Chapter 149: Livestock

"What **** is lost in paradise, but in front of my slaughter of the four brothers, there is nothing but a group of soldiers! Look at my‘ Tiancan foot ’!” The elder brother smirked and kicked one of the guards wearing heavy armor and kicked him off.

"The elder brother's stubborn feet are so good! My second brother isn't a practise for nothing! Look at me in every direction!" The second child fought right away, punching heavily in the belly of another heavy armored soldier Although there is heavy armor, the penetrating power of the fist punched the guy to the ground.

"It's finally my third brother's turn to introduce myself (coquettish), isn't it? My sister-in-law is here to **** world-fighting nine-turn thunderbolt!" The third man holding two iron blades fell on the ground. Behind the guard's violent chopping, the surface of the heavy armor was chopped up with a storm-like knife, exposing the steel sheet bulletproof layer inside.

"Let's wait for a long time! Don't look at me the smallest, my swordsmanship is the most sloppy! See and see my fight to break the sky and devour the starry Tang family San Shaojian !!!" The fourth child was also hacking on the grounded guard.

"Are you guys better than him, do each name have to be this long?" The boss was upset, and apparently "Tiancan foot" was suppressed by several brothers.

Although there are many words about these four living treasures, the effort is good. Just one month after coming to Paradise Lost, the pride has not faded.

"Numbers 403 to 406, assaulting the guard, immediately turned on 'braking'." A guard reported coldly in the microphone.

I saw the four people who were just in the mood. The five rings on their bodies flashed a red halo, and a sirens sounded.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The hoop formed a strong electromagnetic force, sucking all four of them on the floor, even if they have the power to change the sky, there is no way to get their fists off the ground.

This is why no one dares to resist in Paradise Lost. The entire world is made of steel. The brake rings worn on their bodies can release super high electromagnetic force, whether you are a human-type demon or a god, once the electromagnetic starts , Will be nailed to the floor can not move.

"Facky squid! Didn't you guys be embarrassed just now?" The two guards shouted angrily, wielding the electric baton, and directly hitting the four funny brothers.

"Ah !!!" The screams echoed inside the iron roof of Paradise Lost, and the smell of roast meat could be smelled nearer.

Soon eight guard soldiers wearing mechanical exoskeleton descended on the elevator with live ammunition and brought the four dying guys into the elevator. Sinking all the way down again, God knows how they will be treated?

"Are you here? It hurt me to find a good meal." As the crowd dispersed, Clan Lan smiled with a pat on the shoulder.

"Are you quitting work?" So soon ... "Shen Ming walked out and only reached 20 minutes.

"Don't look at the size of Niu Ni, but my kidneys are not good, and I can live well, and I can get it in 10 minutes!" Clan Lan muttered quietly, and his face was a luxury in Paradise Lost. "It looks pretty to you I want to take that elevator. "

"Why don't you want? There is the only way out." Shen Ming has traveled the entire Paradise Lost in 20 minutes, and there is no place to connect the air outlet. There is no other way to leave except the elevator.

"The elevator we call it" Tiantian Avenue ", in fact you can sit in without having to defeat the guards."

"What way?" Shen Ming froze.

"Of course it is money, 坷 坷 坷 坷 币 币!" A bright smile pointed at the balance of the account displayed on the bracelet. "Let's take you to dinner first, I will tell you slowly."

Regarding Paradise Lost, Shen Ming knew nothing. Although the roommate in front had a tendency to sell ass, the enthusiasm was a good guide.

In this way, the two turned around and took a few steps to the restaurant. Sure enough, as Cang Lan introduced, everything here was calculated using “坷 ラ” as a unit. A mashed potato with clear water was just 9 坷 spa.

It's probably a meal. There are a lot of people in the humble restaurant. In fact, there are many kinds of food in the restaurant, but everyone basically eats mashed potatoes with water. And strangely, the restaurant is obviously equipped with tables and chairs, but it is definitely Most people sit on the floor with dinner plates and drinking glasses against the corner.

In Cang Lan's words, all the people who can make meals are puppets, because the seats here are charged for money ...

Don't underestimate that 1 坷 ラ, 1 坷 坷 is equal to 1,000 dollars in Paradise Lost! That is, Shen Ming eats this "poop" who forgot to put salt and add a cup of water, which is equivalent to 9,000 US dollars!

If you want to be in the outside world, you will be served as a guest at this price until you eat it. You can only eat in the corner of the park when you are lost in the paradise.

In fact, the Paradise Lost is divided into three layers. The layer where they live is called "Animals", which is the starting point for all newcomers to the Paradise Lost. There are about 500 "animals"; the upper layer is "Human". The living environment there is much better than that of the animal, and about 400 people also live there; the highest level is called "Immortal Realm". It is said that people living there do not need to wear electromagnetic rings, except that they can't leave. Enjoy a fairy-like happy life, the exact number is unknown.

According to the rules of paradise loss, the upper-level residents can go to the lower-level to “remember the hardships and feel sweet”, but the lower-level thinks of the upper-level life, and there is only one way ...

