God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 236: Date with Xiao Yi

Chapter 236 The Date of Xun and Xiao Yi

Back in the presidential suite of the five-star hotel, Shen Ming stood under the gold-plated shower head to wash the blood on his body. The long time of slaughter made some blood stains become hard shells and made it harder to wash. The strong **** smell doesn't even wash off a few times.

Shen Ming should have become accustomed to a blood-stained appearance. For him in the past, his blood-stained body was as natural as a painter with paint and a plasterer with mud.

But I don't know if he has been back in the city for too long. He no longer likes the whole body covered with blood, the **** smell ... makes him sick. Just like a woman who has been good, she is noble and noble. In the past, as long as you were 800 tubers, you were tall and thin, but now you have to choose between lunch and lunch with Sisi ...

After flushing like a woman for half an hour, Shen Ming walked out wearing a bathrobe. Xiao Yi, who had her arms folded around her chest, frowned deeply, had been waiting for a long time.

"What did you do just now? It was all covered with blood, did you get hurt?" Xiao Yi worried.

"It's okay, but I met a group of deadly hooligans." Shen Ming took out a bottle of fruit drink from the freezer, drank it on the sofa in the living room, and replenished the body's sugar.

"Gatsby has just called. He said that the police chief wanted to arrest you and Wan'er to go to the police station to assist the investigation. He gave the hard cap, because those who were still alive proved to be very unlike humans, and even Many doctors were bitten. They isolated the whole bar, fearing that it would be a biochemical crisis ... wouldn't it really become a zombie? "Xiao Yi said, she was also afraid.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a group of madmen with a big peony who found some clues about Meng Qi. She is safe for the time being. We still have time." Looked at Xiao Yi opposite.

"What are you doing? I have dirt on my face?" Xiao Yi said inexplicably.

"Xiao Yi, did Waner tell you something?"

"No, she went to take a bath as soon as she came back, and she hasn't come out yet. She asked her all the words," Go to my brother. "What did your brothers and sisters hide? Maybe she followed Shen Ming for too long, and Xiao Yi also changed. Be more keen.

Shen Ming explained to Waner on the way back. Do n’t tell Xiao Yi everything tonight, if you say it, you have to say it yourself.

"Xiao Yi, are you free tomorrow?" Shen Ming asked suddenly.

"Are you funny? It's not up to you if I'm free." Xiao Yi twitched.

"That's good. After working so long, I will take a day off tomorrow and walk with me." Shen Ming said, and got up and walked to his room.

"Did you hold your head where did we come? It's only been 3 days. What does it mean to work so long? Besides, Meng Qi hasn't been rescued yet. Do you have a mood to play?" Xiao Yi wanted to pump Shenming this pig Brain out.

"I said rest when you rest, remember to dress beautifully." Shen Ming stood in the doorway.

"Do you need work?" Xiao Yi sighed.

"No, dating is needed." Shen Ming said after returning to his room, leaving Xiao Yi empty and sitting on the sofa, thinking that he had a hallucination, about ... date?

On this day, Shen Ming slept most peacefully when he came to Luoshanji. When he learned that the killer was a peacock and the goal was to kill himself, he was not so panicked, at least before the peacock killed himself. Will hurt fishing bait. It's just that the battle tomorrow will be fierce.

In an ambush with a mental calculation and an inadvertent, the opponent's location of the front battle, all of Shen Ming's disadvantages were gathered in one place. Moreover, in order to learn more about themselves, they even arranged a mechanical prosthetic body like Dongchuan to test their own strength.

How to win such a battle, the plan in his mind, also overwhelmed most of the factors of victory over luck. Since there is no solution, then worry-free, Shen Ming will comfort himself.

As for Xiao Yi, she couldn't sleep on the other side. Although she had done too much alone with Shen Ming in the past, eating and traveling, and even going to the supermarket to make bed sheets, almost except for Papa and Moda. Couples have done everything they can, but they have never been acknowledged by Shen Ming as a date. Now he suddenly came to such a sentence, but Xiao Yi was not used to insomnia ...

Early the next morning, Xiao Yi got up early with dark circles and walked out of the room, only to find that Shen Ming, who was surrounded by an apron, was busy in the kitchen.

"Early." Shen Ming smiled.

"Your sister, it's only five o'clock now. Why are you running?" Xiao Yi looked at the window sideways, and the moon was hanging in the dark sky.

"Maybe the jet lag hasn't been adjusted yet. I can't sleep that long." Shen Ming said as he packed the preserved eggs and lean meat porridge into a convenient box.

"What do you have in mind, let's hear it, it's so scary." Xiao Yi was sitting at the table, was about to go to porridge to drink, but was beaten by Shen Ming.

