God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 19: Bad bodyguard

Chapter 19: The Bad Bodyguard

Shen Ming's eyes flew directly into Venus, as if someone had come up with a hammer, and blood ran down the corner of the eyebrow. Wu Neng had no control power at all. Under the blow of his head, his head also opened himself a scoop, and his blood flowed to his face. However, he had no pain at all, and he laughed like a metamorphosis. .

"Look, I still hurt you." Wu Neng raised the right palm pierced by the knife to the front, biting the blade with his teeth, and pulled it out.

"Adrenaline is indeed a way to help you increase your strength quickly, but it also increases the intensity of your blood loss. As far as your physical fitness is concerned, it can last up to 3 minutes. Did you kill me in 3 minutes?" Shen Ming erased With the blood on the corner of the eyebrow, he stood up again.

"It's the same, but it should be enough to kill her." Wu Neng's bloodshot eyes stared at Meng Qi at the corner, "Come on, come to your uncle!"

Taking a step, Wu Neng rushed towards Meng Qi, scaring Meng Qi screaming. Shen Ming quickly rushed to Wu Neng, and his trajectory was already judged by his opponent. Shen Ming saw the smirk on Wu Neng's face when he had a bad plan, and the army stabs raised from below tore his shirt like a paper knife, and a splatter of blood was flowing on the body.

Shen Ming's feet slammed and sank down, and the composite floor under his feet shattered into dregs. He bumped into Wu Neng's chest with his shoulders.

Wu Neng, who was far stronger than Shen Ming, was knocked out and was sunk into a wooden staircase 2 meters away. The wound on the chest was bleeding with blood, and the torn shirt was stained with red.

"Shenming!" Mengqi wanted to step forward nervously.

"Don't come, it's not over." Shen Ming stood in front of the porch at this moment, holding Meng Qi firmly in front of the locked gate behind him, but the wide passage of 3 people was just the distance that his arms could guard.

"Ha ha ha ha! Come to death with a laugh!" In the ruins of the stairs, Wu Neng was able to stand up again and pointed at Shen Ming and said, "We were all warriors on the battlefield, hiding our whereabouts. It is our talent. It is our instinct to choose the most appropriate time to kill. We can look at you now. For a woman, all the movement trajectories are locked. Even if you dare not leave her, you are no longer a hunter. Prey! Prey! "

"You really love talking." Shen Ming looked around and found a picture frame on the wall, which was a punch, the glass on the picture frame was broken into a spider web, and Shen Ming took a piece from it. The 20-centimeter fragment was held in the backhand. "Even if I am a prey, you are not qualified to hunt me."

"Really? Let's try it!" Wu Neng grabbed a large amount of sawdust and sprayed it out. Human instincts let Shen Ming close his eyes.

Wu Neng's stabbed army thorns ripped open the air, stabbed straight into the deep heart socket, and the speed was sharp and could be stopped. But at the moment when the thorn tip was about to be inserted into the fossa of the heart, the deep body moved sideways by 10 cm as if on the flat ground. The sharp army spurs passed by the skin under Shen Ming's armpit, and the entire wrist was pinched firmly by Shen Shen, like a trap for a beast.

"Why ..." Wu Neng's words had not finished, and a cold light flashed, and he could not speak.

Shen Ming's hand was too fast, so that even a drop of blood was not stained on the glass slice that cut Wu Neng's trachea. Wu Neng, who couldn't breathe, fell back to the ground. Adrenaline caused a lot of bleeding in his wound. Ordinary people may still be able to survive for 10 minutes. He will die in just 3 minutes.

He instinctively covered his throat with his injured right hand and tried to stand up, but fell to the ground several times, on the floor, and the wall was covered with his blood, like a chicken with a cut throat in a vegetable field. Throwing on the ground, but could not change the fate of the checkmate.

Shen Ming lost the glass shards in his hand, picked up Wu Neng's stabbed army stab, and walked towards the struggling Wu Neng. He has no guilt to kill, and no breathing disorder at all. This moment is perhaps the most true self for Shen Ming. He used ten years to kill the killing machine.

He intends to give Wu Neng a break, and his shot will be quick and accurate, so that he can die before he realizes the pain.

But at this moment, Meng Qi, who had been scared to cry, suddenly rushed over Shen Ming's side and ran to the pantry in the living room. When Shen Ming understood, she had arrived at Wu Neng by holding the medicine box.

"Uncle! Hold on! Don't die!" Mengqi took out the gauze nervously and bandaged Wu Neng, but the method was so unfamiliar, she cried so sad, this is not the tears of fear.

"He wants to kill you, why should he save him?" Shen Ming was puzzled, not even Wu Neng, who would be.

