God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 20: Blind date?

Chapter 20: Blind Date?

A series of events that occurred after Meng Qi won the championship was reported by Yuji for 3 days, and then replaced by other dog blood news. Now she is in an immersive period, and the new music company is picking new agents for him, writing new songs, and preparing for national concerts.

Occasionally, I can see interviews about her, and the host will also ask her about the man who broke into her heart, which was brought by Meng Qi with a smile, and she did not mention the contract of Shen's security office.

So that 7 days passed, Shen Ming didn't even receive a single business. This guy ’s money has already been used up for breakfast at “Aoguanhai”. The instant noodles in the house were eaten up 3 days ago. Xiao Yi did n’t know what the guy ate later, but he always talked to him. Smell a dog's tail grass.

Xiao Yi buys a box lunch every day, and her understanding of Shen Ming's life state is that the cockroach should not have his life.

"Auntie, is the phone broken? Have you checked the line?" Over the past few days, Shen Ming has asked such a question more than a hundred times. Every day, he stayed in front of the landline in the living room, like a grieving woman. Read.

"It has been checked ten times, and there is no shortage of phone bills. No one deliberately unplugged your line." In the bathroom, Xiao Yizheng drew an eye shadow while replying, and she was wearing the dress Shen Ming sent her. .

"But why didn't any phone call come in? I have given Meng Qi the landline mobile phone number, and it must not be wrong. She said that she would introduce me to a big sale. It has been 7 days and no letter at all." Rushed to the bathroom door, still like a blame woman.

"Maybe she forgot the phone number? Didn't you have her number? Make a phone call to confirm it." Xiao Yi was too lazy to deal with this funny, just wanted to send him away a little faster.

"I called, but her number is now being picked up by the assistant. Every time she says 'I will tell Mengqi', God knows if they told you? Oh, my God! Come on alone for business! Go on like this, in the yard. All the grass has been eaten by me ... "Shen Ming's limbs were paralyzed on the floor.

"Sure enough, you guys are grazing, are you a cow?" Xiao Yi Chiguo despised.

"Did you draw such a beautiful picture to go on a date? The man named Ji Chen looked at the photo as an Air Force captain and knew from the preparation for combat that he was Kai Su-27. Such a young man can drive on Su-27, the technology should be very good.

But the fighter pilots are all guys who put their lives on the machinery. Their mortality rate is also very high in peacetime. You can be a widow at any time ... "Shen Ming was weak and weak.

"You peeked at my phone again ?!" Xiao Yi exasperated.

"Not only peeked at your mobile phone, but also your e-mail. Ji Chen urged you to hurry up just now. There must be a lot of flight subsidies for dinner at Au Guanhai's restaurant." Shen Ming's face was made by the city wall.

"Shen Ming, understand what is personal privacy? You have to be shameless ?!" Xiao Yi shouted angrily.

"A grazing man like me, what do you want a face to do?" Shen Ming, a dead pig, was not afraid of boiling water. "Go on, just wear the dress I gave you and eat with other men! After dinner! Open the sea view room directly, don't care about my life. "

"Pop your sister! Ji Chen is the child of my neighbor's second aunt's house. We have grown up from a young age. This time he rarely returned from vacation. My mother asked me to accompany someone for a meal." Xiao Yi did not know why she wanted to Explain these with tease.

"Are old friends meeting such a non-selected place to watch the Olympic Games? Why did my mother want you to go? A strong blind date can not be detected, but you graduated from the police school." Shen Ming said .

In fact, Xiao Yi had already noticed it, but no matter how she forced her to ask her mother, her mother would not admit it, because it was Ji Chen, Xiao Yi was also embarrassed to refuse, after all, she was such a familiar friend.

"Hey, are you dead?" Looking at Shen Ming on the ground, Xiao Yi kicked softly with high heels twice.

"There is still a breath that disappoints you, huh."

"Do me a favor, pretend to be my boyfriend once, and take you to eat what people eat." Xiao Yi was a little embarrassed.

"Don't go, who do you think I am, let me betray my conscience to deceive others at a meal? Eat at least 2 meals!" Shen Mingyi said angrily.

"Count on what I owed you in my life, give you ten minutes, and let me go through neatly and neatly! Remember to brush your teeth! I don't want others to smell the grassy smell in your mouth, and I feel sick!"

"Deal!" Shen Ming rushed back to the room in full rejuvenation and prepared. It only took 5 minutes. He not only changed his clothes, brushed his teeth, but even took a bath. God knows how he did it?

Along with the gradual sunset of the seaside, Shen Ming drove to the Aoguanhai Hotel for the second time. The doorman kindly approached and opened the doors for the two. The service was 120 points of kindness, probably because of Shen Ming's last shot. The magnificent reward was over a hundred yuan.

But this time when the doorman reached out to signal the tip, Shen Ming took out two Yida and poured it into his hand. "Chew two after meal, which is good for the teeth. I didn't want to eat it myself!" "

Shen Ming didn't lie, the only box of xylitol candy, these days, he only willing to eat 1 capsule every day.

The doorman's hand holding Yida was shaking, probably moved?

Xiao Yi first stepped into the Aoguanhai Restaurant. The atmosphere here is very different during the day and night. The dim light and the live piano are elegant and quiet.

