God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 213: End of Love Dance

Chapter 213 The End of the Dance

Fangshi Building is located in the center of Linhai City's business district. It has a height of 70 floors. The entire building is used by a unit of Fangshi Group. It is a landmark building in Linhai City.

The spirally rising three circular buildings are intertwined, which represents the close integration of the three corporate cultures of “French Toughness”, “Endeavor” and “Wisdom” of Alchem ​​Group. But the common people call this building "Mahualou" ... Does it have anything to do with Mahuateng?

Along with the falling sunset, many guests came to the Fangshi Building early. On the long red carpet, groups of news media were taking photos of the guests, flashing light, and kept on and on. It seemed that they had to blind their eyes. Be willing.

Today's internal security also made the Captain's security brigade anxious overnight without sleep. All security was equipped with batons, the most straightforward uniforms, waiting at the main entrance of the building and in the banquet hall. The entrance is equipped with a security scanner for use at the airport, and any guest entering will be checked to make it extremely formal.

When Ayatollah finally got out of the compartment and stood on the red carpet, the reporters couldn't help cheering, the frequency of the flashing light seemed to light up the entire night sky.

Today, she wore a white veil long dress, removed the face towel and hood, and displayed it in front of everyone with the most gorgeous posture.

The most amazing thing is that Princess Ayatollah with a charming smile changed the image of a single nobleman, so gracefully holding the man beside him.

Shen Ming stood upright, he was destined to become the headline of tomorrow, and was endlessly endless by many princess fans. At this moment, as the princess's male companion, under the envy of everyone, he led the princess to the hall.

"Are you cold?" When Shen Ming watched carefully, Ayatollah leaned on him again.

"It's just been a long time since I missed someone. I was a little bit missed. Last time at my father's funeral, my uncle helped me change my grief, but in the face of my dad's portrait, I didn't even shed a tear.

"Because your father doesn't love you?" Shen Ming chuckled.

"On the contrary, he hurts me very much." Ayatollah sighed softly. "He completed everything he wanted to do, tasted food that mortals can't eat in a lifetime, and drove famous cars that were more expensive than heavy banknotes. The most beautiful woman who has ever slept in the world has ruled Aragon for 30 years. Is there anyone luckier than him? I just don't know why to cry for such a person. "

"If you like it, just save it a bit, as long as you don't take this trip as a funeral." Shen Ming took the beautiful princess into the Ma Hua Lou of Fang Shi Group.

At this moment, a surveillance probe across the street is shrinking the lens, recording everything.

"Torpedo, they went in, and that **** nirvana was right next to the princess, and he was as good as Prince Hakuba." In the small dark room, Alice was wearing black long wave light stockings while watching the monitoring screen. Road.

"Really? I hope they can have enough fun." Torpedo grinned.

"Torpedo, don't say I didn't remind you. There are a lot of police forces around this twisted floor. Once you start, we will be completely surrounded by up to 5 minutes. Do you want to retreat?" Alice said gsh- 18 pistol was inserted into the holster behind the waist.

"Retreat? In the past, thinking too much about this thing will result in a mess. This time, there is only going forward, not going backward. Even if you walk, it is also a killing road to leave." The torpedo said with arrogance and domineering.

"Oh, I like the way you talk so much. The boss of our team who dares to die should not be afraid of the day. I am not interested in any local arrogant. Only killing and blood will excite me." Aili Silk smeared lipstick road.

"Today, it makes you excited." Torpedo ordered with a smile. "Brothers, do it."

Suddenly, in the underground parking lot of Ma Hua Lou, three trucks marked as cleaning company were kicked open at the same time. Thirty mercenary soldiers armed with teeth, rushed to the safe passage with various firearms.

The Alchemist conference room was full of friends. Princess Ayatollah sat side by side with Fang Shiquan, with the national flags of the two countries on the table. Xiao Yi stood behind Ayatollah, while Li Changxiu guarded her. Boss, the scene is extremely grand.

This will be the stepping stone for Alchemist Group to formally impact global real estate brand companies, and also the beginning of the in-depth cooperation between the Aragon and the Heavenly Kingdom.

This is the picture most unwilling to see in the West. The Middle East is the back garden of others. What do you mean by establishing an ally here?

The U.S. side has called Mutin, in short words about Ayatollah ’s behavior, "You better than me!"

"The president is here to hug their thighs, and then you will find your sister over there to repair Deepwater Harbor. Is your terminal board the one? Any plug can hold you?" Of course, the diplomatic rhetoric will not be so dirty, But the general meaning is the same.

