God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 184: Deep runaway!

Chapter 184: Shenming's violent departure!

After Shen Ming left, Waner sat on the wooden corridor in a messy garden, looking at the familiar scenery, and remembering the ten years that were about to pass.

When she first arrived at this time, she was just a ignorant 6-year-old child, and now she is a flowering girl. Regardless of whether her brother can successfully do Hattori Musashi, she is destined to say goodbye to everything in front of her.

In 10 years, she has resisted, struggled, numb, and tortured, and trained her heart into steel, and trained her killer to be more skilled than eating. Knowing that all of this is wrong, you can stay in Wolf Camp, not with it, but as a bait.

Today, she has decided to make a change, with the courage her brother gave her, and the thought of home. Let's take a look at the place where we have lived for 10 years, and let the memory of our killer be buried here.

In this snowy moment, the black giant ant climbed up Waner's white stockings and stood on her knees.

It seems that because Wan'er just kicked Tiehu's kick and was regarded by Heimu as a way to save himself, Heimu has a different kind of affection for Wane.

"Little ant, have you left the organization like me? In the past, we worked hard to organize and help it grow, but starting today, we must all live for ourselves and work together!" Looking at the falling snow in the sky , Waner smiled.

At this moment, a loud bang made a large hole in a wall on the fifth floor of the castle, and gravel and dust poured out from the castle. Hattori Musashi, a black ninja warframe, jumped out from inside. A flying claw in one hand grabbed the eaves on the top floor and took him up. The other hand twirled a dozen cross-handed shurikens and flew in along the hole. There was a crisp sound blocked by Dangdang. .

When Hattori Musashi landed on a snow-covered roof like a trapeze, a large hole was blasted out of the roof just 5 meters away, and Shen Ming jumped up from below. In the falling snow and mist, he was surprised to find that Shen Ming's body was covered with wounds. Although not fatal, it was also blurred with flesh and blood.

Just before the dart was killed in a row, Shen Ming blocked most of them with inverse scales, but a dart was still nailed on his right shoulder.

"Sin beast, your strange hand is quite magical, can it even be deformed? It hasn't been so easy to play for a long time, thank you for helping the old man to move his bones." Hattori Musashi waved the knife with a sneer, throwing all the blood on the blade On the snow around me.

"The old pervert who went to him, why can he be so strong?" Shen Ming was depressed and beaten with the old man who was almost in the ground for 10 minutes. With the powerful onslaught of inverse scales, he did not hurt the slightest. This old man is not equipped with a mechanical prosthesis at all, but is stronger than any machine.

Weird martial arts, let him stand on the white snow at the moment, but will not leave footprints on the snow!

"Old man, as strong as a pervert, did you grow up from a snack Jin Jin?" Can't beat others, Shen Ming can only merry mouth, pull the darts off his shoulders with his bare hands.

"I don't know the old man named Jin Xila, but all the names of the clothing department are the ninja kings who practiced the clothing department to be extremely tolerant of the law. How can you be like this evil animal?" Musashi Chiguo Despise the road.

"So many crooks, let's die!" Before Shen Ming spoke, the black cross shuriken thrown out by hand was turning and accelerating in the air like a chainsaw. The reverse scale gave it 10 times the kinetic energy just now. Out.

I have to match Hatsune Musashi 5 meters away! However, the shuriken that flew out did not carry bleeding meat, but a pile of wood **** spouted from behind Musashi Hattori.

"Stand-in ?!" Shen Ming only felt that he had penetrated into the world of Naruto, all kinds of unscientific ninjutsu emerged endlessly, he didn't have time to scold his mother, and narrowed his neck down. However, he was cut into a flat head.

The Shenming who turned back and rushed forward could only fight in close combat, and exerted its maximum lethality before the time of the inverse scale was exhausted.

In addition to jealous of this strange hand, Musashi didn't put his mind in his eyes at all. The katana in his hand was a treasure of the Zhen people handed down during the Warring States Period. He simply chopped the inverse scales for a long time, leaving no gap.

Shen Ming relied on the inverse scale to save his life, both offense and defense were counting on a black hand. The more you fight Musashi, the more you despise. Although he let the upper killer ring accept the mechanical transformation of the General Staff and became a super soldier relying on machinery, from the bottom of his bones, he looked down on these soldiers who armed with black technology.

Because they relied too much on technology, they forgot the courage that soldiers should have. How could it be lost to this younger generation? Musashi believes that even if he is over a hundred years old, he will never lose.

The roof was almost dismantled by two people, the black scales on Shen Ming's right hand began to peel off, the limit of inverse scales was approaching, and he no longer had any weapons to rely on.

Musashi believed from the toes to the hair tips that he would be holding his hand against the evil animal, but when Shen Ming's right hand completely degenerate into an adult's posture, he became exhausted, and he stayed on the roof, engulfed by fatigue. , Lowered his forehead, as if it had passed away.

"Vulnerable!" Musashi turned back and cut across, slashing according to Shen Ming's head, Shen Ming's powerful move Shen Shen had nothing to fight at all.

