God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 157: Jailbreak partner

Chapter 157: Jailbreak Partner

In the Langya District, on Feihu Road, no one knew the three brothers Li Shashen, Wang Xiemo, and Liu Zexian. They went to the same school as the offense elementary school and they once defeated the big devil Zhao Ritian.

Today, however, they were killed by Shen Ming alone. Li Xiashen's close-kick resistance did not contain Shen's attack power, and the chain attacked long-range. He repeatedly hit the Wang Dimon at the rear dps, and took the blood of Wang Dimon within half a minute.

When Liu Zhanxian wanted to attack from the back to make up for the knife, Li Xiashen was caught by Shen Ming for a misplacement, and the meat shield was broken 3 times in a row.

Liu Zexian, who lacked the cover of his teammates, diddge and then dodged, hoping to delay until his teammates resurrected the assist. In the end, he was too naive, his teammates didn't stand up, and he was knocked to the ground.

All three heroes were on their knees, and the rest of the stray fishes were almost to send experience meat. The 200 audience watched Shen Ming waving a huge iron chain as fierce as a monster. In just 15 minutes, all members of the Black Panther Gang Were all killed.

"Hey, hey, don't be kidding!" Black Panther stood on the VIP table, facing the drearyness that was dragging the chain, afraid to tremble, "What the **** is this? Why is it so strong?"

"It's over, and you're over." Rose smiled and placed the wine glass on the coffee table, and walked slowly to the side of Black Panther. "It seems that your model is not flawless, at least in the eyes of the strong It ’s a superfluous display. For the sake of asking me to drink, do n’t say I did n’t remind you, look at that guy ’s eyes, there is nothing in the world that scares him. After you are killed, He wouldn't even care if he was kept in the ant room for a year.

So, obediently pay for it, so many viewers are still watching, no one will come to play in the casino that depends on the account. "Rose said and turned away.

"Boss, checkout." Shen Ming sneered in front of the Black Panther, the chain in his hands was still dripping with blood, who was already indistinguishable, anyway, Shen Ming was killed all the way.

At 11:40 pm, Shen Ming walked out of the Black Panther Boxing Field with a blue sky, 20 minutes away from the 30 days he had promised, and he already had a huge sum of 2000 yuan in his hand.

Cang Lan didn't feel fortunate after being saved, he was still immersed in deep confusion, feeling everything like dreaming. I've been selling flowers for 1 year, but I can't get the income of Shen Ming in a boxing match. Think about this is the gap brought by strength.

"Cang Lan, we're going to 'Human'." It wasn't until Shen Ming put his hand on Cang Lan's shoulder, touching his forehead, and drawing his sight to the Tongtian Avenue, that Clan Lan understood all this. it is true.

"Finally ... I can finally sit at the table for dinner!" Cang Lan choked to tears, and his sadness over the past two years, and his hard life in the past two years, put him near collapse in the arms of Shen Ming, and he could not wait to look at him physically. Xu thanked him for his kindness.

Shen Ming is his savior, who took him away from the sea of ​​suffering. In fact, for Shen Ming, Cang Lan helped him far more than he did. It was only Shen Ming who took Cang Lan to leave here, but at the beginning Ken took out a few hundred yuan to supplement Shen Ming's physical fitness, but it was he who spared all his investment.

"Although I don't discriminate against gay, but the two old men hug in broad daylight, and still see something wrong, right?" Rose was embracing her hands on her chest at the door of the Black Panther Boxing Stadium, smiling against the steel wall. .

"What do you want from me?" Shen Ming pushed the blue in her arms and turned to look at Rose.

"Hey hey, did you just talk to your life-saving benefactor? If you hadn't borrowed your money just now, your gambling wouldn't be able to start, don't look at the black panthers, blacker heart." Rose walked on Come here to collect debts.

"I didn't ask you to help me." Shen Ming was going to "rely on account".

"You man, you don't eat at all. I'm a girl. Will you let me die?" Qiang Wei slaps on Shen Ming's right arm with a curse, but she doesn't react at all.

"No need to try, it's really useless, I don't keep anything." Shen Ming understood what the woman in front of her wanted to do, and she was far smarter than she seemed.

"Well, I thought you had deliberately hid it for the purpose of escape. I regret that it was really the only one." Qiang Wei sighed. "I said that you were going to the world? Do you have any luggage to pack? Let's do it together!"

"No luggage! I don't want to take anything away here! Go! Go to earth!" Clan Lan waved his sleeves to wipe away the tears on his face and exclaimed.

"It's so arrogant to say, take off the stockings first ... The old men look really disgusted in wearing this." Rose may just be "jealous" of the beauty of the blue.

