God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 150: Breaking into the world in January

Chapter 150: January Breaks Through "The World"

In the early morning, before the entrance of Dongjing International Airport, the image of the peacock was changed into a high-level suit, and the old glasses on his face were removed. It was Xiao Yi ’s waist that was carried in his arms. .

They came to see off. Two old acquaintances, Ms. Kanako and her daughter, Cang Kekui, were sent off.

Ying Luo's promotion exam was completely messed up. Fortunately, the chairman made Peacock the proctor to mess up the exam. Gwanggang knows that the order placed by the master will be cancelled, but the deposit will not be returned to him. Don't ask why? Too much nonsense he will "give people a head."

As one of the few surviving targets of Sakura, Kanako is lucky and unfortunate. Fortunately, they can also take the children to breathe the air of this world. Unfortunately, their lives will be completely rewritten. Kanako suddenly announced her withdrawal from the election. Everyone thought that she was under the pressure of a gang. After all, the tragedy at Yanshou Sanatorium was appalling.

The peacocks completed their overseas formalities overnight in order to keep them away from the entangled media. If you want to live, you must learn to keep your mouth shut. Unwillingness to yield is the only dead end.

For children, Kanako can only compromise ...

"It's not early, let's go through the gate. Ms. Kanako remembers to live a quiet life abroad. At present, Sakura's overseas business is expanding rapidly." Peacock's smile is the threat of Chiguo.

"I know who you are, don't remind me." When Kanako despised the conversation, she looked worriedly at Xiao Yi again. "Miss Xiao Yi, are you really going to be with such a murderer?"

"Miss Kanako, you have a bit of professional discrimination." Peacock was "unhappy".

"It's okay, don't look at his virtue, and dare to pinch my waist. As long as Shen Ming hasn't died, he will be temporarily surrounded by injustices. Shen Ming promised that I would come to me, I believe him. Xiao Yi said in English that she was kind and righteous to the mother and daughter, and even gave them all the ten gold bars left by Shen Ming as future living expenses.

"Well, I believe in Mr. Shen Ming, he is a man who really talks." Kanako nodded seriously. She knew that she liked Shen Ming less than one percent of Xiao Yi's, but only "I believe "Shen Ming", she will never lose to anyone.

"I believe it is a good thing. Like a dream, people always have a little dream. Maybe one day will come true?" When the peacock spoke, he squatted down and looked at Xiaokui with a smile, "What about you? Do you have any dreams? ? "

"Ahhh!" Xiaokui spit on the peacock's face, who would have thought that a 6-year-old girl had so much drool. Xiaokui smiled and said, "Xiaokui's dream has come true!"

Farewell to the mother and daughter, the peacock beauty walked towards Maserati in the parking lot.

"Please hold on, just hold on, don't be as stiff as a robot?" Xiao Yi didn't dislike the peacock stinging herself so much that the killer beside him felt a bit stupid enough to be stupid. Obviously so powerful, not even girls.

"Ah? Sorry to hurt you?" Peacock nervously said.

"Don't apologize to me! You are a bad guy, can you have some courage?" Xiao Yi said with a headache.

"Actually, I want to be tough, but when I think that I might be hated by Miss Xiao Yi, I can't get tough." Peacock aggrieved.

"You dare to ask me to be my wife, can you make fun of me?" Xiao Yi shouted.

"But I just love how you shout at me, I always think you are so handsome!" The peacock blushed.

"My aunt, why are such dumb and cute goods so powerful?" Xiao Yi said in a cheeky face. "Listen to me, I am a woman who is determined to kill you. As long as I have a chance, I will ..."

Xiao Yi talked about launching a raid, a trick "Second Dragon Winning a Pearl" was inserted directly into the peacock's eyes, but the peacock responded faster and raised the right arm of the black unicorn to defend with a knife.

Xiao Yi's fingers hurt like tearing, tears came down, and she crouched on the ground with her fingers, "It hurts me! Why use your right hand to block ?! Don't you know it is iron?"

"Sorry, my uncle is used to resisting with black unicorn. This is faster, are you okay?" Peacock crouched nervously.

It was another opportunity. Xiao Yi stood up suddenly from the ground, hit her with a knee stroke, and rushed forward according to his face.

But the peacock responded faster, and he used the black elbow's right elbow to block Xiao Yi's crippled knee.

At that moment, Xiao Yi seemed to hear a heartbreaking voice, and her left knee was like kicking a tank car.

"Eh! Heh! Heh!" Xiao Yi was almost painful and couldn't stand upright, backing away.

"Are you okay? Sorry, sorry! I reacted instinctively again, saying that your attack is too good to resist with your right hand." The peacock was too depressed.

