God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 107: Anticipate Sniper!

Chapter 107 Prophecy Sniper!

In the silent mountains and forests, continuous gunshots spread throughout the village of Belle. Amazingly, all the villagers selectively blocked this disturbing movement, and adults continued their lives in peace, even if there were The ignorant child asked, and the adults just smiled and explained that there were unscrupulous children setting off firecrackers.

Even the police at the police station turned a deaf ear to the sound of gunfire, and continued to help Mrs. Chen's family to find the lost Persian cat, and help the neighborhood resolve the trivial contradictions.

The only one who couldn't sit still was Xiao Yi, who was having dinner. The sound of the gun clearly showed that Shen Ming had fallen into a hard fight. With an old gun from World War II, he challenged a modern extreme sniper. Spectrum.

If Shen Ming can sneak up on his enemies with his evil ways, it's okay to say that it has now turned into a face-to-face shooting, and it can be said to be killed. In addition, Charm and Shen Ming are so difficult to deal with, maybe it is possible to hit him behind.

Xiao Yi, who was more and more reluctant to face a table full of dishes, could not eat a bite. Just thinking of getting up to help, Feng Quan sitting opposite said softly, "What do you want?"


"From the distance of the gunfire, they are in the valley behind the mountains. It ’s not that I look down on you. Even if you rush now, the battle is over. If Shen Ming is terrible, you just collect him. If he is fierce, What's the point of you going? "Feng Quan said in a hurry, and Xiao Yi was speechless.

"Can you listen to these gunshots?" Xiao Yi couldn't sit down in depression.

"Mrs. Xiao, can you listen to the old sentence?" The head of Zhenting Village, sitting in the master's seat, smiled kindly. Facing such an old grandfather, Xiao Yi couldn't breathe out.

"The village chief, please."

"Although I have spent my entire life in this country, I have seen a lot of strange people and strangers. I still have a little eyesight. Mr. Shen Ming looks young, but he is definitely young and must have experienced me. Wait for unimaginable adventures to develop that extraordinary ability.

Although he had already stated the danger of this trip, he was still willing to carry a weapon and take the charm girl to take risks. I think it was not because he was trying to die, but that he was confident to retreat.

I understand your concern, but since Brother Shen Ming has explained it clearly, it would be disappointing if he rashly disturbed him at this time, but distracted him. "Zhen Ting finally let Xiao Yi sit down.

"Relax, Shen Ming will do that, I will not be hollowed out of his pocket money, and I also gave him a teammate who gave him away for free, but I ca n’t beat it anymore!" Feng Quan smiled.

At this time, the charm of the high-speed attack in the forest sneezing sneezing, thinking she had a cold, she could not think of her own good master is "cursing" her.

The 2500-meter mountain raid was completed in 6 minutes, which is already anti-human data. Even Shen Ming didn't think he could do it, but the charm of leaning forward was pushed forward with extreme legs. In one step, the camouflage body could fly forward nearly 2 meters, like an anti-gravity attachment. Flying is as light as a cheetah.

Among the Four Ghosts in Heaven and Earth, she was the fastest assault assassin. She started martial arts at the age of 3, and trained an extraordinary light skill. Only with strong strength can she let her be a female, and be one of the Four Ghosts in Heaven and Earth. For the Feng family Master's effectiveness.

But just when Shen Ming attracted the full attention of the mountain ghost, above the charm of her head, the egret Pan Da flew by suddenly, "Ga! Ga!" Called twice.

The mountain ghost that was shot for the fifth time suddenly lay down on the bunker rock, kicked off the rock under the foot, and his body slid down the **** of the rock like a slide.

"Not good! Charm! Hide!" Shen Ming's sniper mirror completely lost the trail of the mountain ghost, instinctively shouted in the headset.

"What?" Mei looked up, apparently she had already run most of the road, only 1200 meters away from the mountain ghost, but her whereabouts were still exposed, and a semi-circular arc of rock fell between the mountain ghost and the sinking down Covered, there is no barrier between the ghosts and charms that can lean on the slope.

With the last glimmer of dusk, Charm could even see the dark muzzle that was aimed at her.

"Get down!" Shen Ming's roar made her react.

The enchanting charm drew the double knives behind him, his body flew forward toward a rocky ground, the double knives were inserted into the rock gap, and the whole person was suspended from the **** along the 60-degree **** on.

"Wow!" The huge gunshot changed, and Shangui no longer used the precision L115a3 long-range sniper rifle, but the barbaric heavy artillery! With a 12.7 mm armor-piercing warhead, one-third of the rock in the top cover of the charm head was cut off by one shot, and gravel spattered like a shrapnel on her hands, tearing open dozens of wounds.

"艹!" How can a "一个" word be interpreted for the pain of charm.

"Don't move! I'll save you!" Shen Ming stopped sniping and rushed towards the mountain ghost.

