God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 152: Although the meat is stinky,

Chapter 152 Although Stink Meat Is Stinky

Everyone knows that fangs and bitches. A small cricket in the Panther Gang was originally eaten in the boxing arena. Since worshipping the Black Panther gate, he has become soaring, and as a member of the Black Panther Gang, he has gathered a few villains and started the robbery peripheral business.

Because 80% of the gains each time were handed over to the Black Panther, the insider also opened his eyes and closed his eyes.

This time he stared at Shen Ming's steak and the savings of Hualang, but he couldn't get used to Shen Ming's recent "arrogance", so he started.

The four villains, carrying blood dripping iron rods, walked towards Shen Ming. They seemed to mix well, and they made a lot of money from the robbery. They all put on their shoes.

As inhabitants of animals, everyone has long been familiar with such things. On the one hand, they avoid being alone, and on the other hand, they must not block people into crime. Under surveillance, there are still some people who have no reason to fight. Regardless, after all, customers who can live in are life-long customers, and they must be guaranteed to die until they die naturally.

Therefore, staying under the camera and being fisted up at most, there is no danger of scaly injuries.

And even if it is besieged, it can actually be negotiated with the "robbers". It is the so-called sky-high price, sitting on the ground to repay the money, half the price of the bargain, holding back the burden, and generally pretending to be a few dozen rubbish. It's a big day not to eat mashed potatoes when losing weight.

However, the deepness of eating steak every day makes the richness of the blue bleak. This is no longer a "big deal" that can be sent by a dozen or so. One hand or one hundred or so. They don't mind who will give the money and who will. Give "hand".

The onlookers gave way backwards, so as not to spill blood on themselves. You must know that even washing powder is very expensive in the beast!

Afternoon physical training will be put down for the time being, and we will switch to fighting practice. The one-armed descent is faster than the villains' shots, leaning forward and rushing forward.

These guys eat muscles on a weekdays, and picking one out is bigger than Shen Ming's, but Shen Ming's requirement is to get them completely with his legs without hands! Think of it as weight training in combat.

Many of them were martial arts practitioners, or were assassins of the martial arts, or were kings of soldiers, or once a mighty party. They had heads and faces, and they could see the doorway in a second.

Shenming's fighting style has no way and no rules, no rules and no rules. He kicks his feet and avoids the head stick, flying on the metal wall next to him. Then, in the next 10 seconds, he never landed again. After that, the enemy's head and the wall flipped back and forth in the air, kicking back and forth, kicking the iron pipe with chin in their hands.

The four villains who flew up and down were completely turned over without even supporting them for 10 seconds. The leading villain was kicked by a stroke and kicked out 3 meters, hitting a steel wall and rebounding to the ground.

There is no shortage of capable people in Paradise Lost, but the meditation in front of them is simply super-powerful.

"10 seconds ... slowed down ..." Shen Ming believes that with both hands, this kind of goods will only bully less people with more people. It can take up to 5 seconds.

Perhaps they were also masters in the past, but they have already given up training, pampered themselves all day, bullied and bullied, and the pursuit of life has only flesh to eat, and naturally they become ordinary villains after a long time.

Shen Ming educated all the audience with practical actions. Those who had been in trouble, gave up the hope of leaving, and became the decadent and corrupt villain at the foot of Shen Ming ...

From today on, the trainers in the animal path will increase exponentially, for nothing else, only to find the lost self.

As soon as the fangs bitch's steak had eaten the last bite, Shen Ming had ended the battle, and the picture shocked him and he was almost choked with meat.

When he was bare-chested and self-helping, Shen Ming had stepped forward to him, scraped the black pepper sauce from the corner of his mouth with his fingers, and tasted it in his mouth, still hot.

"You ate my steak ..."

"Oh, brother! I was playing with him! Steak will buy you a copy right away! No! Buy 2 copies! We also do not know each other, in fact, I am a Panther gang, I can recommend you Yes, you will be able to eat fragrant and spicy with your strength in the future! "The fangs and the **** were so scared that they sat on the ground with cold sweat and covered their foreheads with cold sweat.

"You ate my steak and gave me a piece of meat, don't you pit you?" Shen Ming said without a pause.

"That's right! It's reasonable! I'll buy it now!" As soon as the fangs **** saw reconciliation, there was a smile and she wanted to get away and wait to leave here to buy meat? He would immediately go to a gang member to beat the kid into flesh.

"You don't have to be so troublesome, pay it now." Shen Ming suddenly opened her mouth and bit her on the shoulders of the fangs and mules, and blood splattered onto the iron wall.

Many viewers were crying, and Shen Ming tore off the flesh of the fangs and mules, chewing and swallowing in front of him.

One bite is not enough, and one more bite until you are full, and the wicked person just became the most sympathetic person. Lying on the ground had long ago fainted, and the wound on the shoulder was pale.