"I'm not drinking it now. Go brush your teeth and change clothes. We're going out." Shen Ming educated.



"Hey, are you really here?" Xiao Yi almost sweated coldly.

"Don't you appreciate your face? It will deduct your salary." Shen Ming half threatened.

"Cut, when did you pay me serious wages?" Xiao Yi dismissed, but got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

Xiao Yi doesn't know how to put on makeup, but today I still draw a little eyeliner, it feels as nervous as if I have to poke myself at any time.

She put on the limited-edition short shoulderless dress that Shen Ming gave him, and put on the most hated pair of red stiletto heels. When she walked out of the room, Shen Ming, dressed in a pretty suit, was ready.

"What are you doing? Didn't you say you hate suits the most?" Xiao Yi has seen Shen Ming at home with a 29-piece vest, 18 beach pants, and 5 flip-flops, which is Shen's favorite. Suits are basically used as work clothes.

"If it's a date, you should be more formal, right?" Shen Ming pulled a bow tie with a smile and went out early with Xiao Yi.

As for Wan'er, Huang Yibo later told her that she was unwilling to get up for a long time. She changed her playful personality and became quiet. Only today, Waner has no interest in anything.

Shen Ming drove Xiao Yi to a quiet beach and sat on the front cover of the car, which made Xiao Yi have a late breakfast.

"Your appointment arrangement is really interesting. I'm all so happy, huh." Xiao Yi regretted wearing the little western dress. Two 105 cm long legs were blown by the sea breeze. Although she was drinking hot porridge, it was just warm The stomach can't warm your legs.

"So spit, so beware, I can't marry later." Shen Ming sat beside Xiao Yi, took off his suit, and carefully covered Xiao Yi's long legs.

"I can't get married, do you want to worry?" Xiao Yi was stubborn.

"Of course I have to worry. You are my assistant. Only I have taken you through so many dangers. If you can't get happiness, I will feel guilty." Shen Ming was old-fashioned.

"Please, it's my job to work with you. It's my voluntary to take risks. It's your fault. Don't take responsibility for yourself. Is it your fault to have a big son next door?" Xiao Yi despised.

"You are really comforting, I am speechless." When Shen Ming smiled, a golden light lit up on the dark sea level line in front of her, and the rising sun slowly rose from the other side of the earth. The sea surface was dyed golden yellow.

"It's so beautiful. I haven't seen the sunrise for a long time. I never thought it would look so good?" Holding the porridge, Xiao Yi was enjoying the warm sun.

"Nirvana people like to watch the sunrise. For us in the past, the rise of the sun again represents that we have really lived another day." Shen Ming said softly.

"Shen Ming, you are no longer a nirvana, nor are you a nirvana. You have been reborn in ten years. The past should be a thing of the past, and it should not be a shackle that affects your life now.

Now your name is Shen Ming. It ’s a funny bodyless, occasionally grazing, and the woman ’s fate is so good that she has a bold and heartless bodyguard. "

"I want to be the kind of person you say, but strength is like a curse, which always pulls me back to the nightmare of the past from time to time." Shen Ming smiled lightly.

"Nightmare always wakes up, it just depends on whether you want to wake up."

"If I can accompany you to watch the sunrise every day, I think I am willing." Shen Ming's smile under the rising sun made Xiao Yi's heart beat.

"Let's go! It's time to go to the next place!" Shen Ming had already arranged everything.

"It's not finished yet."

"Hurry up." Shen Ming had mysteriously got into the car.

"God is mysterious, the ghost knows what you want to do?" Xiao Yi also returned to the car and could only continue to follow Shen Ming everywhere.

Once Xiao Yi felt that Huang Yibo was able to tell Wan'er's various preferences, but Xiao Yi suddenly found out that Shen Ming also knew his preferences, but he did not like to say, and he did not usually Willing to take care of my feelings.

For example, Xiao Yi likes drag racing, but she doesn't like driving as a driver, so Shen Ming drove by herself today. She likes to watch movies, and is very happy with the Marvel series, so Shen Ming drove him directly to the Tianchao Theater to watch the morning movie.

"So early, what to watch?" Xiao Yi couldn't remember a blockbuster movie recently.

"Complex 2". Shen Ming came over holding the popcorn.

"You shit! Summer movie, can you watch it now?" Xiao Yi looked puzzled.

"Have you heard of the audition? I'm looking for the tickets that Gatsby wants. I can watch them in advance, but there is no Chinese subtitles. Fortunately, our English is not bad." Shen Ming smiled.

"Can you really watch it in advance?" Xiao Yi was so excited that her face turned red.

"Several starring actors will be present. It's okay to sign. With Gatsby's face, who wouldn't give it?" Shen Ming took Xiao Yi's shoulders and took her into the theater.

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