God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 237: Kiss of the angry peacock

Chapter 237: The Kiss of the Peacock

A wonderful screening, Xiao Yi experienced the world's highest level 4dx version. Compared to this Hollywood's playback level, domestic 4d theaters are like broadcasters sending movies to the countryside.

Not only did Xiao Yi hold Shenming's hand tightly all the way, she didn't dare to relax. Even the popcorn didn't take a few sips. Basically, she was shaken by the shaking of the seat. After the movie was played, thunderous applause broke out on the court. Several major starring actors were on the stage. Thank you for coming. Xiao Yi got a 1 to 1 restored Iron Man metal helmet with all the starring actors on it. Signature.

This stuff needs to be put on the market, and it can sell at least $ 2,000.

Xiao Yi was so happy that she went out of the theater and was wearing a helmet and Shen Ming was discussing the plot fiercely, and she wanted to see it again. Shen Ming's appointment schedule is just like his battle plan, accurate to the millisecond. I did n’t give Xiao Yi any free time, I drove directly to Chinatown to eat snacks, and finally went to the mid-end shopping street known as Little Rodeo Avenue. I chose some gifts for Yima and Xiaoyi ’s classmates. They I visited Ocean World, went to the Echo Park to listen to the symphony show, and at dinner time, I found a window by the famous star restaurant.

Sitting at the table next to Xiao Yi was the Pete couple in Hollywood. Xiao Yi couldn't help but glance more, and Angelina raised a glass of smile and said hello.

Of course, this is also to ask Gatsby to help book, like eating in such a place is not enough for you to have money, there is no relationship with the status, even if you want to wait for the table number will not line up for you.

"It's expensive to eat here," Xiao Yi asked quietly. "You shouldn't have much money, right?"

"Don't worry about that much, just rest assured to eat." Gentleman Shen Ming took a pre-dinner drink and tasted it.

"Hey hey, what the **** are you doing today, watching a movie and eating dinner, so generous and unscientific!" Xiao Yi finally couldn't help asking.

"Xiao Yi, if I die, can you help me take care of Wan'er?" Shen Ming said suddenly, "Wan'er is still young. There is only one of my loved ones in this world. I don't want her to be swallowed by revenge. You can teach me to let go. Hate educates her like that, I think she will listen, and you will comfort people. "

"What the **** is going on? Why does your sister want me to take care of it?" Xiao Yi's smile disappeared.

"Because there must be a fight on the field, I calculated for a long time, the winning rate is very low. Fortunately, if I die, things will end here. I am not afraid of death, I am afraid that Waner will be left unattended." Shen Ming Looking straight at Xiao Yi, the phrase "I'm afraid to leave you" still cannot explain.

"I'm your assistant, but I'm not responsible for rubbing your buttocks. I'm really worried that the girl will survive and take care of herself. What she needs is an elder brother, not a casual sister-in-law! I don't want to eat, I'm appetite." Xiao Yi dropped the napkin in her hand and turned away.

The streets outside the house had already been lit with street lights, slender rain lines were rising in the dark sky, and Xiao Yi was hanging down, moving forward aimlessly. Without Shenming, she didn't know where to go, but at this moment she just wanted to stay as far away as possible from Shenming.

"Xiao Yi, get in the car." Shen Ming chased after driving the car and called to Xiao Yi outside the car.

"Why don't you go to death? What about me?" Xiao Yi was so angry that she didn't look at Shen Ming.

"Xiao Yi, listen to me!" Shen Ming stopped the car, rushed to the front of Xiao Yi from the cab, and clenched her shoulders tightly with both hands. "I didn't say that I would die, just in case. , I can't find anyone to trust, except you. When I really need help, I can only think of you. "

"It doesn't necessarily die, why is it like telling the funeral? Who do you think I am? When you die, I can forget right away, and find a man to continue as an assistant? Shenming! You're enough! You really deserve Xiao Yi is not a woman. I have no emotion. Do you need a bribe to help you?

Give me your ears up and listen! I like you, like your dedication to preservation, your employer's devotion, and your sincerity in sticking to your body and not killing people. I like you to keep your promises and the encouragement and tolerance you give me when I am in pain.

I used to work with you, but later, I followed you just because I liked you. You brought me so many beautiful sights that I dare not imagine, and also brought me all kinds of dangers.

I like how you look when you save me, that makes me think you like me too. I do n’t need you to confess to me, nor do you need to promise me anything. You have too many things that attract women, big stars, Miss Qian Jin, ** boss, and even Her Royal Highness, all of them are gentler than my younger class, Nobler than me, how can I Xiao Xiao He De get the love of your hero?

