God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 140: Want to kill me, try it

Chapter 140: He Wants to Kill Me, Try It

At 5 pm, in the loud cheers, Kanako walked out of the stands and talked for 2 hours, she was also exhausted. Fortunately, now fans can already listen to her ideals and political opinions. She no longer pursues her because she is personal, and she has a little awareness and recognition of politics.

"It's amazing! Miss Kanako is more and more like a sophisticated politician!" Akeda moved forward excitedly and handed the kettle and towel.

Kanako is also really tired, and the speech is far more tiring than posing in various poses.

"It's a prize, and practice makes perfect!" Kanako smiled wryly. After counting the 10 days since she knew Shen Ming, her election activities and quality have been improved by n grades. Politicians who have eaten elections for dinner It makes no difference.

"Okay, okay! Today's event is finally over! Let's go to work!" Leah happily announced that Xiao Yanjian had a bit of conscience, and he took a leave of absence in the afternoon. I also know that everyone has no rest these days, so I will take the event There are not many arrangements, it can be regarded as a chance for everyone to breathe.

But at this moment, Kanako's cell phone rang and it was Xiao Yanjian's call.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! A very important invitation to speak came temporarily. It was a call from Yanshou Sanatorium on the outskirts of Dongjing. There are more than 500 elderly people in the sanatorium who are all registered in Dongjing, most of whom are childless.

Because sanitariums are relatively high-end, politicians have never been entered. This time they took the initiative to call us to invite us to give a speech. This is a rare opportunity.

As long as I went to 500 votes and got 90%, there was no problem at all.

But they are only free after dinner today ... "

"Did we let us work overtime?" Kanako pretended to be angry. "Mr. Xiao Yanjian is too bad. He ran out to date with Miss Xiao Yi, but let us work overtime!"

"I'm really sorry, so tomorrow, tomorrow I'll invite you to dinner for reparations!" Xiao Yanjian embarrassed.

"Okay, knowing that you are doing your best for the election, you must work overtime! But tomorrow dinner must be eaten!" Kanako asked.

"It must be." Xiao Yan Jian agreed quickly.

"Well, everyone, it's impossible to get off work early, and dinner can only be eaten in the car." Kanako hung up and shrugged helplessly.

"Xiao Yanjian who killed Qiandao! Is he hated me for my vacation?" Leah almost cried.

"Actually, I have already invited my friends to go together for a little gathering, and they talked about introducing me to my pottery friend." Akita was a hundred percent.

Kanako hesitated and said again and again, "Let ’s go, there are a lot of people anyway now, you go first, I can do it alone."

"Really okay?" Although Lia asked, her heart actually flew long ago. It happened to be a coincidence that today some classmates introduced her to the fraternity of male friends.

"It's not good, it's good. You've been busy for so many days, it's time to take a break. But don't be late tomorrow morning, see you at 8 o'clock again!" Kanako was on vacation.

That's the end of the park's speech. Many security personnel helped pack up their luggage and drove Kanako to today's overtime location, Yanshou Sanatorium.

"Mom, Shu Jing hasn't returned yet, are we really leaving?" Xiao Kui asked, not very happy holding the doll.

Kanako looked at the phone and turned to Shen Ming's number, but couldn't press the call.

"Xiao Kui, Shu Xi wasn't the bodyguard the mother paid for. I have no right to take care of him. Now let's go and buy you a favorite cake when you come home." Kanako explained to Xiao Kui with a smile. Road.

"Mom, what happened to you and Shu Yan recently? You didn't even say a word. Shu Kui was always left in the corner by you. Xiao Kui felt pitiful." Although Xiao Kui was only 6 years old, when she talked, Like an adult.

"I didn't understand Xiaokui, and Shu Xi did very bad and bad things to her mother, which is unforgivable." Kanako was still a little angry when she remembered.

"Mom. Although Xiaokui is still very young, Xiaokui knows who is bad and who is good. The old Shu Shu who refused to leave in our house at night were bad people, and the Shen Shu Shu who would rather sleep in the car than enter the house is Nice guy.

He doesn't like to stick to his mother like those bad Shusongs. Shenming Shusao is very good, always thinking about his mother. In fact, Xiaokui thinks that if the mother must find a father for Xiaokui, Xiaokui like Shen Mingshu likes it very much. "Xiaokui is serious.

"Stupid boy, what are you talking about! Shen Mingshu and I are just ordinary friends. No, even friends should not be counted now!" Kanako was blushed by Xiaokui, because he really thought about it in his mind. Such a picture.

"Mom, don't lie to Xiaokui. Xiaokui can see that her mother actually likes Shen Mingshu. One day, when you talk about dreams, you also call her name Shen Mingshu!" Xiaokui said that Kanako blushed even more.

The simple things have been packed, and the security personnel are going to drive.

In the car, Kanako was eating bento while thinking about Xiaokui's speech. Ask yourself, Shen Ming is indeed a good person. This is a penny. Don't be stubborn to protect your bodyguard. If it wasn't for his shots, he would have been separated from Xiaokui Tianren.

