God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 133: Defeating the war

Chapter 133: The Puppet Debate

A new day began, and the battlefield in Xiaokui School was indeed cleaned up, not even a police person. The window was repaired, not to mention, Fukada Yui's "Mom and Dad" also called her to take a leave.

Kanako wanted to call the police and was persuaded by Shen Ming, because if the police were useful, he would not be used to rob the country. Kanako could only take a long vacation for her daughter, and often took her time to talk about it.

No book reading, and mother's company, was a paradise for Xiaokui. As Mom rushed to various lecture locations and attended various activities, Xiaokui only felt more fun than the playground!

The feat of Shen Ming's appointment to fight the gangsters became even more popular after overnight fermentation. Of course, the hottest thing was her employer, Koko Kanako. More and more TV stations invited her to participate in the event, not only did she charge a small amount of publicity costs. And she will also pay her labor expenses as a political contribution.

Kanako's campaign account has become more and more affluent. They even wrapped up all three of the front and back of the small warehouse. In addition, they invited dozens of employees to help with phone calls and consulting services.

The election was done in a decent way, and the polls and popularity rose almost as fast as the rockets.

This made other candidates who had been supporting roles had to start to face up to this opponent, and some even attracted her to join the party to participate in the election.

Although worship is the ultimate way out of his political career, in order that his anti-gangster bill would not be suppressed by the parties, Kanako declined the goodwill of the parties and continued to run independently.

For three days, Kanako was so busy that she had no time to sleep. She quickly expanded her election campaigns, arranged endless interviews, paid visits from all over the place, and needed support for the original fans. Kanako could not wait to be divided into three people to work.

During this time, Shen Ming followed behind Ganako, and Xiao Yi naturally became Xiaokui's temporary nanny.

Xiao Yi may be able to go through 4 gangsters with her bare hands, but this is the first time she has taken care of children. What's more, Xiaokui doesn't speak Chinese yet, so if she's with her, she will speak with her. However, Xiaokui is much smarter than Xiao Yi in this regard. A translation software is installed in the mobile phone. Speaking slang will be automatically translated into Chinese. Speaking Chinese can also be translated into slang. Thanks to the power of technology, Xiao Yi will not be here. Take Xiaokui to the toilet when Hungry ...

Xiaokui likes this big sister from Tianchao. Although she is a bit clumsy and has a big temper, but she is a good person. She can run up and down 3 times for the yogurt she wants to drink, but she did not find it as a mischief .

Xiaokui always calls Xiao Yi "sister", which always makes her particularly happy, and women like to be shouted to be young. Pan Da has also become Xiaokui's pet completely. Every day feeding is done by crying and crying.

Xiaokui didn't understand that the egret is not a parrot, and it was necessary to force Pan Da to learn the barking of dogs before she would eat it. Pan Da was so anxious that he was starving. Xiaokui was still innocent waiting for it to learn dog barking ... Actually learned the name "Gawang", which is a wonderful work of the biological world!

On the fourth day, at 7:20 pm, a war was about to take place.

Kanako sat in the dressing room of Dadongjing TV Station, facing the mirror to make up. Except Shen Ming, others have already taken their seats in the live audience.

In fact, Kanako is not the first time here, but it is the first time she has dressed so much on TV. The white pleated shirt, the black professional small suit, and the proud body were all hidden under formal attire, wearing a suit trousers on the lower body, and it was necessary to show more exposed images on weekdays.

Today is not a street propaganda, nor a fan meeting, but a real live defense debate forum. At the same time, three other members of the Senate were invited to the election, including the owner of Gwanggang who bought Kanako's life.

If you think of publicity as a homework, today is an exam.

"In fact, don't be so nervous, just say what you think. I think you are good. Compared with those corrupt politicians, those with brains will support you." In front of the dressing table, Shen Ming, who is with him, has been No. 3 Lipstick was applied again, comforting gently.

"Those are all professional politicians. I'm a first-time primary school student in front of them. How can I not be nervous?" Kanako's timidity is well-founded. Such politicians on television have been tortured. That scene is like a shrew scolding a street, all kinds of games are required, and sometimes it is normal to fight each other, which is more exciting than boxing.

The audience likes to watch, and they are happy, but when they become one of them, Kanako has no idea.

"Teach you a calming way. In order to calm your heartbeat during a sniper, the sniper will hold your breath and calm down. What I teach you is to breathe rhythmically in your breath, and take a deep breath first. Take a breath, breathe again at intervals of 1 second, cycle several times, the speed of calm will be faster, and there will be no vertigo of closed breath. "Shen Ming smiled.

