming only had a little more than 1 second. He was moving sideways at high speed, and he had to complete the full set of shots and then aim and shoot.

Shen Ming is just like dancing, constantly firing on the ground, constantly dodging, and firing.

Subtle trajectory corrections have been made in millimeters, and both are in complete rest to maintain stability. In just 10 seconds, the 5 rounds of the two of them were shot empty, at the same time they stopped dancing and started to change the magazine.

In the first round of the match, it was a tie. The mountain ghost couldn't believe that his last 4 effective shots were cleared by Shen Ming. It is even harder to believe that Shen Ming used the "floating" bullet to fly Shi Mo, who was in the bunker in front of him, with two rounds, almost hitting his head.

"Don't be kidding!" Shan Gui used a modern bullet changer, but was as efficient as Shen Ming's manual loading, and raised his gun at the same time.

"Charm, it's time to shoot. How long will it take you to 2500 meters into the mountain?" Shen Ming said in the headset.

"More than 6 minutes, I'll show you by myself!" Charm could not wait any longer, and rushed sideways as she spoke.


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