God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 267: Leopard, kill!

Chapter 267 Leopard, kill!

At midnight, the door of the gorgeous private room belonging to the second child of the He family was pushed open, and the dog came silently to the round bed, and reported to He Yanhui with the moonlight bowing, "Master, ready. "

He Yan, who was sleeping on the bodies of seven women, suddenly opened his eyes suddenly, sober as if he had never fallen asleep. Chiguo stood up, and the muscles cut out by the axe were rare among merchants.

"The fish has been fattened, almost to the time of closing the net." He Zhe who came to the windowsill and lit a cigar smoked under the moon. "Dog, starting tomorrow, you are the dog of the president of the He Group. Are you excited? "

"Wang." The dog barked softly.

The next day, in the early morning, He Shixin woke up in tears. She dreamed of a story that made her sad. In the dream, she became a lonely widow, not only her father, but also her mother and Shen Ming. Nothing but himself.

At breakfast, her mood had not recovered, and her expression was sullen.

"What's wrong? Haven't you slept?" Shen Ming pushed his fried dough stick in front of He Shixin.

"Thank you." He Shixin said politely.

"You're welcome, don't forget that I'm her husband." Shen Ming smiled.

Just then He Shixin's mobile phone remembered that the hidden number was displayed. He Shixin was curiously connected.

"Don't talk, I say you listen," said the strange voice from the electronic voice-changer opposite. "Your mother is in my hands now, and she wants her to be thorough. Get rid of your bodyguard first, and I will call you again. of."

He Shixin then received a photo showing that her mother's eyes were blindfolded and she was sitting on a wooden chair.

He Shixin froze instantly, unable to say a word, tears rushed down his face.

"Don't cry, talk!" Shen Ming also found out that he had come forward and wanted to see the mobile phone, but He Shixin was tightly squeezed into his arms.

"It's okay!" He Shixin waved his tears on his face and smiled hard. "I suddenly discovered that you are so annoyed that you have been fired."

"Tell me, what happened? I can help you out with any trouble, believe me." Shen Ming tried to appease.

"No, I'm not in trouble. My biggest trouble is you, please, don't follow me. I have lost a lot and can't lose anything." He Shixin begged to take out a black diamond cassette from his pocket. In Shen Ming's hands, "This is the reward for you, say 100 million."

"What is this?" Shen Ming said helplessly.

"Either break up, dismiss, or divorce. In short, don't follow me!" He Shixin, wearing home clothes, quickly ran towards the garage.

She rushed into a sports car, started the engine, and wanted to leave. Shen Ming, who was standing in front of the car, wanted to block the car with her arms, but then her phone rang.

His caller ID was the fourth aunt, He Fang, and Shen Ming had no choice but to give up a road, allowing He Shixin to drive out of the house.

Shen Ming, who answered the phone, was in a bad mood, whispering, "Better tell me what works."

"Of course it is useful. Natasha has been abducted by his second uncle. He wants to force He Shixin to submit and give up the fight for the position of president. And I ... know where Natasha is." He Fang smiled slightly.

Soon, another car rushed out of He's mansion, and drove in a completely different direction from He Shixin.

"It's done." He Fang was there when He Fang hung up the phone. "I showed him a good way. Today, a temple fair is being held there, and the car went in for at least 3 hours. Like I said, There is no need to kill him, just trap him. "

"Sister is just smart, when he reacts, everything is resolved." He Yan hehe laughed.

But ten minutes later, the sports car driven by He Shixin came directly to the dock. The second uncle's luxury gambling ship Yunyou was docking there, just like a brilliant aircraft carrier. This world-famous gambling boat is not just big. The interior is equipped with an all-round entertainment mode of eating, lodging, playing and buying.

Equipped with deluxe rooms, a commercial pedestrian street that does not lose land, and even an opera house and ktv. The gaming boat comes with 3 helipads to ensure that VIPs can come and go at any time. Of course, the most powerful is a large-scale casino divided into four floors, from slot machines to VIP gambling halls, whether you are a fly or a tiger, as long as you get on the boat, you must be squeezed out of oil.

The revenue of such a gambling boat in a day is comparable to that of the Imperial Hotel. The second uncle He Yan has a total of 4 gambling boats of this level, which is basically full every day and is also an important source of income for the He Group. On the talent of management, He Yan is absolutely inferior to his elder brother He Chen, but he is too greedy and fierce. He Chen is far from smooth and advancing. This is how many years he has done no matter how good he is, Why can't shake the throne of Big Brother CEO.

He Shixin had stabilized her emotions in the car, without any immersion beside her, she had to strengthen herself. After getting out of the car, she came to the boarding gate. A blackwater female bodyguard came forward and searched. She was sure that she did not carry any weapons and confiscated her mobile phone.

