God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 211: Devil's Claw

Chapter 211: Demon Claw

800 meters, for Barrett's high-speed armor-piercing projectile, it is a flight of 0.7 seconds. The special depleted uranium armor-piercing warhead can penetrate the side armor of the US-made m1a2 main battle tank at this distance.

Regardless of the superior anti-ballistic performance of the SUV modified by Fang Shiquan, the windshield on the front is still broken like a window paper.

The speed watcher at this distance never missed the night watchman. He was convinced that Shen Ming could detect his attack keenly, but there was never enough reaction time to rescue Ayatollah. Even if he foolishly used his body to protect him, he could only have a relationship with this princess.

The 12.7 mm 800-meter armor-piercing warhead is simply not a killing machine for people.

Time seems to be pressed by God at this moment. Only the meditation and night watchman can still have a little freedom of power at this moment.

The night watchman drew a cross of prayer on his chest at this moment, but Shen Ming at this moment stretched out his transient inverse arm, the demonized black hand, and snapped the small artillery armor-piercing warhead in his palm. , The high temperature even burned the scales and burst out a terrible red light.

"What's going on ?!" At this moment, everyone in the car reacted, and Ayatolla, who was still chatting, was pressed **** the seat by the wind pressure of a bullet and hit her with a tall nose. It hurts.

However, she did not die, even if a fist-sized hole was left in the bulletproof windshield in front of her, she was still alive.

"Accelerate!" Shen Mingqiang shouted, pressing his trembling right arm, Li Changxiu almost instinctively stepped on the accelerator, accelerating the SUV like a supercar.

"What the hell?" The night watchman has never seen a monster who can grab bullets with his bare hands, let alone an armor-piercing projectile fired by anti-equipment firearms. At a flash of God, I still wanted to replenish the gun. The black suv has already increased the speed to 140 kilometers, one rushed towards the overhead.

In addition to the front, the other 3 sides of the suv are covered with opaque protective films. Once the car's **** is pointed at the night watchman, his sniper will no longer have the ability to kill.

But the night watchman responded faster and gave up the opportunity to fire a second shot. He dragged the Barrett sniper rifle with one hand, turned around and rushed away along the elevated road. Several trucks that accelerated along with them made emergency braking and dodging. They collided together, and a container truck was thrown directly from the overhead and flew in the air and hit the ground.

Li Changxiu's palms on the steering wheel's palms were exposed, and he did not dare to slow down. The speeding suv passed by the moment the truck fell down, thinking that they had avoided sniping. In fact, it was only their wish.

The night watchman flew to the other side of the elevated platform, stepped on the guardrail and leapt out. The free-swinging action in the air is like a diver, taking Thomas to make a 360-degree swivel, and he just crashed into the gallop. Suv roof.

"What's going on?" Li Changxiu's careful liver was almost frightened.

"It's the night watchman ..." Shen Ming looked up at the roof. The armored suv was not smashed into shape, but he knew that the instructor was on the roof.

"What's your joke ?! 140 kilometers per hour! Can people hang outside the car?" Li Changxiu called as he looked at the dashboard.

"Oh!" Another armor-piercing warhead penetrated into the roof. Four-fifths of the warhead had penetrated the armor of the roof. Just a little bit, Ayatollah would die again.

"Stick! Life and death can't be slowed down!" Shen Ming finished, using the monster-like inverse arm to grab the lock of the side door and opened the door. A fish jumped up and Shen Ming fell on the car. top.

The night watchman is standing on the roof of the car, wearing special electromagnetic suction boots on his feet, making him feel like welding to the roof.

"Friend, have you been bitten by a monster? This is about to change into Spider-Man!" The night watchman looked at Shen Ming's black finger in the steel plate on the roof, and could only use science fiction for this phenomenon. Go explain it?

"Instructor, this is called Inverse Scale. It is a new form of strength in this world. We will all be eliminated in the end." Shen Ming squatted on the roof of the car. The wind pressure behind him caused pain in his back, but he could not shake it. The iron body is nothing.

"Maybe it is true, but you want to eliminate me, you are not qualified!" The night watchman raised his muzzle and aimed at Shen Ming. It was a shot. Although Shen Ming escaped the bullet, the muzzle shark mouth sprayer sprayed The air mass splattered and hit him heavily on the roof.

Forbearing the impact of near syncope, Shen Ming raised his hand and grabbed the hot barrel. The barrel made of this alloy steel was twisted and deformed with bare hands. He grabbed it from the night watchman's hand and threw it outside the car. , Hit the asphalt road and fell into a slump.

"Come on, the melees were all our weaknesses, but you are weaker than me!" The vigil waved his black suit and pulled out two silver desert eagles from his waist, firing wildly.