"Okay, let me try. Say you're too good. Why do you always know my thoughts so easily?" Kanako smiled.

"It's not that I'm terrific. It's because you are too simple. Such a naive politician will be bullied by bad people." Shen Ming educated.

"I'm not afraid! Because I have the best bodyguard in the world!" Kanako stood up playfully, and Lizuo smiled and flirted as if she had recovered the feelings of a girl.

And in another dressing room across the wall, the bald-headed Mitsuoka knew that the Lord was drinking whisky in depression, and the four secretaries accompanying him stood humbly, and the makeup artist carefully trimmed his wig.

"Baga! Assassin deputy director!" When listening to the temporary exchange of the book, Guanggang Zhizhu's angry glass fell to the ground, scaring the secretaries, "The Pharaoh Ba took me so much money He said that he arranged the issues that are good for us, but instead he changed to discuss the relationship between the gangster and modern society, and also invited the young lady of Kanako who did not deal with me!

Damn Sakura! It's been a month since the order was placed! That little lady is so nourished, is he cheating for not taking money ... "

Gwanggang knew the Lord ’s words, and he held his throat from behind with a big hand. The bald-headed thrush bird without eyebrows appeared next to him, watching the old hooligan in the makeup mirror smiling. Eat, don't talk nonsense. Although Ying Luo pursues money for his life, sometimes we can kill people with interest. "

"You ... Yes ..." His throat was caught, and Mitsuoka Tomo asked hard, he had never seen the man before.

"I forgot to introduce myself. I'm your new bodyguard. You can call me 'Da Zuo'. As for the name in Sakura, you better not ask." Thrush smiled before releasing his throat. .

"Why are you here? Are you crazy? I spent money to get you started in order to wash out the suspicions. What's the situation when you become my bodyguard now?" Mitsuoka Zhizhu stood up nervously, knowing himself The deliberate murder of his opponent by the bodyguards was equal to the murder of his political career.

"Rest assured, it's not me who's doing it, I just need an identity to meet the woman's bodyguard." Thrush threw his hands in his pants pockets and sat back in the corner leisurely.

"You're talking about that‘ wrist madman ’? "The deep feat, Mitsuoka knows the Lord.

"He has frustrated us with an assassination and killed five of our brethren." Thrush introduced calmly, obviously he was killed.

"Such awesome?" Zhiguang Guangzhu was shocked. "Are you here to increase the price?"

The old man is not rare, at least compared to money.

"Sakura falls is ethical, and you have to do it from the beginning of the robbery. We will fix it by now, but the bodyguard ... must die." Thrush threw his hands around his chest and sneered softly.

Just before the live broadcast was about to start, four interview cars drove into the underground parking lot of the Dongjing TV station building. As many as 30 journalists with work permits on their chests came down from the car, both men and women, carrying huge books with them. Backpack.

Not smiling or communicating, queuing down the safe passage into the elevator, rushing to the floor of the live broadcast room.

The live broadcast started on time at 8 pm. After a short greeting from the famous host, four Dongjing District MPs were invited to take office in turn. Although the number of candidates was close to 10, from the current poll analysis, the final winner was only It would be one of these four.

As a rising star in recent days, Kanako's poll index has been high enough to participate in this live debate, plus her background of being a photo album star, as well as her and Mitsuoka No. 1 in the polls The contradictions of opinion are all indications of the appeal of this debate forum.

This is why the deputy director who received the money tried to help Gwanggang know the master, but the director just added Kanako to the defense column.

In front of the four ring-shaped podiums, four candidates stood in front of them in turn. Kanako was specially arranged next to the master of Mitsuoka, who was waiting to be filmed to fight the war. The other two candidates are more like furnishings to accompany the Prince reading books, but none of them can stand here. They have prepared spicy speeches and are ready to grab the topic to become the protagonist tonight.

"Mrs. Kanako is lucky to meet you. Although we are not dealing for the first time, I didn't expect to meet here. My old man is also 60 years old, and he has heart disease. You will have some affection later." Guanggang Zhizhu holds Ganako's hand politely and greets him with a kind smile, but that hand is very disgusting and holds Ganako unwilling to let go, a person who is old-fashioned and old.

"I know the predecessors are humble. We juniors have too much to learn from you, and I ask you to teach me more. If anything is wrong, don't be angry." Kanako lost a lot of strength and only then hand Draw it out, she has seen more hypocrisy satyrs, and this old wolf in front of him is not bad. Keeping the basic courtesy, Kanako still has this kind of cultivation.

"Then the debate begins!" The host announced loudly.

This book was first published from Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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