God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 194: Snip the princess!

Chapter 194: Sniper Kills the Princess!

A welcoming banquet for Princess Ayatolla was held in the inner hall of the Olympic Hotel.

All the celebrities in Linhai gathered here, and the wealthy businessmen brought their female companions. What looks good is Primary Three, and what doesn't look good is the original match, so the classification is correct.

The mayor and officials also came to the scene, because the investigation was tight. All the expenses of the banquet were paid by these big bosses. Anyway, the business that Princess Ayatollah brought to Linhai City, they could also benefit. No one saves this money.

As an official, he was extremely careful about the banquet. Xiao Jianguo personally checked the identity of all guests. Even the mayor's wife had to search her body to enter. There was also some embarrassment in the meantime, but Xiao Jianguo held the title of the head of security assigned by the Emperor for the safety of Princess Ayatollah. Even if the guests were arrogant, no one would dare to accuse them of being rude.

At the banquet, Princess Ayatolla appeared in a gorgeous long skirt, and the thin skirt outlined the wonderful figure's appearance and made people drool. The scarf on her head was as thin as a cicada, which made her see her long brown hair. In the spotlight, her natural wheat-colored skin was blown and her blue-gold pupils could not be decorated by any beautiful pupil. Gem shine.

The princess of a country has no shelf, and anyone who joins the club can talk cordially. Even if she takes a wine glass from the waiter, she will nod her thankfully. You are so powerful and approachable that you admire everyone present. During the chat, everyone learned that Princess Ayatollah had graduated from Yale University in the United States, majored in political science and minored in social sciences, and could speak four languages: Arabic, English, Chinese, and French. He had published anonymously economics papers. It also caused a good reputation in the academic circle.

Heaven is too favored for her, not only gave the princess a noble birth, her inexhaustible wealth, but also gave her shameful beauty and extraordinary wisdom, which is simply a goddess human version.

How many men dream of becoming her husband-in-law, even if it is only the male pet in the harem, it is at the expense!

Ayatollah is full of good feelings about the dynasty and the forest, because not only is the most active and prosperous economic market now, but also a stable political environment, which determines that the Aragonian can cooperate with it for a long time. It can also get more economic opportunities, help the Aragon nation to get rid of the predicament that it can only sell resources to survive, and get more development opportunities.

At the banquet, Princess Ayatollah gave a short speech after a round dance, "Dear guests, first of all, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Aragon, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for your hospitality. The journey of the dynasty made a lot of gains for me and the country of Aragon.

Presumably everyone knows little about this country, but I believe that in the next 20 years, even 10 years, the growth of the country will allow everyone to truly understand the charm and prosperity of this country.

The Aragon and the Heavens have many things in common. For example, our history has gone through too many detours, full of wars and sufferings. Fortunately, the people of the dynasty had corrected their mistakes in 1949 and stood up bravely.

And we, the people of Aragon, will really stand up soon.

Our democratization process is already underway. There is no more imperial power to oppress the people. Everyone has the right to choose the future for the country. Everyone's voice will become a force to help our country grow stronger and stronger.

I hope that in the future, the peoples of the two countries can cooperate more and work hard for each other's happy lives. After waiting for the opening of the commercial port, I warmly welcome everyone to come to my country of Aragon to see the scenery and beauty of our country and guarantee that we will not let everyone down. "

Ayatollah ’s speech drew warm applause. Not only did she clarify the country ’s political form, but also elaborated the purpose of the trip. She also greeted the country with a big and easy-going advertisement. Others may not know that. The big bosses present were already eager to send a delegation to understand the local customs.

As long as there is a place to buy and sell, even in Somalia, the people of Tianchao will go forward to develop it. How should Aragon be better than Africa? At least no Ebola ...

The whole banquet was very successful. Everyone was very happy. The only one who had never smiled seriously was Xiao Jianguo and the 20 special police bodyguards led by him.

"Lao Xiao, it's too serious to be old." When others were in chat rooms in groups of three or five, Director Zhao brought a glass of wine and came to Xiao Jianguo. The two were old people and had cooperated before. It's just that there are not many opportunities to sing a song about wine alone.

"I'm sorry, Director Zhao. You can't drink alcohol during work." Xiao Jianguo was still so unfriendly.

"Not wine, mineral water, rest assured, I am also an insider, why ca n’t I understand the rules so much?" Director Zhao smiled and handed the mineral water to Xiao Jianguo. "Rest assured, nothing will happen, I have already deployed Linhai City. The special police team was on duty, and the number of policemen around 5 kilometers was 4 times as usual. All hotels were checked 3 times and the people with fruit knives were seized. "

"Thank you, but I still can't let go of my heart. There is a bad intuition." Xiao Jianguo couldn't say why this is happening, drinking mineral water, "Yes, does Director Zhao know Shen Ming?"