The sound of the gun on the roof sliding over the steel plate, just like who smashed your head with a hammer and slammed it, always making the neck shrink. Xiao Yi guarded Ayatollah behind her, and she crouched in the corner of the compartment. She held the pistol firmly in her hand and faced the roof, but it was ridiculous that her bullet could not penetrate it, and she did not even know it. What is being defended.

Above the roof, Shenming crawled back and forth like a beast. An inverse arm was used not only to attack, but also to grasp the surface of the car to avoid being blown out by the wind.

The night watchman ran back and forth on the roof of the car by dominating the electromagnetic suction boots, and the desert hawk in his hand kept spraying tongues of fire.

"Shen Ming, Wang knows that you don't want to kill him, but this person is very human and does not move. Do you want Wang to accompany you to die with you?" At the rear of the car, Shen Ming panted and squatted on the top, with black claws. The steel in front of him was as tired as the instructor ** every time.

"My lord, I see ..." Shen Ming sighed softly and activated the headset to command Li Changxiu in the car, "Just brake."

"Are you crazy? Are you 140 km / h? We will all die!" Li Changxiu growled in the carriage.

"It is now!" Shouted when Shen Ming watched the night watchman raise his two guns again.

Li Changxiu only when his head was flooded, and suddenly hit the brakes suddenly. The brake pads were rubbed to emit a terrifying black smoke. Instantly, a dazzling firelight had been sprayed from the car's cymbal, following the hot wheels. general.

The speed of the vehicle drastically decreased, causing the entire rear of the vehicle to slam off the ground. The one that was thrown out earlier was the dreary that let go of the fixed inverse scale.

This time, he completely surpassed the night watchman in speed. The black claws that came to him and waved the two desert eagles into a pile of scattered pieces. The night watchman's chest went from left waist to right. The shoulder was also torn out of four parallel wounds, and blood spewed out of the body as if feeling the call of magic along the deep fingertips.

"Instructor, I'm not the Shen Ming you know." Shen Ming sighed softly when he passed away, and he didn't know how to explain it. In the city, he has transformed this body, which is equivalent to owning the instructor. In the face of experience and technology, the night watchman wants to be not surpassed, it is only his wishful thinking.

And what Shen Ming is doing now is a miracle that he cannot do.

I saw Shen Ming who flew into the air suddenly turned around and faced the rear of the car that was tilted up. The inverse scale black arm booming was a punch, and the steel plate at the rear of the car was hit into the depression. The entire vertically inverted car body returned to the highway in this way, slowed down, and Shen Ming, like a gecko, was landing on the front hood of the SUV.

"Well, are you a human or a demon?" Li Changxiu only felt that in the past 2 seconds, he had reached the edge of being scared of urine several times, and he was clamped against an extraordinary bladder to save his face. And trousers.

"I don't know, I survived anyway." Shen Ming smiled at the car through the hole in the windshield. When he looked up, the night watchman on the roof was gone, and he was in the position Only a few drops of blood he shed were being scattered in the wind.

In the battle with the night watchman instructor, Shen Ming has done his best. Even if he is not dead, such a serious injury should not be recovered in a short time. Perhaps this is the best result for each other. In this way, Shen Ming can concentrate on clearing the death squad.

The staggered night watchman returned to the hiding place of an abandoned container in the suburbs, tore his own clothes with his bare hands, and spilled the hemostatic medicine powder on the **** wound.

The strong sting caused the steel-like man to twitch slightly, clenching the fist and hammering on the floor.

"Is that ... Devil's Claw? Shenming, Shenming, is your urban life like a hellish existence?" The night watchman cold sweated, looking at the chandelier on the ceiling with a chuckle, and let this weather-beaten Rest your body, just rest.

"Shen Ming, are you injured?" Returning to the compartment, Xiao Yi looked at Shen Ming's left arm and was bleeding.

"It's okay, just rubbed by the instructor's bullet." Shen Ming smiled easily. The desert eagle's bullet was not a stone, and a large piece of flesh had been torn from his deep arms.

Xiao Yi seemed to be used to experiencing this kind of thing. When she turned back to get the medicine box, Ayatollah, who had already burst into tears, suddenly rushed up, and tightly held Shenming's neck.

"Fool! Fool! Idiot! I thought you were going to die just now!" Ayatollah cried.

"Hey, friend, can you stop doing this? You're strangling me." Shen Ming whispered in her ear and looked at Xiao Yi who could not see far away. A little angry.

"I don't! Who told you to treat her well? At least for now, you can only be in my arms!" Ayatollah turned out to be jealous, and she never confessed, eating woolen vinegar !! Shen Mingdan hurts ... Is the egg shot too?

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