God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 183: Hattori Ultimate Ninja

Chapter 183 The Hattori Department of Ultimate Tolerance

The moment Shen Wan'er shot, he was ready to die with his brother here. Anyway, there is an elder brother on Huangquan Road. Should I see my parents reunited?

What she couldn't think of was that Shen Ming kept pressing the inverse scale not to kill the boss, but to wait for Waner to choose herself completely. Only the sister who was willing to die with her was Shen Waner, otherwise she would take it home. It's just a puppet who fears power ...

Waner had no time to understand what her brother wanted to do. She had been projected into the sky by a violent line, like a bird, flying to a height of 30 meters and looking down from the perspective of God.

The fireball fired by the fire lion blasted into Shenming like a cannonball, but was bitten by the right arm of his open dragon head, and the propulsive force rushed him backward for two meters. Isn't the iron tiger happy to deliver the prey at his door? Open his claws and grab directly to Shen Ming.

Let the body rotate naturally on the ground with the impact, bring up a circle of white snowflakes, and Shen Ming patted the fireball in his hand on the iron tiger's face and followed the splashing fire, the iron tiger was hit to the side of howling Raised a huge body. .

"It's not over yet!" The dragon's head in front of the inverse scale arm that Shen Ming waved upwards split into five fingers of crickets instantly, his fingers tearing the outer armor of the iron tiger like fangs, and easily inserted into the chest.

"Woohoo!" In the iron tiger's mourning, a large amount of black lubricant dripped down the arm of Shenming, crawling to the ground weakly, breaking his breath, and weighing 2 tons of body, also pressing Shenming to Kneeling on one knee.

The fire lion saw his companion killed, and became angry and shameful. God knew what the relationship was. The angry fire lion had full air suction holes on the back. A large amount of air was compressed into the body. The mouth of the fire opened almost 180 degrees. Flashing flames of fire.

"My King, see how strong you are!" Shen Ming rushed forward, and the inverse scale arm inserted into the iron tiger's body pulled out a steel spine from the body and flung forward, tangling like a chain. Lived on the neck of the fire lion.

"My King, is the strongest!" The 100% strength of the inverse scale roar, the blackened muscle tissue was vigorous, and pulled back, the fire lion weighing 2 tons was instantly pulled to the deep like a kitten. Before.

He didn't wait for the monster to spit fire or land on the ground, and the claws of the thorns in front of the sinking were inserted along the brow bone of the fire lion. The white fire lion fell to his knees in front of Shen Ming, without screaming, ending the tragic life.

In just 4 seconds, Shen Ming took only 4 seconds to turn Ito Tomi's most proud new work into two corpses. He was able to pull out his arms leisurely and lift up, catching the falling Waner easily.

"Scared me! Silly x brother!" Waner retorted, but her words were full of worry about her brother.

"Isn't this dead ..." Shen Ming put down Waner with a wicked smile, turned his head to look at Ito Fujiang not far away, and waited for me, there was a bill to be counted with the old dog. "

Ito Tomi looked at the sorrow that came along, trembling, and even forgot to escape, but the trembling was not fear, but excitement, and was pleasantly surprised by the research results of Zushi. "Your hand, what is it?"

"It's called Inverse Scale. It's a mutant parasite created by the worm division for revenge." Facing the question of the dead, Shen Mingxiang was very generous. "I don't understand. The worm division gave up his identity as a member of the Heilongjiang Science and Technology Research Institute, and he was willing. I was deceived by you into Paradise Lost and promised never to return.

Your purpose should have been achieved, why did you kill his family in the end, if you do n’t, maybe you are still friends ... "

"It's the same, taking care of his family is not difficult, and giving hundreds of thousands of dollars every month is just the same as raising two dogs?" Ito Tomi clasped his cheeks, "But, I hate raising dogs. Yes, if you kill, you kill. Originally, we were geniuses in scientific research, but we were distracted to mate with children, so we waste energy? But he just did n’t listen to my advice, so he had to have both his wife and children.

What is more annoying is that even so, how unfair his research ability is like Kaihang? "

"I see, calling you an old dog is all uplifting you. For boring jealousy, harming brothers and killing the whole family, things like yours, even dogs can't do such things, you are not as good as paramecium , Not worth living in the world. "Shen Ming stood in front of Ito Fujiang.

"It's a pity ..." Ito Fujiang raised his head and looked at the deep sigh. "I went away and gave you to the worm division. If you stay, your patience should also help me with my research. Right? "

"You have no chance. This is the revenge given to you by the Worm Master. Taste it." Shen Ming's black inverse scale arm flew past, Ito Fujiang's eyes widened, and his neck was cut in half by a horizontal stroke. . Shen Ming's shot was so quick that he didn't even feel the pain, so he fell to the ground in a different place.

The Chief General Staff, who was under 10,000 people, was easily killed. Even if he has the supreme wisdom, even if his research may change the world, at this moment, he is still like a dead dog, and maybe not even one who worships him.