"Hello, you can go up. The host waits for you in the VIP VIP room on the top floor." The female bodyguard nodded.

When He Shixin stepped onto the gambling boat, the gambling boat sounded a deafening whistle, and the turbine that was started rolled up the white waves and pulled away toward the depths of **.

Today's gambling boat is like entering a haunted house, whether it is a shopping street or a casino floor, there is not even a living person. Yunyou is taking a day off under the name of "the proprietor is overjoyed", leaving no tourists except the basic crew.

As for this great joy? It was only waiting for He Shixin to investigate on his own.

He Shixin strolled to the VIP gambling hall, and opened the door with a look of anger, but the scene inside the house was not the same as the abduction in imagination. The second uncle He Yan, the third uncle He Gu, and the fourth aunt He Fang The five uncles He Qi are all there. The mother Natasha does not have the form of hands tied by hands tied as shown in the photo, but sits on the sofa aside, and there is a glass of good 82-year-old Lafite in front of her.

"Mom!" He Shi flew up nervously and grasped Natasha's hand, "Are you all right? Did they embarrass you?"

"Stupid child, although your mother is weak, there is still a bit of a **** at the house. Maybe they dare to limit my freedom, but they dare not hurt me." Natasha caressed her daughter's head.

"What the **** do you want to do? My dad has just left, so you bully our orphans and widows, is there any morality?" He Shixin stood in front of his mother and yelled angrily at a group of aunts.

"Girl, don't be so angry. I'm coming to you this way, but I want to leave the outsiders alone. We insiders can talk to each other alone." He Yan laughed with a cigar.

"Shen Ming is not an outsider, he is my husband." He Shixin insisted.

"Either my husband or bodyguard, after all, he doesn't have a surname, but he can only chat here." His uncle He Gu proudly said that even Natasha changed his name to "Why?"

"Several younger brothers and sisters, we have gathered our mother and daughter here today, and you must be prepared, so draw a talk and talk." Natasha pulled He Shixin in front of him and sat down.

"Well, in fact, we don't want to chat with you in this way, but now that the He Group is in danger, we know we can't do it and we have to do it." He Yan said rightly, "He's stock price was killed from his brother By last night, the drop had been close to 40%. The members of the board of directors were in dire straits, and a special financial crocodile had targeted the He's Group. I received news that they were preparing a large amount of funds for a dip, and were prepared to kill us when we were sick.

The position of President of the He Group must not be let go for a long time, and we can no longer afford our internal competition, and a scandal broke out. "

"Does the second uncle mean to give up?" He Shixin snorted coldly.

"No, I just want to tell you what I did." He Yan stood up with sighs, handed the prepared paper bags one by one to the brothers, and finally handed them to Natasha ’s respectfully. Hands.

"Just yesterday, I have reached a basic agreement with each of the shareholders on the board of directors. In the upcoming storm of acquisitions, I will not control my shares. As of the day I became president, I will announce a To cooperate with large enterprises of 'Wanhe', carry out the 'big development' plan in Africa and develop the third battlefield of tourism and entertainment industry in Africa's golden country, making it a new gambling city.

The total investment is more than 20 billion U.S. dollars, and it is expected that the cost will be recovered in 5 years. The next year will bring everyone a profit equivalent to 300% now. He Group will also truly become the world's first entertainment company. The grand plan of our father He Group for millennium domination! "

He Ye's impassioned speech did not receive praise, but everyone was looking at various related documents.

"Wanhe? This company has not heard of it?" He Gu wondered.

"This enterprise was established only 5 years ago, and its registered place is Ethiopia. Coincidentally, the elder brother's gambling boats are also registered in Ethiopia." He Qi chuckled while watching the information about Wanhe.

"The registered capital of this company is only 10 million U.S. dollars, but the financial statements show that they will contribute 4 billion U.S. dollars? Where did they get so much money? I see!" He Fang looked to He Zhong, the gambling hall, " You support this company behind the scenes? The money is yours? But where do you get so much surplus? "

"He Chen used to say that the account made by the second uncle was good-looking, but obviously he couldn't find any loopholes. Presumably these are the hard work of the second uncle for many years, right?" Natasha closed the folder and whispered, "Let the second uncle take out all of his belongings. As the president, the second uncle will never allow others to sting."

"It ’s not that simple. Although such a large-scale investment can bring unprecedented profits, it will also quickly transfer the old foundation of the Hos Group. After focusing on the large-scale development projects in Africa, the Wanhe Group will have a competitive advantage. Hold a greater say in shares.

In other words, the board of directors will be completely suspended, and not only those old guys can't make any irresponsible remarks, even we have no right to speak.

Uncle You, you want to start a 'Leopard' and kill us? When He Qi said this, the audience fell into a dead silence.

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