God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 132: Thrush bird's warning

Chapter 132: The Warning of the Thrush Thrush

At night, in Dongjing Bay, an unnamed warehouse was overcrowded. Hundreds of people and the containers next to it were crowded together. There were men and women, and there were young and old. You can see that they are not dock workers.

At the scene, no one was beaten with chicken blood, and no one was taught to force you to donate real money, nor was it a cult or a pyramid scheme.

In the middle of the besieger, a three-finger thick rope dangled from a huge sandbag tied to the ceiling.

A bald man with dark skin up to 190, wearing only a pair of tight-fitting boxer briefs, stood in front of a sandbag. Faced with a large sandbag like his huge body, the bald man snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Continuous punching, punching out as fast as a storm and lightning.

The weird and strange sandbag was beaten to the left and right. With each punch, just like juicing, bright red mucus penetrated the surface of the sandbag, and more blood flowed from the bottom of the sandbag.

"Leader, the assassination plan has failed, you always have to give a statement? After all, it is the plan you arranged." An old man with a squint came forward, looking at the bald man's back and asking, in the large warehouse, Only he has a teacher to ask for his sin.

"Say? My tenth-ranked" thrush bird ", the middle killer in the cherry blossoms, took your group of lower thrones together to take the exam, which has seriously lowered my grades, and the plan made did not follow my requirements. , Dare to impeach me now? "The thick male voice echoed in the warehouse mixed with boxing sounds. The bald-headed thrush finally stopped his fist, picked up a towel, and wiped the blood on his hands and face.

The moment he turned without eyebrows, the many killers on the front couldn't help nervous, the man in front of him was a famous character in Sakura. In Sakura Lo, in addition to the upper killer, only a very small number of peripheral killers can obtain the code book.

Ying Luo likes to use the breed of the bird as a code, and the bald thrush in front of him is made out of iron fists.

The thrush bird is very strange. It only took 5 years from entering the industry to the 10th killer. He is a follower of unarmed killing, but he is also good at strategy and scoffs at using guns, poisons, and long-range killings. In his assassination career, he once broke into the target manor by himself and killed 37 special forces bodyguards with his bare hands.

He is the star of tomorrow in the middle of Sakura's killing, and the root of the fear of the next group of ants.

"Leader, we don't mean that, but the bodyguard is too strong. Should I use long-distance killing methods?" The old man was also afraid to tone down a lot.

"Have you read the information I sent to you seriously?" Thrush threw away the blood-red towel in his hand and returned to the sandbag, tearing the thick surface of the thick sandbag with his bare hands, a lot of blood and the meat sauce was about to turn into meat sauce. Six of the corpses fell down. They were the killers after the failure of assassinating Kanako. Obviously they were still alive when they were packed in sandbags. Now ...

"The bodyguard named Shen Ming is a real nirvana. You should not understand what a nirvana is, that is, a monster returning from hell.

Not long ago, the well-known lover Zimad, who was in the middle of the killing, confronted him in Tianchao and ended up hanging out. The kid defeated the middle killer armed with a sniper rifle and teeth with a small revolver ...

It ’s not that I look down on you, playing with guns, you are a bunch of scum in front of him. If I start to send him a gun kindly, huh, even I can do nothing about him. The thrush bird said from the mud of a pile of dead bodies to lift the Fukada Yui. "I'm not afraid of a god-like opponent, I'm afraid of a pig-like teammate. This stupid woman, obviously I told her that she focused on lurking. She had to take the shot while the target was ordering. As a result, she saw Shen Ming was injured and rashly tampered with the plan and implemented it in advance.

Hang up now, can only say it deserves it. "The thrush threw the contempt and threw the corpse on the old man's body and bumped him into three consecutive steps." Listen to your scumbags. Since I am the leader, I am you at this moment. 'Day'.

Either kill me or obey me, you have no choice.

The task of assassinating Kanako was selected as a biennial promotion exam. What you dream of is just to be the median and solve basic food and clothing. And I, rely on it to become the top king!

Whoever dares to fart my orders, even if he did not kill you, I will kill you alive.

This is my first and last warning. After the thrush was finished, he turned and walked towards the exit of the warehouse.

Under the bright light, the next killer of a warehouse looked at five colleagues who were killed alive. There was no sympathy, only fear of thrushes and the future ...

On this night, I also felt fear in addition to this group of killers, as well as people as prey.

