God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 212: Last battle

Chapter 212: The Last Battle

At midnight, on the head of a deserted rocky beach in Linhai City, the 30 remaining members of the death squad gathered here, looking ashamed and embarrassed. Looking for a base friend to borrow alcohol to relieve their sorrows and get drunk. .

The successive failures of assassinations and abductions in the next two days not only hit their confidence, but also caused serious damage. 50 brothers broke into the dynasty, and now there are only 30 soldiers and less than half of weapons and ammunition. Everyone is afraid to Staying in a hotel, I slept in the sewer last night, and tramps have not been so miserable.

Many people have expressed dissatisfaction with the command of the torpedo, and everyone is about to leave. Especially after he shot and killed a team member, everyone is already thinking more about their safety.

Being arrested in the dynasty is not a joke, the death penalty system here has not been abolished. They had been charged with assaulting the police and had blood stains on their hands. Once caught, they were shot properly 100 times.

The torpedo is also well aware of these gossips. From the holster of the waist pistol that he opened at all times, he can understand that he has begun to guard against the possibility of being shot by a team member. The mercenary regiment is not a state-owned force. It is only loyal to cash and life, and loyalty to life is far greater than cash.

The so-called "people's mind is gone, the team is not easy to bring". From the beginning, torpedoes did not feel that these guys had such a thing, and their human nature had long been eaten with tomato sauce. There was nothing to kill the captain. Yes, that's how he became the captain after all.

"Do you know what will happen?" Alice came to his side while the torpedo was standing alone on the reef and blowing the sea.

"At most there is one more chance. If I fail again, I must be the captain." The torpedo chuckled a cigar and chuckled.

"Do you know that there is still time to blow?" Alice did not know what medicine was sold in the torpedo gourd. Although there was n night stand, if everyone wanted to kill the torpedo, Alice would only choose the side that helped a lot of people, This is how mercenaries survive.

"Rest assured, starting from tonight, I will not lose, because my things have arrived." The torpedo looked over at a large anchored freighter in the distance. A container was pushed directly from the freighter into the sea and smashed several meters. High water column.

I saw that the air cushion device was automatically opened around the container, allowing the container to float on the surface of the sea, pushed by the high-speed engine towards the reef where the torpedo was located.

A group of team members used a trailer to drag the container to the coast, and somehow surrounded the container.

"Everyone, we have enough to hide, enough to hide. In the last battle, the scenery was beautiful and the mission was completed. I will take you to Aragorn!" When the torpedo stood with a cigar and opened his arms in front of the container, he introduced him. Alice opened the door to the container.

Everyone's eyes bypassed the huge body of the torpedo, and they looked at the inside of the container.

They have been soldiers for a lifetime and have fought half a lifetime. The weapons and equipment they have seen are as many as bulls, whether they are special warfare, or are they sick and anti-human. Which one has not been played or encountered? But in front of them, they just felt that they had crossed into science fiction.

"From now on, whether he is an army of the dynasty or a seed of Nirvana, there is only one rule in front of us, who will stop us." The torpedo laughed wildly, and the many days of torment disappeared at this moment.

In the morning, the rising sun is rising like a fire, and Linhai City will usher in a good weather with clear skies. Today, there is also a major event that will happen in Linhai City. After a well-thought-out interpretation of the engineering proposal put forward by Fangshi Group (only one day, but not more than half an hour → _ →), as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Aragon and the State Asset Investment Agent Princess Ayatollah decided to choose Alchemist Group to be the construction unit of the Aragon deepwater port terminal.

The total investment will be as high as 5 billion U.S. dollars, all of which will be spent by the Aragon State. The Aragon State enjoys 30 years of free service rights, and the management and maintenance will be left to the Tianchao government. For Tianchao, they added a deep-water port connecting the Middle East, and for the Aragon, a high-quality deep-water port for 30 years will benefit far more than 5 billion U.S. dollars, which is definitely a good deal.

To celebrate the birth of this grand community of interests, Fang Shiquan, the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Alchemists, will sign a formal contract with Princess Ayatollah in the Alchemist Building.

After the signing, there will be follow-up programs such as charity evenings, and celebrities from all walks of life will attend the feast, including the municipal leadership team will also be present.

In addition, the TV station will broadcast the donation live, and all the funds collected at the evening will be used to help the children in the poor mountainous areas of Tianchao build schools.

The reason why Shen Ming dare to agree to such a publicity signing activity is because the daredevil team was frustrated twice in succession, and because he seriously injured the night watchman to eliminate the biggest threat.

