God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 158: Prison Break

Chapter 158: The Law of Puppet Escape

Cang Lan is like a pervert, right! He is a pervert. When he first arrives on the earth, he must kiss everything he sees. Whether it is a concrete brick street or a tree planted with flowers, he can kiss the trash can and hold a street lamp and dance.

It's all because he is so fond of these belongings to modern civilization. Two years in prison, his world only had scrap iron and rust spots, not to mention flowers, and even the grass had only the yellow color of fluttering.

From the barren to the modern, maybe only Shen Ming, a new talent who has been held for only one month, will not be moved?

After they came out of the hospital, they walked towards their apartment, which is a three-story brick-concrete building located in the corner of the earth. To the door.

Climbing the creaking wooden stairs to the third floor, Cang Lan saw her wooden door and cried again, "Finally! Finally I live in a house with a door."

"I said you're enough to feed! Isn't it just the door? Wouldn't you like to give it a monkey?" Shen Ming couldn't bear it anymore.

"You don't understand people's mood at all, anyway, you have no experience of being attacked by the night." Cang Lan's tears in the corner of his eyes, it is estimated that this is the way to get started.

"Let's take a break, and feel the new world tomorrow." Shen Ming laughed.

"Well!" Cang Lan nodded strongly.

When I arrived in the new room, looking at the white walls and the wooden bed, Shen Ming felt a little peace of mind, at least not having to stand and sleep.

He hasn't laid his body flat for a long time. When he was lying on the bed, he felt that every cell in his body was eager to rest, and the pain of fighting with Qiaoba had now spread to open his throat. Throughout the night, his body was stiff and unable to move. He chewed with a 20-bar bottle of Huoxuehuayu pills in the hospital, and fell asleep with his eyes closed.

At this time, it was already 2 o'clock in the morning, and even the animals who were living in the animal's habitat had fallen asleep, but in the immortal laboratory in the immortal world, the wormer was drinking coffee and writing a scientific research report in front of the computer. A guard, like his entourage, knocked on the door, put an inspection report requested by the insect master at his table, and pushed it out respectfully.

"It's only been a month ... directly from the animal's path to the world." The wormer took a smirk and picked up Shenming's hospital inspection report. "Let's take a look, what the old **** sent me? 'Come."

He was going to go to bed with a casual look, just like suddenly holding up a superb book, and couldn't stop. Every new stat made his eyebrows jump, inexplicable.

He even carried out various experiments with the blood and urine samples overnight until dawn. The worm division smiled tiredly with the inspection report.

"It really is interlaced like a mountain, the old **** just thinks he is special, and in my eyes, he is the beginning of a new human! My research can finally be completed! Hahahaha !!!"

On the other side, with the elegant piano song broadcast in the morning, Shen Ming got up from the bed. After taking two painkillers and washing, I knocked on the door of Canglan.

This guy has fallen in love with his bed, and the beggar did not want to get up, and finally Shen Ming dragged him up.

After leaving the door of the apartment, the life on this earth is just beginning. Compared to animals, this world is already a paradise. Everyone is not only wearing bright clothes, but also seeing a lot of rare things, such as Walkman, iPad, bicycle, and even more amazing, some people even jog with Husky to exercise.

In the world, everyone ’s salamanders are already very generous. 50 salamers per day is just the basic cost of living. There are also various games and leisure activities here. You can get a lot of salamander bonuses if you win. Competitions and even intellectual quiz.

Even if you are not good at these, "hygienic pacesetters", "five good families", "ethical models", and even the annual "doing nothing" awards will also give you a variety of awards.

坷 There are many things you can buy here. Apart from basic food, you can buy things that are in sync with modern society. Computer games are not a problem, but only LAN networks can be played.

This is the real trap for prisoners, because of ease. Imagine a prisoner who had left Tongtian Avenue to leave Paradise Lost. After hard work and finally rose to the earth, his comfortable life, easy-to-get rubbish, everything that can be fulfilled, and friendly neighbors, health, In the community, the original pursuit and strength will be quickly destroyed, and a "good to stay" virus will swallow your heart and will.

At least Clan's will was destroyed when he kissed the street light yesterday.

"Look! I've got a bonus! It's a first-time gift! 200 yuan!" Cang Lan 23333 smiled, "Let's go! I invite you to have a good meal! It must be a Western restaurant!"

Cang Lan dragged Shen Ming to a European-style decorated restaurant. The price of the meals is still as expensive as skinless and shameless, but now that it is rich, it is still affordable!

Cang Lan ordered tuna salad, cheese sausage pizza, pasta and cappuccino in one breath. It took a whole 150 yuan, which was a luxury that Cang Lan could not have imagined before.

