God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 195: Instructor

Chapter 195 Puppet Instructor

At 11 o'clock, Shen Ming hasn't slept yet, and the siren sound from outside is a bit noisy. He simply came to the kitchen and wanted to make a bowl of instant noodles. Since entering the flesh against the scales, Shen Ming has become very hungry and often has to get up late.

Fortunately, Xiao Yi was much more generous after returning, at least never leaving the refrigerator empty and hiding the ham under the mattress.

But at this moment, Xiao Yi's room came with a series of telephone ringtones. It took 20 seconds for Xiao Yi to pick it up.

"Noodles are almost ready." Shen Ming waited patiently, biting a plastic fork. Suddenly Xiao Yi's room door was pushed open. Xiao Yi in pajamas jumped over the fence from the second floor and fell into the living room. The bright hand has a deep taste.

"How ..." Shen Ming's doubts were not over. Looking at Xiao Yi's car keys and mobile phone, Shen Ming's face was so distorted, Shen Ming dropped her instant noodles and ran after them. Xiao Yi rushed into the garage in only 5 seconds, but she couldn't insert the car key into the keyhole in 10 seconds. Her hand was shaking so badly that her vision was blurred by her tears.

"Let's go." Shen Ming stepped forward and took the car key, allowing Xiao Yi to sit in the co-pilot position.

"Where?" Shen Ming hit the engine.

"First Hospital!" Xiao Yi said with a trembling tongue.

"Shen Ming rushed to the hospital with a steady and fastest speed. There are heavily armed special police and vehicles flashing police lights. There seems to be something serious. Xiao Yi has rolled over before waiting for the car to completely stop. The car rushed into the hospital, and even the slippers that limited her speed were left in the car.

Shen Ming was ready to chase all the way, looking at the nervous police look around, he knew that it would never be good news.

Sure enough, Mayor Lin Hai and Director Zhao were all at the door of the operating room, all in shock.

The mother-in-law, who had just been helped by the nurses, burst into tears, and couldn't even say a complete sentence.

"Mom!" Xiao Yi shouted forward, and Yi Yi broke away from the others and held her daughter in her arms.

"Girl! Girl! Your dad ... your dad ... it's gone! My old man, it's gone !!!" Yima choked and cried, just like her own soul followed. Passed away.

After choking a few times, Yi Yi fainted in Xiao Yi's arms.

"Mom! Mom! What's wrong with you!" Xiao Yi held her mother tightly.

The doctor and nurse next to me stepped forward to check ...

"She's okay, but her sadness has passed out. Let's take her to rest first." The doctor tried to appease Xiao Yi's emotions, but Xiao Yi, who was standing there, was long gone.

Looking at her mother being pushed away by the nurse on a stretcher, Xiao Yi only felt that everything was pushed away.

"Xiao Yi, hold on." Director Zhao had old tears in his eyes and said only a few words.

"I think ... I want to see him." The doctor looked at Xiao Yi and nodded in agreement.

To see his father, Xiao Yi took a step towards the operating room, but she almost fell over and was weak. Fortunately, Shen Ming grabbed her by the side.

"I'll stay with you." Shen Ming put the pair of slippers dropped by Xiao Yi on the ground, and helped Xiao Yi to put them on before walking to the operating room.

Pushing open the metal door of the operating room, Xiao Long sat crying at the corner, and the tiles around him were smashed into fragments by his bare hands, staining the blood stains left by his fists. In his suit shirt, more of them were left when he carried his father to the ambulance.

Father Yi was so quietly lying under the shadowless lamp on the operating table, her body covered with white curtains.

Xiao Yi stepped forward with trembling, slowly pulled up the curtain with her fingers, and her father closed his eyes as if he was asleep. Xiao Yi couldn't bear to disturb this kind father.

But when she lowered the curtain a little further to reveal her chest, Xiao Yi dropped the curtain in a fright, turned around and hugged Shenming, screaming and crying frantically.

Because Fife ’s chest left a fist-sized cavity, judging by the size of the wound, Shen Ming knew that he was definitely killed on the spot. Presumably the rescued doctors did it, but he cleaned the bulletproof vest for him Ceramic fragments, as well as finishing Yi Yi's remains.

"No! No! No! This is not true! This is not true!" Xiao Yi choked and was choking, her nails were sinking into the flesh, she was still calm, just stroking her Long hair, whispering in her ear, "Remember I teach you breathing, wheezing and breathing, slow down, don't worry, slow down."

"Why my dad! Why it must be him! He is almost retiring! He is a good man! Why is it so !!!" Xiao Yi also said incoherently, and her heart felt as if it had been hollowed out.

"..." Shen Ming couldn't answer Xiao Yi. In the ten years of Nirvana camp, Shen Ming learned everything but failed to learn comfort. Facing a crying person like death in their world, he will only be regarded as a child, and he has no comforting experience at all.