I only ask for one point, never show me the helpless expression, never tell me what's behind him, live for me at any time, the sky does not pity you, pity yourself, okay? "

Xiao Yi cried, and tears mixed with her tears across her v-shaped face, but Shen Ming stood still in the face of the confession, not knowing what to say.

Shen Ming has gone through too many confessions, from An Qi's overlord to a hard bow, and Meng Qi's Xiaojiabiyu. In general, he handled it well. But only in the face of Xiao Yi, it was difficult for him to open his teeth, because his heart moved, and he could not correct his position.

"I'm sorry." Shen Ming could only say so.

"Sorry for me?" Xiao Yi growled.

"I'm sorry for what I'm going to do next." Shen Ming suddenly took hold of Xiao Yi and kissed affectionately. The sudden act made Xiao Yi's pupils widen, and her brain was blank. He instinctively wanted to break free and hammered the deep chest, but after a while, the hands fell down weakly and leaned against her body. In the arms of Shenming.

On the street, passersby carrying umbrellas walked back and forth, but they ignored both of them who kissed deeply in the rain.

"Why kiss me?" Xiao Yi blushed and asked in confusion.

"Just want to plug your mouth." Shen Ming was also embarrassed.

"Your sister!" Xiao Yi was angry and wanted to hit someone, but Shen Ming's hand was tightly grasped.

Without waiting for the two to say one more thing, the cell phone in Shen Ming's arms rang and it was the peacock that was connected.

"Did you sleep comfortably last night?" The peacock politely greeted.

"Not bad, I'm afraid you're so excited you can't sleep."

"No more nonsense. From this moment on, you have only 1 hour, place, Disneyland, rescue your princess, or die in my hands, you have no other choice." Peacock was excited about this game.

"Hey, send you something." Shen Ming said, holding up his cell phone, facing himself, holding Xiao Yi in his arms.

"What do you want?" Xiao Yi's flush had not faded yet.

"Shooting for a photo!" Shen Ming kissed Xiao Yi again and sent the photo directly.

"Dying! Who did you send it to?" Xiao Yi was angry.

"It's just a little bit."

On the other side of the phone, I saw the photo of my dear in the rain in the street. The peacock was so angry that he crushed the satellite phone and roared and turned over the desk in front of him.

"What's wrong with you?" Ito Tomi was startled by the look of a peacock.

"I want that beast to die! Death without a dead body !!!" Peacock and Xiao Yi stayed together for 3 months. Even holding the hand of the goddess in her heart could cry so much that she couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, and even thought of kissing. , Look at the guy Shen Ming, a playful look, the peacock just wants to show him the killing method of the "Ten Tortures of Manqing"!

"It's okay to die, just leave me with my right hand." Ito Tomomi laughed wryly.

"Wait for me, I will come back." This is the last word that Shen Ming said to Xiao Yi. He drove away and left Xiao Yi alone on the street.

Xiao Yi didn't even have time to ask why Shen Ming kissed himself. Only Yu Wen between his teeth told himself that this was the first kiss in Shen Ming's life. If this is not love, what can I expect?

Shen Ming's weaponry was again prepared by the Black Dragon, and he went straight towards Disneyland without stopping for a moment. It's not too far in 40 minutes.

The huge Disneyland has been completely closed. The original internal leadership was replaced by Sakura Fall Control, and all the staff inside the park were unbound and lost.

This is the stage where Sakura Fall prepares to battle with Shen Ming. The 12 presidential candidates who covet the chairmanship divide their own areas according to the area of ​​the game venue. Once Shenming enters their area, they have the power to launch attacks. Before obtaining the consent of the zone master, other hunters can only watch, and wait, when Shenming leaves their area and enters another area, hunting right Then transfer.

In the entire Disneyland, there are more than a hundred gangsters infected with zombies to help with the simplest security patrol mission. They will share the obtained information with hunters for free.

In addition to these 12 presidential candidates, each of them has its own helper, bringing together nearly 120 killers on the top of the cherry blossoms here, waiting for the deep drive.

The bad weather prevented Shen Ming from using Pan Da for aerial reconnaissance, and only brought the black-eyed ants. The car was stopped under a culvert 2 kilometers away from Disneyland. Shenming was wearing a black special combat suit, his face was painted with black oil paint camouflage, and a m200 non-stocked intervener was selected for the weapon. A long-range sniper rifle, a short-range shotgun, equipped with a "blood sickle" m500 large-caliber revolver, a large package of various trap explosion equipment, armed to his teeth, he is like returning to the African battlefield.

Looking at the giant screen with night vision, the Disneyland 3 km away is brightly lit, and all the entertainment facilities are fully open, except that the gates are locked and the maintenance sign is hanging. There is no joyful paradise, probably hell. ?

"In order to kill me, you are also fighting hard." Shen Ming smiled and held his gun and continued to trot forward along the highway.

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