God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 182: Fire Lion and Iron Tiger

Chapter 182: Fire Lion and Iron Tiger

There are more than a thousand kinds of relationships in the world. Brothers who intervene for you are brothers; courtiers who do everything for you; sinners who make trouble for you ...

Among these countless relationships, there is such a thing that they will argue with you, and sometimes even tear their skin, making you hate and want to be with them. But when you make trouble and make mistakes, they will help you for no reason, tolerate you, even if you are a sinless criminal.

This is called family.

Waner originally thought that the hell's tempering had long forgotten her extravagant "title". She turned into a killing machine named Xun. With the heart of steelization, her emotions also turned into steel.

But only when lying on his brother's knee and being beaten by an angry man, Waner realized that the name, character, and relationship were not personally determined. From the moment you are born, these things remain as deeply imprinted in your soul. Whether you change your heart or your brain, all these things can only be ignored temporarily, but they will never disappear forever. .

"Enough, it's enough." Shen Ming stopped and lay flat on the snow tired, happy, but couldn't help crying, "Dad, Mom, I finally found it, found my little sister, I ’ve found your baby, Nizi. Did you see them in heaven? "

Until the moment Waner admits her mistake, Shen Ming dare to comfort her parents' spirit in heaven.

"Bastard brother, stinky hooligan! It hurts everyone! 555555555555" Shen Wan'er still couldn't stop the tears. At this moment she understood that the past persistence of indifference was just the fear of Ying Luo. She has seen how they treat traitors. It is a state of trying to die every minute.

Because of fear, I did n’t dare to leave. Even if I was against my brother, I had to dance with Sakura ...

But at this moment, the dreary who could easily grab her itchy meat and round her slap and spank has become the most terrifying existence. He knows Waner better than anyone, and loves Waner more than anyone. Even if he recognizes this brother, he will be the enemy of the world. From Waner's point of view, his brother is far more terrible than the world!

"Hey hey, is there anything wrong with it? 6 hand monsters and 4 smashing combo will be killed, even if the sturdy" steel heart "is one of my most proud works, what kind of bullying do you actually have? Winning the way, I really have enough resentment. "** In the corridor of the garden, a glass door was opened, and the shaved head general Ito Tomoe came out and sat on the edge of the corridor.

"Master Chief Staff?" Waner called back with a look of horror. The old man not only gave her a second life, but also gave her half a **** of pain.

"Wan'er, what should you be blind when you are not polite? The bald old pervert, calling him an old dog, he can still stand it." Shen Ming picked up a Nepali machete used by Waner, So naturally blocked in front of my sister.

"You, I really do n’t know how to be grateful." Ito Fujiang shook his head and sighed. "Your sister can live to this day, thanks to the steel heart that I installed for her, and you can live to this day, it is also my kindness, Saved from the chairman.

In ancient times, according to the rules of your dynasty, you must give me the ritual of three knees and nine knees. "

"It doesn't matter. When you die, I will worship your grave head." Shen Ming's crossblade was on his chest.

"You don't have to be so polite, you want to pay back, tell me, what is hidden in your right hand? What did the worm division do to you? I really want to hear, I want to know!" Ito Tomoe He smiled wryly.

"Want to listen? Come here, I'll tell you." Shen Ming beckoned to Ito Fujiang with a knife.

"It's okay, you don't want to say, I can naturally show you to show, unless you want to bury it in the grave with a secret." Ito Tomi hit a ringing finger, two huge figures from the windowsill on the second floor A bang fell from the inside into the garden.

A tiger with iron bones, steel skins, copper teeth, and glazed eyes that is 3 meters long; a white lion full of lions, and a group of lion hairs around the neck are burning flames.

"Fire Lion, Iron Tiger ..." Waner shivered slightly behind her brother. You know, these two are Ito Tomi's latest mechanical composite life forms.

In Ito's research, the arm strength of a machine and a living individual determines the ultimate fighting ability of this living body. Whether it is the black unicorn of Peacock or the steel heart of Waner, they all belong to mechanization that is only 10% of their own weight. This is the largest composite that can be achieved 10 years ago. Although the technology was continuously improved in the later period, it was mechanized. The proportion is always the bottleneck and cannot be improved.

In recent years, Ito Tomoe ’s research has become more and more crazy, and even put forward the concept of 95% mechanized life, that is, to retain only the brain of the living body, all other body functions are replaced by machinery, and the useless protein body is completely surpassed to become a new Species, reach eternal life in a sense! This is also his way of making gods as a member of the Black Technology Research Institute ...