"I know, but I can't say anything, please understand." Director Zhao stopped the other's questioning with a smile.

"I just want to know, is he a good guy?" Xiao Jianguo asked a question.

"In a way ... he is not a man. But for now, his kindness and justice are good people like you and me." Director Zhao commented on Shen Ming quite high.

"That's good." Xiao Jianguo sighed softly.

Just as the banquet was underway, a speedboat sailed to the surface 3 kilometers away from the Olympic View Hotel and stopped.

"Hey, are you serious? Is it really possible to do a sniper 3 km away?" Alice sat in the co-pilot with her long legs, watching the night watchman busy herself.

He took four anchors abnormally, and threw them from the four corners of the speedboat, so that the light speedboat was as flat as possible on the sea.

"Someone once asked me this too, and I gave such an answer." Standing on the cabin, the night watchman looked at the distant Austrian sea view hotel, "Sniper above 1.5 kilometers is a difficult advanced mathematics. Once the trigger was pulled, the sniper had to solve the math problem that belongs to that bullet, hit the target with a positive solution, and deviate from the bullseye by mistake.

The topics are never the same, because wind speed, wind direction, humidity, temperature, and target motion trajectory are never quantitative. Idiots can't control it at all, but genius, 3 km sniper is just a problem with more parameters and more complicated, just solve it. "

"I don't understand what you're talking about. I still like to pistol and kill people." Alice took out the gsh-18 Russian pistol under her arms with a smile.

"Don't say I didn't remind you, when I am sniping, put away the gun, don't expose the intention of killing beside me, I will kill you." The night watchman reminded facelessly.

The banquet ended at 10pm. After the guests left, Princess Ayatollah left the market first, accompanied by the market and Fang Shiquan. The security team chaired by Xiao Jianguo has entered a state of high alert. The bulletproof suv first stopped at the intersection, completely blocking the hotel's main entrance. Three groups of thick sniper squads, paying attention to all the available sniper points around.

And the night watchman 3 kilometers away also set up his own tac-50 sniper rifle with a length of 200 cm. He did not use the original 12,7 mm caliber sniper ammunition, but the homemade 15 mm ammunition. The bullet length was close The two palms are comparable to shells.

Without such a stockpile of gunpowder, it would be impossible to push a warhead to leap 3 kilometers without losing accuracy.

"Miss Alice, it's best to cover your ears." The vigil squatted in the cabin in a half-kneeling position, and the raised tripod was supported on the rear side.

"Are you laughing at me?" Alice, though accustomed to assassination, had not been scared by the sound of gunfire.

"Whatever you want." The night watchman started to inhale. The inhalation process lasted for 8 seconds, filling the air with his cow-like lungs, and every muscle in the body bulged as hard as iron, turning the body into a solid one. Shooting base.

The 32x special sniper scope, staring at the target from 3 kilometers away, is no more than a 1-carat drill face.

In principle, most snipers will not choose this position on the sea surface for long-range sniping, but for safety reasons, Xiao Jianguo still pulled Princess Ayatollah a few steps towards the shelter where the vehicle was located, blocking the coastline with the body Linear perspective with Princess Ayatollah.

"Mr. Mayor, I'm really happy today, and everyone should keep in touch in the future," said Princess Ayatollah, holding the mayor's hand.

"Must be sure! That's for sure. In the future, Linhai City will definitely open the door for the Aragonese National University!" The mayor also flushed slightly.

"The wind stopped ..." When the sea breeze stopped for a moment, the night watchman pulled the trigger and made a loud noise, and a ring of dazzling flare was emitted from the ring-shaped damper of the muzzle. The hull fixed by the four anchors on the sea glide back 2 meters, and the sound waves shattered the windshield's tempered glass of the speedboat. Alice only felt that her eardrums had been broken, as if she was standing next to a 155 mm caliber gun. Got a shelling.

The gushing 15mm ammunition whistled through the sea and advanced forward. With a range of 3 kilometers, the bullet hit the target in the form of a parabola, so the obstacle shelters were futile. At the moment of shooting, the muzzle of the night watchman was actually aimed at the restaurant on the 2nd floor of Aoguanhai.

The bullet spun and dropped in the second half of the sniper, just rubbing the edge of the suv car that was 10 kilometers away from Princess Ayatollah, and sparked a spiritual spark.

Xiao Jianguo's pupil dilated in 0.05 seconds, his body was completely instinctively blocked in front of Princess Ayatollah, and the bullet hit the old man ...

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