At midnight, Xiao Yi, who was sitting on the smart co-pilot seat, had fallen asleep, and Pan Da was lying on her smooth and white thighs, sleeping like a dog.

Dongjing's night is no worse than the hot and humid Beihai City, and the chill comes fiercely. Shen Ming took out a blanket and put it on Xiao Yi's body, and continued to watch the work himself.

Obviously Xiao Yi said it took two hours to change, but Shen Ming did not wake her up. At this time, Kanako also came out of the room, wearing pajamas, sitting at the entrance of the stairs.

She lost sleep because she closed her eyes, and all her brains were covered with blood from the corridor. And this kind of shiver made her pick up a cigarette that she had quit for 6 years and swallowed again.

"Ms. Kanako, are you still asleep? Tomorrow you still have a TV event to participate in." Shen Ming came to her naturally, just like the tireless security machinery, this time is particularly spiritual.

"I can't sleep, Xiao Kui has fallen asleep, come out to breathe, do you smoke?" Kanako wanted Shen Ming to pass the cigarette case.

"Sorry, I won't." Shen Ming politely declined, sitting on the stairs next to Kanako.

"There are things you can't do in this world. It's rare." Kanako is absolutely complimenting.

"Cigarette is the largest tumor in the self-destructive invention of human beings. It has seriously reduced human heart and lung function, prematurely aging the human body and increased the risk of other deaths. For people like us, smoking causes heart palpitations and peripheral nerves have a slow response. When you pull the trigger, it's 1 millisecond slower, that's the difference between life and death. "Shen Ming told the story of his world.

"I knew it when you took off your clothes and rubbed your wrists with a group of hooligans. You must be a man full of stories. Anyway, I really want to thank you for your stubbornness. If it wasn't you who insisted on protecting me, now Maybe I and Xiaokui ... "When thinking of this, Kanako shivered.

"All said, this is what the bodyguard should do, no need to thank, to a certain extent, I am the one to thank, taking you as the bait, looking for the enemy I am looking for, maybe I'm too mean?" Self-reviewed.

"No, although Mr. Shen Ming is cold, he is actually a very gentle person." Kanako shook this head to deny Shen Ming's review. "You always take care of the feelings of the people around you, whether it is me or Xiaokui. With your assistant, everyone is taking care of you, but you never expect to return.

It's my pleasure to meet you. "

"It should be done." Shen Ming was so bland.

"Mr. Shen Ming, I have never asked anyone else about this question, and I hope you answer me honestly. Am I ... too naive? In order to protect my daughter's future, I want to use one person to change this society and stubbornly sell. Falling out of the house has caused death? Am I a stupid woman? "Kanako laughed at herself.

"Yes, you are too naive, do not understand the sinister world, stubborn and do not know how to shrink back." Shen Ming relentlessly, "But the world is already so realistic, modern urban people think about their work all day long, the future, Life, do not make any effort for the world to change.

Everyone found that the benefits are just trying to make themselves the niche owners of the benefits, rather than expanding the benefits to the world.

How innocent it is, at least there are people working to make this world better ... how good. "

"Thank you, sincerely thank you." Kanako finally couldn't help crying. She really needed encouragement from others. A woman must continue to move forward in such a miserable life. She really needs encouragement.

Crying red-eyed Ganako leaned on Shenming's shoulder. For many years, no man had given her such trustworthy trust.

Although she was a mother, Cang Kanako's hot body is also beautiful. She has always been surrounded by suitors, wealthy sons and celebrities, entrepreneurs, models, group executives, rich second generation ...

Too many men have made her flirt with eyes, have a lot of love, and have been tempted. But whenever these men and Xiaokui's fathers are juxtaposed together, Kanako does not feel that any one person has the ability to shoulder the happiness of their mother and daughter.

This has nothing to do with income, but the kind of strong, iron-like shoulders that can take care of their sense of responsibility. There are very few men. They are all for lust, and they say they want to take care of their lusts.

Leaning on Shen Ming's arms like this, Kanako insomnia slept sweetly with tears in her eyes.

When she woke up the next morning, she was lying on her bed, feeling that everything last night seemed like a dreamlike experience, and she fell asleep in the arms of a Tianchao man who hadn't known him for 2 days. The most important thing is that I completely relaxed my defense at that time, and I was ready for the fragrant plot. The girl's feelings that had been immersed for a long time were discovered, and many mosaic-like plots occurred in the subsequent dreams.

Kanako opened her pajamas nervously and glanced, and sure enough ... need to change the underwear → _ →


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