For this event, the police also deployed a large number of police forces. Mobile sentry posts will be set up in the surrounding 8 streets, and snipers and patrol helicopters will be used as barriers at high altitude. This is the highest security condition.

Today, Ayatollah was preparing for the signing ceremony and dinner. Not only did he put on the most beautiful lace dress, but he was also very picky about the dance partners.

"This one is not working. It's too formal. Can you dress casually?" Sitting on the sofa in the cloakroom, Ayatollah looked helplessly at Li Changxiu.

The long-legged Ouba of this country is wearing a Versace slim suit and standing on three huge dressing mirrors, and the expression is helpless.

"His Royal Highness, this suit was borrowed from me by the boss, and the price tag is 300,000 rmb! Isn't that all right?" The tears that Li Changxiu begged were coming down, just now he had been tossing for 2 hours, I changed all 30 clothes, and the workload is comparable to professional models.

"Temperament is not measurable by money. Of course, as my dance partner of the princess of Aragon, you must excel in temperament." Ayatollah relented.

"Well, you won." Li Changxiu walked into the locker room again, and changed into a white suit with proficient movements like "reloading," "This time? Is it enough?"

"It seems too casual and a bit serious ..." Ayatolla frowned.

"Her Royal Highness, are you willing to play to death? Am I willing? Although I came from a bodyguard, anyway, I also come from South Korea. The long-legged awl face is our country's iconic handsome man. Can this not satisfy you?" I feel that the dignity of the big shaping country is insulted.

"Forget it, I don't think it's a problem with clothes, it's a problem with people." Xiao Yi, who stood aside, finally told the truth.

"Well, maybe it has something to do with people?" Ayatollah followed Xiao Yi's words.

"Don't change it, wait for me." Xiao Yi turned around and sighed, left Mengqi's villa, turned right and went directly under the tree hiding in Shenming, kicking on the trunk.

"What are you doing?" Shen Ming jumped down from the tree like an ape and looked at Xiao Yi, wondering, "Why Ayatollah and Li Changxiu haven't figured it out, now it's 4 o'clock in the afternoon, it's time to leave. "

"Don't mention that, the princess is playing with a temper, and is not satisfied with the dancer you arranged." Xiao Yi shrugged. "Looking like that, it is not your vow to be a partner."

"What time is it, and is this mood disturbing with her? Go and inform them to leave." Shen Ming said unhappy.

"You should be pitiful for that stick. If you continue playing like this, Li Changxiu will be broken down completely." Xiao Yi sighed, "Just let her mean it."

"Xiao Yi, believe me, I have nothing to do with her." Shen Ming didn't know what to explain.

"The princess intentionally, the bodyguard is ruthless, that's probably it, you don't have to explain it to me." Xiao Yi and Shen Ming knew like the old wife and wife.

"Well, if you don't pick up a woman from now on, a woman will be in trouble and only a man will be protected in the future." Shen Ming promised.

"Come on, beware of gv, it's even more disgusting." Xiao Yi punched Shen Ming with a smile.

Back at Mengqi's villa, Shen Ming reluctantly removed her body, replaced her with a black slim Versace suit, and casually stood in front of Ayatollah.

"What now?" Shen Ming asked with his hands in his pants pockets.

"That's right! That's what I want! It's formal and casual, serious and a little funny!" Ayatolla clapped with satisfaction.

"Isn't that the one I just wore ..." Li Changxiu's face stood crooked, "I don't know where it is serious and funny?"

Xiao Yi on the side bumped into Li Changxiu and reminded, "Just say a few words if you don't want to change clothes. What do you care about and where is the fun? Anyway, the princess likes it, and the serious is fun."

"A woman is unreasonable. Fortunately, my boss is a man ..." After Li Changxiu said, Xiao Yi's face showed a weird expression.

At 5 pm, the suv set off from the villa and drove directly towards the Fangtian Building. Many police can be seen patrolling along the road, even armored vehicles can be seen. All the four police helicopters overhead took off, flying low with the flight show, and almost all of them were flying between buildings.

Such security measures are no longer a scene that the death squad without major generals can cope with. The vigil is the opponent that Shen Ming is really worried about. Although his last claw is an instructor, he can't restore the accuracy of long-range sniping within 24 hours, but Shen Ming knows that the vigil will never give up, at least When he was alive, his obsession with the task was almost crazy.

Shen Ming only hopes that the vigil instructor today can choose to recuperate because his life cannot be lost here. He still has a lot of things to do. He cannot afford to kill his life in the heavens ...

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