At this moment, the two wild beasts that surround Shenming and Wan'er are the latest experimental products of Ito Tomi. The two animals only saved less than 20% of their flesh composition, and the rest were all retrofitted with state-of-the-art mechanical cores and energy batteries. They were more sturdy than the German Leopard main battle tanks, and their fighting power ... think of the Transformers. A picture of human forces.

The grunting iron tiger stared at Shen Ming like a big cat, stepping on a tiger's claw that was the size of a washbasin, and quietly passed behind Shen Ming.

The fire lion roared, and a circle of flame around his neck burned even more fiercely. Standing in front of Shen Ming, the white snow around him was melted.

"Go to the side, obediently." Shen Ming pushed Waner, who was shaking slightly, aside.

"Shenming, do you still want to play by yourself?" Niu asked.

"Guess." Shen Ming held a knife behind him, staring at the fire lion in front of him like a beast.

"You can't win, it's impossible for one person to win them." Every common sense of Wan'er told her, but she couldn't step forward to help.

"Black eyes!" When Shen Ming roared, she threw her right hand and threw the giant black ant in her palm directly to the iron tiger behind her, but she rushed towards the fire lion.

The iron tiger and fire lion attack at the same time. The 3 meter-long iron tiger will catch up with Shen once, and the black eye in the air sprays a large mouthful of formic acid towards its iron face. The super corrosive body burns the iron tiger's skin and emits blue smoke. The iron tiger lays on the ground like a big cat, constantly wiping the formic acid on its face with its paws.

Shen Ming grinned and smiled completely behind him, and straightly came to the front of the Fire Lion. The body leaned in front of 45 degrees for half a second and turned around for 3 and a half weeks. The solid machete blade strengthened the sawtooth like a chainsaw and cut it towards the head of the lion. However, before hitting the target, he was bitten by the steel lion with a mouthful of steel teeth.

The fire lion's attack was not finished. He vomited from his throat and vomited a large mass of transparent mucus, which was attached to the blade and Shen Ming's hand.

Shen Ming, with her pupil widened, didn't stop, she quickly dropped her scimitar and jumped aside. Inserting his arm into the snowdrift aside, the Nepali machete held by Shen Ming just now ignited under the influence of a fire star's feathers.

It only took 3 seconds for the flame to burn the blade of the alloy into a mass of molten iron, which was swallowed by the fire lion like a drink.

"Cut, combustion fluid?" Shen Ming pulled his arm out of the snow. The mucus could not be completely removed, and some of it was still attached. Once it was ignited, it could not be extinguished without burning it into ashes.

The battle between black eyes and the iron tiger reversed after the iron tiger found that the ant could not hurt itself. A big tiger and the ant fight like a cat and a mouse. No matter how much the mouse can jump, the iron tiger The sharp claws flew off the ground with its feet.

"Hey, do you know why I installed so many mechanical prostheses for the upper killer, but never installed a controller in your mind? For me, that's easy." Ito Fueki is like a demon, in When Shen Ming was deeply besieged by two beasts, she appeared quietly beside Wan'er.

"I do not understand……"

"Because people, they are the smartest animals in the world. In order to survive, we do everything. In the ancient saying of the dynasty,‘ good birds choose wood to live, and stupid people have a dead end ’.

You standing by my side are smart enough, and what is struggling there is stupid. "Ito Tomomi smiled.

"The one you said is my brother ..." Wan'er lowered his forehead.

"What about elder brother? It's just a man closer to the old king next door." Ito Fujiang looked disdainful.

At this moment, the iron tiger swept across, and flew the black eye out again. The turned tiger's head stood against the deep back that was avoiding the attack of the fire lion 2 meters away, and a tiger jumped up. The iron claw was like 5 Bladed steel knife, grabbing against his back.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blows to Ito Fujiang and squints his eyes. Waner, who was supposed to stand still, came to the back of Shenming to kick back and forth with a kick full of red veins, turning the huge tiger. The head kicked off the side.

"It's stupid to say that someone else is stupid!" Wan'er understood that as long as she didn't do anything, she was still watching it, but when someone heard that her brother was stupid, the fire couldn't be suppressed.

You must know that Shen Ming used to be a genius who was praised by people around him regardless of studying or shooting. Parents also said that as long as Waner was half smart, he would be thankful. How could he be so insulted by others?

"The iron is mine, and the smoke is yours." Wan'er said like a fruit.

"No." Shen Ming grabbed Wan'er's neck collar with his right hand, and the fire lion's open mouth in front of him had given birth to a ball of fireballs, "They are all brothers and mine!"

"Shenming, you ..." As soon as Shenming had finished speaking, his right hand was turned into a black dragon scale, and this Waner's neck collar was thrown to the sky.

"Stupid brother! What are you doing?" Wan'er couldn't resist at all, and flew into the sky in a blink of an eye.

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