God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 139: Reunited brother and sister!

Chapter 139: Brothers and Sisters Who Meet Again!

Ten years ago, just like yesterday, accompanied by the setting sun falling to the sea, the youth-like Shen Ming stepped on a bicycle and took the first-grade girl who was just in elementary school on the way home.

Shen Wan'er likes to watch the sea. Every day when she goes home, she asks Shen Ming to go further to the breakwater to go home. For this coquettish little sister, Shen Ming is also responsive and willing to be a driver.

"Little girl, have you secretly wiped your mother's perfume again? Why is it so fragrant?" Shen Ming sniffed at the young girl's self-roll in her arms, smiling.

"Bombie, this is a body fragrance! It tastes like mother!" Shen Wan'er, who had to sit on the front beam, turned back and despised.

"Really? Why didn't I?"

"Because you are a stinky man like your dad! You always train to a stinky sweat, stinky!" Shen Wan'er deliberately pinched his nose.

"Xiao Nizi dare to dislike me! Believe it or not, I won't come to pick you up and let you walk home!" Shen Ming threatened with a "fierce appearance".

"Cut, if you don't answer, don't answer, tomorrow I will go to Urumqi with my parents! You can eat instant noodles at home alone! Dumb brother!" Shen Wan'er hummed.

"Is n’t it just a little black city? What ’s so good about it, your brother and I won the provincial youth championship this time, and I ’m going to Didu to participate in the national competition in a few days. Do you know? The center of heaven! "Shen Ming coquettishly showed off.

"I know my brother is amazing! You are the most powerful brother in my world! My little girl adores you!" Shen Waner deliberately sneered and sarcastically said, "With your skill, practice for another two years and don't become a heir, go and shoot the sun? "

"Your little girl, I don't know how funny." Shen Ming was defeated.

"Brother, I will miss you," said the little Shen Wan'er sincerely, looking at the sea.

"What do you want me to do? Don't you just be apart for a few days? It's like life and death." Shen Ming crow said.

"I do n’t know why, from the time my parents said they were taking me to Ushi, I missed you. I always felt that there were so many things to tell you, so many things that I have n’t done with you. You said we Can I live so happily ever after? "But the six-year-old Xiao Nizi was so precocious and sentimental.

"Don't learn to speak, okay?" Shen Ming knocked Shen Wan'er's head with his fist. "I and you and my parents will always live together. When I get the Olympic shooting champion, I will retire and come back to pick Starting a business in a security agency.

Then use the bonus to buy you one of the world's largest bunny dolls. "

"Really ?! Brother wants to talk and talk! You can't lie to me!" Shen Waner, the favorite bunny doll, said excitedly.

"Well, you must do it." Shen Ming never thought that his promise would be wiped out in a night in Ushi.

That night, he turned into a demon, thinking that he would kill his enemies;

That night, Shen Waner was resurrected and embarked on another road;

Ten years, just like another ...

Just as Shen Ming stood looking out from behind the crowd, the familiar cherry blossom smell drifted into his nasal cavity again, evoking the memory of ten years ago.

Shen Ming's eyes widened, and a girl in a white dress was walking towards the exit of the park.

"Waner ?!" Shen Meditation wanted to chase, but the role of a bodyguard was like two steel nails nailing his feet to the concrete road.

"Only this time, this time!" Shen Ming continued comforting himself, sweat was hanging on his forehead, and he felt like he was suffering in a pan every second.

Eventually, when the voice disappeared at the exit of the park, Shen Ming's responsibilities shackles were destroyed by thought. Shen Ming for the first time left the goal of preservation and turned to chase the exit.

He comforted himself for too many reasons, for example, sat was very professional; it was an open downtown area, and the killer dared not make trouble; I only left for a while and came back immediately; I had already bribed Pan Da to let it watch in the air ...

And he had only one reason to catch up, the girl was Waner!

Shen Ming ran like an arrow off the string, and walked through the crowded street crowd without any hesitation. The faint cherry blossom fragrance of Waner remained in the air. Shen Ming only sucked into the lung leaves preciously for a long time. Willing to breathe out.

Finally, at the crossroads where people were coming and going, across a crosswalk that was less than 30 meters, Shen Ming finally saw the girl in the white dress again.

She was standing opposite, with a bunny mask on her face, and a black scroll rolled down on her shoulders, like the naughty little sister next door, like an angel that only appeared in her dream.

"Waner!" Shen Ming shouted exhaustedly, startling the passerby who was next to him.

Everyone across the road wants you to see me, I look at you, who is "Waner"? A guy can't help but shoot, hate it!

The girl standing there lifted her hand and took off the rabbit mask on her face, exposing the face that was so suffocating.