Maybe he was using his selfishness, but the bow and arrow he had blocked for him really cost his life.

Thinking over and over again, Kanako still sent a text message to Shen Ming, with only a few words, "Guo Nasai."

At the other end of the phone, Shen Ming was sitting with Waner at the window of kfc for dinner at this moment, looked at the text message on the phone, and did not reply.

"I'm so happy today, I haven't been so free to play for a long time." Wan'er chuckled while eating Sundae.

"Waner, come home with me." Shen Ming finally said.

"Brother, would you like to hear a story from me?" Wan'er chuckled Shen Ming's request aside and shouted.

Twenty-three years ago, a soldier who had just retired from the special forces wanted to use a pair of iron fists to break through Winter Beijing, and the storm broke out in the underground boxing typhoon. In his words, he can mad the country and have money to take. Better job.

He was strong, but by no means the strongest. He was too arrogant. He was humiliated by an old man over half a year old, almost beaten.

The old man was a VIP of the boxing field that night, but he just wanted to learn something about this kid from heaven.

As the so-called “no fight or no acquaintance”, the old man admired the fighting spirit in the eyes of the young man, took the young man home, and worked as a bodyguard for his baby daughter.

The bodyguard was named Shen Chongyang, and the old man's daughter was named ... Hattori Yuri.

"Dad and mom?" Shen Ming was shocked when he heard this, these are stories that parents never mentioned before.

"Like all conventional love stories, this is how father and mother fall in love. Mother is the daughter of President Sakura, but because of her special identity, she cannot leave Laos at all, or even be too far away from home.

She has no friends, no job, and no future, just like a canary in a cage, though noble, but sad.

The young dad was very timid. For love, he did not hesitate to design a car crash on the cliff and took his mother to sneak back to the heavens. At the time, he was still in Linhai, a small city. They couldn't wait to have children, so my father adopted you, and after a few years, I was born. "Waner said lightly, as if telling the story of others," But after all, paper cannot be overwhelmed.

After learning that her daughter and the wild man had eloped, Sakurachi grew up and thundered, and the high-level killer dispatched rushed to the sky to kill and kill the door. He didn't admit that Lily who had deceived himself was his own daughter, and killed him together.

However, after learning that I could still rescue, the chairman changed his attention and brought me back here, training to become the top killer of Sakura.

He didn't think I was his granddaughter, and he trained me the most. You know, I was only 6 years old at that time. In order to practice gall bladder, I killed a person in various ways every day, sometimes the elderly, sometimes the children, and sometimes the pregnant women.

I don't have the right to refuse, they have too many ways for me to understand what is pain.

My conscience was wiped out before I turned 7 years old, and for me, living is training and killing. "

Hearing here, Shen Ming clicked the corner of the solid wooden table and broke it!

"In fact, no matter how painful and painful it is, these have passed, killing my parents. I changed two sushi rolls after eating for 7 consecutive days.

As you can see, Shen Waner no longer exists, and now sitting in front of you is the top killer, Sakura, code-named 隼. I live by killing people, and you look a lot like my brother. "Shen Waner smiled.

"No! Nirvana was killed in order to escape from that hell, and you ... have been unable to extricate yourself in hell." Shen Ming resolutely denied.

"So what? Brother, you are not young, do you really believe that you can defeat the whole world? Sakura is far more horrible than you think. Today's high-level killer is already as strong as Superman, and the president is even more godlike. Shen Wan'er reached out and held the palm of Shen Ming's desktop. "Brother, call you brother, you are my elder brother all your life. No matter what it looks like, I don't want you to die.

Now you have an opportunity, an opportunity that I managed to win for you. Join Sakura Fall and become the top killer like me, so that we can live together again, as before. "

"Waner, haven't you heard what I said?" Shen Ming pulled her hand from her sister for the first time, coldly, "I said, I want to take you home, Sakura is home." ? I don't care how strong the chairman is in your mouth, I don't care how big the cherry blossoms are. The chairman must be responsible for what you are like today. I want him to die, he must die in my hands. "

"Well, you are still the same stubborn. You ca n’t change anything you think. At the beginning, you beat your dad so much for this bull temper, but you do n’t remember." Shen Wan'er sighed and drank Coca-Cola. You're like my brother. I'm telling you a message quietly, and when you talk to me, Sakura is about to hit your employer. "

Shen Ming stood up in shock and was about to leave.

"Brother, don't say I didn't remind you, if you stay here, we can continue to happily retell the old, if you leave now ... see you next time, maybe I will kill you myself ..." With that said, a slump in Shen Ming's brain had hit her forehead.

"Xiao Nizi dared to threaten your brother. If you want to kill me, try it. I will swell your butt!" After Shen Ming said, turning around and rushing out of KFC without looking back, it seemed to him The body belongs to the bodyguard's blood, and it has not gone cold.


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