"Because when everyone has a special bastard, the family shouldn't care so much! I used to be ... I used to be that bastard, wayward, selfish, and unreasonable but uncle ... Uncle never left me, he always Protect me around, I'm such an uncle, I don't want him to die like a dog! "Mengqi held the gauze tightly and cried until she couldn't cry.

Wu Neng has always felt that the entertainment industry has only interests and no feelings. He used to talk to many celebrities. Isn't it the same as the previous set of people? Isn't this the world? Why is she crying so much? Obviously he is the one who wants to kill her ...

"Let me come." Shen Ming squatted beside Wu Neng, picked up the surgical suture thread in the first aid box, and sutured Wu Neng's neck and palm wounds. Professional military bandaging skills are far away More effective than Mengqi's random dressing.

"He lost too much blood and needed a hanging bottle. I want an empty bottle, a rubber tube, and sugar water. Hurry up." Shen Ming commanded, and Mengqi hurried to the kitchen. After the wound on the neck was sutured, Wu Neng also restored his ability to speak.

"Help me ... take care of her ... or wait for me to come out and you're dead ..." Wu Neng said as he pulled out Xiao Yi's pistol and placed it on the floor beside him.

This cunning King of Scouts has been waiting for Shenming to come to an end, and the nature of the hunter has made him die without giving up his determination to hang his opponent.

"Don't always plan for her future as an adult. The child has grown up. Even without you and me, she will protect herself well. You can go to prison to set up a peace of mind." Shen Ming said standing Get up.

Tonight is a noisy night. There have never been so many police cars and ambulances in high-end villas. Wu Neng was arrested for kidnapping and crimes against public safety. Meng Qi was also questioned by a dozen police officers in turn. Make notes for hours. Although almost every police uncle needs a signature and asks some personal questions about "do you have any male friends", Mengqi is more cooperative.

Shen Ming also sat next to the ambulance and performed a self-stitching wound on the accompanying medical staff. The doctor was stunned, and he couldn't sew such a beautiful and wonderful one by himself after asking the graduate. He treated the wound himself with bandages and disinfection equipment, and his vitality was like a monster.

When the scene was in chaos, Xiao Yi walked to the car and handed Shen Ming a bottle of mineral water. He was holding the ice pack and pressing it on his head. Wu Neng started hard enough. Xiao Yi's back was swollen. A big bag.

"I thought you would kill him ..." Xiao Yi said softly, watching Wu Neng being lifted into the ambulance in the distance.

"It was originally, but I changed my mind. He is not bad enough to rescue him." Shen Ming smiled.

"Did it change because of Mengqi?" Xiao Yi already knew the later story.

"No, at the last moment I remembered that I was a bodyguard, not a murderer anymore. This is not a battlefield, nor is he an enemy. In addition to your life, there is another option." Shen Ming stood up and took a deep breath.

"It seems that you have really begun to adapt to urban life, and the earth welcomes you," Xiao Yiqing said.

At this time, Meng Qi, who had finished her transcript, walked towards it quickly, Xiao Yi let it go aside, leaving Shen Ming to Meng Qi alone.

"Does it hurt?" Mengqi looked nervously at the bandage on Shen Ming's chest.

"Isn't it painful to be a monster? But I'm used to it, so it's okay." Shen Ming patted his chest.

"Sorry, it's all because of me and you." Mengqi felt guilty.

"Don't be stupid, you are my employer, and protecting you is my responsibility."

"Can you always follow me as a bodyguard?"

"No, there is no banquet in the world. Shen's security never makes a return transaction. But although the security contract is over, we can still be friends. After all, a big star like you, no one wants to make friends with you. ". After finishing the security work, Shen Ming also restored the appearance of a bitch.

"What if I beg you?" Meng Qi said for the last time trying to sell Mengjiao.

"Don't make a noise." Shen Ming stunned Mengqi with a brain crash. "The next we are all very busy, except for the occasional *** or something, it is not realistic to be together."

"***? The beauty you want!" Mengqi covered her forehead, and gave Shen Ming a brain collapse, and both the men and women laughed.

"Well, in the future, I will recommend you to friends around you, because you are the best bodyguard I have ever seen, so you can take more big deals." Mengqi compromised.

"Thank you so much." Shen Ming smiled like a flower, and her plan finally succeeded.

"But how can you thank me for saving me this time? You are free and can't pay you?" Mengqi annoyed.

"Actually, I can accept the prize ..." Before Shen Ming's words were finished, Mengqi grabbed his neck and raised her toes to send a deep kiss. The surrounding police and medical staff were so stunned that they forgot to pull out their phones to take pictures.

"Goodbye, my bad bodyguard." Mengqi hugged Shenming tightly.

"Goodbye, my wayward star." Shen Ming whispered in Meng Qi's ear.


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