That's Waner. Although it's been ten years, the younger sister has become a 16-year-old girl in the flower season, but only the dimples at the corner of her mouth and sweet smile, Shen Ming has never forgotten even the ashing !!

Shen Ming even remembered it. Not long ago, the killer on the stage was Waner, but she was wearing a mask at that time, and her body fragrance might be covered by chemicals, which made Shen Ming miss the meeting in advance. opportunity. But this time, you will never miss it again!

"I was found by you, brother." Shen Wan'er cried, "Brother", and his heart broke.

"Waner, my waner." Shen Ming ignored the red light and ran towards it along the zebra crossing. Several cars braked suddenly, boom! boom! boom! The people collided together, and even the explosion burned into a fireball, and the people were scattered.

Then these Shen Ming did not care at all, but rushed to Wan'er's face and held her tightly in her arms.

"Waner, never leave me again! No one can take you away from me! God or magic! Waner, I finally found you! Found you!" Shen Mingyu incoherently With that said, his hands were so tight that he didn't even want to open them with iron tongs. Shen Ming cried and became a teardrop, and tears fell on Wan'er's shoulder.

"Okay, how old are they crying noses, aren't they ashamed?" Waner patted the brother's back gently. "I didn't find this for you. I promise you, I won't be separated in the future, OK?"

"Eh! Don't separate! Never again!" Shen Mingqiang held back his tears with excitement, holding Wan'er's face with both hands, "Let my brother take a good look at you, you're getting fat, but It also looks better, like a big girl! "

"Brother, can't you be so stupid? We were only 6 years old when we were separated, can we not get fat?" Wan'er had been smiling, and couldn't stand his brother's so stupid look, "Do you have time?" I have a debut of my favorite manga doll today. I want to buy it. Can you stay with me? "

"Surely! Where I go!" Shen Ming completely forgot his responsibilities at this moment.

"Let's go, target Akihabara, start! Let's go" Shen Wan'er raised her hands happily.

Ten years later, they met again in a foreign country. Shen Ming never thought that he could meet his unborn sister when Nirvana returned. This was like the gift of God, which really brought a new life to his Nirvana.

Shen Ming never believed in gods and Buddhas, but at this moment he was thanking God, when he could see his little sister again.

Shen Waner is 16 years old and she is generous. 155's height will be longer, fair skin ignoring the sun, a sweet smile like an angel, the sound of bunting around the beam for three days.

Shen Ming held Wan'er's hand tightly all the way, for fear of losing her hard-won sister, and didn't say much, just smiling and crying sometimes, but also crying with laughter, like mental retardation .

As for Shen Waner, as before, she has a lot of talk, from curly hair to knotting, always wanting to straighten up, to the new animation is not good-looking, the neighbor's dog has cubs, and all kinds of trivia can be a matter of time.

In the past, Shen Ming was so annoyed that her sister asked her to talk about some of these things, but now she talks about Shen Ming and listens carefully.

Akihabara is known as the world's largest dead house paradise. It has the most kawaii restaurants, the most fiery anime peripheral toy shops, various prop shops, game shops, and small theaters with idol stars. It is always overcrowded. Look like.

Shen Waner was walking and strolling, and she didn't hurry. She wanted to eat ice cream, catch a doll, and buy a comic book. It was like dating a big brother.

Shen Ming likes to see her happy, even if she just buys a lollipop, she will smile and say, "Brother, you are the best in the world, I love you!"

Yeah, compared to my sister, what is the world doing? Shen Ming grew up in an orphanage before 6 years old. He understands the loneliness and fear of unaccompanied relatives better than anyone. After being adopted by Shen Yang, it was a heavenly life.

This little sister was given to her family and angels by God! Although they are not related by blood, Shen Ming has long regarded her as her biological sister. But over time, in addition to immersing in the joy of reunion, Shen Ming also became increasingly doubtful.

"Do you know" Detective Rabbit Beauty "? The animation is super funny, the killer inside is bear Xiong every time, and it is too easy to be caught! I think your face is quite like Xiong Ji! I will give it to you later Buy it's doll! "Shen Wan'er stood in the queue of people waiting in front of the store, waiting to buy a limited edition rabbit beauty doll, with a fat face and fat **** before and after her. This cute little sister is just There is a fairy on earth.

"Waner, can you talk to me about your life in this decade?" Shen Ming asked a little.

"Don't I tell you all the time? Still not annoying?" Wan'er said dryly.

"It's not trivial, I mean ... the life after being arrested ..." Shen Ming said the words very hard, recalling the pain in happiness, which is a kind of torture.

"Brother, have you been nirvana for ten years?" Waner asked with a smile.

"That's hell." Shen Ming's summary was concise.

"Coincidentally, this one is also purgatory. It seems that only mom and dad are living in heaven." Shen Wan'er smiled like a knife into the heart of Shenming's heart.


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