Chapter 266: The Love of the Giants

Is it too rich today? Is this bluefin tuna back sashimi? Is that steamed bear's paw? Shen Ming came to the table, a little flattered. The relationship between Wushu and them should not be so good, and the price of ingredients at this table should be over one million.

The most exquisite is the 24-inch cake under the crystal cover, which actually painted a picture of Natasha sitting in front of the piano with cream, which is as fine as that printed on a square cake with an inkjet printer.

"What technology is this?" Shen Ming has never seen such a cake.

"It's just molecular cooking. It's a new posture. I studied it for 2 years. How's that? Great, right?" He Qi came over with the last dish.

"Let me guess, you are so troublesome, certainly not to treat us?" Shen Ming hehe.

"Of course, I actually planned to celebrate Natasha's birthday. I called her yesterday, and reminded me again this morning, but I haven't come yet, and I don't think it will come." He Qi's loss overflowed with words.

"Dad just left. Mom didn't have the mood to celebrate her birthday?" He Shixin was completely understandable.

"Sit down, get it all done and help me finish it, otherwise the waste is too shameful." He Qi sighed and greeted.

"Do you tease me?" Shen Ming looked at the table. Even if Natasha came, she couldn't finish eating so many dishes with 10 more stomachs?

At the beginning of lunch, He Qi asked curiously, "Why come to me for dinner? I don't think I can help you?"

"Why is this uncle Wu?" Shen Ming ate the food.

"Originally, I have the least shares in the board of directors and the weakest area of ​​management. I basically have no say. Among the brothers of the family, I am an old man and have a special hobby. Even my dad is not Love me, my compatriots are also marginalized. If I want to help, I think too much. "He Qi shut up Shen Ming's mouth with a bunch of words.

"Uncle Wu seems to have a good relationship with his mother-in-law?" Shen Ming asked indifferently.

"Of course it's very good, I love her." He Qi admits it very easily, but makes He Shixin who is drinking soup almost spit out.

"Who doesn't love such a good sister like Natasha? She is good to others, and Xiuwaihuizhong has never caused troubles like those wealthy ladies, and the water bladder has Yanghua. My **** brother is not worthy of Natasha." He Qi Li was so arrogant that he could drink the soup.

"My uncle and You are so close, aren't you afraid of gossip?" Shen Ming took it for granted.

"Don't tarnish my feelings with Natasha with your dirty eyes. Only Natasha who really understands me in this kind of cursed giant, and only she never discriminates. Look at me. In my opinion, the only good thing that the **** big brother does is let us meet. "He Qi's" affectionate confession ", if it is not under the premise that he is a curvy man, it will be one thing to hear. A shocking family ethics drama ...

"Uncle Wu, I don't understand, which side are you on? If you and the second uncle, why did you notify me in advance? If you want to help me? Why didn't you speak for me on the board?" Taking this opportunity, He Shixin also asked Out of my doubts.

"Actually, I didn't stand on either side. I'll let you know in advance, because I know that if you really want to fall out, you are far better suited to your thunder than your mother. Your mother's personality will only be given alive by those two brothers and one sister. Bullying to death. And at least you will find this friend to help. "He Qi" betrayed "the little niece without hiding.

"I can understand it, do you want to protect your mother-in-law?" Shen Ming tasted the food originally prepared for Natasha.

"I don't care how you understand. If I was the kind of person who cares about other people's eyes, I wouldn't have brought my boyfriend home for dinner and vomited the old man's blood." He Qi drunk red wine.

"It seems to be the same, where is the bathroom?" Shen Ming stood up with a smile.

"It's on the top of the second floor."

Shen Ming reached the second floor along the spiral staircase, and the toilet was clearly at the end of the corridor, but he was not urgency at all and walked slowly. When passing the study, he raised his hand and twisted it, and the door was unlocked.

Pushed the door and went in, saying that it was a study, but it was full of brand new comic books with signatures, which was not easy to collect, especially a set of dozens of "Dragon Ball", each of which has Toriyama Akira without heavy samples You can imagine how he signed it with tears in his signature.

In addition to comic books, there are many limited edition special game collections, which are invaluable to players. But Shen Ming is not here to win. He only values ​​the password safe in the middle of the bookshelf.

From the key position display, the number of passwords is eight. Shen Ming regrets that he did not bring any electronic equipment. In the face of digital passwords, it can only be removed.

For a moment of thinking, Shen Ming tapped the keyboard with his fingers and entered an 8-digit password. Amazingly, the password safe just popped up! Shen Ming is not Wang Banxian, nor can he use a logical algorithm. What he inputs is only Natasha ’s birthday. Who can think of a pair of brothers, one uses the time to meet Natasha to set a password, and one uses her birthday as a password. It can also be considered a brain drain.

Opening the safe lightly, Shen Ming had no interest in the pile of cash bills, contract contracts, jewellery and diamonds, and the silver usp pistol in the middle attracted him.