But now, Cang Lan is eating while crying, and they are sitting by the window. Because of Clan Lan ’s crying, they have attracted many people who come to eat early. No one laughed at him because everyone was with him when he first arrived on earth Same heart jam.

He is always craving for food, even if he is willing to eat x meat, he lacks interest in a table of food. When he drinks coffee, caffeine has analgesic effect.

Unknowingly, there was a knocking sound outside the window. Shen Ming and Cang Lan looked sideways. It was Rose who was wearing a denim suit, and she was not happy to see her face.

Sure enough, when she walked into the restaurant, she sat next to Shen Ming and said uncomfortably, "Wake you up and come to me directly. You really are not at all mindful. I got up early and finished washing. The mask is waiting for you, but you are eating here, is it interesting? "

"Miss Rose, you misunderstood. I told Shen Ming to have dinner." Cang Lan explained quickly.

"Don't squeak, I ask him." Rose stared at Shen Ming Road, "I found out since yesterday that you don't seem to be interested in being my partner at all."

"Of course I'm not interested, because I will try to get out without you, and you and I know who is the protagonist in the escape plan, but you always look like a gift to me to leave the opportunity, very sincere. "Shen Ming said contentedly.

"Oh, Miss Ben took so much money to help you bet, but in the end I became insincere? Interesting, then what do you mean by sincerity?" Had Rose not been forced to do nothing, she would have ignored it. This ungrateful fellow.

"Intelligence sharing. Take out the intelligence you have collected."

"Why don't you take out your information?"

"Lost Paradise is actually an abandoned drilling platform located in the Pacific Ocean east of Laos. I haven't heard the sound of ships approaching for so long in the confinement chamber. I believe it belongs to an isolated sea area far from the island.

Even if we can successfully escape from the lost paradise, in the case of lack of supplies, we will end up wandering to the death like "Juvenile's Fantasy Drifting".

The most frightening thing is that they also have air forces. When they find you, they end up turning into fish food. Shen Ming said all the information with a big grin, so that the proud rose could stop talking for a moment, showing her stinginess.

Cang Lan listened to silly directly. He has been here for so long. He may not know as much as Shen Ming in a month.

"It seems that in addition to your extremities, you have a keen observation. Is it convenient to talk about what you did in the past?" Qiangwei became more and more interested in Shen Ming.

"Bodyguard." Shen Ming didn't want to say more.

"Okay, my arrogant bodyguard, come and share my information." Qiang Wei asked with a one-sided support and whispered, "Shen Ming, what do you think is the biggest obstacle for us to go out?"

"A guard with a gun?" Cang Lan replied.

"No, it's these electromagnetic brake rings on us." Shen Ming gave Cang Lan a "fail", "No matter how strong an opponent is, as long as he has not lost his ability to move, there is still room for backhand, but electromagnetic braking Once the lap starts, the victories will be clear.

Regardless of the floor tiles laying outside, in fact, we are in a steel cage, and this electromagnetic brake ring is absolute power. "

"Yes, what makes tigers afraid to bite is definitely not the whip of the animal trainer, but the collars on their necks ..." Rose stroked the metal bracelet on her wrist. "If I said, I have a way Take this ring off? "

The smile at the corner of Shen Ming's mouth finally revealed, this is the story he has been waiting for most. As jailbreakers, discovering the key points of the cage and finding a solution is the thinking mode of those who want to leave.

Shen Ming also studied the electromagnetic brake ring on his opponent from the beginning, and as a result, there was no flaw at all. This iron ring made of alloy does not have a screw on the surface, and all use wireless signals to control the open loop and start. External forces cannot be opened at all, and the sturdiness is comparable to armor.

Once Shen Ming began to escape, as long as someone else had a command sign, he immediately knelt down and died completely.

The priority is to solve the electromagnetic brake ring.

"I know you are a thief. The sliding door lock is a good hand, but this one doesn't even have a keyhole. How can you pry?" Shen Ming knocked sideways.

"You chop your hands, don't you untie it ?!" Rose said, and Cang Lan sprayed the coffee just in her mouth.

"Chopping your hands ?! What about the ankle? There's still on the neck?" Cang Lan frowned.

"Just kid, so seriously?" Rose said, lowering her throat. "Actually, this thing is controlled by electronic signals. There must be a signal receiver inside. No matter how advanced it is, just use electronic signals." Control, can naturally cut in by means of interference.

Make an interference signal station, even if you ca n’t let it open, make sure it wo n’t be activated during jailbreak, is n’t it ok? "That's the gist of the Rose project.

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