"Black eyes, see clearly, this is what I owe to the insect division, and gave it back to him." Shen Ming shouted softly, the black giant ant crawled over a pile of rubble, and the iron tiger didn't catch it. How is it? The tenacious vitality is definitely better than Xiaoqiang.

Looking at the corpse on the ground with a crooked head, he refused to leave after watching it for a long time.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Waner asked, looking at Shen Ming's back.

"There is another guy who must die." Inverse Scale is time-bound and must end 10 years of grievances before the body enters the burnout period.

"Brother, I won't go," Wan'er said softly, "Please understand that since I can't shoot at you, it's the same to him ... no matter how bad he is, it is my parents and grandparents."

"Understand, wait for me to come back." Shen Ming stepped into the castle into the castle, and walked up the corridor.

The familiar smell remains in the air, just like the shampoo fragrance that smelled behind Xiao Yi every morning in the past. I didn't feel anything special in the past, but now it gives Shen Ming the urge to cry.

Shen Ming never thought that there would be a girl who would make him miss her like she missed her sister, and owed him like she owed her sister ... Xiao Yi and Shen Ming experienced so many stories together. He has been fighting hard, resisting fate, fighting, fighting, suffering, and has always been inseparable.

Shen Ming has become accustomed to having her, and sometimes even feels that she is working so hard and persisting for more than 10 years Nirvana, just to meet a girl like her and live a peaceful, happy and happy urban life.

Shen Ming rushed all the way to the 5th floor, looking down the long corridor, and on the floor there stood a girl in a gorgeous gold-rimmed cherry blossom kimono.

Xiao Yi curled up her hair in a geisha-style geisha, her skin was white without jade powder, a bit of red lips, as if there were thousands of words to say, but it stopped between the lips and teeth.

"Xiao Yi ..." The interval is only 20 meters, and the difference is only 3 months, but Shen Ming feels as if he has crossed a galaxy and spent a long century. Nervous enough to even say what to say, "Are you ... okay?"

"Well." Xiao Yi nodded, and with a thousand words, all turned into the flashing tears in her eyes, but stubbornly refused to fall.

"That's good, hasn't the **** of the peacock touched you?" Shen Ming was extremely worried.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi didn't understand.

"That is, are you still a chick? Shou Miyasa is still there? Have you been smashed?" Shen Ming worries instantly.

"Asshole, the atmosphere that a little hero saves beauty has been ruined by you! Come here, I promise not to slap you!" Xiao Yi raised her slap with resentment, a bit of unhappy in her heart, but it was so naturally integrated into the deep Atmosphere.

That's right, they are not the kind of Shaw-like children, they like it, they miss it, they worry about it, they are a bit of affection, they are all amused.

"Is everything clear? It's time to go home, I'll take you home." Shen Ming stepped towards Xiao Yi.

At this time, the wooden door of a guest room next to Xiao Yi was pulled open sideways, and Hattori Musashi, wearing a ninja-style armor, came out from the inside, holding a bright and dazzling Lao kingdom samurai sword in his hand, and it shone coldly. Shen Ming paused.

"Today, you can't take it with anyone." Hattori Musashi's usual sentence, however, cannot be disobeyed like an order.

"Today, nothing can stop me from taking her away, regardless of whether you are a god, a demon, or a wicked ... stopper ... dead!" Shen Ming roared, his intention to kill appeared.

"Sin beast, how do you think you are a demon sin?" Hattori Musashi looked down at the dark hand with a contemptuous smile and sneered.

No more nonsense, Shen Ming wearing shoes stepping on the wooden floor and rushing towards the boss. In the last few steps, the body accelerated to a realm of a monster, the floor supporting him was stepped on to pieces, and the surface cracked and splashed. .

"Dead!" Shen Ming didn't need any skills at all. The inverse scale fist waved forward violently, even an alloy monster such as the iron tiger and fire lion can spike, human? Isn't it the target?

When Shen Ming thought so, Hattori Musashi slashed at the fist like a blade, and the blade hit the fist.

Hattori Musashi was shocked to take a step back, and the wooden boards under his feet were crushed and stepped down. Even if the fist wind danced Xiao Yi's sleeves 2 meters away, he could only make the old man take a step back.

"How is it possible?" Shen Ming was stunned. The old man in front of him was not zero body like himself at all. He was purely forcibly vented by martial arts. This kind of thing seemed to be in scientific logic only in the martial arts novel.

"A little bit of strength, but before my Hattori was extremely patient, it was just ... a play." Hattori Musashi, chuckling with a knife and continuing to cut, actually flew Shen Mingzhen out, inserted into the floor with one hand, and tore. After a crack of 3 meters in length, Shen Ming stopped his body.

Look at the inverse arm of the right hand. Under that black scale, countless black blood splattered from the sinking body, tendon injuries!

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