The gun was wiped with bright light, and Shen Ming picked up the pistol. The light feeling showed that the magazine inside was empty.

As the so-called break through the iron shoes, nowhere to find no effort, Shen Ming went to great lengths to find the real murderer of He Chen, but at this moment a usp pistol fell into his hands so easily. He couldn't do a ballistic analysis here to determine if it was a weapon or not, and only received it behind him.

"Why is Shen Ming so long? But don't open up with me!" He Qi quickly walked up to the second floor nervously. When he hurried to the door of the bathroom, the sound of booing came from inside. Only now did he feel relieved.

"Hey, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

"Knowing Wushu, he is very particular about it when he sees it." Shen Ming said in the bathroom, kneeling in front of the toilet, and was pouring water into the toilet with a glass, which attracted Shen Ming a detail. The washer turned up ...

After having lunch at Wushu's house, Shen Ming drove towards the mansion. Xiao Yi's mini car and he parked side by side at a red light at a crossroad.

"What are you looking for?" Xiao Yi asked directly after rolling down the window.

"I found the treasure, help me do a ballistic analysis, I asked the mouse to send the ballistic information of the bullet on the police station, He Chen to your mailbox, to help me make a comparison." Shen Ming said, wrapped the package The usp pistol was thrown into the mini car.

"Did the murder weapon be found so quickly? Are you trying to finish the job?" Xiao Yi was very happy, because Shen Ming was about to "divorce".

"I'm not sure yet, I won't know until after the comparison. Yes, there is one more thing that needs you to test DNA." Shen Ming tore off the two hairs beside He Shixin, wrapped in a facial tissue, also from The window was dropped into the mini car.

"Hey, what are you doubting?" Xiao Yi also couldn't understand.

"In fact, I can't say clearly. Everything is just a guess. You can't connect to each other after your test results come out." Shen Ming said, shook the window, the red light ended, and the car continued to move forward.

"Shen Ming, do you suspect that I am not a father's child, or that Uncle 5 is my father?" Even though He Shixin was stupid, she still understood the obvious thing.

"Are you angry?" Shen Ming didn't apologize.

"No, in fact, you are not the first person to doubt. Although everyone's uncle's birth orientation is clear, after all, it is the man who is paired with his mother every day. Naturally it is also a gossip. Dad used to be a grandfather He took me to draw blood for DNA testing, and it turned out that I was my father's child. The giants were not as unbearable as you think. "He Shixin was slightly dissatisfied, after all, the man he doubted was his favorite mother.

"I suspect that it is not because you are in a wealthy gate, but that no matter how rich or successful you are, it is ultimately beyond your control. There is only one word for" love ". Many common senses can be broken before love. "Shen Ming has seen people who are crazy about love, including him. At the moment, he just wants everything to be his own fantasy.

That night, the result was reported to Shen Ming via the communicator ...

"The ballistic test of the usp pistol is completed, and the ammunition matching rate of He Chen's shot is as high as 99.87%. It is basically certain that this is the weapon.

As for He Shixin's DNA test results ... Are you sure you want to hear? "Xiao Yishen said mysteriously.

"Say, some realities cannot be escaped." Shen Ming reluctantly said.

"He Shixin ... can't match his father He Chen's DNA, but it is confirmed to be a medical father-daughter relationship with Uncle 5 ..." Xiao Yi couldn't believe it when holding this result, "Listen to you, He Chen should have taken Xiao Yi to do a paternity test. Why did the result meet the requirements? Otherwise, you are getting some hair for me, and I will find a more professional institution to test it? "

"No need. The result is similar to what I imagined. The basic clues can already be connected together. I just have more scattered evidence. The mystery is about to be uncovered, but I am worried about whether Poetic Heart can bear the mystery ..." Ming helplessly sighed, at this time He Shixin was taking a bath, Shen Ming didn't know how to speak.

Sometimes this is the case. The only thing left is to reveal the scar, but people always want to see what the **** truth is.

"You are just a bodyguard, not her husband. You ca n’t stand it. You do n’t need to think about it. In the world, you do everything to teach me.” Xiao Yi reminded.

"I've been educated by you, take a rest." Shen Ming hung up the phone with a smile, and called the mouse again.

"Can you not bother me? Big brother!" The mouse has been analyzing the highest command character, and is already busy.

"No need to analyze, I already know the killer of the video message. No accident should be Wu Qi He Qi. Now, what I need is to piece together the completed outline of the event. So I need He Chen's A detailed physical examination report, as well as an analysis of the financial situation of the casinos across Omen, "Shen Ming said lightly.

"Oh, do you really think I am Superman? The financial situation of Omen Casinos? It will take several months for the tax bureau to complete such an investigation!" The eyebrows twitched.

"You are not comparable to the tax bureau. I believe you can do it overnight, right?" Shen Ming said.

"If I'm exhausted tomorrow, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost." The mouse hung up after finishing talking.

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