"You only need to pay 1,000 yuan to buy a single room in the world, and then you won't have to be a farm animal to eat this disgusting pig food!" Cang Lan said almost all the animals Aspirations.

"It shouldn't be difficult to save 1,000 rubbish, right?" Shen Ming wondered, with the efficiency of 10 **** a day, eating hungry one day a day, less than one year is enough.

"Oh, Mr. Shen Ming is so naive, Paradise Lost is far more horrible than you think." At this moment, the wooden door of the restaurant was pushed open, and a black man in a leather jacket and boots was gone. Come in, all the four men behind him are also wearing shoes, you do n’t need to look to know that this animal is the big man.

"Witt! As always!" The black man, 2 meters tall, snapped his fingers, sitting extremely skillfully on the special seat in the center of the restaurant, and the four accompanying men also sat around the table.

"The man is called 'Black Panther' and is the king of this beast. He is in charge of the Panthers and he is in charge of the boxing industry here. He can earn hundreds of salamanders a day. Noble people, are the strongest fighters of animal life.

In addition to gambling, they also do all kinds of robberies and lending. Some people try to save money without meals and lose weight by the way. The one over there, called ‘crazy laugh’, lost 30 pounds in hunger for 3 months and was still fat when he came in. Now he ca n’t help but the wind blows down.

He was so hungry for so long that he didn't have any energy. He was robbed directly by Black Panther, and the money that was hard to save was then stolen. "Clan Lan sighed.

"No one cares?" Shen Ming wondered, dare to love that this paradise is a paradise for crime.

"Who cares? Those guards only need to guarantee 2 points, 1. We are alive; 2. Stay obedient and don't rebel. For the others, you can only take care of yourself." Cang Lan quickly finished eating the mashed potatoes on the plate and pulled Walking towards the exit of the restaurant with Shenming.

The newcomer is always the favorite prey of the Black Panther Gang. The animal is so big. The newcomer really recognizes it. Canglan doesn't want to be stared at.

But when they went out, Shen Ming and Black Panther had already met their eyes. Experience let them understand each other's dangers, just like the tiger and the lion, they always found the killing intention of the other.

"It seems like an incredible guy is here?" Black Panther grinned as he ate pasta with meat sauce.

"Actually, as long as you have a good attitude and you do n’t lose paradise too much, then Tongtian Avenue is the dream of everyone. As long as you go to the world, you can start enjoying normal life. Without the threat of the Black Panthers, 50 yuan every day Basic living expenses, you can eat ordinary food, sleep on a bed with a mattress, and wear cotton clothes. "Sitting near the edge of the house on Tongtian Avenue, the blue sky is looking forward to beautifully. What he said is actually the most ordinary life of ordinary people, but in Paradise Lost, this is also a luxury.

"Cang Lan, how long have you been here?" Shen Ming asked softly.

"Two years?"

"I only have 3 months, and within 3 months, I will definitely leave here."

"Oh, in fact, everyone who has been here has been as motivated as you, but very few people can still retain this attachment after six months.

Many people have tried to attack the guards, even escaped, and all were arrested. I heard that the ant room under the animal path is the real hell, and all the animals that have been destroyed in the ant room are settled when they come out.

You are nice, at least never say bad things to me, or look down on me for selling ass. I don't want you to become a 蝼 蝼. Cang Lan looked at the Shen Ming beside him with a smile, his slender fingertips lifted the bangs in front of the delicate face, **** it! How could a man be born so beautiful, he was so fancy twice, straight man You're going to be crooked, right?

At this moment, in a huge scientific laboratory located in the immortal world on the top level of Paradise Lost, a worm in a white coat is standing in front of a microscope, using a scalpel as small as a micron to give a An ant was performing a thoracotomy and presented the little heart to his eyes, still beating.

This good friend of Sakura Fall General Staff, but looks like 50 years old, has gray hair, and has a surgical scar on his face that slides from the forehead across the bridge of his nose to the side, much like Tezuka's "Dr. Qin" in the work of Osamu Tezuka.

Suddenly, the call sound came from the Bluetooth headset of Zushi. Only one person could call him here.

"Old friend, what are you doing?" General Counsellor laughed.

"A bit busy, are you looking for me?" The Worm Master asked as he operated.

"I delivered you a nice little mouse, it's a micro-evolution. You can make good use of it, just pass me the research data."

"Come on, the mouse you sent didn't talk about it all the time, but it hasn't been played for a long time. I'm not in a hurry to get started. If it's so amazing, wait for him to climb to 'Human' first, I'll do it again. "The worm division was unconcerned.

"You, that's wayward. But it doesn't matter. I believe he has this strength. Well, I won't bother you. Right, your child's test scores are good. He has already applied for‘ East University ’.

"Thank you for helping me take care of their mother and son all these years ..." Speaking of family members, the wormmaster's hand finally stopped.

"Who are you and I and who? Whoops say" Thank you ". Hang up first, and you're busy." The chief counselor smiled.

This book was first published from Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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