But Shen Ming lifted his head at this moment, opened his mouth against the knife edge and bit the sharp blade, the impact force, was poured out by zero body, and half of the roof of Shen Ming's feet completely disintegrated.

Looking at the deepness again, he should have reached his own limit. Excessive blood loss has left his brain blank.

But those beast-like pupils were still emaciated, as if biting the enemy's throat, biting the blade and refused to let his mouth down, and blood ran down the corner of the deep mouth.

"Inverse scale!" Shen Ming roared furiously against Musashi's chest. The black scales of Inverse flashed in the moment when his fist hit Musashi. When he opened the impact force for only 01 seconds, he burst the armor of Musashi's body. Become a slag.

Finally, Musashi's mouth spurted a pool of blood, and Shen Ming quickly grabbed Musashi's waist with his legs, and raised his fist in a strange way against his cheek.

What superb ninjutsu, what invincible exercises, disappeared at this moment. Shen Ming just bite it as hard as possible and hit it with all his strength. The beams under the feet of the two men couldn't bear such a toss, and the bang made them fall back into the room on the fifth floor.

Shen Ming pressed Musashi under his body, his fists greeted like raindrops, the tendons and tendons of his hands were torn apart, and his own blood was mixed with Musashi's blood and splashed around him.

"Ahhhhh!" Shen Ming yelled at the blade, yelled at her parents' death, yelled at her sister's tragic decade, yelled at Xiao Yi's abduction, and yelled at her ruined life.

He was supposed to be just an ordinary Lin Hai youth, taking the path of an ordinary person, with happy and loving parents, naughty and wayward sister, and maybe one or two Olympic shooting champion medals. They will bring picnic baskets every Sunday to enjoy the bright sunshine, they will travel around the world together and take pictures of each weird stone.

And all this, the happy life that Shen Ming once dreamed of was ruined by the old man in front of him overnight. That anger is difficult to describe in words.

"Enough! Shenming!" Xiao Yi rushed to the room.

"It's not finished! He's not dead! He's not dead!" Shen Ming spit out the blade in his mouth and couldn't stop madly, but when he raised his fists together, a pair of arms bypassed him. Neck, holding him tightly in his arms.

"Kill him, you can't change anything, it will only make you more contradictory. Sakura's pursuit will not stop, and you can only spend it in revenge in the future. Is this really the life you want?" Xiao Yi cried in Shen Ming's ears, and tears fell on his **** shoulders.

"But he is still alive ... my parents are dead! How unfair ... how unfair!" Shen Ming's tears and blood mixed down, but the fist raised above his head stopped.

The reason he had not lost told him that Xiao Yi was right. This **** ruined his past life, but killing him was equivalent to ruining his future life.

If you are only one person, even if you fight to the age of 80, it doesn't matter if you kill all the animals. But now it is different. He has a younger sister to take care of and Xiao Yi to protect, and must not ruin their future together with himself.

"Kill me, this is what you deserve ..." Musashi vomited blood and whispered low, no matter how martial arts were, he was old-fashioned and suffered such violent counterattacks.

"Do you think I dare not? Do you think I dare not? !!!" Shen Ming shivered fiercely, Xiao Yi was holding her so tightly and did not dare to relax.

"For me! Let him go!" Xiao Yi shouted, struggling.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment. In the end, Shen Ming let go of his fist, leaving Musashi a life.

"I will not forget the vengeance of killing parents. Your life is temporarily stored here. If you dare to provoke us, I swear, even if you hide in the abyss of the world, I will dig you out and kill you. "Shen Ming Chiguogu warned.

He got up and left the room, not wanting to see this **** but dying thing again.

"Are you okay?" Xiao Yi did not follow up immediately, but inspected Musashi's injuries.

"There must be something, but I can't die." Musashi smiled softly to Xiao Yi, even though his face was bloody.

"All the grievances are eliminated here, let's live in a world where we no longer associate with each other, okay?" Xiao Yi begged.

"Why promise you?" Musashi is wayward like a child. His cherry blossoms are still there, and there are still many high-level killers. The middle and low positions are endless. The killing is endless. I really want to start revenge. Shen The underworld will fight until death.

"This is what you owe your daughter! She loves her child so much and has her own happiness, but you are ruined by you. Maybe you are a president, but you as a father are **** in the asshole! You in the end What have you done for her? You are also dying, do you really want to continue to talk to your daughter in the local government? "Xiao Yi's words were inserted into Musashi's heart.

Looking at Xiao Yi wearing a wedding dress prepared for her daughter, Musashi, who had been strong all his life, finally couldn't help but shed a drop of old tears, "Well! The winner is the king and the loser is the pirate! From now on! You have nothing to do! Go! "

"Thank you." Xiao Yi was really grateful, bowing and nodding.

Musashi regretted it. If he used to be as generous as he is today, maybe his daughter is still in the world, and he can also bring his grandchildren and enjoy the joy of heaven?

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