"You man is so unconscionable, he says he likes me, but he beats me with a heavy hand!" Xiao Yiqiang bit his lip, indignantly, apparently she wanted to kill someone, but blame others for resistance? Women are so unreasonable.

"I'm sorry, I promise, in the future, you will never attack me again with a black unicorn if you sneak attack, do you hurt you? Would you like to see a doctor?" Peacock helped Xiao Yi to sit down and rest, and examined her professionally Your knees so as not to break. The tender pictures of the two made envy of many passengers.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you marry me or not, as long as I can accompany you like this, I'll be content." The peacock loves it so humblely, as if begging Xiao Yi's alms.

"Peacock, do you know what the worst terrible villain looks like?" Xiao Yi sighed helplessly. "It's just like you, but you do not know what is good or evil when you do something ugly." Save my sister, go to Longtan alone, even if the anger is extreme, it has not killed anyone. This is good ...

You cut his throat because my colleagues hurt me. That's evil.

No matter how humble you are, I won't like wicked people like you. I was just waiting for Shen Ming to come back and take me out of here. "Xiao Yi was extremely frank.

"It doesn't matter, I know I'm not a good person, and I know you don't have a good impression of me. I can wait for three months, half a year, half a lifetime, wait until you die for Shenming, wait until you are passionate about me. "Peacocks can be described as love, one love.

"It won't take that long. I believe Shen Ming will come and take me away before the wedding. Three months is enough." Xiao Yi didn't need a peacock to change his engagement, because no matter how it was changed, it was a wedding she didn't want.

"I assure you that you will never do anything trivial before the wedding, and respect each other as guests." Peacock has been scolded by colleagues as an idiot at this point. How can you insist on getting married this year?

"Don't do trivial things? What are you doing now?" Xiao Yi despised, and the peacock's hand was still touching her 105 cm long smooth legs, and it was unclear why the peacock's little brother stood up.

"Not like that! Miss Xiao Yi, please explain to me, I just ... just a normal response! Miss Xiao Yi is so attractive!" Peacock explained with a rush of heartbeat, and it seemed that the nervousness was possible at any time If she bit her tongue, Xiao Yi would be revengeful.

"You, it's not too bad. When Shen Ming comes back, I beg him not to kill you, and chop your hands that touched me at most." Xiao Yi finally stood up again.

Looking at Xiao Yi's self-confidence, the peacock couldn't tell him the truth. The Paradise Lost that Shen Ming was sent to was a dead corner forgotten by God, a darkness that would not even shine. None of the detainees came out alive. It was the world's largest privately owned prison with a technology and management model that was 10 years ahead of modern prisons.

Even if the peacock is locked in, there is no absolute self-confidence to escape, let alone Shenmian has become a handicapped hand.

As the peacock said, people just need dreams so that they can always move forward optimistically. He liked Xiao Yi's smiling face, even if the smile came from her blind optimism about Shen Ming. No matter who it is, as long as Xiao Yi laughs, the peacock is happy.

On the other side, returning to the ugly room shared by the two, Shen Ming looked at Cang Lan with a serious look, "I want you ..."

"Why are you so straightforward, I'm not ready yet." Cang Lan smiled aside with a smile on her face.

"Don't worry, I won't take it for nothing, I will return it to you soon."

"Yeah? How do you do it? I suffer, not a storm ..." Cang Lan was even more shy.

"Cang Lan, can you talk to me seriously? I'm not interested in chrysanthemums. I want to borrow your **** coins." Shen Ming couldn't bear the crooked man in front of him, although the only thing he could hope for now was this Shuyue shameful man.

"Why? What do you want to do?" No problem if you want chrysanthemums? Cang Lan's face was tangled as if he was about to die.

"I need to restore my physical condition in the shortest time and increase the intensity of training. This means that I absolutely can't save on eating. Daily mashed potatoes are not enough to recover the loss. At least, I need to eat two meals a day, and have meat and egg."

"Eggs! You are so extravagant that you really want to eat eggs! I have long forgotten what an egg tastes like." Cang Lan said that he was about to cry. You have to know that in this animal, an egg has to be 3 yuan. And he only collected 2 **** once, and also got 5 free 1 ...

Cang Lan also started to be a "selling flower man" only a year ago. After working so hard today, it has been difficult to save 500 yuan of rubbish, which is already the hardest working hard money in this animal.

Shen Ming just borrowed it, Cang Lan really couldn't bear it.

"I promise, no matter how much you use, after 1 month, I will definitely return you 1000 坷 **** coins and take you to 'Human World'." Shen Ming said firmly.

"1 month? You want to take me to earth? That means that you want to earn at least 2,000 yuan? Are you planning to rob?" Clan Lan trembled.

"No, use our fists to hit our Tongtian Avenue." Shen Ming clenched his only left fist.


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