"What do you want from me?" Shen Ming asked again on the way to Tongtian Avenue.

"I want the hope in your eyes." Qiangwei sighed softly. "Without concealing you, I was an international thief before coming in. Whether it is jewelry or business intelligence, I will start as long as it is valuable. I have also been jailed twice. I went to jail, but it all succeeded.

I'm like a bird of freedom. Wherever I go, it's my life. And this paradise lost must not be my cage. Cried Rose, "I want to escape! "

"You're crazy!" Cang Lan stopped nervously.

"It's okay, the guards here don't care what you want to do. For 3 months I have been studying everything about Paradise Lost. Obviously it is completely different from the general prison. The management model here is at least 10 years ahead of the traditional prison. It is at least 20 years ahead. "Qiangwei shared the information she collected for free." There is no other way to do it except Tongtian Avenue. They only need a few guards to control it, and no matter how many prisoners are held, they can only wait for death.

And through the design of the Three Realms, the **** coin, and the design of the imitated city, the indignation of the prisoners to the matter of being detained has made everyone just eat a bite, a little comfort and consume energy, and it has also reduced the prisoner's resistance to a minimum. "

When Qiangwei talked about this, Cang Lan was embarrassed, after all, he was the kind of fallen prisoner who only wanted to be better.

"I know that I can't complete the escape by myself, so I need to find a partner who has the same hope for freedom and has a strong partner. I originally thought that I could find such a person after leaving the animal life path and rising to the world, but as a result, the world Those guys are more degenerate than the guys in the beast.

Half of them had no interest in Fairyland, and the rest just shouted slogans, which had already become pigs in captivity. Those people actually built a church in the world, a neighborhood committee, and a dinner together in the New Year ... These gangsters! "When you mention this rose, you won't get angry and get angry.

"Say, how much does it cost to go to the fairyland?" Cang Lan asked curiously.

"About 300,000?" Rose said casually, and almost didn't startle the blue jaw. Although the world can get 50 yuan a day, but to save enough 300,000, it takes 6000 days and nights! Almost 17 years!

And it ’s still not eating, drinking, or spending money! Unwilling to fall, do you cry every day when you look at the savings?

"What is your plan?" Shen Ming didn't say he would join the group, but just asked casually.

"Within one year, I earn at least 300,000 and send one person to the fairyland. As far as I know, there should be a gate to the outside world. As long as the situation is clear, the remaining partners launch an onslaught from the earth. Attract the attention of the enemy, and then the companion of the fairy realm flees, wait for it, and then try to come back to save the remaining companion. "Qiang Wei smiled, and thoughtfully replaced the division of labor with" partner ". Obviously, she meant, Shen Attract her firepower and let her escape successfully.

As for the part that came back to save Shenming, it was all based on her conscience.

"The plan is slightly delayed."

"Then what good idea do you have?" Rosa frowned.

"No, for the time being, I went to the world and said, anyway, I know, at most less than 2 months, I must go out." Shen Ming is that story and firm.

"Although I like your fighting spirit, would you please don't be so confident? Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years," Rosa said.

"Then you still yelled? Are you afraid that others don't know you are a thorn?"

"You ..." Rose spoke heartily, believing that if she carried out her plan, she would not return to save Shenming properly.

The three came to Tongtian Avenue, and Shen Ming showed his bracelet. After the guards confirmed that he had deducted 2,000 yuan of **** coins, their identities had now become human beings, and they were no longer cattle in the past.

Take the elevator and go up 20 meters, the world in which Shen Ming lives has changed dramatically. It turned out to be like a human in an American block and a street made of cement brick. There are trash cans and street lights beside the street.

At this time of night, the searchlights on the iron roof are turned off, and only the street lights are used to provide lighting, giving people a sense of time between day and night.

The exit of Tongtian Avenue is just in the hospital. Rose is okay, but Shen Ming and Cang Lan are immediately surrounded by people in white coats and nurse clothes.

"What are you doing? Why undress me?" Clan Lan shouted nervously.

"Don't be afraid, this is the case when you first arrived in the world. You have to be checked. God knows if there will be diseases of the animal?" Qiang Wei, who was standing behind the crowd, laughed. Let's go to sleep, bye! "

Qiangwei and the two waved goodbye and walked out of the hospital hall. Then, Shen Ming and Cang Lan had a physical examination for up to 2 hours, ranging from whole-body ct scans to small urine tests. They nearly all the diseases they had had in the previous 20 years, and all the diseases they would have in the next 20 years. Check it out.

After leaving the hospital, Shen Ming and Cang Lan got two sets of cotton pajamas as gifts. Although they belonged to the roadside goods of 20 RMB outside, Cang Lan cried with excitement.

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