"Shenming ..." Looking at the blue **** mouth, he was speechless in shock.

"The bad guy's meat is really smelly, but it can also have a belly." Shen Ming chewed and commented.

"Friend, isn't it too hard to start? What is human nature?" An old man stepped forward and said "justice."

"Where is this? Isn't it purgatory on earth?" Shen Ming wiped the blood from his mouth and wondered, "what else is humanity to say about being born in purgatory? How can you leave this purgatory without the realization of being a demon?

I ’m not here to play the doomsday game with you. In order to go home, I can do everything. What about eating people? "

Shen Ming's murderous intentions made everyone tremble, but the truth in the words made people speechless, yeah! With being born in the beast, human nature should be a luxury like that steak.

When the scene was dead, a gunshot scared everyone. The crowd of onlookers automatically gave way to a avenue, and all were kneeling down on one knee.

I saw a big-bellied, ugly old man wearing a mechanical exoskeleton, and the combat aid system seemed to be used to help his fat body walk.

Holding a p220 pistol in his hand, the muzzle was still emitting a slight smoke, and behind him were eight heavily armed guards, all holding hk417 assault rifles in his hands, as if they were in the same team as the criminal squad. expression.

The most eye-catching is the black panther standing next to the fat man, and the iron Qiaoba beside the black panther.

If the animal's life is likened to a kingdom, the black panther must be the prime minister of the kingdom, with more than 10,000 people under one person, and Qiaoba is the first magistrate of the kingdom, protecting it from generation to generation.

As for this small fat pig, it is Nicholas, the most powerful "king of the king" in this kingdom. And he should call it the chief executive officer of the beast's life path, who holds the power of life and killing.

Obviously, the black panther can be so mixed in the animal's aisle, and there are too many unclear interests between him and Nicholas.

Being able to bring the chief executive to such a place to "enforce law enforcement" is typically a well-arranged trap, and Shenming drilled into it is a deep dive.

"The chief executive is here ?! Shen Ming! Kneel down!" Clan said as he climbed and knelt on the ground nervously.

As for Shen Ming, I knew this was for myself. Even if I kneel and ask for forgiveness, I won't really forgive myself, so don't stain your knees? Only he stood as straight as steel.

"You are in a good mood, gather together for a tea party?" Nicholas glanced at the boy who dared to stand taller than himself, and the old man did not say anything. Instead, he reprimanded everyone. Behavior? Want to go to the ant room for a few days of food? "

In a word, Nicholas made everyone press their heads lower, and the frightened atmosphere didn't dare to say a word, because the fat man in front of him could really kill someone.

Shen Ming wasn't afraid, and he glanced at Nicholas's pistol slightly, which may be his closest chance to the firearm. With a gun in hand, it's not impossible to kill a blood path.

But he has two troubles that must be resolved. One is the electromagnetic brake ring on the neck, wrist, and ankle. Then the fat pistol has a fingerprint recognition device. Only when I hold it, I can pull the trigger. Even if it is grabbed, it is useless. . Unless he also chopped his fingers? Can you make it? The firing efficiency of the eight guards should not wait for Shen Ming to finish it?

There was a constant calculation in his brain, but Nicholas came in front of him, arrogantly, "boy, you are very shy, how long have I said, you just stared at my pistol for so long? Why? Think? Rob me and kill me? Or try? "

Nicholas unexpectedly handed the pistol to Shen Ming, and the eight guards behind him raised the gun to aim at the same time, and the insurance of the gun machine was all open.

"I'm just protecting my friends." Shen Ming gave up his resistance.

"Protect your friends? Do you need to eat people? If you have been infected with zombies, shall we not lose our paradise into a raccoon market?" The Black Panther strolled forward, watching the unconscious fangs **** sneer, "Master As a good citizen, I reported an inhumane private fight, and I don't know what to do? "

"What do you think?" Nicholas sang in harmony.

"Reading offense, I beg you to open the Internet, and close the ant room for 15 days, right?" Black Panther had long thought about it.

"15 days ?! That's awkward! Even if it's an attack on a guard, it only takes 10 days!" Cang Lan called injustice.

"Little brother, do you want to accompany him?" Nicholas' cold smile immediately turned back to Cang Lan, who was scared. Although he and Shen Ming have a very different relationship, the half-month ant room ... can really kill someone.

"I don't understand why it is me." Shen Ming ignored the horror of the punishment, but looked at the Black Panther in confusion.

"Because I admire you and want to solicit you, but your arrogance is too strong, someone needs to teach you the rules of paradise loss, take a good **." Black Panther frankly.

"I see. Since it's hell, you're the kind of self-righteous imp, if you don't kill me now and wait for me to return, you will ruin everything." Shen Ming said calmly.

"Let's go through the ant room for 15 days before ..." Black Panther hehe said.


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