"Sister Yi!" Coincidentally, Ji Chen was sitting where Xiao Yi had eaten with Shen Ming last time, stood up and greeted her at the door.

Ji Chen, who hasn't been seen for many years, has grown tall and tall. The 180 burly body and the navy blue air force military uniform are so handsome. The captain's rank on that shoulder, coupled with his youthful appearance, shows that he is either a second-generation official or an elite of extraordinary strength.

Xiao Yi, who grew up together, knows that Ji Chen is the latter. Just a little younger than 2 days, he always yelled at Yiyi Yiyi. Although a little shy, he had a good mind and a standard school bully.

At first, the neighbourhood believed that this was a seedling who wanted to study at Tsinghua University in Peking University. No one expected that he filled in the Air Force Academy when he filled out his volunteers, and he successfully accepted and embarked on a military journey.

"Don't call it, I see you." Xiao Yi was embarrassed again by the gaze of everyone in the restaurant.

"Sister Yi, how beautiful today!" Ji Chen praised with a sun-like smile on his cheeks. "Think about the past. You always dress like a tomboy. Which of the surrounding bears hasn't been beaten by you? She has become a beauty today! "

"I haven't seen you for so many years. Are you still stupid and uncomfortable? Do you want me to give you a break to relax?" Xiao Yi raised her fan fist fiercely, but today Ji Chen is no longer afraid, but she feels that her sister is So cute.

"Sister Yi, in fact I ..." Ji Chen, who has been brewing for many years, has rolled his emotions in his heart. He is not the same as the hairy boy in the past. He is full of courage. When he was about to speak, he wiped his hands with toilet paper. But happened to come over.

"It turns out that you are here, let me have a good meal, and don't wait for me." Shen Ming and Xiao Yi were so familiar.

"Please, how can you wait in the toilet? Let me stand in front of the men's toilet door?" Xiao Yi grumbled.

"Well, this is Ji Chen, hello, hello!" Shen Ming stretched out his hand, and the water in his hand was still not dry.

"Sister, is he your friend?" Ji Chen had a complex expression, but still politely held Shenming's hand.

"He? It's me ... boyfriend." When Xiao Yi said this, it was as uncomfortable as eating something dirty.

"Boyfriend? My aunt (Xiao Yi's mother) said that my sister has been single?" Ji Chen seemed like a thunderbolt. It was not his sister who had a boyfriend, but his boyfriend was eating cube sugar for coffee on the table ...

"Not long after I just fell in love, it's a sin." Xiao Yi sighed helplessly, kicking Shen Ming who was looking at the hot pepper sauce.

"Don't say that, did Brother Ji Chen order?"

"Not yet." Ji Chen had an older brother somehow.

"Then I'll order it, Wit! Card blind!" Shen Ming called the waiter with a loud finger. This item clearly shows that the dogs came to eat big dogs, the first course was aimed at 3 pounds of big lobster, and Kobe steak ordered two. Xiao Yi felt embarrassed and kept kicking Shen Ming to make him polite.

On the contrary, Ji Chen advised her not to stop. Since the meeting is a friend, let the "brother" order it casually!

However, when the waiter brought over the prepared list, Ji Chenpi's heart was not hurting, and the 8900 was not included in the service fee. This was really not polite at all.

"Well, I'll pay for it." Xiao Yi was really unhappy.

"Who is my sister and brother? Who said that I am a guest, how can I make my sister pay for it?" Ji Chen said as he took out his card to pay the bill, so he did n’t have money to eat in the army. As a senior pilot, he subsidized him. And a lot, 8900 is still affordable.

At the end of a piano song, the waiters started to serve one after another. Shen Ming was like a starving ghost who was born. He ignored the brothers in front of him and just smashed into it. This gave Ji Chen and Xiao Yi a chance to recount the old.

"Sister, we haven't seen each other for more than 4 years. It's dangerous to listen to your aunt saying that you are now a police officer in the city bureau?" Ji Chen was holding a wine glass, all worried.

"It's okay, you know how terrible I am, those bad guys are not good enough. By the way, let's talk about you, haven't you always wanted to take Peking University Tsinghua University? Why did you suddenly go to the military academy?" Xiao Yi wondered.

"Because my uncle (Xiao Yi's father) said that her sister would not marry an ordinary scholar, only an officer or police officer could become the son-in-law of the Xiao family." Ji Chen's straightforwardness made Xiao Yi, who was drinking water, stunned Almost sprayed out.

The scene was a little embarrassed by a word, Xiao Yi kicked Shen Ming fiercely under the table to let him help. If you think about it, others have shown your possessive desire for your girlfriend. As a boyfriend, you have to say something?

"I think your uncle is right!" Shen Ming grinned like a dog and laughed. "Tigress like auntie, how can an average weak scholar pick up her?"

"I wonder what brother graduated from?" Ji Chen asked straightforwardly.

"Oh, I first learned superb cooking skills from New Oriental, and then I heard which excavation technology is strong? I switched to Shandong Technical School to find Lan Xiang and learned the essence of the excavator. Now I can use the excavator to cook!" Shen Ming smirked, Xiao Yi could only look sideways to the dark ocean outside the window, pretending not to know this funny.


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