Mutlin was stabbed, so he had to find a torpedo to vent. They couldn't get everything done today. Their dare-dead team died in Tianchao.

You know that he has bet everything on this assassination. Not only has he invested in sending the daredevil to the dynasty, but even the killer who shot the father has helped.

In the end, at the request of the torpedo, he even spent nearly 200 million. The conceptual "toy" ordered from the Lockheed Martin Group had not been shipped back to China, and it was sent directly to the heaven, which shows how crazy he is. Want Ayatollah to die.

After the signing ceremony, the crowd moved to the banquet hall with applause. The lights in the audience went out automatically. Only the spotlight hit Ayatula.

The princess from a different country is generous, "First of all, I would like to thank the official staff of the Dynasty, the president Fang Shiquan, and the hospitality of your friends.

It is you who made me on this trip, and deeply felt the beauty and sincerity of the dynasty, and it was also you who made me have infinitely beautiful dreams for the future of the two countries.

I believe that there may be a gap between culture and language, but the hearts of the two peoples in pursuit of a happy and stable life are the same.

And the next thing I want to thank is a great heavenly knight who guarded me all the way. He never left me when I needed him most, so today ’s first dance, I want to be with My knight came to jump. Ayatollah lowered the microphone softly, and walked to Shenming with the spotlight overhead.

Shen Ming's flattering is just like the difference between Fang Shiquan and the Mayor of Beihai. After all, on such a formal occasion, dancing by his little bodyguard is really embarrassing.

"Why did you choose me?" Shen Ming said softly in confusion, instead of holding it for the first time.

"Since I'm a princess, you must be the" Grey Boy "here. Aren't fairy tales supposed to be played like this?" Ayatula continued to invite.

"I'm afraid of you, as long as you don't take my shoes away, borrow them, and pay them back." Shen Ming sighed and held Ayatollah's hand, dancing with her in the spotlight.

The waltz teacher of Ayatollah is the court dancer, and the cliff is the level of performance. Who would have imagined that Shen Ming jumped into this elegant waltz and was familiar with it. Professional movement and powerful rotation are like dancing and eating.

"What a surprise, you dance so well, unscientific?" Ayatolla whispered in Shen Ming's arms.

"Social etiquette class is also one of the required courses for assassination. I have learned, but I am not proficient. If you want to jump samba, I will not be able to come." Shen Ming said too modestly.

"You are so energetic that I am a little bit reluctant." Ayatollah nodded to the deep body temperature.

"Just some?"

"Well, I confess, I like you." Ayatula's princess never knew how to hide her desires and want anything, just speak directly. Tweaking just doesn't have to be arrogant.

"Don't like it, just like it." Shen Ming originally thought that the hooligan could make Ayatolla hate himself, but it was too late, that night healed the wounded heart, the knot was open, and the rest was only love.

"Although I like you, I know that it is dangerous to possess you. After all, I am the kind of woman who is doomed to die, and having love will make me die, and maybe I will forget your responsibility to the people, so ..." Aya Tula sighed softly, "The love for you will only last until the end of this dance. When I leave your arms, I will once again be the princess who only for the prosperity of the country of Aragon, and you Will become someone else's bodyguard ... "

"I don't know what to say?" Shen Ming also couldn't tell the current status, as if he had just been confessed by a princess, but didn't wait for him to become a pony, and was abandoned in just 2 seconds.

"Say, will you cry for my death? Even if you just lie to me, please say yes." Ayatollah begged.

"No, I will always remember you, Your Royal Highness. Maybe your citizens think you are a bad guy, and your hands are covered with blood. But in my opinion, you are still the bravest in the world Princess, not because you dare to do it, but because you dare to be.

If you can, tell me when you don't want to die, and I will protect you. "Shen Ming's sincerity caused Ayatollah to close her two-colored eyes and gently rest on Shen Ming's shoulder. The happiness, that feeling, is the legendary feeling of men and women, right?

Ayatollah was so happy to be able to let her love start before she died, and to like a man whom she deserved to like, this is the care of the gods.

"Thank you, it is enough to have you. Even if I am sent to the gallows, I will not have any regrets. Please accept this. It is the cheapest but the most precious of all the gifts I give. Ayatollah handed the hydrangea purchased in the flowing town to Shenming's chest.

"I took this hydrangea, thank you." The dance song dissipated at this moment, and Shen Ming held the hydrangea and laughed.

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