"I need to be able to move!" With the roar of charm, the second armor-piercing projectile came, this time the rock was beaten more casually, the hands of the charm were blurred by the flesh of the rock fragments, and replaced with ordinary people, already relaxed With the hilt and letting it go, she forcibly grasped the hilt and refused to relax, just like the only life-saving straw.

In fact, she didn't know why she insisted so much, perhaps because of the deep saying "I'm here to save you."

"You don't have to die if you don't raise your head?" Shan Gui raised his muzzle by an inch, alas! Another shot, I saw that the top of Mei's head was 50 meters high, and a thick branch of an arm was broken by the echo, and the branch just fell on Mei's thigh.

"Ah!" Even if she was a practicing family, Charm was so painful that she cried out.

"Are you still dead?" Shangui pulled the bolt and started a crazy shooting at the rock above the head of Charm. After 6 shots, he made a sound, and finally the Charm figure was exposed to his muzzle.

"Sorry, your story is over." Shan Gui returned the bullet skillfully, and when he aimed again, it was the charming Tianling Gai that appeared in the cross mirror.

However, Shenming's shooting was faster than him, and he quickly advanced to him only 800 meters away from the mountain ghost bunker, and pulled the trigger. From the perspective of the mountain ghost, he couldn't find himself in the deep position. The 7.62mm bullet had no way to take the bunker rock beside him. His shooting was more like a helpless vent, and he lost the roar of his companion's life. .

But when the rotating bullet hit the edge of the rock mass, the hot feeling around him made the mountain ghost instinctively give up shooting, turning his head and seeing the flame leap over the rock mass like a tsunami, and rushed towards himself. This is a white phosphorus incendiary bomb with a range of only 800 meters.

The mountain ghost instinctively stood up to avoid, the white phosphorus flame, and the battlefield knowledge told him that as long as it was attached to the body, it would not be extinguished without burning to ashes.

But when he stood up, he hadn't had time to think about how to deal with the deep sniper next, the second bullet had hit his chest, the impact of the armor-piercing warhead, and the mountain ghost flew out.

Shen Ming's second shot was not a shot after aiming. After the first white phosphorus projectile was fired, he quickly changed the bomb and fired at the air above the bunker. He predicted the reaction of the mountain ghost, and even predicted where the heart of the mountain ghost would appear.

The pupil who had widened his eyes finally understood that there is a sniper in the world that does not use a cross-mirror to complete the sniper. They use the instinct-like intuition, the demon-level prejudice, and everything in the world.

Shen Ming ran to the place where the mountain ghost was hit at the fastest speed, but no corpse was found on the ground, and no trace of blood was found, leaving only a round card inlaid with a twisted warhead.

Every time Shen Ming looked at it, she put the round card in her backpack, and no longer cared about the escaped mountain ghost, she rushed to the side of Charm.

The charm that became weak all over the body finally let go of the hilt held by both hands, and was held in her arms by Shen Ming before the body slipped down the hillside for interpretation.

"Charm! Can you hear me?" Shen Ming patted Charm's pale cheek nervously.

"Big gangster ... don't rely on me so close ..." Charm said weakly.

Shen Ming quickly inspected Charm's body. The forearms of Charm's hands were full of wounds that had been slid away by rubble. The flesh was blurred, but this was not a terrible wound.

Her lips were black and sweaty, and she was still swinging, and now she had a lot of bleeding points.

"Poisoned ?!" Shen Ming searched this charming body carefully, and found two blood caves on the inside of her right thigh near the sensitive parts.

At the tip of his eyes, he found a "bamboo leaf green" that fell to the side in the dark, and this fell together with the trunk that fell on Charm.

The charm of the frightened serpent's instinct bite, but it didn't take long before it died of internal bleeding.

Although Zhu Yeqing was not a deadly poisonous snake, Charm was injured first. The frightened Zhu Yeqing bit a bite before she died and injected an excessive amount of venom. Charm has begun to show symptoms before shock.

"You've been bitten by a snake! Don't move!" Shen Ming said, separating Charm's legs and taking Charm's cycling pants off to his knees.

"Sexy thief ... what do you want to do ?!" Charm exclaimed with her last strength.

"Help you **** out the venom! Don't mess around!" Without waiting for Mei to say no, Shen Ming had already kissed the inner side of Mei's thigh. Shen Ming sucked vigorously and snorted.

That position, how evil it is, how evil it is, how unwieldy the voice is ...

If it wasn't for the weak hands, Charm would have killed the prostitute in front of him with a stab, or he would kill himself with a stab, so as not to be frivolous.

But that's it. In an evil posture, the wretched voice lasted for 30 seconds. After Shen Ming spit out 4 mouthfuls of filth, the preliminary first aid was completed. Charisma was saved, but Chastity had already passed her by.

"Okay, when you go back, you can see a doctor and you'll be fine." Shen Ming didn't wipe off the blood and saliva from the corners of his mouth, and put on his pants for Charm.

"Sexy thief, I swear to the moon, I will not kill you in this life, I swear it is not human." Crying tears.


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