The only thing he can tell Xiao Yi is, "I will help you find the killer, believe me, no matter where he is, I will find him."

"No! I want to kill him! I want to kill him by myself !!!" Xiao Yi had forgotten the behavior and conduct of a police officer, and the void in her heart was filled with anger and hatred.

Shen Ming put Xiao Yi on a chair aside, turned around and came to Xiao Long in the corner. "Tell me, where is the gun and where is the sniper supposed to be? Is there anything unusual before the shot? The more detailed the trouble, the better. "

"It's all my fault ... if the response was faster! If I could take one more step! Dad might not ..." Xiao Long had fallen into a collapsed blame.

"Boy! I know your dead dad is very sad, but if you still want the old man to stare after death, let the killer pay the price, tell me everything!" Shen Ming mentioned Xiao Long from the ground to the sky in.

Shen Ming's words seemed to have a little effect. Xiao Long trembled and pulled out a plastic bag sealed bullet from his pocket. The tip of the warhead had been deformed and the doctor had taken it out from the chest of the father. Originally intended to give Xiao Long to the police for testing.

"This is it? 15mm ultra-long-range sniper ..." Shen Ming took the plastic bag, and his familiar bullets tightened his mind.

In the subsequent understanding, Shen Ming's outline of the killer became clearer. The murderer launched a sniper from the sea. The sniper's location exceeded 2 kilometers, so their sniper team did not find the sniper.

The sniper bomb was a parabolic vehicle that bypassed the bunker. It was intended to hit Princess Ayatollah, but was stopped by the quick-reacting Xiao Jianguo.

"The sniping distance is at 3 kilometers." Shen Ming looked at the scratches on the roof of the bullet-proof suv taken by Xiao Long's mobile phone, and calculated the sniping location from the field shot distance and the parabolic angle of the bullet. Gun snipers ... no more than 10 people worldwide. "

"No matter who he is, I want him to die!" Xiao Yi's anger has not yet dissipated, and she has found a way to cheer up, that is to support herself with hate to stand up again.

When Shen Mingyi helped Xiao Yi to leave the operating room, Aragulla, Princess of Aragorn, was walking quickly under the clans of special police elites.

These SWAT elites are members of the security team who sat with Shen Ming for dinner. Although the captain died and the deputy captain nearly collapsed, as security guards, their goals did not die, and the task must continue. Looking at them, it was obvious that they had changed their mood.

Each one looks fiercely as if everyone is a killer. All of them were replaced with special police equipment. Steel sheet bulletproof jackets and bulletproof helmets were worn. Some people also carried transparent bulletproof shields and black paint 95-1. The assault rifle hung on his chest.

"Her Royal Highness, it's dangerous outside, why are you here?" The mayor was blind and foolish when he saw Ayatollah coming, nervously approaching the road.

"Mr. Shao was shot to protect me and save my life. How can I not come to see him?" Ayatollah said kindly and made the mayor speechless.

In fact, Xiao Jianguo fell into the woman's arms after being shot. The blood-spattered picture was enough to scare 10 princesses and 20 queens, but Ayatolla's calmness caused Shen Ming to pay more attention. .

"Miss Xiao Yi, hello, my name is Ayatollah. When I was in the imperial capital, Mr. Xiao was my head of security. I truly admire him. He is the most serious and responsible fighter I have ever seen. May God Bless him in the spirit of heaven. "Ayatollah bowed in front of Xiao Yi, praying prayerfully.

After some reflection, Xiao Yi cried and became a tear, and tears were out of control.

At this time, Shen Ming noticed the equipment of the special police elites, stepped forward, and pulled out one of the spare magazines hanging on his chest.

"What are you doing ?!" The special police elite and Shen Ming also knew each other. He did not expect that he would be so bold, instinctively took out a pistol and held Shen Ming's head.

"Never, don't put a magazine on your chest. A fire warhead can kill you and turn you into a human flare, causing secondary killings to colleagues around you." Shen Ming ignored him and ignored him. The gun on the human head disassembled the magazine and tucked into the inside of the body armor of this special policeman. "Also, the killer is a monster that can kill people 3 kilometers away. It is better to wear two assault rifles. Bulletproof vest. Notify your sniper team and change the equipment. The 7.62mm high-precision sniper rifle currently used is not enough. Apply to the military to approve a type 10 anti-equipment sniper rifle.

Forget it, it's futile to say anything, human beings ... can't defend his attack at all. "

Speaking of it later, Shen Ming was out of breath.

"He? Do you know who it is?" Xiao Yi responded from crying and asked.

"It wasn't certain at all. After seeing the princess of Aragon, he basically hasn't run away ... The person who shot the gun is coded" night watchman ". Any other information about him is top-secret, and half of it will not work. The only thing I can say is ... he is my sniper instructor, a teacher who taught me how to snip, and the best sniper in the world ... "

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